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Формирование продуктивных признаков у свиней канадской селекции в процессе акклиматизации
Medvedeva, K.L. | Malikov, I.S., National Academy of Sciences. Scientific and Practical Center of Animal Breeding (Belarus)
The comparative analysis of parameters of an estimation of own efficiency of animal Landrace and Yorkshire breeds of the Canadian selection and their descendants has shown, that young pigs of the first generation surpassed the parents in a daily average gain, and in too time conceded on body length and fat thickness
Show more [+] Less [-]Влияние норм внесения подстилки при беспривязном содержании ремонтных телок нa их гематологические показатели, поведенческие реакции и продуктивность
Moskalev, A.A. | Balueva, N.A. | Puchka, M.A., National Academy of Sciences. Scientific and Practical Center of Animal Breeding (Belarus)
Division of selection area at rest and feeding areas and setting the straw bedding norms for heifers of 6-12 months of age as 2 kg per animal daily, 13-16 months of age – 3 kg and 17-25 months of age – 4 kg promotes increases of average daily live weight gains compared to traditional technological solutions and norms at 6,4%, hemoglobin content – at 3,7%, erythrocyte quantify – at 5,6%
Show more [+] Less [-]Аквапоник-системы как способ производства экологически чистой сельскохозяйственной продукции по безотходным технологиям
Nikolajchik, I.A. | Zablotskij, Y.N., Vitebsk State Academy of Veterinary Medicine (Belarus)
In the article concept and essence of aquaponic systems for production of ecologically clean agricultural production without waste technologies is set forth. A degree of a level of studies of the given рroblem in the countries of the Europe, America, Australia and other countries is set forth too. The expediency of application of similar systems for fuller use of power resources of plants for production of heat of the electric power, an opportunity of production of agricultural production in urban conditions and on the limited ground areas is proved
Show more [+] Less [-]Переваримость питательных веществ комбикормов с различным уровнем селена в рационах хряков-производителей
Poznyak, V.V., Vitebsk Meat-Packing Plant (Belarus)
In the physiological experience spent on male pigs-manufacturers, we had been studied influence of various doses of selenium (10 mg, 20 and 30 mg) in structure premix on nutrients. It is established, that increase of level of selenium in mixed fodders for male pigs-manufacturers to 30 mg/kg especially promotes increase in degree of use in their organism of fat to 58,7%; (P less than 0,05), the digested nitrogen to 62,1%, calcium – to 78,3% and phosphorus – to 72,5%
Show more [+] Less [-]Эффективность использования прогестагенных подкожных устройств в технологии трансплантации эмбрионов крупного рогатого скота
Sapsalyov, S.A., National Academy of Sciences. Scientific and Practical Center of Animal Breeding (Belarus)
The use of subcutaneous progesterone-releasing devices in superovulatory treatment allow to get high results of embryo production per donor, viability and pregnancy rates after embryo transfer in cattle. Application progesterone hypodermic inserts has allowed to lower the cost price of one received embryo on 28461 rubles
Show more [+] Less [-]Совершенствование минерально-витаминного питания высокопродуктивных коров в основном цикле лактации в летний период
Sakhanchuk, A.I. | Kallaur, M.G. | Dedkovskij, V.A. | Kirikovich, S.A., National Academy of Sciences. Scientific and Practical Center of Animal Breeding (Belarus)
Using macro and microelements, vitamins A and D in correspondence with norms of Institute of Animal Husbandry (1992) per 1 kg of dry substance of a diet: phosphorus - 5,29 g, calcium - 7,46, sodium - 5,59 g, copper - 12,64 mg, zinc - 77,26, magnesium - 77,26, vitamins A and D correspondingly - 23,74 and 1,02 thousand ME for highly productive lactating cows with average daily milk yield of 32 kg at summer feeding compared to Agricultural Academy norms (1985) promotes increase of the so called relative products outcome and profit from basic fatness (3,4%) milk sale per 1 animal at 411 rubles
Show more [+] Less [-]Ветеринарно-санитарная оценка и морфологическая характеристика продуктов убоя овец при применении жидкого экстракта зверобоя продырявленного для лечения стронгилятозов желудочно-кишечного тракта
Avdachenok, V.D. | Luppova, I.M. | Gurskij, P.D. | Aleshkevich, V.N. | Grushin, V.N., Vitebsk State Academy of Veterinary Medicine (Belarus)
Investigation of histomorphological characteristics, organoleptic and physicochemical parameters of sheep meat and slaughter products, their biological value and bacterial number was realized in the conditions of the Republic of Belarus. Research results established that administration of liquid extract of common St.-John's wort (Hypericum perforatum) made it possible to obtain the substantial degree of sheep carcass bleeding, as well as the formation of a drying crust on a carcass surface. At a cut there was revealed the firm texture meat of light red or red color. Cut surface was wet and had specific flavour for the observed type of meat. Fat was solid, white or with yellow colour tone; tendons were elastic and solid. Analysis of boiled meat of sheep which were administrated by amber liquid essence showed that the cooking water was clear, without foreign odor. Meat of sheep, which were administrated by 2,5 % albazen suspension and were killed at 2 and 7 investigation days, had light medical odor in cooking water. In control variants the organoleptic parameters of sheep carcasses corresponded to fresh meat parameters of healthy animals. Realized physical-chemical analysis established the positive qualitative reaction to activity of peroxydase ferment in all meat samples, as well as the negative reaction to determination of primary protein breakdown products. Organoleptic and physical-chemical parameters of sheep meat after administration of amber liquid essence did not have any differences from animal meat of the control group
Show more [+] Less [-]Способы повышения эффективности оплодотворяющей способности спермы вне организма
Gandzha, A.I. | Letkevich, L.L. | Kostikova, I.V. | Rakovich, E.D. | Grishkina, O.V., National Academy of Sciences. Scientific and Practical Center of Animal Breeding (Belarus) | Lobanok, E.S. | Nikolskaya, V.P., National Academy of Sciences, Minsk (Belarus). Institute of Biophysics and Cell Engineering | Motuzko, N.S., Vitebsk State Academy of Veterinary Medicine (Belarus)
Methods of increasing the efficiency of semen fertilizing capacity in vitro with application of hormonal and biophysical methods of influence, as well as the determination of metabolic criterion of spermium viability were studied in the conditions of the republic of Belarus. Research object was frozen-deiced sperm of cattle. Research results showed that entering of 50 mkg/ml of prostaglandin into capacitation media increased the breaking level on 2,3-3,1%, but at the same time there was the decreasing of embryo output at the pre-implantation stages. Increasing of estrophan concentration in media for capacitation up to 100 mkg/ml, and its addition into media for fertilization made it possible to increase the embryo output at the stage of morula-blastocyte up to 1,6-18,5%. Application of 8mg/ml of caffeine as a capacitation agent for the preparation of cattle sperm for fertilization in vitro made it possible to obtain embryo output of 16,7% with breaking level of 25,9%. Influence of directed polarized light on semen after its maturation was more efficient in comparison with the influence on it just after swim-up procedure; the output of pre-implantation embryos was 16,7% against 12,9%. Application of laser radiation made it possible to get 14,7 % of morula-blastocytes. Intensity of sperm breath (0,41-0,63 tg), intensity of lipid peroxidation (0,88-0,97 conditional units /10E6 cells), intracellular content of adenosine triphosphate (0,97-1,60 Nm/10E6 cells) and membrane potential (33-35 uV) in the conditions of matured in vitro oocyte made it possible to get 16,4-17,3% of pre-implantation embryos with the breaking level of 39,8-42,3%
Show more [+] Less [-]Биохимический профиль крови супоросных свиноматок
Kozlov, V.V., Vitebsk State Academy of Veterinary Medicine (Belarus)
Results of estimation of metabolic processes state in pregnant sows at different stages of sow pregnancy realized in the conditions of the Republic of Belarus were presented. Research results showed that there were changes in the analyzed indexes (total protein; albumins; total lipids; triglycerids; lactate; urea; creatinine; glucose; cholesterin; bilirubin; ALP; AAT; SGPT; amylase; gamma GTP; calcium; phosphorous; magnesium; iron) of biochemical blood profile at different stages of sow pregnancy. The most expressed divergences of the analyzed indexes were stated at pregnant sows on the 90-th day of pregnancy (10 out of 19 indexes) which were caused first of all by feeding uncertainty. It was established that level of total lipids was low during all analyzed pregnancy days, notably that the lowest indexes were registered on the 60-th day period (2,81+/-19 g/l). The lowest level of triglyceride (0,12+/-0,04 mmol/l) was stated at the same period ,too. At a later stage, this index was within the limits of physiologic standard. High level of urea in blood was registered on the 80-th day of pregnancy. Low indexes of glucose were stated on the 90-th and 100-th days of pregnancy (3,44+-/0,63 and 3,38+/-0,26 mmol/l, respectively). High level of cholesterol was stated in course of all pregnancy stages. There was low content of protein in blood in 20% of pregnant sows at the second stage of pregnancy. High indexes of creatine were registered in 80% of animals, urea – in 20% of animals. High content of bilirubin was noted in 23% of pregnant sows, high concentration of lactic acid – in 100% of animals; low content of glucose – in 38%, low level of lipids in blood – in 61%; low level of triglyceride – in 23%
Show more [+] Less [-]Уровень показателей белкового обмена у жеребят первой половины подсосного периода
Makovskij, E.G. | Motuzsko, N.S., Vitebsk State Academy of Veterinary Medicine (Belarus)
Study of peculiar features of protein metabolism of healthy colts in the first three months of life was realized in the conditions of the Republic of Belarus. Research results showed that there was a tendency of increasing of hemoglobin concentration up to 150,270+/- 4,73 g/l, number of total protein of blood serum – up to 60,33 +/- 1,33 g/l, and the decreasing of uric acid up to 97,33 +/- 10,72 micromole /l. Quantity of beta-1 and alpha globulin fractions of serum protein fluctuated a little – from 10,78 +/- 3,69% up to 8,44 +/- 1,24% and from 25,12 +/- 4,84% up to 22,06 +/- 4,93%, respectively. The most essential changes of protein metabolism were stated at two month old colts, which had urea concentration of 5,25 +/- 0,23 micromole/l, alanine aminotransferase activity – 66,92 +/- 3,16 units/l, creatine content increased up to 77,37 +/- 5,83 micromole /l; and there was the lowering of aspartate transaminase level up t159,5 +/- 8,1units/l. There was stated the lowering of albumin quantity up to 32,07 +/- 2,19%, and increasing of alpha-1, alpha2- and beta2- globulin fractions up to 7,52 +/- 1,23%, 14,98 +/- 1,41%, 11,82 +/- 1,04%, respectively. At the age of three months the quantity of urea and creatinine in blood serum of colts remained at the same level, alanine aminotransferase activity decreased on 21,56%, and aspartate transaminase increased up to 204,33 +/- 10,37 units/l. At this period the quantity of albumin fractions was 44,56 +/- 6,59%., concentration of alpha-1, alpha2- and beta2- globulins decreased on 10,64%, 30,04% and 34,52%, respectively
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