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The results of divergence of early-maturing maize source material in heterosis breeding
Черчель, В. Ю | Купар, Ю. Ю | Таганцова, М. М | Стасів, О. Ф
Purpose. To analyze the divergence of early maturing source material of corn Zea mays L. in heterosis breeding for the genetic base formation at the State Institution the Institute of Grain Crops of the NAAS of Ukraine. Methods. Field (comprehensive assessment of morphobiological and economically valuable characteristics of the source material and maize hybrids) individual selection, cumulative and recurrent selection, backross and testcrosses breeding methods; laboratory; analysis and synthesis; statistical. Results. The results of research on the analysis of the divergence of early maturing corn source material in the conditions of the Steppe of Ukraine has become a developed harmonized working collection of corn breeding samples adapted to the stressful conditions of this region. The gradual cyclical improvement of the lines made it possible to form the core of the genetic diversity of FAO 150–290 early maturing specimens of the southern ecotype, which are competitive in heterosis breeding. The complexity of breeding for early maturity in the steppe conditions is due to the lack of material adapted to the stress factors of the South of Ukraine. The available early maturing lines of the world collection F2, F7, Ер1, Ма21, Ма23, Со125, Со255, См7, PLS61, S72, etc., were distinguished by high cold resistance, good starting plant development, intensive accumulation of dry matter during ripening, but not adapted to the deficiency of moisture in the soil and high summer temperatures. According to the results of the experiment, it was revealed that, in terms of breeding, lines of Lancaster plasma (DK427 and DK633) were the most plastic, due to which a number of new mid-early lines were obtained, for example DK2/427, DK267, DK266/417, DK633/266, DK296, etc., which were included in the registered hybrids. Formation of the genetic base of early maturing maize source material for heterosis breeding and systematization according to different breeding characteristics provided a balance of samples of alternative components, which will be further used to model heterosis hybrids in the early maturing group. Conclusions. The updated basic collection of lines is represented by the samples of plasma Iodent: DK744SVZM, DK216SVZM, DK4173SVZM, DK235zS, DK257zM, SV, DK365SVZM, DK777ZMSV, DK733-7zM,SV, DK315SVZM; Lancaster: DK296zS,VM, DK633/266zS,VM, DK2965ZSZM, DK2953 ZSZM, DK3023 ZSZM, DK236zS,ZM; Raid (SSS): DK232MV, DK2323MV, DK239MV; Mixed: DK253ZSZM, DK273MV, DK272zS, DK281SV, DK233zM,SV, DK959MV, DK9527 ZSZM, DK247MV, DK2442MV, which is the basis of the genetic diversity of early ripening corn samples included in the State register of plant varieties suitable for dissemination in Ukraine.
Show more [+] Less [-]Practical aspects of applying statistical analysis of quantitative characters of сutting lettuce varieties var. <em>сapitata</em> L
Лещук, Н. В | Орленко, Н. С
Purpose. To determine and substantiate practical aspects of statistical analysis application for management results of the morphological description of cutting lettuce (Lactuca sativa L.) varieties when identifying them during corresponding phenological phases of growth and development. Methods. Field study, analytical approach based on descriptive statistics and cluster analysis. Results. Quantitative values of display of such morphological characters as leaf rosette diameter, lettuce head size, leaf blade thickness and its venation were determined for the Lactuca sativa L. varieties. Statistical indices of four morphological characters of randomized sampling frame of seven cutting lettuce varieties were determined and the results of statistical analysis were interpreted. Cutting lettuce of loose leaf and capitate varieties was identified during corresponding phenological phases of growth and development. The most suitable method for clustering cutting lettuce varieties was defined. The results of clustering were interpreted. It was found that ‘Hodar’ variety differed greatly from others, ‘Dumka’ and ‘Olzhych’ varieties were the most similar. Conclusions. The results of the identification allowed to establish that capitate lettuce varieties were similar in the following combinations: ‘Bona’ and ‘Dyvohray’, ‘Olzhych’ and ‘Dumka’. According to the duration of interphase periods, it can be noted that such varieties as ‘Dumka’ and ‘Dyvohrai’ had the highest rate of maturation in comparison with ‘Bona’ and ‘Hodar’ varieties, and the lowest one as compared to the ‘Olzhych’ variety
Show more [+] Less [-]Evaluation of the genus Calendula L. diversity for forming collection of varieties with standard characters
Мельничук, Р. В | Куценко, Н. І
Purpose. Evaluation of collection samples of the genus Calendula L. available at the Experimental station of medicinal plants (ESMP) for the levels of display of morphological characters in order to identify the reference varieties and form a collection of standards. Methods. Field, laboratory, mathematical and statistical ones. Results. During 2012–2014 years the collection of the genus Calendula L. was evaluated, that includes 145 samples of 4 species from 18 countries, for the eight morphological characters (plant height, inflorescence number, full inflorescence number, the color of ligulate and tubular florets, number of rows of ligulate florets, inflorescence diameter, disk diameter) and varieties were distributed by the level of manifestation according to current technique for distinctness, uniformity and stability (DUS). Conclusions. Samples of marigold were identified that can be sources of standards or starting material by plant height, inflorescence number, inflorescence full number, color of ligulate and tubular florets, number of rows of ligulate florets, inflorescence diameter, disk diameter and by all degree of their manifestation. For the highest level of manifestation of character complex (inflorescence diameter, disk diameter, the number of rows of ligulate florets, inflorescence full number and their manifestation pattern) ‘Mandarin Twist’ variety appeared to be the best
Show more [+] Less [-]Forming and maintaining a collection of plant genetic resources of the Buckwheat (Fagopyrum Mill.) genus
Тригуб, О. В
Purpose. Providing information on the formation, composition, maintenance of the collection of Buckwheat (Fagopyrum Mill.) genus at Ustymivka Experimental Station of Plant Production (Poltava region), and areas of its use: introduction, preservation and study of the material, for the set of index, formation of special collections and providing research and education institutions of Ukraine with a valuable original material. Methods. Methodical developments dealing with formation and maintenance of crop collections, methodical literature on the study of buckwheat collection for breeding and agronomic performance. Results. The author represented results of the collection material study for the main breeding and economically valuable traits including yield, productivity, resistance to abiotic and biotic factors of the environment. The results of work are considered aimed on creating special collections of the gene pool – base, trait (for yield and large seeds; for productivity, drought and heat resistance; for suitability for mechanical cultivation), educational and core ones. Conclusions. All formed and registered collections are a valuable base material for solving a number of breeding goals to increase the quantity and improve the quality of plant production.
Show more [+] Less [-]Forming and maintaining a collection of plant genetic resources of the Buckwheat (Fagopyrum Mill.) genus
О. В. Тригуб
Purpose. Providing information on the formation, composition, maintenance of the collection of Buckwheat (Fagopyrum Mill.) genus at Ustymivka Experimental Station of Plant Production (Poltava region), and areas of its use: introduction, preservation and study of the material, for the set of index, formation of special collections and providing research and education institutions of Ukraine with a valuable original material. Methods. Methodical developments dealing with formation and maintenance of crop collections, methodical literature on the study of buckwheat collection for breeding and agronomic performance. Results. The author represented results of the collection material study for the main breeding and economically valuable traits including yield, productivity, resistance to abiotic and biotic factors of the environment. The results of work are considered aimed on creating special collections of the gene pool – base, trait (for yield and large seeds; for productivity, drought and heat resistance; for suitability for mechanical cultivation), educational and core ones. Conclusions. All formed and registered collections are a valuable base material for solving a number of breeding goals to increase the quantity and improve the quality of plant production.
Show more [+] Less [-]Peculiarities of blackcurrant (Ribes nigrum L.) varietal resources development in Ukraine
М. А. Броновицька
Blackcurrant varieties (Ribes nigrum L.) market in Ukraine has been monitored. The article discloses approaches to the development in Ukraine of this botanical taxon, as well as shows how the peculiarities of blackcurrant varieties DUS test along with taking into account economical characteristics of research entities of the NAAS of Ukraine as established. It details the procedure for adoption decision on an application (acquisition of proprietary rights of intellectual property for plant variety). Nowadays (priority ) and the most essential breeding vectors are set. A scientific rationale is given to the developments, management, maintenance of blackcurrant, common knowledge varieties database and its utilization in the wild for the official registration of proprietary rights on a plant variety. The article also discloses methodological aspects for singling out and the development of varieties displaying example characteristics of vegetative and generative organs of the blackcurrant for the purpose of uniformity test in the course of new varieties identification for the above introducent.
Show more [+] Less [-]Застосування кластерного аналізу для групування сортів Brassica oleracea var. italica за тесту на відмінність | Application of cluster analysis for grouping Brassica oleracea var. italica varieties for the difference test
O. Y. Dydiv | V. V. Khareba | O.V. Khareba | N.V. Leshchuk | N. S. Orlenko | O.B. Orlenko
Мета. Використати кластерний аналіз морфологічних ознак для спрощення ідентифікації сортів Brassica oleracea var. italica та сформувати групи схожих сортів для тесту на відмінність. Методи. У процесі роботи послуговувалися аналітичним, математичним і статистичним методами. Як вхідну інформацію для статистичного опрацювання отриманих результатів застосовували відомості про результати експертизи на відмінність, однорідність і стабільність (ВОС) із бази даних автоматизованої інформаційної системи Українського інституту експертизи сортів рослин. Моделювання кластерів здійснювали за допомогою статистичного пакета IBM SPSS Statistics «Statistical Package for the Social Sciences». Результати. За 32 ознаками для тесту на відмінність, однорідність і стабільність проведено морфологічний опис сортів капусти броколі. Морфологічні кодові формули останніх, складені з відповідних кодів прояву ідентифікаційних ознак вегетативних і генеративних органів рослин, слугували джерелом вихідних даних. Серед 41 сорту, описаного за 32 морфологічними характеристиками, вдалося виокремити лише дві групи подібних за ідентифікаційними ознаками сортів. Як параметри моделі застосовували два типи змінних: цільова ‒ ознака «головка: антоціанове забарвлення», фокусна – «головка: забарвлення». Повний перелік характеристик був таким: «рослина: за висотою (за збиральної стиглості)», «листок: положення (на початку формування головки)», «листкова пластинка: хвилястість краю», «листкова пластинка: пухирчастість», «черешок: за довжиною», «головка: забарвлення», «головка: антоціанове забарвлення», «головка: за щільністю», «квітка: забарвлення», «квітка: інтенсивність жовтого забарвлення», «чоловіча стерильність». Способом комп’ютерного моделювання було сформовано кластери з 17 подібних сортів капусти броколі та 9 контрольних об’єктів (сортів), ідентифікація яких передбачала 11 морфологічних ознак. Висновки. Для пошуку відмітних ознак у процесі тесту на відмінність сорти капусти броколі було згруповано в кластери за такими морфологічними характеристиками, як положення листка на початку формування головки; хвилястість краю листкової пластинки; пухирчастість листкової пластинки; довжина черешка; забарвлення головки; наявність антоціанового та інтенсивність жовтого забарвлення. | Purpose. To use cluster analysis of morphological characters to simplify the identification of Brassica oleracea var. italica and form groups of similar varieties for the test of difference. Methods. Analytical, mathematical and statistical methods were used in the work. As input information for the statistical processing of the obtained results, information on the results of the examination for distinctness, uniformity and stability (DUS) from the database of the Automated Information System of the Ukrainian Institute for Plant Varieties Examination was used. Cluster modelling was carried out using the IBM SPSS Statistics “Statistical Package for the Social Sciences”. Results. A morphological description of broccoli varieties was carried out on the basis of 32 characteristics for the examination of distinctness, uniformity and stability. The morphological code formulae of the latter, composed of the corresponding codes for the manifestation of identifying characteristics of vegetative and generative organs of plants, served as a source of initial data. Out of 41 varieties described by 32 morphological characteristics, only two groups were found to be similar in terms of the identifying characteristics of the varieties. Two types of variables were used as parameters of the model: target – characteristic “Head: anthocyanin colour”, focal – “Head: colour”. The full list of characteristics was as follows “plant: by height (at harvest maturity)”, “leaf: position (at beginning of head formation)”, “leaf blade: wavy edge”, “leaf blade: blistering”, “petiole: by length”, “head: colour”, “head: anthocyanin colour”, “head: by density”, “flower: colour”, “flower: intensity of yellow colour”, “male sterility”. Using computer modelling, clusters of 17 similar broccoli varieties and 9 control objects (varieties) were formed, the identification of which involved eleven morphological characteristics. Conclusions. In order to search for distinguishing characteristics in the process of testing the difference of cabbage varieties, broccoli was grouped into clusters according to such morphological characteristics as the position of the leaf at the beginning of the formation of the head; waviness of the edge of the leaf blade; blistering of the leaf plate; petiole length; head colour; presence of anthocyanin and intensity of yellow colour.
Show more [+] Less [-]The results of divergence of early-maturing maize source material in heterosis breeding
В. Ю. Черчель | Ю. Ю. Купар | М. М. Таганцова | О. Ф. Стасів
Purpose. To analyze the divergence of early maturing source material of corn Zea mays L. in heterosis breeding for the genetic base formation at the State Institution the Institute of Grain Crops of the NAAS of Ukraine. Methods. Field (comprehensive assessment of morphobiological and economically valuable characteristics of the source material and maize hybrids) individual selection, cumulative and recurrent selection, backross and testcrosses breeding methods; laboratory; analysis and synthesis; statistical. Results. The results of research on the analysis of the divergence of early maturing corn source material in the conditions of the Steppe of Ukraine has become a developed harmonized working collection of corn breeding samples adapted to the stressful conditions of this region. The gradual cyclical improvement of the lines made it possible to form the core of the genetic diversity of FAO 150–290 early maturing specimens of the southern ecotype, which are competitive in heterosis breeding. The complexity of breeding for early maturity in the steppe conditions is due to the lack of material adapted to the stress factors of the South of Ukraine. The available early maturing lines of the world collection F2, F7, Ер1, Ма21, Ма23, Со125, Со255, См7, PLS61, S72, etc., were distinguished by high cold resistance, good starting plant development, intensive accumulation of dry matter during ripening, but not adapted to the deficiency of moisture in the soil and high summer temperatures. According to the results of the experiment, it was revealed that, in terms of breeding, lines of Lancaster plasma (DK427 and DK633) were the most plastic, due to which a number of new mid-early lines were obtained, for example DK2/427, DK267, DK266/417, DK633/266, DK296, etc., which were included in the registered hybrids. Formation of the genetic base of early maturing maize source material for heterosis breeding and systematization according to different breeding characteristics provided a balance of samples of alternative components, which will be further used to model heterosis hybrids in the early maturing group. Conclusions. The updated basic collection of lines is represented by the samples of plasma Iodent: DK744SVZM, DK216SVZM, DK4173SVZM, DK235zS, DK257zM, SV, DK365SVZM, DK777ZMSV, DK733-7zM,SV, DK315SVZM; Lancaster: DK296zS,VM, DK633/266zS,VM, DK2965ZSZM, DK2953 ZSZM, DK3023 ZSZM, DK236zS,ZM; Raid (SSS): DK232MV, DK2323MV, DK239MV; Mixed: DK253ZSZM, DK273MV, DK272zS, DK281SV, DK233zM,SV, DK959MV, DK9527 ZSZM, DK247MV, DK2442MV, which is the basis of the genetic diversity of early ripening corn samples included in the State register of plant varieties suitable for dissemination in Ukraine.
Show more [+] Less [-]Practical aspects of applying statistical analysis of quantitative characters of сutting lettuce varieties var. <em>сapitata</em> L.
Н. В. Лещук | Н. С. Орленко
Purpose. To determine and substantiate practical aspects of statistical analysis application for management results of the morphological description of cutting lettuce (Lactuca sativa L.) varieties when identifying them during corresponding phenological phases of growth and development. Methods. Field study, analytical approach based on descriptive statistics and cluster analysis. Results. Quantitative values of display of such morphological characters as leaf rosette diameter, lettuce head size, leaf blade thickness and its venation were determined for the Lactuca sativa L. varieties. Statistical indices of four morphological characters of randomized sampling frame of seven cutting lettuce varieties were determined and the results of statistical analysis were interpreted. Cutting lettuce of loose leaf and capitate varieties was identified during corresponding phenological phases of growth and development. The most suitable method for clustering cutting lettuce varieties was defined. The results of clustering were interpreted. It was found that ‘Hodar’ variety differed greatly from others, ‘Dumka’ and ‘Olzhych’ varieties were the most similar. Conclusions. The results of the identification allowed to establish that capitate lettuce varieties were similar in the following combinations: ‘Bona’ and ‘Dyvohray’, ‘Olzhych’ and ‘Dumka’. According to the duration of interphase periods, it can be noted that such varieties as ‘Dumka’ and ‘Dyvohrai’ had the highest rate of maturation in comparison with ‘Bona’ and ‘Hodar’ varieties, and the lowest one as compared to the ‘Olzhych’ variety
Show more [+] Less [-]Historical aspects of the formation of national plant varietal resources in Ukraine
Марченко, Marchenko, T. M., Т. М. | Ситник, Sytnyk, V. G., В. Г. | Мельник, Melnyk, S. I., С. І. | Лещук, Leschuk, N. V., Н. В. | Коховська, Kokhovska, I. V., І. В.
Introduction. National varietal plant resources are of particular importance for the economic development of Ukraine, because they ensure the stability of the crop industry as a component of the country’s food security. The analysis of the historiography of the development of the state variety testing since 1923 showed the lack of a systematic study of the formation of the State Register of Plant Varieties suitable for distribution in Ukraine (hereinafter – the Register of Plant Varieties of Ukraine). Purpose. To reveal the historical stages of the formation of national plant varietal resources, and substantiate the concept of their development. Methods. A collection of commonly known plant varieties that are or were in commercial circulation. Research methods – general scientific: hypothesis, observation, analysis, synthesis method for drawing conclusions; source study database with elements of extrapolation, which is formed based on the results of field, laboratory and analytical research. Results. The study of the history of state variety testing regulation made it possible to find out that the variety testing netork in Ukraine was established in 1923. The refore, the formation of national varietal plant resources has its own almost a hundred-year history. At all historical stages of the formation of national varietal resources, a variety with a complex of its morphobiological and economically valuable characteristics remains the subject of the research. State registration of a variety or rights to it ensures the commercial circulation of the variety. Identification of plant varieties, as the basis for varietal certification, increases the turnover of varieties on the market, ensures the growth of production volumes and improves the quality of crop products. Plant varieties distributed on the territory of Ukraine correspond to the criteria of distinctness, uniformity and stability generally accepted in international practice; meet the needs of consumers in terms of economically valuable characteristics; do not threaten the environment and human health. The formation of national plant varietal resources takes place in stages with the tendency to increase the economically valuable criteria, which ensures the competitiveness of the modern market of varieties and seeds in accordance with international requirements. Conclusions. The formation of plant varietal resources to meet the needs of consumers and/or breeding practice in Ukraine took place due to rather long historical stages of development and introduction of plant diversity, forms, criteria and methodology of varietal testing in time and space. The substantiation of the historical aspects of the concept of the varietal resources formation will allow optimizing the structure of the variety testing network, organizational foundations of the state registration of varieties and the protection of breeder’s rights. | Вступ. Національні сортові рослинні ресурси мають особливе значення для економічного розвитку України, адже вони забезпечують стабільність галузі рослинництва як складової продовольчої безпеки держави. Аналіз історіографії розвитку державного сортовипробування з 1923 року показав відсутність системного дослідження формуванняя Державного реєстру сортів рослин, придатних для поширення в Україні (далі – Реєстр сортів рослин України). Мета. Розкрити історичні етапи формування національних рослинних сортових ресурсів, та обгрунтувати концепцію їхнього розвитку. Методи. Колекція загальновідомих сортів рослин, які перебувають чи перебували в комерційному обігу. Методи досліджень – загальнонаукові: гіпотеза, спостереження, аналіз, метод синтезу для формування висновків; джерелознавча база даних з елементами екстрополяції, яка формується за результатами польового, лабораторного та аналітичного дослідження. Результати. Дослідження історії регулювання державного сортовипробування дало змогу з’ясувати, що сортовипробувальна мережа в Україні була створена в 1923 році. Тому формування національних рослинних сортових реурсів має свою майже стодлітню історію. На всіх історичних етапах формування національних рослинних сортових ресурсів предметом дослідження залишається сорт з комплексом своїх морфобіологічних та господарсько-цінних характеристик. Державна реєстрація сорту або прав на нього забезпечує комерційний обіг сорту. Ідентифікація сортів рослин як основа сортової сертифікації збільшує обіг сортів на ринку, забезпечує зростання обсягів виробництва та підвищення якості продукції рослинництва. Сорти рослин, поширені на території України, відповідають загальноприйнятим у міжнародній практиці критеріям відмінності, однорідності та стабільності; задовольняють потреби споживачів за господарсько-цінними характеристиками; не загрожують довкіллю і здоров’ю людини. Формування національних рослинних сортових ресурсів відбувається поетапно з тенденцією підвищення господарсько-цінних критеріїв, що забезпечує конкурентність сучасного ринку сортів і насіння відповідно до міжнародних вимог. Висновки. Формування рослинних сортових ресурсів для задоволення потреб споживачів та/або селекційної практики в Україні відбувалось завдяки доволі тривалим історичним етапам розвитку та інтродукції рослинного різноманіття, форм, критеріїв і методології сортовипробувальної справи в часі і просторі. Об´рунтування історичних аспектів концепції формування сортових ресурсів дозволить оптимізувати структуру сортовипробувальної мережі, організаційні основи державної реєстрації сортів та охорони прав селекціонера.
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