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Effect of intravenous and aerosol administration of 5-hydroxytryptamine on pulmonary function values in healthy calves
Desmecht, Daniel | Linden, Annick | Rollin, Frédéric | Amory, Hélène | Lekeux, Pierre
peer reviewed | Effects of IV and aerosol administration of 5-hydroxytryptamine (5-HT) on ventilation, pulmonary mechanics values, pulmonary arterial pressure, and heart rate were investigated in healthy unsedated Friesian calves. Minute volume increased significantly, mainly because of an increase in respiratory rate. Except for total pulmonary resistance after bolus injection, continuous administration of 5-HT given by either route caused significant alterations of lung dynamic compliance and total pulmonary resistance, the former decreasing to one-fifth of its baseline value and the latter increasing twofold. Pulmonary arterial pressure increased significantly, whatever the speed or route of administration. Administration of a bolus did not affect heart rate, whereas continuous IV administration of 5-HT as well by perfusion or by aerosol resulted in sustained tachycardia. It was concluded that 5-HT induces reversible bronchoconstriction and pulmonary vasoconstriction in healthy unsedated calves, 5-HT-induced functional alterations depend on the speed of administration, and excess of 5-HT production or depression in uptake by the lungs during bovine respiratory tract diseases could contribute to pulmonary dysfunction.
Show more [+] Less [-]Comparison of two catheter withdrawal speeds during simultaneous urethral pressure profilometry in anesthetized bitches
Gregory, S.P. | Holt, P.E. | Parkinson, T.J.
Maximal urethral closure pressure, functional profile length, and number of respiratory peaks on the resting urethral pressure profile, expressed as a percentage of those occurring on the bladder pressure recording, were compared at catheter withdrawal speeds of 1 and 3 mm/s in 30 anesthetized bitches. Significant (P < 0.001) differences were found in maximal urethral closure pressure and percentage of transmission of respiratory peaks between the 2 speeds. Significant difference was not detected in functional pro-file length.
Show more [+] Less [-]Effect of short-term exposure of chickens to corticosterone on resistance to challenge exposure with Escherichia coli and antibody response to sheep erythrocytes
Gross, W.B.
Chickens in a low-stress environment (heterophil/lymphocyte ratio 0.31) were given feed containing 30, 40, or 60 mg of corticosterone/kg of feed for 0.5 hour. Between 0.5 to 12 hours later, chickens were exposed to Escherichia coli via the air sac route. For each dose of corticosterone, there was an untreated control group that was exposed to E coli via the air sac route. The prevalence of pericarditis was reduced from 78 to 7% between 2 and 4 hours after exposure. Resistance was associated with heterophil/lymphocyte (H/L) ratios greater than 1.04. Peak H/L ratios correlated positively with amount of corticosterone in the feed. In one experiment, chickens were inoculated IV with sheep erythrocytes at various times after consumption of feed containing corticosterone. Suppression of antibody responsiveness was most pronounced 4 hours later. Antibody responsiveness correlated positively with lymphocyte numbers. Histologic examination of air sacs was made following euthanasia at various times after E coli exposure. Lesions observed in control chickens included: edema at 0.5 hour, beginning of heterophil infiltration at 1 hour, increased edema and heterophil infiltration at 2 hours, and severe edema and heterophil infiltration at 4 hours. Lesions were not observed in chickens that had been given feed containing 40 mg of corticosterone/kg of feed.
Show more [+] Less [-]Use of computertized interactive morphometry in the diagnosis of mamary adenoma and adenocarcinoma in dogs
Ciurea, D. | Wilkins, R.J. | Shalev, M. | Liu, Z. | Barba, J. | Gil, J.
We attempted to define quantitative objective criteria for diagnosis of mammary adenoma and adenocarcinoma in dogs. To that end, correlation between diagnosis made by conventional histologic examination and morphometric descriptors, obtained by computerized histologic analysis, was assessed in biopsy specimens of mammary tissue from 63 dogs. We used 2 interactive computer procedures: one assessed mean nuclear perimeter, mean nuclear area, and circularity factor; and the other evaluated nuclear stratification and cell crowding. A data base was generated with 11 specimens from normal mammary tissue, 17 specimens from mammary adenoma, 18 specimens from low-grade mammary adenocarcinoma, and 15 specimens from mammary adenocarcinoma. The mean values of nuclear perimeter, nuclear area, nuclei per millimeter of basement membrane, and minimal distances from cells to basement membrane gradually increased from normal to high-grade malignancy. Distributions of nuclear areas and of minimal distances from cells to basement membrane were shifted in specimens from malignant tumors. Multivariate analysis confirmed the homogeneity of the diagnostic groups.
Show more [+] Less [-]Effects of lactated Ringer solution and prednisolone sodium succinate on dogs with induced hemorrhagic shock
Hankes, G.H. | Dillon, A.R. | Ravis, W.R.
Hemorrhagic shock was induced in nonsplenectomized dogs by removing 41% of their blood volume over a 15-minute period. Hemodynamic and metabolic variables were determined prior to and for 3 hours after completion of hemorrhage. One group of 5 dogs was not treated. After the 30-minute sample was collected, a second group of 5 dogs was given lactated Ringer solution (LRS) at 88 ml/kg of body weight, IV. A third group of 5 dogs was given LRS (88 ml/kg, IV) and prednisolone sodium succinate (11 mg/kg, IV) 30 minutes after hemorrhage. The IV administration of LRS was completed within 15 minutes. The glucocorticoid was administered as an IV bolus after 500 ml of LRS had been given. The large volume and administration of LRS significantly (P = 0.05) improved many of the hemodynamic and metabolic effects of acute hemorrhage and hemorrhagic shock. At one time or another during the 2.5-hour observation period after the initiation of treatment, mean arterial pressure, cardiac index, systemic vascular resistance, heart rate, respiratory rate, lactate, glucose, and arterial and venous blood gas values were significantly (P = 0.05) improved, compared with baseline values. The addition of prednisolone sodium succinate to the treatment regimen improved the effectiveness of LRS alone only in some dogs at random sampling times. Significant trends were not observed except, possibly, the improvement of venous pH and A-V pH and P(CO)2 differences.
Show more [+] Less [-]Determination of sensitivity to metocurine in exercised horses
White, D.A. | Hildebrand, S.V. | Jones, J.H. | Fung, D.L. | Gronert, G.A.
On the basis of results in dogs, conditioning exercise may increase sensitivity to nondepolarizing muscle relaxants. Five Thoroughbreds were exercised/conditioned 3 times weekly on a treadmill for 8 months. Increasing maximal rate of O2 consumption verified that the horses were responding to exercise conditioning. Six nonexercised Thoroughbreds served as the control group. Studies were done with horses under general anesthesia by use of halothane during partial paralysis by a brief constant-rate infusion with the muscle relaxant, metocurine iodide. Quantification of degree of paralysis of the hoof twitch (eg, digital extensor) occurred with simultaneous quantification of blood values of metocurine. Pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic analyses of the data were done by a nonlinear regression program, using the Hill equation. There were no differences in findings between exercised and nonexercised horses. The mean blood concentration for the 50% paralyzing dose of metocurine was 0.44 +/- 0.11 (SD) micrograms/ml in exercised horses, and 0.58 +/- 0.22 micrograms/ml in nonexercised horses. Despite evidence for a response to conditioning, a significant change in the sensitivity of the neuromuscular junction to metocurine was not found.
Show more [+] Less [-]Characterization of a Salmonella choleraesuis isolate after repeated neutrophil exposure
Roof, M.B. | Kramer, T.T. | Roth, J.A. | Minion, F.C.
Salmonella choleraesuis strain 38 (glycerol-positive fermentation) was repeatedly exposed to porcine neutrophils in an attempt to mimic in vivo conditions of the host immune system. After phagocytosis, viable intracellular S choleraesuis were isolated and the process was repeated at least 5 times. A fifth-passage strain-38 neutrophil-adapted clone, 38PMNa-5X, was isolated, and was compared with the parent wild-type strain 38 for changes. Strain 38PMNa-5X had increased resistance to killing by hydrogen peroxide and phagocyte killing by porcine neutrophils, as measured by 3-[4,5-dimethylthiazol-2-yl]-2,5-diphenyltetrazolium bromide reduction. Strain 38PMNa-5X was less invasive than the parent strain on Vero cell monolayers, and had been cured of a 50-kb plasmid. The 50-kb plasmid was marked with bacteriophage mini-Mu (kanamycin resistant) and was reinserted into strain 38PMNa-5X. Strain 38PMNa-5X was avirulent in mice, but the isolates with reinserted plasmids had intermediate resistance to neutrophil and hydrogen peroxide killing and had restored invasiveness and mouse virulence. Differences in complement sensitivity and enzymatic activity were not observed between the strains.
Show more [+] Less [-]Effects of intra-articular administration of methylprednisolone acetate on normal articular cartilage and on healing of experimentally induced osteochondral defects in horses
Shoemaker, R.S. | Bertone, A.L. | Martin, G.S. | McIlwraith, C.W. | Roberts, Ed | Pechman, R. | Kearney, M.T.
The effects of intra-articular administration of methylprednisolone acetate (MPA) on the healing of full-thickness osteochondral defects and on normal cartilage were evaluated in 8 horses. In group-1 horses (n = 4), a 1-cm-diameter, full-thickness defect was created bilaterally in the articular cartilage on the dorsal distal surface of the radial carpal bone. Cartilage defects were not created in group-2 horses (n = 4). One middle carpal joint was randomly selected in each horse (groups 1 and 2), and treated with an intra-articular injection of 100 mg Of MPA, once a week for 4 treatments. Injections began 1 week after surgery in group-1 horses. The contralateral middle carpal joint received intra-articular injections of an equivalent volume of 0.9% sodium chloride solution (SCS), and served as a control. Horses were evaluated for 16 weeks, then were euthanatized, and the middle carpal joints were examined and photographed. Synovial and articular cartilage specimens were obtained for histologic and histochemical evaluation. Gross morphometric evaluation of the healing defects in group-1 horses revealed that 48.6% of the defect in control joints and 0% of the defect in MPA-treated joints was resurfaced with a smooth, white tissue, histologically confirmed as fibrocartilage. This replacement tissue was a firmly attached fibrocartilage in control joints and a thin fibrous tissue in MPA-treated joints. The articular cartilage in joints treated with MPA had morphologic changes, including chondrocyte cluster formation, loss of palisading architecture, and cellular necrosis in both groups of horses. Histochemical (safranin-0) staining intensity was reduced significantly (P < 0.05) in all layers of articular cartilage in MPA-treated joints in groups 1 and 2. In the replacement tissue, intense safranin-O staining was found only in the chondrocyte clusters deep in the tissue of control joints, confirming fibrocartilage repair. Intra-articular administration of MPA in this dosing regimen thus induced degenerative changes in normal articular cartilage and resulted in histomorphologic changes in the repair of full-thickness articular osteochondral defects in horses.
Show more [+] Less [-]Antigenic variation among transmissible gastroenteritis virus (TGEV) and porcine respiratory coronavirus strains detected with monoclonal antibodies to the S protein of TGEV
Simkins, R.A. | Weilnau, P.A. | Bias, J. | Saif, L.J.
Five nonneutralizing monoclonal antibodies (MAb) generated to the virulent Miller strain of transmissible gastroenteritis virus (TGEV) and specific for the S protein were characterized. Competition assays between purified and biotinylated MAb indicated that MAb 75B10 and 8G11 mapped near a new subsite, designated V and 2 MAb, 44C11 and 45A8, mapped to a previously designated subsite D. A fifth MAb mapped between subsites V and E. These MAb were tested with 3 previously characterized MAb to subsites A, E, and F in fixed-cell ELISA and cell culture immunofluorescent assays against 5 reference and 9 field strains of TGEV and 2 US strains (ISU-1 and ISU-3 3) porcine respiratory coronavirus (PRCV). Subsites A, E, and F were conserved on all TGEV and PRCV strains examined. The 2 MAb to subsite V, 8G11 and 75B10, reacted only with the Miller TGEV strains (M5C, M6, and M60), except that 75B10 also recognized field strain U328. The MAb 11H8 did not react with 4 field strains or the Purdue strains of TGEV. The 2 MAb to subsite D reacted with all TGEV strains examined, but not with 2 US PRCV strains, 2 European PRCV strains, 1 feline infectious peritonitis virus strain, and 1 canine coronavirus strain. Because of this specificity for TGEV, but not PRCV, these latter 2 subsite D MAb may be useful for the development of competition ELISA to differentiate serologically between TGEV and PRCV infections in swine, similar to the currently used European subsite D MAb.
Show more [+] Less [-]Measurement of serum myoglobin concentrations in horses by immunodiffusion
Holmgren, N. | Valberg, S.
Quantitative immunodiffusion in one dimension was performed in 6-mm Duran tubes containing a 1% Nobel agar solution and various dilutions of antisera. A series of dilutions of pure myoglobin in equine sera as well as plasma from horses with rhabdomyolysis were tested. Standard curves were prepared of the migration distance of the formed precipitate from the meniscus of the gel after 3, 6, 12, and 24 hours. The clearest line of precipitate was formed with a 1:20 dilution of antisera in agar. Standard curves were nonlinear and plasma myoglobin could be detected at 2 micrograms of myoglobin/ml or greater. The test was optimal, with an error of 5.6%, when read at 24 hours at approximately 25 C. Tubes with agar could be stored for 6 months at 4 C without affecting the accuracy of the test. The specificity of myoglobin for skeletal or cardiac muscle, and its rapid clearance from serum after muscle necrosis, make it ideally suited for evaluating acute muscle damage and for testing the susceptibility of horses for rhabdomyolysis following an exercise test.
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