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Effects of T-2 mycotoxin ingestion on phagocytosis of Aspergillus fumigatus condidia by rabbit alveolar macrophages and on hematologic, serum biochemical, and pathologic changes in rabbits
Niyo, K.A. | Richard, J.L. | Niyo, Y. | Tiffany, L.H.
Rabbits were given T-2 mycotoxin orally at 0, 0.25, 0.5, and 0.75 mg/kg of body weight/day for 21 days. Only rabbits in the 0.75 mg/kg/day group (4 of 5 rabbits) died. Alveolar macrophages were harvested on day 22 and used for in vitro phagocytosis of killed Aspergillus fumigatus conidia. Cultures included sera from untreated rabbits or rabbits treated with T-2. Phagocytosis was significantly (P < 0.01) reduced in cultures that used serum from rabbits treated with 0.5 mg of T-2kg/day and alveolar macrophages from untreated rabbits or rabbits treated with T-2. There was little reduction in phagocytosis when alveolar macrophages from rabbits treated with T-2 and normal serum were used. Ingestion of 0.5 mg of T-2 toxin/kg/day significantly (P < 0.05) reduced weight gain, serum alkaline phosphatase activity, serum sorbitol dehydrogenase activity, and serum bacteriostasis. Similar changes were found in the 0.75 mg/kg/day group, as well as a significant (P < 0.05) reduction in PCV, total WBC, and differential leukocyte counts. Neutrophil counts decreased, but not significantly (0.05 < P < 0.10). Significant changes were not detected in alanine transaminase activity, aspartate transaminase activity, blood urea nitrogen concentration, or complement hemolytic activity. Histopathologic changes consisting of centrilobular hepatocellular swelling, mild portal and periportal fibrosis and lymphocyte necrosis within secondary lymphoid tissues developed in most rabbits treated with T-2. Thymic atrophy, bile duct reduplication, and lymphocyte depletion of secondary lymphoid tissues developed in the group given 0.75 mg/kg/day. Severity of lymphoid depletion in secondary lymphoid tissues was greatest in the appendix and decreased in the following order: appendix > sacculus rotundus > ileal Peyer patches > lymph nodes and spleen. In this study, we provide additional data showing that, at these oral doses of T-2 toxin, rabbits could be immunosuppressed, as evidenced by reduced alveolar macrophage phagocytosis and histopathologic changes in lymphoid tissues. Also, these doses caused reductions in weight gain, certain hematologic factors, and serum alkaline phosphatase and sorbitol dehydrogenase activities.
Show more [+] Less [-]In vitro effect of T-2 mycotoxin on the immune response of mice
Holt, P.S. | DeLoach, J.R.
The in vitro biologic effects of T-2 mycotoxin on the immune response of mice was undertaken. Twenty nanograms of toxin abrogated the immune response to the T-dependent antigen sheep RBC, whereas a partial response was observed when 2 ng was used. Analysis of cell culture viabilities indicated that cell death occurred with toxin doses that conincided with the diminished immune responses. A similar decreased response was observed against the T-independent antigen, TNP-lipopolysaccharide, indicating toxic effects on both B and T lymphocyte populations. Delay of toxin administration as much as 116 hours of the 120-hour incubation period still resulted in a substantially diminished immune response, indicating the toxin acts on both the afferent and efferent immune systems. Equal effects were observed for mice of the b, d, and k haplotype, indicating no apparent strain variability in sensitivity to T-2 mycotoxin effects. These results indicated that T-2 mycotoxin can modulate the immune response, and that this modulation is attributable to direct toxic effects on the cells of the immune system.
Show more [+] Less [-]Electromyographic evaluation of conduction time and velocity of the recurrent laryngeal nerves of clinically normal dogs
Steiss, J.E. | Marshall, A.E.
In 25 adult dogs of various breeds, recurrent laryngeal nerve fibers were electrically stimulated at 2 points along their extralaryngeal course. Evoked compound muscle action potentials were recorded in this ipsilateral intrinsic laryngeal muscles, using a percutaneous needle electrode. Latencies, amplitudes, and durations were measured. Latencies were correlated with neck length (r = 0.88 on left and 0.82 on right). Five of the dogs were euthanatized, and the nerve length between the 2 stimulating needle electrodes was measured; calculated conduction velocities (mean +/- SD) were 55 +/- 6 m/s (left) and 57 +/- 6 m/s (right). In 38 additional canine cadavers, the lengths of the exposed left and right recurrent laryngeal nerves were correlated with neck length (r = 0.44 on left and 0.56 on right). A linear regression model is proposed for predicting normal latencies, despite variations in neck length among different breeds of dogs.
Show more [+] Less [-]Pharmacokinetics and estimated bioavailability of amoxicillin in mares after intravenous, intramuscular, and oral administration
Wilson, W.D. | Spensley, M.S. | Baggot, J.D. | Hietala, S.K.
The pharmacokinetics and estimated bioavailability of amoxicillin were determined after IV, intragastric, and IM administration to healthy mares. After IV administration of sodium amoxicillin (10 mg/kg of body weight), the disposition of the drug was best described by a 2-compartment open model. A rapid distribution phase was followed by a rapid elimination phase, with a mean +/- SD half-life of 39.4 +/- 3.57 minutes. The mean volume of distribution was 325 +/- 68.2 ml/kg, and the mean body clearance was 5.68 +/- 0.80 ml/ It was concluded that frequent IV administration of sodium amoxicillin would be required to maintain therapeutic plasma concentrations of amoxicillin, and thus, the use of this dosage form should be limited to the initiation of treatment or to intensive care situations. After intragastric administration of amoxicillin trihydrate (20 mg/kg), 5% cherry-flavored suspension, the drug was rapidly, but incompletely, absorbed and rapidly eliminated (mean half-life of the decline phase of the plasma amoxicillin concentration-time curve, 51 minutes). The mean estimated bioavailability (fractional absorption) of the administered dose was 10.4%, and the mean peak plasma amoxicillin concentration was 2.73 microgram/ml at 1.5 hours after dosing. In one horse with clinical signs of abdominal discomfort and diarrhea, the absorption of amoxicillin from the gastrointestinal tract was delayed and the fraction absorbed was increased. It was concluded that this oral dosage form could be recommended only for the treatment of infections caused by bacteria that are highly susceptible to amoxicillin, that frequent dosing would be necessary, and that absorption may be inconsistent in horses with gastrointestinal disease. In 2 subsequent phases, amoxicillin trihydrate (10 mg/kg) was administered IM as either a 10% (100 mg/ml) or a 25% (250 mg/ml) aqueous suspension. For both formulations, plasma amoxicillin concentration peaked 45 minutes after dosing (2.08 microgram/ml for the 10% suspension and 0.98 microgram/ml for the 25% suspension). Thereafter, mean amoxicillin concentrations > 0.5 microgram/ml persisted for 24 hours, and the values achieved with the 10% suspension were approximately twice as high as those achieved with the 25% suspension throughout the sample collection period. It was estimated that absorption was complete (100%) within 24 hours after IM administration of the dose as 10% aqueous suspension, but was incomplete by 24 hours after administering the same dose as a 25% suspension. This suggests that a large portion of the latter dose remained as a precipitate at the injection site. It was concluded that amoxicillin trihydrate should be administered IM to horses as a 10%, rather than a 25%, suspension. A dosage of 10 mg/kg administered at 12-hour intervals should maintain plasma concentrations > 1 microgram/ml and should be effective in treating infections caused by bacteria that are inhibited by low concentrations of amoxicillin. This dosage regimen does not constitute broad-spectrum treatment and may be limited by the relatively large injection volume and the discomfort associated with administration.
Show more [+] Less [-]Possible resistance of small strongyles from female ponies in The Netherlands against albendazole
Eysker, M. | Boersema, J.H. | Kooyman, F.N.J. | Berghen, P.
To determine resistance of small strongyles to albendazole, 3 female ponies (group 1) were grazed on a pasture from May to November 1985 and were treated with 7.5 mg of albendazole/kg of body weight, PO, 2 days before turnout in May and again in June and in July. Three other female ponies (group 2) grazed on a similar pasture from May to July, were treated with 7.5 mg of albendazole/kg, and were removed to another pasture until November. In December, ponies from both groups were treated with 7.5 mg of albendazole/kg, and 8 days later, they were euthanatized and necropsied for a critical test. Worm egg counts in the ponies' feces revealed that the May treatment of group 1 and the July teatment of group 2 were more effective than were later treatments. Numbers of small strongyles were higher in group 1 than in group 2. Efficacy of treatment against all developmental stages of small strongyles were higher in group 2 than in group 1. Efficacy was low in both groups against parasitic 3rd- and 4th-stage larvae. Fifteen species of small strongyles were identified at necrospy. Efficacy was limited against adult Cyathostomum coronatum, Cya labratum, Cylicostephanus calicatus, and Cyl poculatus in both groups; Cylicocyclus nassatus, Cyl minutus, and Cyl longibursatus in group 1; and Cya labiatum in group 2. Efficacy was 100% against Cya catinatum, Cyl goldi, and 5 other species that were found in low numbers.
Show more [+] Less [-]Kinetics and kinematics of the equine hind limb: in vivo tendon loads and force plate measurements in ponies
Riemersma, D.J. | Schamhardt, H.C. | Hartman, W. | Lammertink, J.L.M.A.
Loads on the suspensory ligament, deep digital flexor tendon, superficial digital flexor tendon, and long digital extensor tendon of the equine hind limb were determined in ponies by use of implanted strain gauges consisting of silicone rubber tubes filled with mercury. Recordings were made simultaneously with force plate measurements and high-speed film recordings while the ponies were walking. The relationship between strain gauge signals and tendon loads was obtained from tension-strain tests performed after death of the ponies. The suspensory ligament and the 2 digital flexor tendons were loaded during the stance phase, and the extensor tendon was loaded mainly during the swing phase. The loading pattern of the suspensory ligament, with peak loads of 4.6 N/kg of body weight, correlated well with the vertical component of the ground reaction force. Maximal loading of the deep digital flexor tendon was observed during the second half of the stance phase, with peak values of 6.7 N/kg. The superficial digital flexor tendon was loaded maximally at the beginning of the stance phase, with a peak load of 4.1 N/kg, and the long digital extensor tendon was loaded maximally during the swing phase, with a peak load of 0.3 N/kg. Recordings made from this procedure for calibration of the strain gauge signals to tendon load and tendon strain, in combination with the force plate measurements, enabled verification of the results by torque analysis of the lower portion of the hind limb, using the vector of the ground reaction force, limb conformation, and limb geometric configuration. Torque analysis of the lower extremity indicated that the determined tendon loads were in agreement with the recorded ground reaction forces.
Show more [+] Less [-]Glycoprotein-specific immune responses in cats after exposure to feline herpesvirus-1
Burgener, D.C. | Maes, R.K.
To obtain synchronous infection, 10 cats were inoculated with feline herpesvirus-1 (FHV-) on the oral, nasal and conjunctival mucosa. Swab specimens of the nasal conjunctival, and pharyngeal mucosa were obtained for virus isolation from each cat before inoculation and at 3-day intervals thereafter until postinoculation day 21. Recovery of virus and evidence of clinical signs were used to document FHV-1 infection. Serum was obtained from blood samples collected sequentially from each cat between day 0 and postinoculation day 90. Virus-neutralizing antibody titer was determined in all serum specimens. Immunoprecipitation with [35S]methionine- and [14C]glucosamine-labeled viral antigens, followed by sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis, was performed on each specimen. Three precipitation bands with approximate molecular weights of 105,000, 68,000, and 60,000 were separated from [14C]glucosamine- and [35S]methionine-labeled immunoprecipitates. The concurrent detection of virus-neutralizing antibody glycoprotein-specific immunoprecipitins implied that in cats, the FHV-1 glycoproteins were important in the induction of virus-neutralizing antibodies to FHV-1.
Show more [+] Less [-]Influence of sarcoptic mange and cold and ambient temperature on blastogenic responses on lymphocytes and serum cortisol concentrations of pigs
Wooten-Saadi, E. | Blecha, F. | Stevenson, J.S. | Broce, A.B.
Blood samples from sarcoptic mite-infested pigs were evaluated for effects of mite infestation and cold and ambient temperatures on lymphocyte blastogenic responses and for effects of mite infestation on serum cortisol concentrations. In experiment 1, sarcoptic mite-infested and noninfested pigs were housed in cold (5 to 15 C fluctuating) and thermoneural (25 C) environmental chambers for 5 weeks. Differences were not observed (P greater than 0.10) in blastogenic responses to phytohemagglutin or pokeweed mitogen between lymphocytes from infested and noninfested pigs on postinfestation days (PID) 7, 21, 28, and 35 in either environmental chamber. When lymphocytes from noninfested pigs were cultured with sera from infested pigs, alterations of blastogenic responses were not detected. Cortisol values were higher (P less than 0.05) in sera from sarcoptic mite-infested pigs, compared with those from noninfested pigs, at 4 PM on PID 14 and at 4 AM and 10 AM on PID 15. Cortisol values were higher (P less than 0.05) in sera obtained at 10 AM on PID 14 and at 10 AM on PID 15 from pigs housed in cold chambers, compared with those from pigs housed in thermoneutral chambers. Interactive effects between sarcoptic mite infestation and cold ambient temperatures were not observed. At 4 AM on PID 15 (experiment 2), cortisol values were higher (P less than 0.05) in sera of infested pigs, compared with those in noninfested pigs. Seemingly, sarcoptic mange in pigs did not alter mitogen-induced lymphocyte blastogenic responses, but did increase serum cortisol concentrations, indicating that sarcoptic mange may be a stressor in pigs.
Show more [+] Less [-]Efficacy of febantel against naturally acquired gastrointestinal nematodes in calves, and recognition of Oesophagostomum venulosum in Oregon cattle
Hoberg, E.P. | Zimmerman, G.L. | Rickard, L.G. | Schons, D.J.
The efficacy of febantel (5.0 mg/kg) against naturally acquired infections of gastrointestinal nematodes was evaluated in a controlled test in calves during the winter. Twenty steers were allotted to either control or treatment groups of 10 animals each. Seven days after treatment, calves were euthanatized and necropsied for recovery of parasites. Febantel was highly effective against adults of Ostertagia spp (88.6% efficacy based on median), Cooperia spp (97.7%), Trichostrongylus spp (98.2%), Oesophagostomum spp (100%), and Bunostomum phlebotomum (100%). Effects of treatment against adults of Nematodirus spp (100%) were not significant, whereas, degrees of infection of Strongyloides papillosus, Capillaria sp, and Trichuris sp were insufficient for evaluation. The activity of febantel was variable in controlling inhibited and late fourth-stage larvae of Cooperia spp (100% and 100%, respectively) and Ostertagia spp (-81.5% and 36.7%). Numbers of larval Nematodirus and Capillaria sp were insufficient for evaluation. Overall, febantel administered at 5.0 mg/ kg reduced populations of adult and larval strongyles and other gastrointestinal nematodes in calves by 80.7% (P = 0.002). An unexpected finding during the trial was the recovery of Oesophagostomum venulosum from all control calves.
Show more [+] Less [-]Immunochemical relationship of three antigens purified from Pasteurella multocida strain P-1059
Tsuji, M. | Matsumoto, M.
Three antigens were prepared from a type-3 avian strain of Pasteurella multocida, and their chemical and immunologic characteristics were studied. An antigen, designated 2.5S, was extracted with 2.5% NaCl solution and purified by chromatography. Lipopolysaccharide (LPS) was extracted with phenol-water, and a third antigen, designated FS, was extracted in 0.3% formalin solution containing 0.85% NaCl and purified by differential centrifugation. The 2.5S and the FS antigens consisted of 40% protein and 15% carbohydrate, whereas LPS did not contain a substantial amount of protein. A major protein component with a molecular weight of 44,000 was detected in the 2.5S antigen, as well as in the FS antigen. Of the 3 antigens, LPS had thehighest activity in mouse lethality and Limulus lysate tests. Antigenic cross-reactions among the 3 antigens were demonstrated by immunodiffusion tests. The 2.5S antigen was indistinguishable from the FS antigen, as both antigens contained the LPS component of approximately 45%. Treatments with various reagents indicated that the 2.5S and FS antigens contained at least 2 antigenic determinants. The first was a heat-stable protein sensitive to protease or phenol-water, and the second was a periodate-sensitive carbohydrate, which was an major antigenic determinant on the LPS antigen.
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