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Comparison of transcoelomic, contrast transcoelomic, and transesophageal echocardiography in anesthetized red-tailed hawks (Buteo jamaicensis)
Beaufrere, Hugues | Pariaut, Romain | Rodríguez, Daniel | Nevarez, Javier G. | Tully, Thomas N.
Objective: To assess the agreement and reliability of cardiac measurements obtained with 3 echocardiographic techniques in anesthetized red-tailed hawks (Buteo jamaicensis). Animals: 10 red-tailed hawks. Procedures: Transcoelomic, contrast transcoelomic, and transesophageal echocardiographic evaluations of the hawks were performed, and cineloops of imaging planes were recorded. Three observers performed echocardiographic measurements of cardiac variables 3 times on 3 days. The order in which hawks were assessed and echocardiographic techniques were used was randomized. Results were analyzed with linear mixed modeling, agreement was assessed with intraclass correlation coefficients, and variation was estimated with coefficients of variation. Results: Significant differences were evident among the 3 echocardiographic methods for most measurements, and the agreement among findings was generally low. Interobserver agreement was generally low to medium. Intraobserver agreement was generally medium to high. Overall, better agreement was achieved for the left ventricular measurements and for the transesophageal approach than for other measurements and techniques. Conclusions and Clinical Relevance: Echocardiographic measurements in hawks were not reliable, except when the left ventricle was measured by the same observer. Furthermore, cardiac morphometric measurements may not be clinically important. When measurements are required, one needs to consider that follow-up measurements should be performed by the same echocardiographer and should show at least a 20% difference from initial measurements to be confident that any difference is genuine.
Show more [+] Less [-]Evaluation of the association between runt-related transcription factor 2 expression and intervertebral disk aging in dogs
Itoh, Hisanori | Hara, Yasushi | Tagawa, Masahiro | Kato, Tsuyoshi | Ochi, Hiroki | Koga, Daisuke | Ōkawa, Atsushi | Asou, Yoshinori
Objective: To investigate the relationship between runt-related transcription factor 2 (RUNX2) expression in canine nucleus pulposus (NP) cells and intervertebral disk aging in chondrodystrophoid dogs. Animals: 7 healthy Beagles (mean age, 35.6 months) and 11 Dachshunds with herniated disks (mean age, 61 months). Procedures: All dogs underwent MRI examination of the thoracic and lumbar vertebral column immediately before sample collection under general anesthesia. The disk center–to–CSF T2-weighted signal intensity ratio was determined for healthy Beagles. Samples of NP were obtained from nonherniated disks in healthy Beagles and from herniated disks during surgical treatment of hospitalized Dachshunds. Samples were evaluated for RUNX2 and matrix metalloproteinase 13 transcript expression via reverse transcriptase PCR assay; RUNX2 protein expression was evaluated via immunohistochemical analysis, and correlation between these variables and age of dogs was evaluated. A 3′ and 5′ rapid amplification of cDNA ends method was used to identify the RUNX2 coding region. Results: RUNX2 cDNA had > 97% conservation with the human cDNA sequence and approximately 95% conservation with the mouse cDNA sequence; RUNX2 and matrix metalloproteinase 13 mRNA expression and RUNX2 protein expression in NP cells were positively correlated with age. The disk center–to–CSF T2-weighted signal intensity ratio was negatively correlated with RUNX2 protein expression in the NP of healthy dogs. Conclusions and Clinical Relevance: Results indicated that RUNX2 mRNA and protein expression in the NP are enhanced in aging intervertebral disks in dogs.
Show more [+] Less [-]Effects of administration of two growth hormone–releasing hormone plasmids to gilts on sow and litter performance for the subsequent three gestations
Brown, Patricia A. | Khan, Amir S. | Draghia-Akli, Ruxandra | Pope, Melissa A. | Bodles-Brakhop, Angela M.
Objective: To determine whether a novel optimized plasmid carrying the porcine growth hormone–releasing hormone (GHRH) wild-type cDNA administered at a lower dose was as effective at eliciting physiologic responses as a commercial GHRH plasmid approved for use in Australia. Animals: 134 gilts. Procedures: Estrus was synchronized and gilts were bred. Pregnant gilts were assigned to 2 treatment groups (40 gilts/group) or 1 untreated control group (24 gilts). Gilts in one of the treatment groups received the commercial GHRH plasmid, whereas gilts in the other treatment group received a novel optimized GHRH plasmid; both plasmids were administered IM in the right hind limb, which was followed by electroporation. Sow and litter performance were monitored for the 3 gestations after treatment. Results: A significant increase in insulin-like growth factor-I concentrations, decrease in perinatal mortality rate, increase in the number of pigs born alive, and increase in the weight and number of pigs weaned were detected for both groups receiving the GHRH-expressing plasmids, compared with values for the control group. Additionally, there was a significant decrease in sow attrition in GHRH-treated females, compared with attrition in the control group, during the 3 gestations after treatment. Conclusions and Clinical Relevance: Both of the GHRH plasmids provided significant benefits for sow performance and baby pig survivability for pregnant and lactating sows and their offspring during the 3 gestations after treatment, compared with results for untreated control gilts. Use of a novel optimized plasmid reduced the effective plasmid dose in these large mammals.
Show more [+] Less [-]In vitro effect of hydroxyethyl starch 130/0.42 on canine platelet function
Classen, Janine | Adamik, Katja N. | Weber, Karin | Rubenbauer, Stephanie | Hartmann, Katrin
Objective: To evaluate the effect of 6% hydroxyethyl starch (HES) solution, with a molecular weight of 130 kDa and a degree of substitution of 0.42, on canine platelet function in vitro. Samples: Blood samples from 31 healthy adult dogs. Procedures: Citrated blood was diluted with saline (0.9% NaCl) solution or HES 130/0.42 in ratios of 1:9 (ie, 1 part saline solution or HES 130/0.42 and 9 parts blood) and 1:3. Platelet plug formation time (closure time [Ct]) was measured with a platelet function analyzer and cartridges coated with collagen and ADP. Results: Median baseline Ct with citrated blood was 84.0 seconds (interquartile range, 74.5 to 99.5 seconds). Results obtained with 1:9 dilutions with saline solution and HES 130/0.42 were not significantly different from baseline results. The 1:3 dilutions with saline solution and HES 130/0.42 resulted in median Cts of 96.0 seconds (interquartile range, 85.5 to 110.8 seconds) and 112.0 seconds (92.0 to 126.0 seconds), respectively. Results obtained with both 1:3 dilutions were significantly different from baseline results. The Ct obtained with the HES dilution was also significantly different from that of the 1:3 dilution with saline solution. Conclusions and Clinical Relevance: Saline solution and HES 130/0.42 in a 1:3 dilution affected canine platelet function by prolonging Cts. The HES 130/0.42 had a significantly greater effect on canine platelets than did saline solution.
Show more [+] Less [-]Comparison of reliability of five patellar position indices at various stifle joint angles in pelvic limbs obtained from cadavers of red foxes (Vulpes vulpes)
Miles, James E. | Nielsen, Dorte H. | Jensen, Bente R. | Kirpensteijn, J (Jolle) | Svalastoga, Eiliv L. | Eriksen, Thomas
Objective: To compare 5 patellar position indices at various stifle joint angles in cadavers of red foxes, determine measurement reliability, and assess the suitability of these indices for clinical use. Sample: Pelvic limbs from cadavers of 12 red foxes (Vulpes vulpes). Procedures: Patellar position in each limb at 7 stifle joint angles (30° to 148°) was assessed by use of the Insall-Salvati (IS), modified Insall-Salvati (mIS), de Carvalho (dC), patellotrochlear (PT), and Blackburne-Peel (BP) indices. Results: Values for all indices varied significantly on the basis of joint angle, but for IS and mIS indices, this was minor and nonsignificant between 52° and 130° and between 52° and 148°, respectively. The dC index increased linearly, and PT and BP indices varied polynomially with increases in stifle joint angle. Stifle joint angles measured from radiographs agreed well with the goniometrically set stifle joint angles up to approximately 100° and diverged thereafter. Intraobserver and interobserver agreement was substantial for all indices, and IS index was the most precise. Conclusions and Clinical Relevance: IS and mIS index values were effectively independent of stifle joint angle, in contrast to dC, PT, and BP indices. The BP index varied nonsignificantly across a range of joint angles. To maximize angular accuracy, radiographs should not be obtained at joint angles > 100°. Although dC, PT, and BP indices appeared to be suitable for preoperative and postoperative evaluation of patellar position, BP index appeared to have the most promise for determination of patellar position in clinical applications.
Show more [+] Less [-]Urinary recovery of orally administered chromium 51–labeled EDTA, lactulose, rhamnose, d-xylose, 3-O-methyl-d-glucose, and sucrose in healthy adult male Beagles
Frias, Rafael | Steiner, Jörg M. | Williams, David A. | Sankari, Satu | Westermarck, Elias
Objective: To provide values for gastrointestinal permeability and absorptive function tests (GIPFTs) with chromium 51 (51Cr)-labeled EDTA, lactulose, rhamnose, d-xylose, 3-O-methyl-d-glucose, and sucrose in Beagles and to evaluate potential correlations between markers. Animals: 19 healthy adult male Beagles. Procedures: A test solution containing 3.7 MBq of 51Cr-labeled EDTA, 2 g of lactulose, 2 g of rhamnose, 2 g of d-xylose, 1 g of 3-O-methyl-d-glucose, and 8 g of sucrose was administered intragastrically to each dog. Urinary recovery of each probe was determined 6 hours after administration. Results: Mean ± SD (range) percentage urinary recovery was 6.3 ± 1.6% (4.3% to 9.7%) for 51Cr-labeled EDTA, 3.3 ± 1.1% (1.7% to 5.3%) for lactulose, 25.5 ± 5.0% (16.7% to 36.9%) for rhamnose, and 58.8% ± 11.0% (40.1% to 87.8%) for 3-O-methyl-d-glucose. Mean (range) recovery ratio was 0.25 ± 0.06 (0.17 to 0.37) for 51Cr-labeled EDTA to rhamnose, 0.13 ± 0.04 (0.08 to 0.23) for lactulose to rhamnose, and 0.73 ± 0.09 (0.60 to 0.90) for d-xylose to 3-O-methyl-d-glucose. Median (range) percentage urinary recovery was 40.3% (31.6% to 62.7%) for d-xylose and 0% (0% to 0.8%) for sucrose. Conclusions and Clinical Relevance: Reference values in healthy adult male Beagles for 6 of the most commonly used GIPFT markers were determined. The correlation between results for 51Cr-labeled EDTA and lactulose was not as prominent as that reported for humans and cats; thus, investigators should be cautious in the use and interpretation of GIPFTs performed with sugar probes in dogs with suspected intestinal dysbiosis.
Show more [+] Less [-]Infusion of sodium bicarbonate in experimentally induced metabolic acidosis does not provoke cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) acidosis in calves
Abeysekara, Saman | Zello, Gordon A. | Lohmann, Katharina L. | Alcorn, Jane | Hamilton, Don L. | Naylor, Jonathan M.
In a crossover study, 5 calves were made acidotic by intermittent intravenous infusion of isotonic hydrochloric acid (HCl) over approximately 24 h. This was followed by rapid (4 h) or slow (24 h) correction of blood pH with isotonic sodium bicarbonate (NaHCO3) to determine if rapid correction of acidemia produced paradoxical cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) acidosis. Infusion of HCl produced a marked metabolic acidosis with respiratory compensation. Venous blood pH (mean ± Sx) was 7.362 ± 0.021 and 7.116 ± 0.032, partial pressure of carbon dioxide (Pco2, torr) 48.8 ± 1.3 and 34.8 ± 1.4, and bicarbonate (mmol/L), 27.2 ± 1.27 and 11 ± 0.96; CSF pH was 7.344 ± 0.031 and 7.240 ± 0.039, Pco2 42.8 ± 2.9 and 34.5 ± 1.4, and bicarbonate 23.5 ± 0.91 and 14.2 ± 1.09 for the period before the infusion of hydrochloric acid and immediately before the start of sodium bicarbonate correction, respectively. In calves treated with rapid infusion of sodium bicarbonate, correction of venous acidemia was significantly more rapid and increases in Pco2 and bicarbonate in CSF were also more rapid. However, there was no significant difference in CSF pH. After 4 h of correction, CSF pH was 7.238 ± 0.040 and 7.256 ± 0.050, Pco2 44.4 ± 2.2 and 34.2 ± 2.1, and bicarbonate 17.8 ± 1.02 and 14.6 ± 1.4 for rapid and slow correction, respectively. Under the conditions of this experiment, rapid correction of acidemia did not provoke paradoxical CSF acidosis.
Show more [+] Less [-]Comparison of equine tendon- and bone marrow–derived cells cultured on tendon matrix with or without insulin-like growth factor-I supplementation
Durgam, Sushmitha S. | Stewart, Allison A. | Pondenis, Holly C. | Gutierrez-Nibeyro, Santiago M. | Evans, Richard B. | Stewart, Matthew C.
Objective-To compare in vitro expansion, explant colonization, and matrix synthesis of equine tendon- and bone marrow-derived cells in response to insulin-like growth factor-I (IGF-I) supplementation. Sample-Cells isolated from 7 young adult horses. Procedures-Tendon- and bone marrow-derived progenitor cells were isolated, evaluated for yield, and cultured on autogenous cell-free tendon matrix for 7 days. Samples were analyzed for cell viability and expression of collagen type I, collagen type III, and cartilage oligomeric matrix protein mRNAs. Collagen and glycosaminoglycan syntheses were quantified over a 24-hour period. Results-Tendon- and bone marrow–derived cells required 17 to 19 days of monolayer culture to reach 2 passages. Mean +/- SE number of monolayer cells isolated was higher for tendon-derived cells (7.9 +/- 0.9 × 10(6)) than for bone marrow–derived cells (1.2 +/- 0.1 × 10(6)). Cell numbers after culture for 7 days on acellular tendon matrix were 1.6- to 2.8-fold higher for tendon-derived cells than for bone marrow-derived cells and 0.8- to 1.7-fold higher for IGF-I supplementation than for untreated cells. New collagen and glycosaminoglycan syntheses were significantly greater in tendon-derived cell groups and in IGF-I-supplemented groups. The mRNA concentrations of collagen type I, collagen type III, and cartilage oligomeric matrix protein were not significantly different between tendon- and bone marrow-derived groups. Conclusions and Clinical Relevance-In vitro results of this study suggested that tendon-derived cells supplemented with IGF-I may offer a useful resource for cell-based strategies in tendon healing.
Show more [+] Less [-]Evaluation of Clostridium novyi–NT spores in dogs with naturally occurring tumors
Krick, Erika L. | Sorenmo, Karin U. | Rankin, Shelley C. | Cheong, Ian | Kobrin, Barry | Thornton, Katherine | Kinzler, Kenneth W. | Vogelstein, Bert | Zhou, Shibin | Diaz, Luis A. Jr
Objective-To establish the maximum tolerated dose of Clostridium novyi-NT spores in tumor-bearing dogs and evaluate spore germination within tumors and tumor response. Animals-6 client-owned dogs. Procedures-A standard dose-escalation study was planned, with maximum tolerated dose defined as the highest dose at which 0 or 1 of 6 dogs had dose-limiting toxicoses (DLT). Dogs received 1 dose of C novyi-NT spores IV. Toxicoses were graded and interventions performed according to specific guidelines. Grade 3 or higher toxicosis or any toxicosis combination that substantially affected patient status was considered DLT. Clinical response was measured by use of response evaluation criteria in solid tumors at 28 days. Results-The first 2 dogs had DLT. The dose was decreased. Two of the next 4 dogs had DLT; therefore, dose administration was stopped because the study endpoint had been reached. The most common toxicosis was fever (n = 6 dogs). Two dogs developed abscesses (1 within a nasal carcinoma and 1 splenic abscess) attributable to C novyi-NT infection; both required surgical intervention. Clostridium novyi-NT was cultured from 1 of 6 tumors. Five dogs were available for response assessment (4 had stable disease; 1 had progressive disease). Conclusions and Clinical Relevance-Results indicated that C novyi-NT can germinate within tumors of dogs. Toxicosis, although common and sometimes severe, was manageable with treatment. Further studies in dogs with superficial tumors may allow for continued dose escalation and provide information for use in clinical trials in veterinary and human oncology.
Show more [+] Less [-]Computed tomographic features of the osseous structures of the external acoustic meatus, tympanic cavity, and tympanic bulla of llamas (Lama glama)
Concha-Albornoz, Ismael | Stieger-Vanegas, Susanne M. | Cebra, Christopher K.
Objective-To evaluate the osseous structures of the external acoustic meatus, tympanic cavity, and tympanic bulla of llamas (Lama glama) by use of computed tomography (CT) and establish measurement values for use in detection of abnormalities associated with the external or middle ear in llamas. Animals-10 adult llama heads without any evidence of ear disease. Procedures-Heads of 10 healthy llamas euthanized by use of a captive bolt striking the dorsal aspect of the skull were collected. Transverse images of the heads were acquired with 1-mm slice thickness, and images were reconstructed in sagittal and dorsal planes. Measurements of the bony structures of the external and middle ear of each head were obtained. Results-The osseous external acoustic meatus curved ventrally as it tracked medially. Its narrowest portion was located at the level of the tympanic annulus. The tympanic bulla conformation differed widely from the bubble-shaped tympanic bulla in dogs and cats. The bulla was divided by the stylohyoid fossa into a larger caudolateral and a smaller caudomedial process; its interior had a honeycombed structure with pneumatized cells similar to the honeycombed appearance of the human mastoid process. Conclusions and Clinical Relevance-Results provided new information regarding the shape and dimensions of the osseous external and middle ear structures in adult llamas without ear disease. Specific landmarks for location of the external acoustic meatus, tympanic cavity, and tympanic bulla in relation to each other were identified. Knowledge of the CT appearance of normal structures will help clinicians to identify changes attributable to middle ear otitis, external ear canal stenosis, or congenital malformations of the ear in this species.
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