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Иммуногенность монокомпонентов, предназначенных для конструирования вакцины против ротавирусной инфекции и эшерихоза крупного рогатого скота
Yaromchik, Ya.P., Vitebsk State Academy of Veterinary Medicine (Belarus)
Determination of the optimal doses of monocomponents of the developing vaccine against rotavirus infection and cattle colibacillosis was realized in the conditions of the Republic of Belarus by the example of 80pregnant cows with body weight 400-450 kg. Immunological efficiency of the analyzed preparations was estimated in accordance with ascending rate of titres of specific antibodies before and after vaccination. Research results showed that the highest degree of expressed immunologic response to the monocomponents was stated for cows vaccinated in dose 2,5 cm3. Increasing of dose up to 5,0 cm3 did not render substantial influence on gain of specific antibodies level in blood serum of immunized cows. Decreasing of dose up to 1,0 cm3 caused to less intensive biosynthesis of antibodies, excluding animals which were administrated with antigen E. coli K88. In the majority of experimental groups of cows in blood serum there was stated the increasing of specific antibodies level after the second administration of the components. The obtained results proved the necessity of dualfold administration of the developing biological preparation. In course of study there was determined the choice of monocomponent doses of the vaccine. The optimal dose of monocomponent against cattle rotavirus in case of infection titre 7,0 lg 50% tissue cytopathic dose was 2,5-5 cm3 pr animal. The highest titres of the specific anticolibacillosis antibodies for E.coli with concentration of bacterial cells 10E9/ml for K99 and A20 in the conditions of antigen administration in dose 2,5 cm3, and for E.coli with adhesive antigens K88 - 1,0 cm3
Show more [+] Less [-]Влияние сочетанных инвазий на витаминный обмен у крупного рогатого скота
Barkalova, N.V. | Petrov, V.V., Vitebsk State Academy of Veterinary Medicine (Belarus) | Chirkin, A.A. | Podolinskaya, A.A., Vitebsk State Univ. named after P.M.Masherov (Belarus)
Investigation of vitamin supply of cattle affected by fascioles in association with strongylatosis of gastro-intestinal tract was realized in the conditions of the Republic of Belarus by an example of white-and-black 3-8 year old cows. Analysis of blood and blood serum of experimental animals showed that content of B1, B2, and E vitamins was lower in group of animals sick with fascioliasis and strongylatosis of gastro-intestinal tract. There were stated no changes in A and C vitamins content. Content of pyroracemic acid exceeded control indexes and was 22,0 +/- 0,173 mg/l. Content of vitamin A did not change and was 0,011 +/- 0,0012 mg/l for sick animals and 0,013 +/- 0,0043 mg/l at healthy animals. Content of vitamin C was different for sick and healthy animals: 1,685 +/- 0,190 mg/l and 1,93 +/- 0,294 mg/l, respectively. Research results proved that treatment of cattle sick with helminth infestation should be realized in complex. It was proposed to apply premixes and vitamin preparations containing B1, B2, as well as A, E, and C vitamins for the increasing of natural protection and for the creation of unfavourable conditions for disease agents
Show more [+] Less [-]Лечение собак при анкилостоматидозах
Gurov, V.A. | Stasyukevich, S.I., Vitebsk State Academy of Veterinary Medicine (Belarus)
Searching for new, effective and safe methods of treatment of hookworm disease (ancylostomatidosis) of dogs caused by Ancylostoma caninum and Uncinaria stenocephala was realized in the conditions of the Republic of Belarus on the basis of studying of spices composition and dissemination of Ankilostomatidae, age-specific and seasonal disease dynamics, testing of medical and preventive preparations Univerm and Fenbendazol. In the Republic of Belarus Ancylostoma caninum was stated 4,2% of studied cases and Uncinaria stenocephala – in 14,3%. The maximum intensity of the invasion was stated in summer and autumn periods: in cases of individual keeping – 19,4%; in cases of group keeping the disease transformed into enzootic form with 66,7% affect. In winter period there was the lowest invasion – up to 1,4%. The preparation Univerm administrated twofold with feed in dose of 0,1 mg/kg with 24 hours interval proved to be highly effective therapeutic agent with extensefficiency100%. Anthelmintic Fenbendazol administrated once with feed in dose of 0,005 g/kg proved to be highly effective with extensefficiency 80% and intensefficiency 98,84%. Hematological indexes of sick dogs showed the evidence of erythropenia (4,30-4,80 x 10E12/l), hemoglobinemia (113-119 g/l) and eosinophilia (up to 11%), as well as the increased quantity of leukocytes on 5,46% - 23,61 %, and the lowered quantity of lymphocytes on 15,84 % in comparison with healthy animals indexes
Show more [+] Less [-]Оперативный способ лечения быков с новообразованиями полового члена
Komarovskij, V.A. | Rukol, V.M., Vitebsk State Academy of Veterinary Medicine (Belarus)
In the conditions of the Republic of Belarus there was developed a method of surgical treatment of servicing bulls with penial tumors including tumor removal by means of gas docker Tail Docker and intravenous 0,5% novocaini solution injection during postoperative stage makes it possible to reduce the duration of surgical operation in 3-4 times, completely remove probability of bleeding, reduce the healing period on the average on 6 days and lower the probability of relapse of tumor.
Show more [+] Less [-]Состояние минерального обмена и ферментативной активности сыворотки крови жеребят-сосунов
Makovskij, E.G. | Motuzko, N.S., Vitebsk State Academy of Veterinary Medicine (Belarus)
In the conditions of the Republic of Belarus there was realized a study of age-specific features of level of erythrocytes, haemoglobin in blood, activity of aspartate aminotransferase, alanine aminotransferase, lactate dehydrogenase, alkaline phosphatase, as well as concentration of calcium, phosphorous, magnesium and ferrum in blood serum of suckling colts in the first 6 months of life. In the studied animals there was stated increased levels, haemoglobin and ferrum concentration in blood, but during the 6th month of life the same indexes decreased considerably. The most considerable changes оf blood serum enzymatic activities occurred at the age of 2 and 6 months. Thus, during the 2nd month of life a raise in ALAT, LDH activity, calcium and phosphorus concentration was noticed. At the age of 6 months ALAT and ASAT levels increased, and LDH activity, magnesium and phosphorus concentration decreased. During the first 6 months of life the ALP activity was on a high level and underwent no reliable changes. As the research showed, blood serum enzymatic activity and concentration of calcium, phosphorus, magnesium and ferrum depended on colt age and change at the process of growth and development of animals.
Show more [+] Less [-]Философское толкование понятий нормы и патологии
Kovalev, N.A., National Academy of Sciences. Scientific and Practical Center of Animal Breding (Belarus). The S.N. Vyshelesskij Inst. of Experimental Veterinary Medicine
An interpretation of concepts 'norm' and 'pathology' in the veterinary medicine and medicine from the point of dialectic and materialistic theory was analyzed. There was given an interpretation of 'norm' as a complex of average indexes of state of vital function of body; interpretation of pathological process, pathological conditions and diseases. There was analyzed the philosophical concept of reasons and consequences in etiology and pathophysiologic mechanisms of diseases, as well as criticism of terms causalism and conditionalism
Show more [+] Less [-]Проблемы инфекционных болезней рыб и пути их решения
Linnik, V.Ya., National Academy of Sciences. Scientific and Practical Center of Animal Breding (Belarus). The S.N. Vyshelesskij Inst. of Experimental Veterinary Medicine
There were presented data on etiology, specific prophylaxis and treatment of the most widespread infectious diseases of fishes in the Republic of Belarus: aeromonosis, pseudomonosis, swim bladder inflammation (air bladder disease), viral branchionecrosis. For the preparation of highly efficient specific medical and veterinary preparations it was recommended during the outbreaks of fish diseases to allocate the local pathogens on the basis of which it was recommended to produce vaccines both for perinatal and immersion administration for their wide use both for commodity fishes and for different ages and categories
Show more [+] Less [-]Мониторинг инфекционных болезней охотничьих животных в Беларуси и его значение
Lyakh, Yu.G., National Academy of Sciences (Belarus). The Scientific and Practical Center for Bioresources
The information on necessity of carrying out of monitoring and purposeful scientific research on studying of infectious diseases of wild animals in hunting farms of the Republic of Belarus was presented in order to lower their negative influence on state of a population of resource species of wild animals. On the territory of Belarus in the studied wild animals there were stated 42 infectious diseases, including 36 ones which were the reasons of death of valuable hunting and fur-bearing animals. The greatest threat from infectious diseases was represented by rinderpest, pasteurilosis, salmonellosis, furiousness, necrobacillosis, listeriosis, botulism, tuberculosis, pseudorabies, the Siberian ulcer and hoof-and-mouth disease. Many diseases represent danger to human beings, the other lead to a various degree losses for the hunting economy of the country
Show more [+] Less [-]Эпизоотология бешенства в Беларуси за 1986-2008 гг.
Usenya, M.M., National Academy of Sciences. Scientific and Practical Center of Animal Breding (Belarus). The S.N. Vyshelesskij Inst. of Experimental Veterinary Medicine
There was presented a territorial analysis of epizootic situation on rabies in the administrative districts and regions of the Republic of Belarus in the period from 1986 up to 2008. The situation of strain was stated on the territory of Vitebsk (28, 4%) and Minsk (20,2%) regions. The most stable epizootic situation was stated in Shumilin, Braslavsk and Vitebsk districts of Vitebsk region, as well as in Vologin and Minsk districts of Minsk region. Only in 1990 and 1997 there were stated no cases of rabies in Brest and in 1996 in Mogilev regions. In other years no regions were free from this infection. Economic damage from rabies cases in agricultural animals in period 1986-2008 was over 2 milliard of Belarusian rubles.
Show more [+] Less [-]Субклинический хламидиозный эндометрит у крупного рогатого скота в Республике Беларусь
Fomchenko, I.V., Vitebsk State Academy of Veterinary Medicine (Belarus)
Study of subclinical chlamydial endometritis of black and motley cows of 2-5 lactations with 5000-6000 kg milk per year was realized in the conditions of the Republic of Belarus. Research results showed that reaction of pH medium of uterus content of healthy ill cows with subclinical chlamydial endometritis did not change and was within the limits of 8. Diagnostics of subclinical chlamydial endometritis during estrum was realized according to presence of estrous mucus in purulent inclusions, as well as of neutrophil in tissue smear and by colouring by Stamp of tissue smears from a uterine lining and in serological reactions. In inter-estrous cycle it was possible to establish a latent chlamydial endometritis according to slightly opened uterus channel, state of uterus walls and presence of yellow bodies in an ovary, increasing of titers in antibodies in two and more times in dual tests of serum.
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