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Influence of growth regulators EpinTM and Emistym C on the productivity of plantations and fruit quality of strawberry varieties (Fragaria ananassa (Weston) Duсhesne ex Rozier)
Силаєва, А. М | Спірочкіна, М. М
Purpose. To study the effect of growth regulators EpinTM and Emistym C on yield and quality of strawberry berries of five varieties (Fragaria ananassa (Weston) Duсhesne ex Rozier) with various ripening time. Methods. Field, laboratory, analytical and statistical ones. Results. It was found that there were no impact of growth regulators EpinTM and Emistym C on the speed of phenological phases of strawberry plants development. It was experimentally determined the impact of mentioned substances on the yield of most studied varieties. Laboratory analysis has confirmed the changes in biochemical composition of strawberries. Conclusions. The use of growth regulators EpinTM end Emistym C had a positive effect on fruit yield and quality of studied strawberry varieties. Spraying with these substances increased yields by 14–51% as compared with the control. Content of sugars, dry matter and vitamin C in berries of most of varieties was increasing. At the same time the level of acidity in case of spraying with growth regulators was significantly reducing.
Show more [+] Less [-]Application of cellular breeding method to assess the quality of tomato varieties (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill.) and their resistance to bacterial diseases’ agents
Коломієць, Ю. В | Григорюк, І. П | Буценко, Л. М
Purpose. Assessing under in vitro conditions the degree of resistance to agents of bacterial diseases of tomato varieties which are included into the State Register of plant varieties suitable for dissemination in Ukraine in 2015. Defining integrated biochemical indices of the quality of tomato fruits with different resistance to agents of bacterial diseases. Methods. In the course of performance biotechnological methods were used to select callus cells with increased resistance to the agents of bacterial diseases, biochemical ones – determine qualitative and quantitative indicators of the tomato fruit quality, statistical ones – analyse experimental data. Results. Studied tomato varieties of Ukrainian breeding had different resistance to warm cells of agents of bacterial speck, bacterial black spot and to exopolysaccharides of bacterial canker agents. ‘Chaika’, ‘Klondaik’, ‘Zoreslav’, ‘Flandriia’, ‘Legin’, ‘Oberig’, ‘Atlasnyi’, ‘Gospodar’ and ‘Kimmeriiets’ tomato varieties were distinguished by high palatability traits and quality. Conclusions. It was found that tomato varieties ‘Chaika’, ‘Klondaik’ and ‘Zoreslav’ are resistant to bacterial canker, bacterial speck and bacterial black spot; ‘Flandriia’ and ‘Legin’ – to bacterial black spot, ‘Oberig’, ‘Atlasnyi’, ‘Gospodar’ and ‘Kimmeriiets’ – to bacterial speck.
Show more [+] Less [-]Productivity and fruit quality of Jonagold clones of home selection
New results of the clonal selection of apple tree (Malus domestica Borkh) conducted at Podillya Research Station of Horticultural Institute NAAS by method of state variety testing have been presented. By the results of the 6-year studying (2007 - 2012) of 20 new Jonagold clones of domestic selection their estimation was carried out according to the complex of such qualities as productivity, early ripening, marketability, taste qualities and durability of fruits. The following clones are defined to be the best: DP-16, DP-17, DP-18, DP-20. They start fruiting in the age of 2 or 3 years, productivity of the 5- or 6-year-old trees reaches 8,3–25,5 tons per hectare, quantity of the fruits of the highest and first grade is about 57–76% (in 2010–2012). Fruits of the mentioned clones are bigger than medium size (DP-16), big (DP-17, DP-18) and very big (DP-20); they have average similarity, excellent and very harmonious sour-sweet taste (8,3–8,7 points). Fruits of the best clones kept their quality for 202 – 220 days.
Show more [+] Less [-]Особенности роста, плодоношения и эффективность выращивания украинских клонов яблони (Malus domestica Borkh.) сорта ‘Jonagold’ | Growth, fruiting peculiarities and efficiency of cultivation of Ukrainian apple clones (Malus domestica Borkh.) of the ‘Jonagold’ variety | Особливості росту, плодоношення та ефективність вирощування українських клонів яблуні (Malus domestica Borkh.) сорту ‘Jonagold’
Кондратенко, Т. Є | Тарнавська, К. П.
Цель. По результатам всестороннего исследования особенностей роста, развития, плодоношения и качества плодов растений спонтанных мутантов яблони (Malus domestica Borkh.) сорта ‘Jonagold’ выделить отличающиеся от исходного сорта по силе роста деревьев, превосходящие по урожайности, товарным качествам, лежкости плодов и экономической эффективности производства последних. Методы. Полевой, лабораторный, сравнения, обобщения и математической статистики. Результаты. Представлены результаты изучения особенностей роста и плодоношения 20 украинских спонтанных клонов сорта ‘Jonagold’ в условиях Западной Лесостепи Украины. Определено, что растения исследуемых клонов по срокам начала и продолжительности основных фенологических фаз и вегетационного периода не отличались от большинства распространенных и хорошо адаптированных к условиям Подолья сортов яблони. Съемная зрелость плодов у клонов наступала во второй-третьей декадах сентября, с разницей в семь суток. Деревья большинства клонов (ДП‑4, ДП‑5, ДП‑9, ДП‑10, ДП‑13, ДП‑14 и ДП‑17) были среднерослыми. Урожайность пяти-восьмилетних насаждений клонов составляла 12,1–32,3 т/га, что обеспечивало экономически эффективное культивирование в условиях Подолья, уровень рентабельности производства составлял 66–242%. Все спонтанные мутанты формировали плоды выше среднего размера (кроме ДП‑20, большие), красивые, нарядные, которые, в зависимости от клона, различались по интенсивности и характеру покровной окраски. Клоны ДП‑1, ДП‑3, ДП‑17, ДП‑18 и ДП‑19 отличались самым большим выходом яблок высшего и первого товарного сорта и по этому свойству значительно превосходили контрольный сорт. Испытанные клоны разделены на три группы по срокам созревания плодов: раннезимние, зимние, позднезимние. Выводы. Многолетняя оценка объектов исследования позволила установить, что биологические свойства растений украинских клонов сорта ‘Jonagold’ соответствуют климатическим условиям Западной Лесостепи Украины. По силе роста деревьев большинство из них относятся к группе среднерослых (ДП‑4, ДП‑5, ДП‑9, ДП‑10, ДП‑13, ДП‑14 и ДП‑17) и характеризовались смешанным типом плодоношения. Клоны ДП‑1, ДП‑3, ДП‑17, ДП‑18 и ДП‑19 выделялись высоким выходом плодов высшего и первого товарного сортов. По основным показателям качества плодов лучшими признаны клоны ДП‑3, ДП‑8, ДП‑13, ДП‑14, ДП‑16, ДП‑17, ДП‑18 и ДП‑20; наиболее высокую экономическую эффективность производства яблок на Подолье обеспечивали клоны ДП‑14, ДП‑17, ДП‑18 и ДП‑19. Последние рекомендованы для регистрации в Государственном реестре сортов растений, пригодных для выращивания в Украине, как перспективные для внедрения в насаждения по производству плодов универсального назначения в зоне Западной Лесостепи Украины. | Мета. На основі всебічного дослідження особливостей росту, розвитку, плодоношення та якості плодів рослин спонтанних мутантів яблуні (Malus domestica Borkh.) сорту ‘Jonagold’ виділити такі, що відрізняються від вихідного сорту за силою росту дерев та переважають за врожайністю, товарними якостями, лежкістю плодів та економічною ефективністю виробництва останніх. Методи. Польовий, лабораторний, порівняння, узагальнення та математичної статистики.Результати. Подано результати вивчення особливостей росту та плодоношення 20 українських спонтанних клонів сорту ‘Jonagold’ в умовах Західного Лісостепу України. Встановлено, що рослини досліджуваних клонів за строками початку і тривалістю основних фенологічних фаз і вегетаційного періоду не відрізнялись від більшості поширених і добре адаптованих до умов Поділля сортів яблуні. Знімальна стиглість плодів у клонів наставала у другій‑третій декадах вересня, з різницею у сім діб. Дерева більшості клонів (ДП‑4, ДП‑5, ДП‑9, ДП‑10, ДП‑13, ДП‑14 і ДП‑17) були середньорослими. Урожайність п’яти-восьмирічних насаджень клонів становить 12,1–32,3 т/га, що забезпечує економічно ефективне культивування в умовах Поділля, рівень рентабельності виробництва становить 66–242%. Усі спонтанні мутанти формують плоди більші за середній розмір (крім ДП‑20, великі), красиві, ошатні, які, залежно від клону, різняться за інтенсивністю та характером покривного забарвлення. Клони ДП‑1, ДП‑3, ДП‑17, ДП‑18 і ДП‑19 відзначались найбільшим виходом яблук вищого та першого ґатунку і за цією властивістю значно перевищили контрольний сорт. Випробовувані клони поділено на три групи за строками достигання плодів: ранньозимові, зимові, пізньозимові.Висновки. Багаторічне оцінювання об’єктів дослідження дозволило встановити, що біологічні властивості рослин українських клонів сорту ‘Jonagold’ відповідають кліматичним умовам Західного Лісостепу України. За силою росту дерев більшість із них належать до групи середньорослих (ДП‑4, ДП‑5, ДП‑9, ДП‑10, ДП‑13, ДП‑14 і ДП‑17) і характеризуються мішаним типом плодоношення. Клони ДП‑1, ДП‑3, ДП‑17, ДП‑18 і ДП‑19 виділяються високим виходом плодів вищого та першого ґатунку. За основними показниками якості плодів кращими визнано клони ДП‑3, ДП‑8, ДП‑13, ДП‑14, ДП‑16, ДП‑17, ДП‑18 і ДП‑20; найвищу економічну ефективність виробництва яблук на Поділлі забезпечують клони ДП‑14, ДП‑17, ДП‑18 і ДП‑19. Останні рекомендовано для реєстрації у Державному реєстрі сортів рослин, як перспективні для впровадження у насадження з виробництва плодів універсального призначення у зоні Західного Лісостепу України. | Purpose. On the basis of a comprehensive study of the characteristics of growth, development, fruiting and quality of the fruits of spontaneous mutants of the apple tree (Malus domestica Borkh.) of ‘Jonagold’ variety, select clones which differ from the original variety in tree growth strength and are superior in yield, marketability, fruit keeping quality and economic production efficiency of the latter.Methods. Field, laboratory, comparison, generalization and mathematical statistics.Results. The results of studying the growth and fruiting characteristics of 20 Ukrainian spontaneous clones of ‘Jonagold’ variety in the conditions of the Western Forest-Steppe of Ukraine are presented. It is revealed that plants of the studied clones did not differ in terms of beginning and duration of the main phenological phases and vegetation period from the varieties widely distributed and well adapted to Podillia conditions. The harvesting ripeness of the clone fruits came in the second or third decades of September with a difference of seven days. Trees of most clones (DP-4, DP-5, DP-9, DP-10, DP-13, DP-14 and DP-17) were medium-growing. The yield of five to eight-year-old clone plantations was 12.1–32.3 t/ha, which provided cost-effective cultivation in the conditions of Podillia, the level of production profitability was 66–242%. All spontaneous mutants formed fruits larger than average size (except for DP-20, forming large ones), which are beautiful, elegant and vary in the intensity and character of the skin color depending on the clone. The clones DP-1, DP-3, DP-17, DP-18 and DP-19 were distinguished by a high yield of fruits of the highest and first grade.The clones DP-1, DP-3, DP-17, DP-18 and DP-19 were marked by the highest yield of apples of the higher and the first commodity grade, and this property was significantly superior to the yield of the control variety. The tested clones are divided into three groups according to the fruit ripening dates: early winter, winter, and late winter.Conclusions. A long-term assessment of the objects of study revealed that the biological properties Ukrainian clones of ‘Jonagold’ variety correspond to the climatic conditions of the Western Forest-Steppe ofUkraine. Most of them belong to the medium-growth group (DP-4, DP-5, DP-9, DP-10, DP-13, DP-14 and DP-17) and are characterized by a mixed type of fruiting. Clones DP-1, DP-3, DP-17, DP-18 and DP-19 were distinguished by a high yield of fruits of the highest and first commodity grade. According to the main indicators of fruit quality, clones DP-3, DP-8, DP-13, DP-14, DP-16, DP-17, DP-18 and DP-20 were recognized as the best; the highest economic efficiency of apple production in Podillia was provided by clones DP-14, DP-17, DP-18 and DP-19. The latter ones are recommended for registration in “The State Register of plant varieties suitable for dissemination inUkraine”, as promising clones for introduction into planting for the production of fruits of universal purpose in the zone of the Western Forest-Steppe ofUkraine.
Show more [+] Less [-]Role of scab-resistant apple varieties in forming assortment of new industrial apple plantings (Malus domestica Borkh.)
Гончарук, Ю. Д
Purpose. Identifying new scab-resistant apple varieties with high biological potential by the set of agronomic characters and the ability to realize it effectively in various soil and climatic conditions. Methods. Field, laboratory, comparison, generalization, statistical ones. Results. The author presents the results of study of 17 scab-resistant non-irrigated apple varieties on a semi-dwarf rootstock as to their adaptability to biotic and abiotic stressors as well as their economic productivity. The studied varieties appeared to be winter-hardy, frost- and heat-resistant, but medium drought-tolerant ones. They are characterized by weak and moderate susceptibility to powdery mildew, high resistance to fruit rot and very low amounts of brown spot, except for Gold Rush variety. Such 10 year old varieties as ‘Edera’, Florina’, ‘Amulet’ and ‘Perlyna Kyieva’ and 8 year old ‘Afrodita’, ‘Vitos’, ‘Orlovskoie Polesie’ and ‘Topaz’ formed the highest productivity during the years of study. Due to the pollen quality and high interfertility, ‘Revena’ and ‘Gold Rush’ varieties were identified as universal pollinators for winter scab-resistant apple varieties. Conclusions. Such ecologically resistant winter varieties as ‘Topaz’, ‘Freedom’, ‘Edera’ and autumnal ‘Remo’, ‘Afrodita’, ‘Vitos’, ‘Amulet’ were recognized as promising for new intensive non-irrigated plantations in the Forest-Steppe zone of Ukraine. They can be the basis of new gardens occupying 25–30% of the area where ecologically safe fruits for various target purposes will be grown supplying demands of the population and processing industry.
Show more [+] Less [-]Characteristics of new varieties of tomato (Solanum lycopersicum L.)
Ю. О. Люта | Н. О. Кобиліна
Purpose. To analyse biochemical and economic characters of new tomato varieties adapted to the conditions of the south of Ukraine. Methods. Field study, laboratory testing, statistical analysis. Results. Intraspecific hybridization method followed by individual selection was used to create such new tomato varieties as ‘Naddnіprianskyi 1’, ‘Inguletskyi’, ‘Kimmeriiets’, ‘Sarmat’, ‘Taim’, ‘Legin’, ‘Kumach’ adapted to the conditions of the south, which are characterized by high yielding (69,2–78,0 t/ha), fruit quality (content of soluble dry matter 5,65–5,92%), drought (7,2–8,1 points) and heat (70,4–88,2%) resistance. All varieties are of intensive type, they require advanced agricultural technology, irrigation. Conclusions. New tomato varieties, namely ‘Naddnіprianskyi 1’, ‘Inguletskyi’, ‘Kimmeriiets’, ‘Sarmat’, ‘Taim’, ‘Legin’, ‘Kumach’ were entered in the State register of plant varieties suitable for dissemination in Ukraine. They are recommended for outdoor growing in the Steppe and Forest-Steppe zones of Ukraine.
Show more [+] Less [-]Application of cellular breeding method to assess the quality of tomato varieties (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill.) and their resistance to bacterial diseases’ agents
Ю. В. Коломієць | І. П. Григорюк | Л. М. Буценко
Purpose. Assessing under in vitro conditions the degree of resistance to agents of bacterial diseases of tomato varieties which are included into the State Register of plant varieties suitable for dissemination in Ukraine in 2015. Defining integrated biochemical indices of the quality of tomato fruits with different resistance to agents of bacterial diseases. Methods. In the course of performance biotechnological methods were used to select callus cells with increased resistance to the agents of bacterial diseases, biochemical ones – determine qualitative and quantitative indicators of the tomato fruit quality, statistical ones – analyse experimental data. Results. Studied tomato varieties of Ukrainian breeding had different resistance to warm cells of agents of bacterial speck, bacterial black spot and to exopolysaccharides of bacterial canker agents. ‘Chaika’, ‘Klondaik’, ‘Zoreslav’, ‘Flandriia’, ‘Legin’, ‘Oberig’, ‘Atlasnyi’, ‘Gospodar’ and ‘Kimmeriiets’ tomato varieties were distinguished by high palatability traits and quality. Conclusions. It was found that tomato varieties ‘Chaika’, ‘Klondaik’ and ‘Zoreslav’ are resistant to bacterial canker, bacterial speck and bacterial black spot; ‘Flandriia’ and ‘Legin’ – to bacterial black spot, ‘Oberig’, ‘Atlasnyi’, ‘Gospodar’ and ‘Kimmeriiets’ – to bacterial speck.
Show more [+] Less [-]Role of scab-resistant apple varieties in forming assortment of new industrial apple plantings (Malus domestica Borkh.)
Ю. Д. Гончарук
Purpose. Identifying new scab-resistant apple varieties with high biological potential by the set of agronomic characters and the ability to realize it effectively in various soil and climatic conditions. Methods. Field, laboratory, comparison, generalization, statistical ones. Results. The author presents the results of study of 17 scab-resistant non-irrigated apple varieties on a semi-dwarf rootstock as to their adaptability to biotic and abiotic stressors as well as their economic productivity. The studied varieties appeared to be winter-hardy, frost- and heat-resistant, but medium drought-tolerant ones. They are characterized by weak and moderate susceptibility to powdery mildew, high resistance to fruit rot and very low amounts of brown spot, except for Gold Rush variety. Such 10 year old varieties as ‘Edera’, Florina’, ‘Amulet’ and ‘Perlyna Kyieva’ and 8 year old ‘Afrodita’, ‘Vitos’, ‘Orlovskoie Polesie’ and ‘Topaz’ formed the highest productivity during the years of study. Due to the pollen quality and high interfertility, ‘Revena’ and ‘Gold Rush’ varieties were identified as universal pollinators for winter scab-resistant apple varieties. Conclusions. Such ecologically resistant winter varieties as ‘Topaz’, ‘Freedom’, ‘Edera’ and autumnal ‘Remo’, ‘Afrodita’, ‘Vitos’, ‘Amulet’ were recognized as promising for new intensive non-irrigated plantations in the Forest-Steppe zone of Ukraine. They can be the basis of new gardens occupying 25–30% of the area where ecologically safe fruits for various target purposes will be grown supplying demands of the population and processing industry.
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