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Особенности коэффициентов корреляций показателей продуктивности инбредных овец помесного происхождения
Shatskij, A.D. | Barieva, Eh.I., Grodno State Agrarian Univ. (Belarus)
Research of the peculiar features of correlation parameter of production indices of 870 mongrel inbred sheep with the various inbreeding coefficients was realized in the conditions of the Republic of Belarus. In course of study there was stated the one-sided influence of inbreeding on phenotypic indices of pair, individual and cumulative pair correlation genetic correlations of sheep productivity. The majority of them were the statistically authentic values with P less than 0,1 - 0,001. It was stated that coefficient variability of genetic correlation of wool productivity rendered influence on sheep inbreeding degree among which there were marked off animal units with inbreeding in degree of consanguinity with the coefficients of higher statistical confidence (with P less than 0,01 - 0,001) than animal units with degrees of close or low relationship and outbred animal units - (P less than 0,1 - 0,01). The majority of ewe productive quality correlation factors with a different inbreeding degree proved to be positive and authentic and could be used for an estimation of correlations between traits in selection process for population perfection
Show more [+] Less [-]Продуктивность свиней крупной белой породы при использовании новых рецептов комбикормов для контрольного откорма
Shejko, I.P. | Khochenkov, A.A., National Academy of Sciences. Scientific and Practical Center of Animal Breeding (Belarus)
Appraisement of new mixed fodder formulas for the fattening performance test was realized in the conditions of the Republic of Belarus by the example prevailing in the country Large White breed. Barley (Hordeum vulgare) proved to be one of the main components in swine feeding in Belarus. Forage wheat in mixed fodders for the fattening performance served a basic energy source and contained less dietary fibre than barley, as well as less concentration of antinutrients which interfere with digestion of rations than others crops (rye, triticale). Soybean and sunflower oil meal were included into analysed mixed fodders as the protein sources. Application of new mixed fodder formulas for fattening control realization according to the technical specifications of the Republic of Belarus 600039106.044 - 2007 was realized by the example of gilts of pigs of Large White breed. Research results showed that new studied formulas made it possible to obtain the higher intensity of swine development indices (on 52-72 grams) in comparison with the traditional formulas of mixed fodders (technical specifications of the Republic of Belarus 06093149.065-2000). New mixed fodder recipes did not render harmful effect on health and safety of livestock. At the same time, the analysed recipes of mixed fodders did not authentically influence the carcass indicators (carcass length, fat thickness, loin eye area, ham weight, slaughter yield)
Show more [+] Less [-]Влияние импортных хряков породы ландрас на откормочную и мясную продуктивность животных белорусской мясной породы
Shejko, I.P. | Fedorenkova, L.A. | Yanovich, E.A., National Academy of Sciences. Scientific and Practical Center of Animal Breeding (Belarus)
Influence of 33 imported heads Landrace breed boars of foreign selection on feeding performance and meat productivity of swine of the Belarusian Meaty breed was studied in the conditions of the Republic of Belarus for the enhancement of Belarusian breeds genealogical structure. There was stated the positive influence of Landrace Breed on feeding performance and meat productivity of mixed bred stores obtained after the introductive crossing with sows of Belarusian Meaty breed which was expressed in the predominancy of mixed bred hogs over the purebred ones at the stage of fattening performance test: at the age of reaching 100 kg body weight – on 0,7%; at average daily weight gain - on 1,5%; at feed consumption - on 1,2%. Mixed bred stores also had thinner back fat (on 0,9 mm) and bigger loin (on 0,4 square cm). There was stated the one-sided influence of boars of Landrace Breed on feeding performance and meat productivity indices of mixed breeds. It was established, that hybrids of four lines (Zaboj, Zalet, Zont and Bison) with regard to control groups showed the effect of heterosis at age of achievement of body weight of 100 kg, at a daily average weight gain and at forage consumption in the following rates: 1,5% (Р less than 0,05), 2,8% and 1,5% (Р less than 0,05) for Zaboj line; 2,3%, 4,9% and 2,1% (Р less than 0,01) for Zalet lines; 1,4%, 3% and 1,5% (Р less than 0,05) for Zont lines; 3% (Р less than 0,001), 6,7% and 2,7% for a line of Bison. In meat productivity indices there was stated the in-between character of inheritance which caused the decreasing of fat thickness and increasing of loin eye area at descendants of trial groups of lines: Zaboj, Zalet, Zenit, Zont on 0,88 mm (Р less than 0,05) and 0,6 square cm, 1,7 mm (Р less than 0,01) and 2,1 square cm (Р less than 0,001), 1,3 mm (Р less than 0,01) and 0,9 square cm, 1,4 mm
Show more [+] Less [-]Минеральная обеспеченность рационов дойных и сухостойных коров и ее взаимосвязь с уровнем минерального обмена у них
Abramov, S.S. | Kovalenok, Yu.K. | Grigorchik, M.M., Vitebsk State Academy of Veterinary Medicine (Belarus)
In the conditions of biogeochemical zone of the Republic of Belarus the most important role in mineral metabolism is played by such major mineral elements as calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium and trace elements - cobalt, cupper, iron, iodine, zinc, manganese, and selenium. Based on the above there was determined the interrelation between the content of these minerals in fodder and blood of milking and dry pregnant cows. As a result of realized study it was found out that the content of major mineral elements and trace elements in fodder did not always correspond to their level in blood. In the conditions of insufficient supply of Ca, F, Mg, K, Fe, Си and Co in cow diets, the level of potassium in blood was lower standard and the other analysed minerals were within the standard limits. There was stated the direct correlation relationship between the level of some biochemical indices and content of mineral substances in cow diets. Positive correlation was stated between the content of calcium and magnesium and cholesterin level in blood
Show more [+] Less [-]Эффективность применения новых ферментных препаратов в кормлении растущего и откармливаемого молодняка свиней
Golushko, A.V. | Kapanskij, A.A. | Kolesen, V.P., Grodno State Agrarian Univ. (Belarus)
Traditional raw materials in Belarus for mixed fodders production are wheat, barley, oats, rye, peas, lupine, sunflower and rape cakes, bran. However, productive action of these forages is limited because of presence of antinutritious factors and the raised cellulose content. In the Republic of Belarus there was organized production of national enzyme fodder additive Fekord 2004. Peculiar feature of the presented enzyme complex was addition of into its structure of enzyme glucoamylase, promoting hydrolytic starch splitting, and accordingly, the increasing of absorbency of difficult carbohydrates of forages. It was especially important for stores at early stages. Thereupon it was expedient to study the efficiency of application specified multienzyme composition in diets of growing and fattened stores. It was established, that enrichment of mixed fodder with the analysed fodder fermental additive at the rate of 0,13 and 0,15 kg per ton of mixed fodder made it possible to increase the growth rate of pigs and lower charges for forages per unit of body weight gain. Higher economic return on the fodder enzymic additive an additional gain of body weight appeared at its introduction in quantity of 0,15 kg per ton of mixed fodder
Show more [+] Less [-]Использование карнитина при выращивании и откорме молодняка свиней
Golushko, V.M. | Furs, N.L., National Academy of Sciences. Scientific and Practical Center of Animal Breeding (Belarus)
In animal feeding technology much attention is given to application of biologically active substances for metabolism stimulation. One of such biologically active substances is carnitine, an anabolic preparation of nonhormonal nature, cofactor in system of oxidation of fat acids. It participates in processes of acetylation at oxidation of fat acids together with acyl-CoA and other enzymes, promotes carrying over of cytoplasmatic Coa-derivatives of fat acids inside mitochondrions. It increases absorption speed from a digestive path of nutrients of forage, raises use of fat acids for the power purposes. Under its influence synthesis of triglycerides decreases and synthesis of phospho-lipids increases. Carnitine also protects cells against toxic accumulation of components of acyl-CoA of endogenic or exogenous origins, such as acylic groups of carnitine ethers which then can pass into liver for dissimilation or in kidneys for allocation in urine. Carnitine synthesis satisfies body requirements, but in the conditions of a hightened stress, high productivity, as well as in the conditions of lowered carnitine content in forage or in the conditions of the increased content of fats it should be applied as additive to diet. As a result of the realized study it was established, that the optimal quantity of carnitine application in diets for stores husbandry and fattening is dose of 50 g/t of mixed fodders. Application of carnitine in an optimum dose renders the positive impact on animal organism, promotes the increasing average daily weight gain on 5,1% (Р less than 0,001). Application of carnitine in diets of swine stores increases a slaughter yield on 2,1%, meat content per carcass - on 2,3%, a loin eye area - on 8,8%. Carnitine application in a dose 50 g/t of mixed fodders makes it possible to receive the additional profit at a rate of 4,57 USD per 1 head
Show more [+] Less [-]Использование кисломолочных продуктов при выпойке телят
Kot, A.N. | Kozinets, A.I., National Academy of Sciences. Scientific and Practical Center of Animal Breeding (Belarus)
Analysis of the efficiency of application of fermented milk supplementary feed DKM (Belarus) produced on the basis of bacteria strain Lactobacilus acidophilus 55/06 in calve diets was realized in the conditions of the Republic of Belarus. Influence of feeding with acidified with the trial milk additive on forage palatability, biochemical blood structure and calve productivity was studied; economic efficiency of DKM use for processing of whole milk and its use in rations of calves was defined. Experimental batches of DKM fermented milk supplementary feed were produced at Grodno Medical Preparations Plant (Belarus). It was issued in the sterile corked polyethylene 5, 10 and 20 liter bottles or canisters. The fermented milk supplementary feed DKM could be stored at the temperature from 0 deg С up to 15 deg С. Shelf-life – 3 months from the moment of production. The additive represents the homogeneous mass of viscous consistence of cream color of various shades with a sour-milk smell. The carried out economic calculations showed, that as a result of growing capacity increase it animals of a trial group and reception of an additional total live weight gain there was stated the 6,5% decrease of expenses for fodder unit production in the experimental group. However, due to a high cost of acidified milk the cost of fodder unit in trial group was on 6,8% higher. As a result, the cost price of 1 kg weight gain in trial group (despite high additional weight gains) was stated at the level of control group. Application of fermented milk supplementary feed DKM in calve diets made it possible to lower calf disease incidence and to increase calf productivity on 11,8% without increasing the cost price of production
Show more [+] Less [-]Регуляция микробиоценоза кишечника под действием биологически активных препаратов
Krasochko, P.A., National Academy of Sciences. Scientific and Practical Center of Animal Breding (Belarus). The S.N. Vyshelesskij Inst. of Experimental Veterinary Medicine | Kapitonova, E.A., National Academy of Sciences. Scientific and Practical Center of Animal Breeding (Belarus) | Glaskovich, A.A., Vitebsk State Academy of Veterinary Medicine (Belarus)
Development of diarrheal diseases of newborn animals has a miltifactorial character and it is very difficult to optimize the structure of microbial population in alimentary tract and to carry out the correction of the microbe status only by means medical preparations. Therefore, for regulation of standard structure of intestine microflora in a complex of medical and preventive measures for diarrhea diseases of young poultry an important role is played by application of probiotics, prebiotics, and immunoamplifiers. In course of study there were used biologically active preparations produced on the basis of ecologically pure products of a natural origin: immunostimulant Alveozan, probiotics Bifidoflorin liquid and Dialakt, and prebiotics Biofon АIL and Biofon. Research was realized on one-day-old broiler chickens of Kobb-500 cross. The obtained data on the positive influence of the studied preparations on microbiocenosis of an alimentary tract of broilers chickens correlated with the indexes of natural resistance (autarcesis).The analyzed preparations made it possible to increase the local protection, stimulation of hematopoiesis (increasing of hematoglobulin, erythrocytes and leukocytes); to increase the blood content of whole protein, albumens and globulins, bactericidal activity of blood serum. Complex introduction of the analysed preparations stimulated the natural disease resistance factors, normalized the metabolic function of poultry, promoted the increasing of chicken livability and productivity
Show more [+] Less [-]Влияние различного сахаропротеинового отношения в рационе на эффективность использования обменной энергии племенными бычками
Kryshton, T.G., National Academy of Sciences. Scientific and Practical Center of Animal Breding (Belarus)
Balanced complete feeding proved to be one of the major conditions of animal productivity increase and improvement of their reproductive qualities. Full value of feeding could be obtained at the expense of forage quality improvement and perfection of structure of the rations providing the increasing of metabolic energy use by breeding bull-calves. Analysis of the efficiency of metabolic energy use by the replacement bull calves under conditions of various sugar and protein ratio was realized in the Republic of Belarus. Research results showed that enrichment of replacement bull calves (with 325-405 kg of live weight) rations with easy digestible carbohydrates (sugar and starch) in ratio of 32% from a dry matter ration, including 15% of stable starch made it possible to increase the transformation of metabolic energy into energy of body weight gain on 21,73 - 23,96 MJ or on 10,3%, that as a result correspondingly increased the daily average weight gains on 7,9% and reduced the expenses for forage energy for 7,1% counting on an energy unit. According to the ejaculate volume indices the bull calves of the second experimental group surpassed analogues of a control group on 14,8%, and according to sperm concentration indices - on 12%. The average quantity of the frozen doses of sperm has made 65%
Show more [+] Less [-]Ферментные препараты в рожьсодержащих комбикормах для откормочного молодняка свиней
Mikulenok, V.G., Vitebsk State Academy of Veterinary Medicine (Belarus)
In the Republic of Belarus the grain part of mixed fodders is basically formed by the following cereal cultures: wheat (Triticum aestivum), barley (Hordeum vulgare), oat (Avena saliva) and triticale. Rye is applied in the limited quantity in pig feeding despite all its advantages: large areas of cultivation, stable yielding capacity, low requirements to growing conditions, possibility to obtain ecologically clean production, low prime cost of grain. Rye in swine diets forms viscous solutions which break digestion process, worsen their fixation and accordingly reduce animal weight gain. Also, it was determined that rye grain had high quantity of pentosans (non-starch polysaccharides) which suppress the overall digestibility and accessibility of proteins. One of the methods of decreasing the negative influence of anti-nutritional properties of rye on pig organism and improving its digestibility is the application of fodder enzyme additives. In course of the realized investigation there was analyzed the influence of foreign fodder additives on rye-containing (Sk-21 – 10% and SK-26 – 20%) diets in swine rations. The following enzyme additives were analyzed: Rovabio TM Excel (France); Finase TM (Germany); Avizyme and Porzyme 8100 TM (United Kingdom). Application of enzyme additives Avizyme, Rovabio and Finase in mixed fodders containing rye (SK-21 - 10% of rye) for pigs at the age of 50-107 days made it possible to increase live weight on 16,8-21,7% and lower expenses for forages (fodder units) per 1kg of weight gain on - 12,3-18,2%. Intensity of live weight gain from 50-day up to 190-days age was the following: in a control group -80,8 kg, in the first experimental group fed with Rovabio - 88,6 kg, in the second experimental group fed with Avizyme - 89,7 kg, in the third experimental group fed with Finase - 84,6 kg. Research results showed that enzymes Avizyme and Rovabio rendered the highest influence on mixed fodders containing rye (SK-21 - 10% of rye and SK-26 - 20% of rye)
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