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Гигиеническое обоснование применения доломита как источника минерального питания молодняка сельскохозяйственных животных
Medvedskij, V.A. | Zhelezko, A.F. | Shchebetok, I.V. | Maslak, V.Yu., Vitebsk State Academy of Veterinary Medicine (Belarus)
Possibility of increasing of natural resistance of young livestock animals and productivity of piglets after application of experimental feed additive including dolomite powder was realized in the conditions of the Republic of Belarus. In course of study there were analyzed housing conditions of piglets; the hygienic examination of feeding rations; influence of dolomitic meal on piglet resistance and productivity. Piglets of the first (control) group were fed with standard total ration. Animals of the second and the third experimental groups were given dolomite powder in ratio of 1% and 2% of combined feed mass. Chemical content of dolomite powder, hematological indexes, disease incidence and piglet productivity were analyzed. The research results showed that in feeding rations of piglets in the analyzed swine breeding complex there was stated the deficit of calcium (14%), phosphorous (26%), magnesium (15%), cuprum (9%), zinc (27%) and manganese (27%). Research results showed that application of dolomite meal is efficient for the prophylaxis of mineral deficiency, and made it possible to increase the level natural resistance: serum bactericidal activity - on 16,4% and hemoglobin - on 19%. The optimal dolomite dose of dolomite was 2% and it promoted the lowering of disease incidence, increasing of viability and average daily weight gain
Show more [+] Less [-]Новые линии в белорусской крупной белой породе свиней
Loban, N.A. | Vasilyuk, O.Ya. | Chernov, A.S. | Asomchik, N.V., National Academy of Sciences. Scientific and Practical Center of Animal Breeding (Belarus)
In course of a long-term selection breeding activities in the conditions of the Republic of Belarus on the basis of Belarusian Large White breed of swine there were created two high-productive lines - Delfina 37755 and Svitanka 3884. Individual selection of animals was realized in accordance with the main indexes of productive ability, development and conformation type. There were selected parent lines, there were used methods of intrastrain breeding and hybrid between lines, mild inbreeding on parental line. Bores and breeding sows were evaluated in accordance with their posterity productivity by means of a control feeding method. Productive indexes for Delfina 37755 line were 11,7 piglets, for Svitanka 3884 line – 11,9 piglets; age of live weight gain of 100 kg – 189 and 182 days, respectively; average daily weight gain – 735 gram and 749 gram; forage expenses – 3,5 and 3,51 fodder units; backfat thickness – 27,2 and 26,2 mm; ham weight – 10,9 and 11,2 k, respectively
Show more [+] Less [-]Влияние иммуностимуляторов на морфогенез костного мозга цыплят, вакцинированных против болезни гамборо
Bolshakov, S.A. | Prudnikov, V.S. | Bolshakova, E.I., Vitebsk State Academy of Veterinary Medicine (Belarus)
In the conditions of the Republic of Belarus there was realized a morphological study of bone marrow aspirates at different terms chicken of immunization against Gumboro disease which made it possible to analyze the state of immune system for the objective evaluation of immunological status. Research results showed that chicken immunization with a national liquid chick embryo viral vaccine produced on the basis of KMIehV-13 strain against Gumboro disease (infectious bursal disease) promoted the development of immunomorphological remodeling of bone marrow. Application of immunostimulants Alveozan and Nukleovit for poultry vaccination caused more expressed changes revealing in statistically reliable increasing of total number of myeloblastic cells in the majority of cases by means of increasing of immature cells, and then mature cells of granulocytic series, as well as quantity of lymphocytes and plasmacytes
Show more [+] Less [-]Влияние некоторых факторов на рост молочной продуктивности коров
Bekish, R.V. | Bekish, E.I. | Ostrovets, L.M., Vitebsk State Academy of Veterinary Medicine (Belarus)
Factors which increased milk productivity (age and continuance of service period) were studied in the conditions of an educational establishment of the Republic of Belarus by an example of cows of black-and-white breed. Dynamics of growth of milk productivity in course of 8 research years was presented. Analysis of interrelation between cow productivity and cow age was given. Mathematical calculation of relations between cow productivity indexes (milk yield, fat content, butter fat) and service period duration was given. Research results showed that increasing of an average term of economic use of cows and decreasing of duration of service period up to 90 days made it possible to increase dairy effiiemcy and herd reproduction, as well as obtain higher economic efficiency
Show more [+] Less [-]Взаимосвязь полиморфизма генов белков молока с показателями молочной продуктивности племенных коров белорусской черно-пестрой породы
Gribanova, Zh.A., National Academy of Sciences. Scientific and Practical Center of Animal Breeding (Belarus)
Determination of influence of polymorphic variants of genes of kappa casein, beta-lactoglodulin and alpha-lactoalbumin on indexes of milk producing ability (milk yield, fat and protein content) of brood cows of Belarusian white-and-black breed was studied in the conditions of the Republic of Belarus. In course of analysis of polymorphism of kappa casein gene there was revealed the exceeding of frequency index of allel CSN3**a over the index of allel CSN3**b (0,795 and 0,205 respectively). Studying of polymorphism of beta-lactoglodulin gene showed that the frequency indexes of allel variants formed in the following way: BLG**a - 0,489 and BLG**b - 0,511. There were revealed three genotype variants of alpha-lactoalbumin among which the highest frequency indexes were stated for heterozygous genotype LALBA**aa *(32%) and LALBA**bb (14%). There was calculated the genetic equilibrium for loci of studied genes: x2 value for all studied loci was 0,008 – 1,96. Analysis of milk producing ability data in groups with different genotypes by locus of CSN3 gene showed that the highest indexes of milk yield were stated for group of cows with genotype CSN3**aa. Animals with genotype CSN3**bb had the highest fat percent, animals with genotype CSN3**aa - the lowest. Analysis of milk yield indexes showed that animals with homozygous genotypes BLG**aa and BLG**bb showed lower average milk yield than animals with genotype BLG**ab on 130 and 570 kg, respectively
Show more [+] Less [-]Влияние генотипа хряков по генам EPOR, MUC4 и ICF-2 на продуктивность потомства
Dojlidov, V.A. | Kaspirovich, D.A., Vitebsk State Academy of Veterinary Medicine (Belarus) | Loban, N.A., National Academy of Sciences. Scientific and Practical Center of Animal Breeding (Belarus) | Bykova, M.I. | Mikhajlova, T.I., Selection and Hybrid Centre Zadneprovski (Belarus)
During the investigation of nuclear DNA of boas of Belarusian meaty breed there was studied the polymorphism of EPOR, MUC4 and IGF-2 genes with the further determination of frequency of alleles and genotypes. Among boars tested for the polymorphism EPOR gene there was stated high percentage of heterozygous samples (EPOR**st): 43,3% for Belarusian meaty breed boars and 66,7% for Belarusian Kripnaya Belaya breed. In course of analysis of the genetic structure by MUC4 gene there was revealed the predominance of animals with the desirable d allele combination (MUC**cc): 60% for Belarusian Kripnaya Belaya breed and 82,2% for Belarusian meaty breed; by IGF-2 gene with homozygotic manifestation of recessive alleles: 46,4% and 63,4%, respectively. In the conditions of the Republic of Belarus there were determined the preferred boar genotypes with EPOR, MUC4 and ICF-2 genes and combinations which made it possible to increase the fattening and meaty qualities of posterity. The research results showed that in the selection breeding schemes it was necessary to consider not only maternal genotype, but also male genotypes giving preference to EPOR**st, MUC4**ss and ICF-2**qq genotypes
Show more [+] Less [-]Влияние генотипа хряков белорусской крупной белой и белорусской мясной породы по гену MUC4 на сохранность и продуктивность потомства
Kaspirovich, D.A. | Dojlidov, V.A., Vitebsk State Academy of Veterinary Medicine (Belarus) | Loban, N.A., National Academy of Sciences. Scientific and Practical Center of Animal Breeding (Belarus) | Bykova, M.A. | Mikhajlova, T.A., Selection and Hybrid Centre Zadneprovski (Belarus)
Analysis of influence of boar genotype by MUC4 gene on viability of progeny was realized in the conditions in the Republic of Belarus, as well as the evaluation of possibilities of association of polymorphic variants of gene with fattening and meaty qualities of obtained from the boars progeny were conducted. In course of studies there was analyzed the polymorphism of MUC4 gene at producer boars of studied breeds. There was revealed high occurring frequency of desirable allele MUC4**c and MUC4**cc genotype in all studied populations. Boars of Belarusian Meaty breed with genotypes MUC4**cc by MUC4 gene authentically (P less than 0,01) exceeded boars with genotype MUC4**cg according to piglet viability indexes at weaning period on 5,6%. For the further evaluation of the potential role of MUC4gene in marker selection there was realized determination of relations between genotypes of studied marker and other economic traits of swine (fattening and meaty traits of boar progeny). There was stated the authentic increasing of fattening and meaty traits of stores obtained from boars with homozygous genotype MUC4**cc in comparison with progeny fathers of which in their genotype had mutant allel MUC4**g. For the forecasting and modeling of genotypes resistant to colibacillosis there was presented a scheme of selection boars and sows of different genotypes by MUC4 gene for the increasing of progeny viability. According to the scheme the preferred selection was MUC4**cc x MUC4**cc. This selection was recommended for the self-replacement and creation of nuclear stock
Show more [+] Less [-]Влияние глюкагонных добавок на морфофункциональные свойства эритроцитов у высоко продуктивных коров
Kvetkovskaya, A.V. | Nadarinskaya, M.A. | Zayats, V.N. | Rukol, S.A., National Academy of Sciences. Scientific and Practical Center of Animal Breeding (Belarus)
An effort to demonstrate the mechanism of homeostatic alteration of high-producing cows at the period of increasing milking capacity and peculiar features of its changing in the conditions of introduction into cattle diets of carbohydrate containing and carbohydrate compensative additives was realized in the conditions of the Republic of Belarus. In course of the experiment there were used white-and-black breed cows of 3-4 lactations with body weight of 700 kg and milk yield over the last lactation of 7000-8000 kg of milk. Experimental cows in two weeks before the supposed calving were administrated with 50 ml of propylene glycol, 6 g of niacin and 50 ml of glycerin; and in course of 60 days after calving the administration of the additives was realized in doses of 125 ml; 6 g; 50 ml, respectively. Research results showed that application of mentioned above additives rendered the positive effect on cow liver that was proved by the improved hemic function of experimental cows: increasing of quantity of erythrocytes, hemoglobin, and hematocrit
Show more [+] Less [-]Перспективы использования уток немецких линий для повышения мясной продуктивности утят отечественного кросса Темп
Petrukovich, T.V., Vitebsk State Academy of Veterinary Medicine (Belarus)
Possibility of increasing of meat productivity of ducklings of Temp cross after application of duck parental forms of German selection was studied in the conditions of the Republic of Belarus. In course of study there was revealed the dynamics of changes of live weight and feed expenses for live weight gain of linear and hybrid ducklings; as well as their meat qualities were determined. In course of studied there were used linear and hybrid ducklings obtained after crossbreeding of parental forms of Belarusian and German crosses of Peking breeds. There were formed 8 groups of one-day old ducklings. In the father's line the first (control) group was presented by pure bred line T1 of Temp cross; in the second group – by hybrid NT1 x T1, obtained after the direct crossing of male ducks of NT1 with female ducks of T1 lines; in the third group – by hybrid T1 x NT1, obtained after the backcrossing of male ducks of T1 with female ducks of NT1 lines; in the fourth group the combination NT1 was obtained by NT1 x NT1. In fifth group the maternal line was presented by pure line of T2 Temp cross (control); the sixth group was presented by hybrid T2N x T2 obtained after direct crossing of male ducks of T2N line with maternal ducks of T2 line; in the eighth group the combination T2N was obtained by T2N x T2N. Research results showed that application of Germal ducks in schemes of crossbreeding rendered the positive influence on live weight increasing of ducklings of father's line. In the carcasses of hybrid ducklings of all studied crossbreeds there was stated the decreasing number of skin with adipose layer and increasing number muscles including the pectoralis
Show more [+] Less [-]Особенности макроморфологии и топографии органов гомеостатического обеспечения у нутрий в постнатальном онтогенезе
Luppova, I.M., Vitebsk State Academy of Veterinary Medicine (Belarus)
Determination of regular variations of macromorphological and topographical characteristics of thymus gland, spleen, thyroid gland, and atrabiliary capsules of swamp beavers (Myocastor coypus) at the postnatal ontogenesis was realized in the conditions of the Republic of Belarus. Taking into consideration active participation of immune and endocrine system organs in metabolic processes and vicarious and adaptive reactions there were revealed species and age-specific anatomical peculiar features of thymus gland, spleen, thyroid gland, and atrabiliary capsules of swamp beavers that made it possible to broader knowledge in the sphere of species, age-specific, breed and topographic anatomy
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