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Regression of bovine cutaneous papillomas via ivermectin-induced immunostimulant and oxidative stress
AbdulRahman A. Saied
Objective: Ivermectin (IVM) could be used effectively to treat bovine cutaneous papillomatosis, a widespread viral skin disease that causes major economic losses in cattle. This study aimed to evaluate the regression of bovine cutaneous papillomas induced by IVM by estimating oxidative stress markers, besides clinicopathological and hematological findings. Materials and Methods: Twenty naturally infected animals with cutaneous papillomatosis were chosen randomly and diagnosed clinically and histopathologically. All the infected animals were divided into groups: Group I (n = 10), which received no treatment and was considered the con¬trol group. In Group II (n = 10), the animals were subcutaneously injected at 0.2 mg/kg of IVM 2 weeks apart during the 90-day experimental period. Papilloma regression was tracked clinically, papilloma biopsies were taken for histopathological analysis, and blood samples were taken for hematological and oxidative parameter testing. Results: From the 15th to 45th day after receiving IVM, papillomas began to fade. Necrotic areas, ulcerations, and lymphocytic infiltration were found in the histopathological studies, besides a decrease in papilloma epidermal proliferation. total erythrocytes count, packed cell volume, total leucocytes count, and lymphocytes values were increased significantly, and a large decrease in glutathione peroxidase and glutathione reduced was identified as signs of IVM-induced oxidative stress. Conclusion: IVM has oxidative and immunostimulatory properties, and it can be used against cutaneous papillomatosis. [J Adv Vet Anim Res 2021; 8(3.000): 370-377]
Show more [+] Less [-]First case report on molecular detection of Trypanosoma lewisi in an urban rat in Kelantan, Malaysia: An accidental finding
Intan Noor Aina Kamaruzaman | Hong Wei Ting | Muhammad Aiman Mohd Mokhtar | Yong Kai Yuan | Azim Wafiy Gulam Shah | Fathin Faahimaah Abdul Hamid | Che Wan Salma Che Wan Zalati | Nurshahirah Shaharulnizim | Mohd Farhan Hanif Reduan | Luqman Abu-Bakar
Objective: This case report highlights the first detection of Trypanosoma lewisi, a blood protozoan parasite found in an urban rat in Kota Bharu, Kelantan. Materials and Methods: Rat trapping was carried out within the Kota Bharu vicinity near a local wet market. A total of 38 rats were captured and subjected to peripheral blood smearing using Giemsa stain. Positive rats were sent for histopathological analysis for the evaluation of the organ samples. Results: The presence of trypanosomes was found in one sample from a blood smear. This was connected to a histological lesion on kidney tissues, which revealed a high concentration of trypanosomes. Additionally, the positive sample was confirmed as T. lewisi based on molecular diagnosis via polymerase chain reaction and subsequent sequencing and phylogenetic analysis. Conclusions: This finding serves as a baseline for further surveillance on T. lewisi population among urban rats in Kelantan and possible zoonotic transmission to humans. [J Adv Vet Anim Res 2021; 8(3.000): 435-439]
Show more [+] Less [-]Investigation of serum β-defensin-1 level in calves with coccidiosis
Akin Kochan
Objective: Coccidiosis is a protozoan infection that can result in hemorrhagic diarrhea, depres¬sion, weakness, weight loss, and even mortality in young animals. β-defensin-1 is an antimicro¬bial peptide produced largely by epithelial cells in the skin and mucosa. It possesses antifungal, antibacterial, antiparasitic, and antiviral properties. The goal of this study was to evaluate how β-defensin-1 levels changed in coccidiosis-infected calves. Materials and Methods: The sample included 10 coccidiosis-positive calves and 7 healthy calves, for a total of 17 calves of diverse breeds and older than 15 days. To assess the level of β-defen¬sin-1, blood samples were obtained from the vena jugularis of the animals. The concentrations of β-defensin-1 in the serum were measured using a commercial ELISA kit. Results: Although the serum β-defensin-1 level decreased in infected animals, the drop was not statistically significant when compared to the control group. Conclusion: According to the studys findings, there was no significant change in the serum β-de¬fensin-1 level in coccidiosis-infected calves. We believe that it will be advantageous to conduct additional studies with a larger sample size in order to acquire more precise results. [J Adv Vet Anim Res 2021; 8(3.000): 494-500]
Show more [+] Less [-]Isolation and molecular characterization of the hemagglutinin gene of H9N2 avian influenza viruses from poultry in Java, Indonesia
Christian Marco Hadi Nugroho | Otto Sahat Martua Silaen | Ryan Septa Kurnia | Retno Damajanti Soejoedono | Okti Nadia Poetri | Amin Soebandrio
Objective: The avian influenza virus (AIV) subtype H9N2 circulating in Indonesia has raised increasing concern about its impact on poultry and its public health risks. In this study, the H9N2 virus from chicken poultry farms in Java was isolated and characterized molecularly. Materials and Methods: Thirty-three pooled samples of chicken brain, cloacal swab, trachea, and oviduct were taken from multiple chickens infected with AIV in five regions of Java, Indonesia. The samples were isolated from specific pathogenic-free embryonated eggs that were 9 days old. Reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction and sequencing were used to identify H9N2 viruses. Results: This study was successful in detecting and characterizing 13 H9N2 isolates. The sequencing analysis of hemagglutinin genes revealed a 96.9%98.8% similarity to the H9N2 AIV isolated from Vietnam in 2014 (A/muscovy duck/Vietnam/LBM719/2014). According to the phylogenetic analysis, all recent H9N2 viruses were members of the lineage Y280 and clade h9.4.2.5. Nine of the H9N2 isolates studied showed PSKSSR↓GLF motifs at the cleavage site, while four had PSKSSR↓GLF. Notably, all contemporary viruses have leucine (L) at position 216 in the receptor-binding region, indicating that the virus can interact with a human-like receptor. Conclusion: This study described the features of recent H9N2 viruses spreading in Javas poultry industry. Additionally, H9N2 infection prevention and management must be implemented to avoid the occurrence of virus mutations in the Indonesian poultry industry. [J Adv Vet Anim Res 2021; 8(3.000): 423-434]
Show more [+] Less [-]Antioxidants in assisted reproductive technologies: An overview on dog, cat, and horse
Francesca Ciani | Lucianna Maruccio | Natascia Cocchia | Danila dAngelo | Domenico Carotenuto | Luigi Avallone | Asadoor Amirkhani Namagerdi | Simona Tafuri
Assisted reproductive technologies (ARTs) are widely used as a tool to improve reproductive per¬formance in both humans and animals. In particular, in the veterinary field, ARTs are used to improve animal genetics, recover endangered animals, and produce offspring in the event of sub¬fertility or infertility in males or females. However, the use of ARTs did not improve the fertilization rate in some animals due to various factors such as the difficulty in reproducing an anatomical and humoral substrate typical of the natural condition or due to the increase in catabolites and their difficult elimination. The in vitro environment allows the production and increase in the concentration of substances, including reactive oxygen species (ROS), which could be harmful to gametes. If produced in high concentration, the ROS becomes deleterious, both in vitro and in vivo systems. It has been seen that the use of antioxidants can help neutralize or counteract the production of ROS. The present study aims to report the latest findings regarding the use of antioxidants in ARTs of some domestic species, such as dogs, cats, and horses, compared to other animal species, such as cattle, in which ARTs have instead developed more widely. [J Adv Vet Anim Res 2021; 8(1.000): 173-184]
Show more [+] Less [-]Use and impact of veterinary drugs, antimicrobials, and supplements in fish health management
Md. Ali Reza Faruk | Hajera Khatun Shorna | Ishrat Zahan Anka
Objective: The study was carried out to investigate the use and impact of veterinary drugs, anti¬microbials, and supplements in commercial aquaculture for fish health management measures in three selected areas of Mymensingh, Bangladesh. Materials and Methods: Data collection was conducted through questionnaire interviews with owners of 50 fish farms and 25 drug shop owners from Trishal, Fulpur, Tarakanda, and Sadar Upazila of Mymensingh district. Results: A total of 15 trade-named veterinary antibiotics and six categories of other compounds were identified in this study. Antibiotics were found as the most used veterinary drugs (80.85%), followed by disinfectants, nutritional supplements, saline, ammonia removal agents, probiotics, and pesticides. These veterinary compounds performances for fish health management were found to vary (10%60%) significantly. Conclusion: This studys findings urge the necessity to produce and approve effective aqua drugs and treatments to ensure farmed fish and public health. [J Adv Vet Anim Res 2021; 8(1.000): 36-43]
Show more [+] Less [-]Development and validation of quantitative thin layer chromatographic technique for determination of total aflatoxins in poultry feed and food grains without sample clean-up
Bahauddeen Salisu | Siti Marwanis Anua | Wan Rosli Wan Ishak | Nurzafirah Mazlan
Objective: The purpose of this work is to develop and validate an appropriate solvent solution and quantitative thin layer chromatography (TLC) method for determining the aflatoxins content of chicken feeds and dietary grains. Materials and Methods: To obtain the optimal mobile phase, samples were extracted with methanol/water (3:1) + 5% sodium chloride and partitioned using several solvent systems using preparative TLC. Camag TLC scanner 3 was used to scan the TLC plates at 366 nm and quantify them using JustTLC software. The method was tested for linearity, specificity, accuracy, precision, sensitivity, and robustness in accordance with ICH recommendations, and then utilized to screen 132 Nigerian poultry/food samples for total aflatoxins (TAFs). Results: The best separation of aflatoxins was achieved using acetonitrile and dichloromethane (3:17) mobile phase over an average run time of 45 min, resulting in linear calibration curves (R2 > 0.99) in the concentration range limit of quantitation (LoQ) to 50 ng/spot with a limit of detection of [J Adv Vet Anim Res 2021; 8(4.000): 656-670]
Show more [+] Less [-]Complex chronic respiratory disease concurrent with coccidiosis in broiler chickens in Malaysia: A case report
Intan Noor Aina Kamaruzaman | Kian Yiing Ng | Ruhil Hayati Hamdan | Nurshahirah Shaharulnizim | Che Wan Salma Che Wan Zalati | Maizan Mohamed | Muhammad Luqman Nordin | Nur Zul Izzati Mohd Rajdi | Luqman Abu-Bakar | Mohd Farhan Hanif Reduan
Objective: The case study describes the cause of an increase in mortality rates among 35-day-old broilers that developed respiratory distress and bloody diarrhea on a farm in Malaysia. Materials and Methods: The organ samples were subjected to laboratory testing and postmortem inspection. Escherichia (E.) coli and Mycoplasma (M.) gallisepticum were detected using bacterial isolation and molecular diagnostics using polymerase chain reaction. Results: Chickens with the infection had widespread fibrin buildup in several organs and hemorrhages on the duodenal mucosa. Additional histology and laboratory analysis of organ samples revealed infection with M. gallisepticum, E. coli, and enteric Eimeria spp., all of which are consistent with complex chronic respiratory disease (CCRD) associated with coccidiosis. Tylosin tartrate 20% (w/w) (2.5 gm/l) was prescribed for 1 week along with a combination of the broad-spectrum bacteriostatic drug streptomycin (25 mg/kg) and coccidiostat (2 gm/5 l). Conclusion: CCRD and coccidiosis are both infectious diseases that can infect chicken flocks, resulting in production losses and carcass quality degradation. Early disease detection and proper treatment should be provided promptly, and tight farm biosecurity should be implemented to prevent chicken mortality on the farm, as was achieved successfully. [J Adv Vet Anim Res 2021; 8(4.000): 576-580]
Show more [+] Less [-]Prevalence, species composition, and associated risk factors of small ruminant gastrointestinal nematodes in South Omo zone, South-western Ethiopia
Tegegn Tesfaye
Objective: This study was conducted to generate data on the prevalence, species composition, and factors associated with small ruminant nematode infection in the South Omo zone, in South-western Ethiopia. Material and Methods: A cross-sectional study through fecal nematode parasite examination was conducted. Simple floatation test and coproculture, followed by Baermann technique, were used for nematode egg and third-stage larvae (L3) separation and identification. The McMaster method was used to calculate the egg per gram of feces (EPG). Results: From a total of 242 sheep and goats examined, 72.34% were infested with single or mixed nematode parasites. District, Kebele, species, body condition score, and age were significantly (p < 0.05) associated with nematode infestation. Simple logistic regression analysis indicated that nematode infestation in Bena-Tsemay district (78.33%) was significantly (p < 0.05) higher by a factor of 0.54 (OR 95% CI: 0.300.96) than Hamer district (66.39%). Among the species, caprine (79.43%) was significantly (p < 0.05) infested than ovine (62.37%) by a factor of 0.45 (OR 95% CI: 0.250.81). Moreover, infestation on poor (79.12%) and medium (70.96%) body conditioned animals was higher by a factor of 2.94 (OR 95% CI: 1.416.26) and 1.76 (OR 95% CI: 0.883.53) than on good body conditioned animals (63.79%). Likewise, infestation in age groups of 13 years (78.66%) and >3 years (84.40%) was significantly (p < 0.05) higher by a factor of 4.83 (OR 95% CI: 2.3110.46) and 8.23 (OR 95% CI: 3.9817.75) than younger age groups (41.37%), respectively. A moderate parasitic burden was observed on 52.90% of gastrointestinal nematodes (GIN)-infested animals with significantly (p < 0.05) higher EPG in females than males. Furthermore, mixed infestation of Trichostrongylus axei and Eimeria (6.19%), Haemonchus contortus and Eimeria (5.78%), and Trichostrongylus vitrines and Eimeria (5.78%) were dominantly identified. On the contrary, T. axei (15.70%), Eimeria (8.67%), H. contortus (7.43%), and Trichostrongylus colubriformis (7.02%) were dominant single infestations. Conclusion: The current study revealed the highest prevalence of GIN in the study area, which needs strategic control, needs to enhance community awareness toward GIN control and prevention, and to implement further investigation into anthelminthic efficacy to solve the problem. [J Adv Vet Anim Res 2021; 8(4.000): 597-605]
Show more [+] Less [-]Helpful viability of post calving tonic for the treatment of post calving complications in dairy animals
Manu Kumarswamy | Vishwanath Gopal Bhagwat | Santoshkumar Tattimani | Rangesh Paramesh
Objectives: Aimless use of anti-microbials for the treatment of uterine diseases has driven the rise of safe strains. Subsequently, within the current consider, the viability of post calving tonic (PCT) was assessed in vivo for the treatment of post calving complications in dairy cattle. Materials and Methods: The placentas of 10 chosen post-calved dairy animals with a history of postpartum complications primarily held placentas were drenched with PCT 250 ml twice a day for 2 successive days. The evaluation parameters, viz., time taken for removal of lochia, placenta, involution of the uterus and estrus come back time, body condition score, and milk yield have been analyzed to assess the efficacy of PCT in post calved dairy bovines. Results: The results depicted that following the administration of PCT, the mean time taken for expulsion of uterine discharge (lochia), placenta, time taken for the involution of the uterus, and estrus come back time was 86 and 10 h, 30 and 36 days, respectively. Additionally, the administration of PCT 250 ml twice daily for 2 consecutive days to the post-calved dairy cows caused a significant increase (p < 0.05) in milk yield. Conclusion: It was apparent that PCT encourages the unconstrained removal of held placenta through its ecbolic movement and advances uterine discharge exercises. In addition, PCT supplementation caused augmentation of milk yield in post calved dairy cows. [J Adv Vet Anim Res 2021; 8(4.000): 650-655]
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