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Biological nitrogen in modern agriculture
В. В. Моргун | С. Я. Коць
The value of biological fixation of air molecular nitrogen in the nitrogen feeding of agricultural crops and enrichment of soils is considered. High priority is paid to the economic and environmental significance of biological nitrogen. The state and prospects of the study of biological fixation of air nitrogen were analyzed; advantages of modern microbial nitrogen fixing preparations in comparison with nitrogen fertilizers have been proved.
Show more [+] Less [-]Peculiarities of leaf area formation and yield structure of ‘Antonina’ lentil variety depending on the elements of technology
Присяжнюк, О. І | Слободянюк, С. В
Purpose. To reveal the peculiarities of leaf area formation and a structure of lentils variety ‘Antonina’ yield depending on the elements of cultivation technology: ino culation with nitrogen-fixing and phosphate-solubilizing microorganisms and the use of foliar growth stimulants. Methods. Field, laboratory. The experimental scheme included inoculation of seeds with nitrogen-fixing microorganisms (Ryzogumin), application of phosphate-solubili zing microorganisms (Polimixobacteryn and Biophosphoryn) into the row zone, and foliar feeding with a growth stimulator (Alga 600). Results. The results of studies of the leaf area formation peculiarities and the structure of lentils yield depending on the influence of cultivation technology elements are given in the article. It was found that the maximum indicators of the leaf area were formed by lentils in the flowering phase, which on average in the experiment was at the level of 37.5 thousand m2/ha, and in the control variant – only 32.0 thousand m2/ha. By inoculating the seeds with Rhyzogumin, applying phosphate-solubilizing biopreparation and foliar feeding, we obtained the maximum parameters of the leaf surface of lentil plants in the experiment. Thus, in the variant of inoculation with Rhyzogumin, application of Biophosphoryn and treatment with Alga 600 lentil plants formed a leaf area of 40.3 thousand m2/ha. However, due to the use of the phosphate-solubilizing biopreparation Polimixobacteryn and Alga 600 on the background of seeds inoculation with Rhyzogumin, the leaf area was formed at the level of 39.9 thousand m2/ha. Conclusions. When the seeds were treated with nitrogen-fixing microorganisms (Rhyzogumin) and phosphate-solubilizing bacteria (Polimixobacteryn and Biophosphoryn), the yield of lentils increased significantly. Thus, in the experimental plots in the variants with Ryzogumin + Polimixobacteryn the yield was – 1.64 t/ha, and in the combination Ryzogumin + Polimixobacteryn + growth stimulator Alga 600 the yield of lentils was – 1.90 t/ha. Seed inoculation had a positive effect on plant height. The best results were obtained when the seeds were treated with Ryzogumin in combination with Biophosphorin and Polimixobacteryn – 44.5 and 44.1 cm, respectively.
Show more [+] Less [-]Биологический азот в современном сельскохозяйственном производстве | Biological nitrogen in modern agriculture | Біологічний азот у сучасному сільськогосподарському виробництві
Моргун, В. В. | Коць, С. Я.
Розглянуто значення біологічного зв’язування молекулярного азоту атмосфери в азотному живленні сільськогосподарських культур та збагаченні ґрунтів. Особливу увагу приділено економічному та екологічному значенню біологічного азоту. Охарактеризовано стан та перспективи розвитку досліджень у галузі біологічної фіксації атмосферного азоту, доведено переваги сучасних мікробних азотфіксувальних препаратів порівняно з азотними добривами | The value of biological fixation of air molecular nitrogen in the nitrogen feeding of agricultural crops and enrichment of soils is considered. High priority is paid to the economic and environmental significance of biological nitrogen. The state and prospects of the study of biological fixation of air nitrogen were analyzed; advantages of modern microbial nitrogen fixing preparations in comparison with nitrogen fertilizers have been proved. | Рассмотрено значение биологического связывания молекулярного азота атмосферы в азотном питании сельскохозяйственных культур и обогащении почвы. Особое внимание уделено экономическому и экологическому значению биологического азота. Охарактеризовано состояние и перспективы развития исследований в области биологической фиксации атмосферного азота, доказано преимущества современных микробных азотфиксирующих препаратов по сравнению с азотными удобрениями.
Show more [+] Less [-]Biological nitrogen in modern agriculture
Моргун, В. В | Коць, С. Я
The value of biological fixation of air molecular nitrogen in the nitrogen feeding of agricultural crops and enrichment of soils is considered. High priority is paid to the economic and environmental significance of biological nitrogen. The state and prospects of the study of biological fixation of air nitrogen were analyzed; advantages of modern microbial nitrogen fixing preparations in comparison with nitrogen fertilizers have been proved.
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