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Study on natural killer cell activity and its characteristics during hepatocarcinogenesis in rats
Jeong, J.Y. | Lee, K.K. | Kil, S.K. (Korea Food & Drug Administration, Seoul (Korea Republic). Department of Pathology, National Institute of Toxicological Research) | Lee, Y.S. (Seoul National University, Suwon (Korea Republic). College of Veterinary Medicine)
The purposes of this study were to set up the method of the natural killer(NK) cell activity assay using the flow cytometer and to examine the characteristics and distribution of the NK cell during rat hepatocarcinogenesis. Forty five male 6 week-old specific pathogen free(SPF) Sprague-Dawley rats were randomly divided into three groups. Group I was the non-treated control and given normal diet and water. Group II was treated with diethylnitrosamine(DEN, 200mg/kg, i.p.) and partial hepatectomy. Group III was treated with DEN, partial hepatectomy and 0.05% phenobarbital sodium in water from 3 to 16 weeks. All animals were examined the morphology of the large granular lymphocyte(LGL), the LGL percent of the total lymphocytes and the LGL conjugation rate with YAC-1 cell in peripheral blood, spleen and liver. Moreover, activity of the LGL isolated from peripheral blood lymphocytes was determined using the flow cytometer. As results, LGL were observed in the peripheral blood, spleen and liver. LGL were observed the relatively faintly staining basophilic cytoplasm with granules, and eccentric, often kidney-shpaed nuclei in Giemsa stain. Its size was 11~13 micro meter. LGL percentage of the isolated lymphocytes in peripheral blood, spleen and liver were 1.8~2.3%, 1.3~1.4% and 0.87~0.99%, respectively. LGL conjugation rate with YAC-1 cell was shown to be peripheral blood(9.3~10.3%) spleen(7.7%~8.7%)liver(5.6~7.0%). The activity of the LGL isolated from peripheral blood lymphocytes in Group I, II and III was 33.7%, 30.5% and 35.4%, respectively. However, all values were not sighificantly between groups.
Show more [+] Less [-]The effects of electroacupuncture and laser at Da-zhui and Shen-shu on hematologic changes and blood concentration of endocrine substances in dogs
Cho, Y.S. | Bae, C.S. (Konkuk University, Seoul (Korea republic). Faculty of Veterinary Medicine)
This study was carried out (a) to investigate the variations of blood chemistry and (b) to examine the secretion trend of endocrine substances in a dog model after electroacupuncture and laser stimulation at different time period(9 to 11a.m. and 6 to 8p.m.). Two acupuncture points; Da Zhui(GV-14) and Shen Shu(BL-23) were electroacupunctured for 20 minutes with 2Vol, 20Hz and irradiated for 5 minutes with 8,000Hz. Before stimulation and after a lapse of time(10-minutes, 30-minutes and 60-minutes) all dogs were checked the following parameters; cortisol, ACTH, RBC, hemoglobin, hematocrit, WBC, Ca, P, SGPT, SGOT and creatinine. The results were as follow:The levels of cortisol and ACTH have been increased 10 minutes after the stimulation of the electroacupuncture and laser. The higher levels of cortisol and ACTH have been decreased to keep the normal levels from 30 minutes after the stimulation of the electroacupuncture and laser. The RBC, hemoglobin, hematocrit and WBC showed the physiological phenomena in the electroacupuncture and laser stimulation. In sero chemical analysis, calcium, phosphate, SGOT, SGPT and creatinine levels were within normal physiological ranges.
Show more [+] Less [-]Genetic studies of blood markers in Cheju horses
Cho, G.J. | Kim, T.S. | Um, Y.H. (Korea racing Association, Gwacheon (Korea Republic).) | Kim, B.H. (Kyungpook National University, Taegu (Korea Republic). College of Veterinary Medicine) | You, J.S. (Cheju Province Institute for Livestock Promotion, Cheju (Korea Republic).)
The present study was carried out to investigate the blood markers of Cheju horses. The red cell types (blood groups) were tested from 73 Cheju native horses and 118 Cheju racehorses by serological procedures with 23 reagents. The blood group phenotypes observed with high frequency were Pb(34.3%), Qc(56.2%), Qb(15.1%) and genotypes Dbcm/dghm(12.3%), Dde/dghm(9.6%), Dad/bcm(6.8%), Dcgm/de(6.8%) in Cheju native horses, while Aa(63.6%), Pa(44.9%), P-(28.8%), Qabc(36.4%), Dbcm/cgm(14.4%), Dbcm/bcm(10.2%), Dbcm/de(7.6%), Dbcm/dghm(5.1%), Dde/dk(5.1%) in Cheju racehorses. Alleles observed with high frequency were Ab(0.128), Ac(0.169), Dad(0.103), Dadn(0.075), Ddghm(0.226), Pb(0.316), Qc(0.494) in Cheju native horses and Aa(0.529), Dbcm(0.306), P-(0.531), Qabc(0.197), Q-(0.504) in Cheju racehorses. No specific variation of blood groups and allele frequencies of C, K, U system were observed in Cheju native horses and Cheju racehorses. The mean heterozygosity in Cheju native horses and Cheju racehorses was observed 0.5344 and 0.5102, respectively.
Show more [+] Less [-]Immunohistochemical study onthe expression of bcl-2 protein during follicular development and atresia in the rat ovary
Koh, P.O. | Kwak, S.D. (Gyeongsang National University, Chinju (Korea Public). Institute of Animal Medicine, College of Veterinary Medicine) | Jeong, S.Y. | Cho, G.J. | Choi, W.S. (Gyeongsang National University, Chinju (Korea Public). Department of Anatomy, College of Medicine)
In the mannalian ovary, follicular development and stresia continuously occur during the reproductive cycles. Follicular atresia occurs through granulosa cell apoptosis. Apoptosis is known as the physiological cell death, which is regulated by bcl-2 gene family. In the vcl-2 gene family, bcl-2 and bcl-xLong are known as inhibitors of apoptosis, whereas bax and bcl-xShort are known as inducer of apoptosis. We thought that bcl-2 protein is associated with follicular development and atresia. But it is not known that the distribution of cells containing bcl-2 protein during follicular development and atresia. Therefore, to examine the distribution of cells with bcl-2 protein during ovarian follicular development and atresia. Therefore, to examine the distribution of cells with bcl-2 protein during ovarian follicular development and atresia, the immunohistochemistry was used ih the rat ovary. Bcl-2 immunorectivity was localized in the intestitial cells, theca externa cells and granulosa cells around of antrum. All positive sighals were observed in the cytoplasm of these cells. Positive sighals were strongly observed in the interstitial and theca externa cells of growing antral follicles. While, positive signals were weakly observed in these cells from atretic antral follicles. Positive sighals were very weakly observed in the granulosa cells of growing and atreticantral follicles. According to these data, we suggested that bcl-2 proteins which were wtrongly expressed in the interstitial cells and theca externa cells of growing antral folicles inhibit follicular atresia. And wer purposed that bcl-2 proteins regulated follicular development and atresia through the action of acl-2 gene family.
Show more [+] Less [-]Effects of dopaminergic receptor stimulation on Mg2+ regulation in the rat heart and isolated ventricular myocytes
Kang, H.S. | Kim, J.S. | Kim, J.S. (Chonbuk National University, Chonju (Korea Republic). College of Veterinary Medicine)
Magnesium(Mg2+) is one of the most abundant intracellular divalent cation. Although recent studies demonstrate that adrenergic receptor stimulation evokes marked changes in Mg2+ homeostasis, the regulation of Mg2+ by dopaminergic receptor stimulation is not yet known. In this work, we uwed dopaminergic agents to identify which type(s) of receptors were involved inthe mobilization of Mg2+ by dopaminergic receptor stimulation in the perfused rat gearts, isolated myocytes and circulating blood. The mg2+ content was measured by atomic absorbance spedtrophotometry. Dopamine(DA), apomorphine(APO) and pergolide stimulated Mg2+ efflux in the perfused rat hearts and these effects were inhibited by haloperidol or fluphenazine, nonselective dopaminergic antagonists. SKF38393, a selective doparminergic agonist, increased Mg2+ efflux from the perfused hearts in dose dependant manners and SKF38393-induced Mg2+ efflux was potentiated in the presence of sulpiride or eticlopride, D2-selective antagonist, from the perfused hearts. This increase of Mg2+ efflux was blocked by haloperidol or imipramine. DA or pergolide increased in circulating Mg2+ from blood. By contrast, PPHT stimulated Mg2+ influx(a decrease in efflux) from the perfused hearts and circulating blood. PPHT-induced Mg2+ influx was blocked by fluphenazine in the perfused hearts. DA-stimulated Mg2+ efflux was inhibited by dopaminergic antagoinst in the isolated myocytes. In conclusion, the flux of Mg2+ is modulated by DA receptor activation in the rat hearts. The efflux of Mg2+ can be increased by D1-receptor stimulation and decreased by D2-receptor stimulation, respectively.
Show more [+] Less [-]Scanning electron microscopical study on the uterine development of fetuses and neonates in Korean native goats
Jung, S.H. (Chinju Health College, Chinju (Korea Republic).) | Kim, C.S. | Kwack, S.D. (Gyeongsang National University, Chinju (Korea Republic). Institute of Animal Medicine, College of Veterinary Medicine) | Lee, J.H. (Ulsan University, Ulsan (Korea Republic). College of Medicine)
The development of uterus in fetuses on 60, 90 and 120 days of gastation and neonates of Korean native goats was investigated by scanning electron microscopy. The results were summarized as follows; 1. in the 60-day-old fetuses, the short microvilli were sporadically observed on the luminal surface of the endometrium. 2. In the 90-day-old fetuses, the mucosal folds, polygonal microridges, numerous microvilli, flower-like-buds, and domeshpaed or crateriform area were also observed on the luminal surface of endometrium. 3. In the 120-day-old fetuse, the primordial caruncles(nodules) of the endometrium were developed conspicuously and long microvilli were developed densely. 4. In the neonates, thecaruncles and microvilli of the endometrium were more developed than those of 120-day-old fetuses.
Show more [+] Less [-]A study on recovery of deep hypothermia in rabbits
Lee, B.H. | Chun, W.C. | Kim, J.Y. | Chung, B.H. (Kon-Kuk University, Seoul (Korea Republic). School of Veterinary Medicine) | Kim, J.S. | Park, J.H. | Park, J.S. | Han, J.S. (Samsung Biomedical Research Institute, Seoul (Korea Republic). Department of Laboratory Animal Research)
The studies were carried out to investigate the effect of recovery in rewarming using the esophageal thermal tube in the deep hypothermia(25+_1 degrees centigrade ; rectal temp) in rabbits. Fifteen rabbits were divided into control group(n=6), peritoneal dialysis group(n=5) irrigated with dialysate at 42+_1 degrees centigrade, and esophageal rewarming group(n=6), peritioneal dialysis group(n=5) irrigated with dialysate at 42+_1 degrees centigrade, and esophageal rewarming group(n=4) perfused with circulating water at 38+_1 degrees centigrade. Rewarming of the rabbits was performed for 5 hours. MAP, HR, RR, esophageal temp, rectal temp, pH, pCO2, pO2, Na+, and K+ were observed. The results obtained in these experiments were summarized as follows:Esophageal rewarming group(38+_1 degrees centigrade) had more effect on esophageal temperature than other groups. Peritoneal dialysis group(42+_1 degrees centigrade) had more effect on rectal temperature and pO2 than other groups. The both groups also had more effects on MAP, HR, RR, and pCO2 than control group. Three groups had no significant effect on pH, Na+, and K+. In conclusion, we found that the simple, safe, and non-invasive esophageal rewarming method had an effect on the treatment of profound hypothermia as well as the peritoneal dialysis method in spite of the temperature difference between the dialysate and the circulating water, and the circulating water at 38+_1 degrees centigrade for esophageal rewarming also had an effect on the recovery of deep hypothermia.
Show more [+] Less [-]Effects of vitamin E on prevention and treatment of canine babesiosis
Lee, K.K. | Kim, G.H. | Lee, Y.J. (Cheju National University, Cheju (Korea republic). Department of Veterinary Medicine, College of Agriculture)
This study was carried out to investigate the effects of vitamin E on the prevention and treatment of Babesia gibsoni. fifteen mongrel dogs, uninfected with Babesia spp, were assigned to three groups according to vitamin E(alpha-tocopherol) concentrations in the RBC. The concentrations in each of the three groups were, respectively : alpha-tocopherol in RBC less than 30 micro gram/micro liter(Group I), 30 micro gram/micro liter-60 micro gram/micro liter(Group II), more than 60 micro gram/micro liter(Group III). Artificial infection was accomplished by injecting 2*10 7-2*10 8 erythrocyte of Babesia gibsoni-infected dog into the cephalic vein. We investigated the clinical sighs, vitamin E concentrations in RBC and serum, Vitamin A concentrations in serum, hematological values, white blood cell(WBC) viability and RBC membrane osmotic fragility after infection of Bavesia gibsoni for a period of 20 days at 5 day intervals. The results obtained are summarized as follows: 1. After infection by Babesia gibsoni, clinical examination revealed depression, anorexia, pale mucous membranes, dark brown urine and diarrhea in proportion as time went on. After 10 days of infection, one dog each of Groups I, II and III revealed depression and anorexia. Two dogs in Group I and one dog each of Groups II and III showed dark brown urine after 15 days. Diarrhea was observed in one dog in each of the 3 groups after 20 days of infection. 2. After 5 days of infection, two dogs in each of Groups I, II and III showed Babesia gibsoni in RBC of blood smear stained with Giemsa. At the 15th day after infection with Babesia gibsoni, they were observed in all experimental animals. After both 5 days and 10 days of infection, the rate of Babesia gibsoni parasitized RBC(permillage, %) was 1%, and increased as time went on. 3. After 5 days of infection by Babesia gibsoni, Group I, which had the lowest vitamin E concentration, showed significantly decreased RBC and PCV levels(p0.01). Group II and group III also showed significantly decreased RBC and PCV levels after 15 days of infection(p0.05). particularly after 10 days of infection, Group I showed lower values in RBC and PCV levels compared to Groups II and III. WBC, RBC, fibrinogen and total protein levels between the groups did not differ during experimental periods. 4. According to the WBC differential counts, the ratios of neutrophil to lymphocyte showed a tendency to be slightly higher in Group III(more than 60 micro gram/micro liter) than in Groups I and II. 5. WBC viability did not differ between the groups. 6. RBC membrane osmotic fragility did not differ between the groups.
Show more [+] Less [-]Development of needle guidance system and its evaluation for ultrasound-guided follicular aspiration
Choi, M.C. (Seoul National University, Suwon (Korea Republic). College of Veterinary Medicine) | Lee, H.J. | Kang, T.Y. | Won, H.H. (Gyeongsang National University, Chinju (Korea Republic). College of Veterinary Medicine) | Cho, S.K. (Gyeongsang National University, Chinju (Korea Republic). College of Agriculture)
This study was carried out to develop a newly designed ovum pick-up(OPU) instrument for ultrasound-guided transvaginal follicular aspiration in cows. This new instrument consists of out- & inner-layer stainless pipes and a grip with a trigger(hand ) switch. Some gauge types of disposable needles and tubes can be attached to this inner pipe. With this instrument, while grasping an avary with one hand the other hand can handle in apiration and vacuum on/off with the least assitant's help. with this instrument the mean recovery rate of bovine follicular oocytes was 45.2%. In recovered oocytes, usable oocytes(Grade I & II) were 30.4% and this rate meant 1.4 oocytes per ovary. For 30 days after initial aspiration with this instrument, some adverse effects such as adhesion, hemorrhage, hematoma and other mass formation in/with ovaries were also examined by rectal examination, ultrasonographic and endoscopic images. Adhesion was found in one ovary 1 week after aspiration, and hemorrhagic lesion was found 1-2 days and petechia were found 3-5 days after aspiration and there was no remarkable adverse effects. It was found that this instrument could be applicable and safe for ovum pick-up in cows.
Show more [+] Less [-]Fecundity and egg viability of house fly exposed to insect growth regulators
Park, C.G. (Gyeong-sang National University, Chinju (Korea Republic). College of Agriculture) | Choe, S.Y. | Kim, J.S. (Gyeong-sang National University, Chinju College of Veterinary Medicine) | Kim, D.H. (Rural Development Administration, Suwon (Korea Republic). Research Management Bureau) | Lee, H.S. (Gyeongnam Agricultural Research and Extension Service, Chinju (Korea Republic).)
Two-day old house fly adults were exposed to six insect growth regulators, flufenoxuron, teflubenzuron, triflumuron, diflubenzuron, methoxyfenozide, tebufenozide, as a feed additive (milk + 5% sugar + chemical) in the laboratory for 6 days. The number of eggs deposited by the exposed-adults, viability of the eggs, and F1 larval development were checked. All the IGRs tested were found to have no adverse effect on the reproduction of house fly, except methoxyfenozide (210ppm). The most effective inhibitor to egg hatch was flufenoxuron, followed by teflubenzuron, triflumuron, and diflubenzuron. Exposure to flufenoxuron (over 5ppm), teflubenzuron (over 25ppm), triflumuron (over 125ppm), and diflubenzuron (over 125ppm) reduced egg hatchability to 0 to 1.3%, but lower concentrations of these IGRs were less effective (6.3 to 46.3% egg hatchability). Almost all the larvae emerged from eggs deposited by the adults exposed to diflubenzuron (62.5ppm) and teflubenzuron (12.5ppm) failed to develop into pupae, causing total mortalities of 98% and 100%, respectively. However, two IGRs, methoxyfenozide and tebufenozide, did not inhibit egg hatch and F1 larval development, except methoxyfenozide (210ppm) treatment. These results suggest that these 4 IGRs may be used in the development of autosterilization system for house fly control. However, further work is required to develop delivery systems capable of transferring an effective dose to the fly under field conditions.
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