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Impact of cultivation technologies elements on winter wheat grain productivity and quality
К. М. Олійник | Г. В. Давидюк | Л. Ю. Блажевич | Л. В. Худолій
Purpose. To develop and improve adaptive technologies of winter wheat cultivation which provide high productivity and quality of grain. Methods. Field and laboratory studies, mathematical and statistical analysis. Results. During 2011–2015, the impact of cultivation technologies on the formation of grain quality and yield of winter wheat variety ‘Stolychna’ (with pea as predecessor) was studied. When using alternative technologies with only predecessor by-products application, the yield of winter wheat with integrated crop protection system was 4,56 t/ha, with minimal protection – 4.25 t/ha with grain quality of the 5th class of B group. Resource saving cultivation technologies with limited application of fertilizers (Р45К45N30(II)+30(IV)) provided productivity at the level of 4,87–5,50 t/ha with grain quality of the 2nd–3rd class of A group. Grain yield of 6.01 t/ha with indicators of the 2nd–3rd class of quality was obtained with the use of intensive cultivation technology with application of mineral fertilizers (Р90К90N30(II)+60(IV)+30(VIII)) on the background of applying predecessor’s by-products and integrated crop protection. The highest yield of grain (6.22 t/ha) with indicators of the 2nd class of A group quality on average for the research period was provided by energy-intensive technology, that requires the application of mineral fertilizers (P135K135N60(II)+75(IV)+45(VIII)) and incorporation of predecessor’s by-products in the soil, and integrated plant protection. Conclusion. It was found that in the northern part of the Right-Bank Forest-Steppe zone of Ukraine, the highest productivity of winter wheat was obtained in dark grey podzolic soils when using the energy-intensive technology with application of P135K135N60(II)+75(IV)+45(VIII) on the background of predecessor’s by-products and integrated crop protection. This technology ensured the grain yield of 6.22 t/ha of the 2nd class of A group quality.
Show more [+] Less [-]Conformity of winter wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) quality characteristics to standard requirements subject to varietal characteristics and growth factors
Ящук, Н. О
Influence of varietal characteristics and growth factors on the quality of Natsional’na and Polis’ka 90 winter wheat varieties was studded. Grain of Polis’ka 90 variety was distinguished by considerable variability of grades, however, the grain of Natsional’na variety was exposed to greater number of growth factors. Grain unit index influenced the grain quality grade of Natsional’na 90 determination, gluten quality and protein and fiber content indices influenced that of Polis’ka 90. It was established that the grain of Polis’ka variety in most of the cases had higher grades of quality than Natsional’na variety. The highest grades of quality were registered for the seed harvested after perennial grasses, namely 2d and 3d grades of Natsional’na variety and the 1t and the 2d for Polis’ka 90 variety. Greater grades of quality were registered for the seed grown according to intensive and ecological farming systems (generally, grades 1 to 3), while the lower grades were inherent to biological system (generally, grades 3 to 5).
Show more [+] Less [-]Productivity and quality of a grain wheat durum spring (Triticum durum Dest.) in depending on fertilizers
Бараболя, О. В
It was studied the impact of mineral fertilizers on productivity and grain quality of wheat durum spring. Glassiness of grain, protein and gluten contain increase along with increase of doses of nitrogenous fertilizer. Maximum grain productivity was achieved by mineral fertilizers in combination on autumn fallow N60P60K60. after pea - N90P60K60
Show more [+] Less [-]Evaluation of winter wheat varieties and promising lines of Myronovka’s intitute breeding in terms of grain quality
Ковалишина, Kovalyshyna, H. M., Г. М. | Топко, Topko, R. I., Р. І.
Purpose. To evaluate the varieties: ‘MIP Assol’, ‘Balada Myronivska’, ‘Hratsiia Myronivska’, ‘MIP Yuvileina’, ‘MIP Lada’, ‘MIP Dniprianka’ and the standard variety ‘Podolianka’ and promising breeding lines: ‘Erythrospermum 55023’, ‘Lutescens 22198’, ‘Lutescens 37519’, ‘Lutescens 60049’, ‘Lutescens 60107’ winter wheat of the Mironovka`s breeding according to grain quality indicators.Methods. The research was conducted during the 2019–2021 in the breeding crop rotation of the winter wheat breeding laboratory of the V. M. Remeslo Myronivka Institute of Wheat, NAАS of Ukraine. The main method of research was laboratory and field, supplemented by analytical studies, measurements, calculations and observations.Results. The following breeding lines were the best in terms of protein content during the first sowing period: ‘Erythrospermum 55023’ (11.9%), ‘Lutescens 55198’ (12.8%), ‘Lutescens 37519’ (11.7%) and ‘Lutescens 60107’ (10.7%). During the second sowing period, the best varieties and breeding lines turned out to be ‘Hratsiia Myronivska’ (11.4%), ‘MIP Dniprianka’ (12.3%), ‘Erythrospermum 55023’ (12.3 %), ‘Lutescens 55198’ (11.4%), ‘Lutescens 37519’ (12.3%) and ‘Lutescens 60049’ (12.8%). According to the grain vitrification index during the first sowing period, the following can be distinguished: ‘Balada Myronivska’ (86.7%), ‘MIP Lada’ (89.3%), ‘MIP Dniprianka’ (87.3%), ‘Erythrospermum 55023’ (86.3 %), ‘Lutescens 55198’ (94.3 %) and ‘Lutescens 37519’ (91.0 %). During the second sowing period, these were ‘Balada Myronivska’ (86.7%), ‘Hratsiia Myronivska’ (79.3%), ‘MIP Lada’ (85.0%), ‘MIP Dniprianka’ (81.7%) and breeding lines ‘Lutescens 55198’ (80.7%) and ‘Lutescens 60049’ (81.3%). According to the content of raw gluten, the variety ‘Hratsiia Myronivska’ (26.2%) was selected. For all studied breeding lines, the value of the crude gluten content indicator varied from 26.0% to 29.9%. During the second sowing period, a higher percentage of raw gluten content was noted in the varieties ‘Hratsiia Myronivska’ (29.9%) and ‘MIP Dniprianka’ (27.4%) and selection lines – ‘Erythrospermum 55023’ (28.4%), ‘Lutescens 55198’ (27.4%), ‘Lutescens 37519’ (27.1%) and ‘Lutescens 60049’ (29.1%).Conclusions. During the three years of observations, the weather conditions differed in the amount of precipitation and the sum of active temperatures both during the growing season and during the period of flowering and maturation, which significantly affected the results of the analysis of grain quality indicators of winter wheat varieties and promising lines. Having analyzed the obtained results, it is possible to single out the varieties ‘Hratsiia Myronivska’ and ‘MIP Dniprianka’, as well as the breeding lines: ‘Erythrospermum 55023’, ‘Lutescens 55198’, ‘Lutescens 37519’ and ‘Lutescens 60049’, which exceeded the standard variety ‘Podolianka’ and the average experimental values for such basic indicators as protein content, gluten content, vitreousness and 1000-seed weight. | Мета. Оцінити сорти ‘МІП Ассоль’, ‘Балада Миронівська’, ‘Грація Миронівська’, ‘МІП Ювілейна’, ‘МІП Лада’, ‘МІП Дніпрянка’ та сорт-стандарт ‘Подолянка’ і перспективні селекційні лінії ‘Еритроспермум 55023’, ‘Лютесценс 22198’, ‘Лютесценс 37519’, ‘Лютесценс 60049’ і ‘Лютесценс 60107’ пшениці озимої миронівської селекції за показниками якості зерна.Методи. Дослідження проводили впродовж 2019–2021 рр. у селекційній сівозміні лабораторії селекції озимої пшениці Миронівського інституту пшениці імені В. М. Ремесла НААН України. Основні методи досліджень – лабораторний, польовий та аналітичний, доповнені вимірами, підрахунками і спостереженнями.Результати. За вмістом білка протягом першого строку сівби кращими були такі селекційні лінії: ‘Еритроспермум 55023’ (11,9%), ‘Лютесценс 55198’ (12,8%), ‘Лютесценс 37519’ (11,7%) та ‘Лютесценс 60107’ (10,7%). Упродовж другого строку сівби кращими сортами та селекційними лініями виявились: ‘Грація МИР’ (11,4%), ‘МІП Дніпрянка’ (12,3%), ‘Еритроспермум 55023’ (12,3%), ‘Лютесценс 55198’ (11,4%), ‘Лютесценс 37519’ (12,3%) та ‘Лютесценс 60049’ (12,8%). За показником склоподібності зерна протягом першого строку сівби можна виділити: ‘Балада МИР’ (86,7%), ‘МІП Лада’ (89,3%), ‘МІП Дніпрянка’ (87,3%), ‘Еритроспермум 55023’ (86,3%), ‘Лютесценс 55198’ (94,3%) та ‘Лютесценс 37519’ (91,0%). Впродовж другого строку сівби – ‘Балада МИР’ (86,7%), ‘Грація МИР’ (79,3%), ‘МІП Лада’ (85,0%), ‘МІП Дніпрянка’ (81,7%) і селекційні лінії ‘Лютесценс 55198’ (80,7%) та ‘Лютесценс 60049’ (81,3%). За вмістом сирої клейковини виокремлено сорт ‘Грація МИР’ (26,2%). У всіх досліджуваних селекційних ліній значення показника вмісту сирої клейковини варіювалося від 26,0 до 29,9%. Протягом другого строку сівби вищий відсоток вмісту сирої клейковини відмічено у сортів ‘Грація МИР’ (29,9%) та ‘МІП Дніпрянка’ (27,4%) і селекційних ліній ‘Еритроспермум 55023’ (28,4%), ‘Лютесценс 55198’ (27,4%), ‘Лютесценс 37519’ (27,1%) і ‘Лютесценс 60049’ (29,1%).Висновки. Впродовж трьох років спостережень погодні умови відрізнялися за кількістю опадів та сумою активних температур як у період вегетації, так і в період цвітіння – достигання, що суттєво вплинуло на результати аналізу якісних показників зерна сортів та перспективних ліній пшениці озимої. Проаналізувавши отримані результати, можна виділити сорти ‘Грація МИР’ і ‘МІП Дніпрянка’, а також селекційні лінії ‘ЕР 55023’, ‘ЛЮТ 55198’, ‘ЛЮТ 37519’ і ‘ЛЮТ 60049’, що перевищували сорт-стандарт ‘Подолянка’ та середнє значення по досліду за такими основними показниками, як вміст білка та клейковини, склоподібність і маса 1000 насінин
Show more [+] Less [-]Variability of seed quality indices in soft spring wheat depending on weather conditions
Правдзіва, І. В | Василенко, Н. В | Хоменко, С. О
Purpose. To study the effect of weather conditions on grain quality in soft spring wheat lines that are undergoing competitive variety trial. To identify indices to be least affected by weather conditions. To investigate the correlation dependence between grain quality indices in the years with contrasting weather conditions and conduct the analysis of variance. Methods. Parameters of grain and flour quality of bread spring wheat lines were determined using conventional methods at the laboratory of grain quality of V. M. Remeslo Myronivka Institute of Wheat, NAAS of Ukraine, protein content in flour was measured with the use of the SPECTRAN 119M device. Results. Contrasting weather conditions were considered including arid ones (2013) – that had negative effect on 1000 kernel weight, but at the same time positively influenced the averaged grain quality indices; with excess humidity (2014) – they resulted in decreasing of all technological indices; optimal ones (2015) – allowed to obtain maximum indices of grain and flour quality. Paired coefficients of correlation between different parameters of grain and flour quality were calculated. The most number of strong and medium correlations was found in a dry year (33.3%), the smallest one – in a wet year (13.0%). Such indices as flour strength, dough dilution and protein content depended on the conditions of the growing year least of all. Grain-unit response was the most considerable to the humid conditions of the year. The analysis of variance showed that climatic conditions had significant effect on the quality indices of grain and flour. At the same time, an important genotypic component was revealed in indices of dough resilience (63%), bread volume and rating (61 and 53% respectively), the flour strength (42%), crude gluten quality (33%), bread porosity (30%). With climate variations, the genotypic conditionality of the content of protein and especially crude gluten was expressed insignificantly. Conclusions. When creating high quality cultivars, plant breeders should be guided by such indices as flour strength, dough resilience, gluten quality, bread volume and rating as only they are more genetically determined
Show more [+] Less [-]Impact of cultivation technologies elements on winter wheat grain productivity and quality
Олійник, К. М | Давидюк, Г. В | Блажевич, Л. Ю | Худолій, Л. В
Purpose. To develop and improve adaptive technologies of winter wheat cultivation which provide high productivity and quality of grain. Methods. Field and laboratory studies, mathematical and statistical analysis. Results. During 2011–2015, the impact of cultivation technologies on the formation of grain quality and yield of winter wheat variety ‘Stolychna’ (with pea as predecessor) was studied. When using alternative technologies with only predecessor by-products application, the yield of winter wheat with integrated crop protection system was 4,56 t/ha, with minimal protection – 4.25 t/ha with grain quality of the 5th class of B group. Resource saving cultivation technologies with limited application of fertilizers (Р45К45N30(II)+30(IV)) provided productivity at the level of 4,87–5,50 t/ha with grain quality of the 2nd–3rd class of A group. Grain yield of 6.01 t/ha with indicators of the 2nd–3rd class of quality was obtained with the use of intensive cultivation technology with application of mineral fertilizers (Р90К90N30(II)+60(IV)+30(VIII)) on the background of applying predecessor’s by-products and integrated crop protection. The highest yield of grain (6.22 t/ha) with indicators of the 2nd class of A group quality on average for the research period was provided by energy-intensive technology, that requires the application of mineral fertilizers (P135K135N60(II)+75(IV)+45(VIII)) and incorporation of predecessor’s by-products in the soil, and integrated plant protection. Conclusion. It was found that in the northern part of the Right-Bank Forest-Steppe zone of Ukraine, the highest productivity of winter wheat was obtained in dark grey podzolic soils when using the energy-intensive technology with application of P135K135N60(II)+75(IV)+45(VIII) on the background of predecessor’s by-products and integrated crop protection. This technology ensured the grain yield of 6.22 t/ha of the 2nd class of A group quality.
Show more [+] Less [-]Seed quality of winter wheat varieties after black fallow depending on organo-mineral fertilizer application in the Left-Bank Forest-Steppe zone of Ukraine
Авраменко, С. В
Purpose. To determine the effect of the basic organo-mineral fertilizer on the formation and stability of grain quality of winter wheat varieties in multiple crop rotation after black fallow as a predecessor. Methods. Field experiments were based on a multifactorial scheme using split-plot method with due regard to all requirements of the field experiment procedure, analysis of variance was used for statistical processing of the obtained results. Results. Investigation data was given concerning determination of grain quality indices in winter wheat varieties of different ecotypes after black fallow as a predecessor depending on organo-mineral fertilizer application in the Left-Bank Forest-Steppe zone of Ukraine. In average for the period of investigation (2011–2015), the highest protein content in winter wheat grains was formed in no treatment variant [in such varieties as ‘Doridna’ (14.1%), ‘Dykanka’ (14.3%) and ‘Levada’ (14.2%)] and in case of organo-mineral fertilizer application [in the varieties ‘Hordovyta’ (14.0%), ‘Kalyta’ (14.0%), ‘Dykanka’ (14.7%) and ‘Levada’ (14.6%)]. The highest content of crude gluten in grains, without regard for the variant of the experiment, was found in the following varieties as ‘Dykanka’ (24.9–25.1%) and ‘Levada’ (23.7–25.4%). Conclusions. It was established that the content of protein and crude gluten in grains as well as the falling number of winter wheat was highly dependent on such factors as the variety and the year of cultivation as compared to the fertilizer background. The following varieties as ‘Hordovyta’, ‘Mulan’, Dykanka’ and ‘Levada’ were very sensitive to the application of organo-mineral fertilizer for the protein content, while ‘Hordovyta’ (2.4%), ‘Levada’ (1.7%), ‘Borvii’ (1.2%) and ‘Mulan’ (1.1%) – for the crude gluten content.
Show more [+] Less [-]Agroecological Peculiarities of Winter Triticale Variety Vivate Nosivskyi
Л. В. Дем'яненко | Москалець, В. В | Москалець, Т. З | Буняк, Н. М | Москалець, В. І
The article describes Agro-ecological features of winter triticale variety Vivate Nosivskyi developed by means of individual selection based on hybrid combination ([Avgusto x NE 312] x К 9844) at the Examination Facility of Nosivska Breeding and Testing Station ofChernigivIAPPIAAN and selected by quantitative (grain productivity, quantity and weight of grains per ear, cup weight of grain, 1000 kernels weight), qualitative (protein contain, «raw» gluten) parameters of grain yield, by adaptability to a range of causative agents, abnormal events in winter-spring and summer, lodging. It shows that bio-agents of microbe preparations Azospirillum brasilense и Achromobacter album 1122 on initial stages of development of winter triticale variety Vivate Nosivskyi plants enhance nitrogen and phosphor nutrition as reflected in raw and dry weight of plants increased by 1,5 to 2,5 times, area of leaf surface - 2 to 2,4 times, grain yield -1,1-1,3 times.
Show more [+] Less [-]The problems of winter wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) selection for grain quality
Жемела, Г. П
The problems concerning selection of winter wheat and grain quality have been studied. It has found out the regularity of formation of technological values required in hybrid plants; questions of intensification of protein and gluten producing in grain; questions of their quality and inheritability in varieties. Key words: winter wheat, mass of 1000 seeds, protein and gluten contain, sedimentation, flour power, bread volume, heredity, selection steps, falling time.
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