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Potato market in Ukraine
С. І. Мельник | А. Л. Ковчі | Ю. Л. Стефківська | О. О. Кравчук | Т. В. Горицька
Purpose. To study Ukrainian potato market at the current stage of the development and determine its future prospects.Results. The features of Ukrainian potato market were determined. Production is almost fully provided by private households, meeting the needs of the domestic market. Main regions with the highest gross output and production of potatoes were defined. Ukraine is one of the major potato producing countries in the world. Today our country is not a key supplier or importer of this product because of the low export orientation of the industry, its technological backwardness, limited product range and the large number of small producers. Ukraine exports potato mainly to CIS countries, the highest share of potato import comes from the European Union. Now there are only a few large manufacturing companies in the market, which can be classified as industrial. Most potato varieties, officially permitted for dissemination in Ukraine, are classified as table ones and recommended for cultivation in the Forest-Steppe and Polissia zones. Achievements of the industry include the development of such very popular and promising trend as organic potato growing, which area in our country is one of the largest in the world.Conclusions. Potato produced in Ukraine is used for human consumption, animal feeding, planting and processing, its volumes are relatively stable. Large-scale industrial production of potato is not widely practiced because of low wholesale prices and high labor intensity of the cultivation process. During next few years, in view of current trends, production of potato and severe limitations of the domestic market for foreign operations will remain unchanged. A shift in emphasis in the product range – from fresh potato to processed food products should be a prospect for domestic industrial producers to improve their position in Ukraine and abroad.
Show more [+] Less [-]То the question of potato forms tests on phyto-resistance
Подгаєцький, А. А | Собран, В. М | Волкодав, В. В
On the base of meteorological data in different places of the varieties and combined interspecific hybrids testing, on the base of pathogen properties of the place of testing, conclusion was made regarding expediency of the test on phyto-resistance for potato forms under Carpathian conditions.
Show more [+] Less [-]Studying the potential of the initial potato material with the aim of breeding for drought resistance
Олійник, Т. М | Сідакова, О. В | Захарчук, Н. А | Симоненко, Н. В
Purpose. To evaluate and select hybrids, varieties of the parental nursery of the breeding process, biotechnological lines and wild species of potato for physiological parameters of drought resistance. Methods. Physiological and biochemical, selection ones, statistical data processing. Results. The data is given concerning the evaluation of the water retaining and water regeneration capacity of potato leaves of promising hybrids of competitive and ecological test, varieties of the parental nursery, biotechnological lines and wild species and their integral indicator of drought resistance. The studied samples were grown in the nurseries of field selection crop rotation. Accordingly, the initial material with the highest drought resistance value has been defined. Among the evaluated material, eight hybrids of the competitive and ecological test have been selected (drought resistance coefficient was ranging from 59.4% to 84.8%) and five biotechnological lines of ‘Hlazurna’ and ‘Dorohin’ varieties (drought resistance coefficient was in the range of 55.5% to 67.5%). As for wild species, almost half of the samples (47.8%) were characterized by a high coefficient of drought resistance (from 55 to 78%). Selected samples with high values of drought resistance were recommended to use as a source and drought resistance donors when creating new potato varieties. Conclusions. The initial potato material (hybrids, varieties, biotechnological lines and wild species) with high values of drought resistance (55.0–84.8%) has been selected. These samples are recommended to use in the breeding process when creating new drought resistance potato varieties.
Show more [+] Less [-]Creation of initial breeding material of potato with complex resistance to Fusarium dry rot and tuber late blight
Гордієнко, В. В | Захарчук, Н. А
Purpose. To select the initial breeding material with complex resistance to Fusarium dry rot and tuber late blight among the created potato of secondary interspecific hybrids. Methods. Interspecific hybridization, laboratory test, analytical approach. Results. Based on the interspecific hybridization, the initial breeding material was created and the degree of its resistance to the above pathogens was determined by way of artificial infection of tubers with the inoculum of such fungi as Fusarium sambucinum Fuck and Phytophthora infestans (Mont.) De Bary. During interspecific hybridization based on schemes of saturating and enriching crosses, using forms of various species with a high phenotypic expression of resistance to Fusarium dry rot, the result of the cumulative effect of genes that control resistance to the pathogen was observed. Crossing combinations differed significantly for the degree of population average manifestation of resistance to the diseases. Conclusions. Combinations В54, В53, В61 with a mean resistance (above 7 grades) to Fusarium dry rot have been selected. Such combinations as B52, B50 and B54 had increased resistance to tuber late blight. It was found that the combination В54 is characterized by complex resistance to both diseases. For further work, the following samples with complex resistance to Fusarium dry rot and tuber late blight (7 grades or more) were selected: В59с42, В59с43, В50с16, В50с19, В50с44, В51с1, В51с26, В51с28, В52с11, В52с23, В52с24, В52с29, В53с1, В53с11, В53с17 , В53с23, В54с13, В54с14.
Show more [+] Less [-]Consumptive qualities of different potato varieties
Фурдига, М. М | Верменко, Ю. Я | Сонець, Т. Д
Purpose. To summarize results of studying consumptive qualities of different varieties of potato and define basic characteristics which allow to subsume them under specific economic categories. Methods. Field study, laboratory test, summarizing, analytical approach. Results. Potato varieties entered in the State register of plant varieties suitable to dissemination in Ukraine and new ones especially to be bred at the Institute of Potato Growing of NAAS were studied during the period of 2005–2016 for such basic economic characters as consumptive quality of tubers, content of starch, dry matters, protein, sugar, vitamins, carotenoids and mineral substances as well as aminoacids, color of flesh, suitability for industrial manufacturing of potato products and for purpose of technology. Attention was paid to the good prospects to use varieties with purple, blue and red potato tuber flesh with high antioxidant capacity. Potato varieties with above characteristics and their complex combination were defined and described. The requirements of processing industry for potato as a raw material for manufacturing of potato food were given. Conclusions. The major criterion for consumptive qualities of a potato variety and correspondingly division for the commercial use is consumptive quality of tubers, especially content of essential nutrients and their favorable combination, improved taste and cooking quality, high antioxidant capacity, suitability for potato products manufacturing and use for purpose of technology. Potato varieties can be divided for economic purposes into edible, suitable for potato products manufacturing, technical and multipurpose ones.
Show more [+] Less [-]Customer-related quality of perspective potato hybrids (Solanum tuberosum L.)
Кожушко, Н. С | Сахошко, М. М | Бердін, С. І | Баштовий, М. Г | Смілик, Д. В
Purpose. Based on the study of consumer qualities of perspective potato hybrids (Solanum tuberosum L.) the ones with a high degree of differentiation depending on the biochemical composition of tubers and culinary-consumer type were identified. Methods. Field (phenology); laboratory (biochemical, technological); mathematical and statistical (linear correlation, regression). Results. Consumer qualities and patterns of their formation under the influence of the biochemical composition of tubers were studied. Excellent taste was determined in mid-early (‘203.703-3’, ‘205.781-9’), mid-season (‘205.786-72’, ‘205. 798-15’) hybrids. High cooking quality of the tubers was detected in early-season hybrids (‘99.523-15’, ‘205.791-3’, ‘205.785-25’, ‘205.792-205’). Soft crispy texture was detected in mid-early (‘205.776-25’, ‘99.546-3’) and mid-season (‘205.782-24’, ‘205.786-72’, ‘205.798-43’) hybrids. The mid-early hybrid '205.780-8' contained high levels of starch. In terms of resistance to browning, three early-season (‘99.517-39’, ‘203.703-2’, ‘205.785-25’) and two mid-season hybrids (‘205.781-9’, ‘205.788-3’) were selected. It is proved, that the taste development depended on the starch content (r=0,657), proportion of starch/protein (r=0,470) and sugars accumulation (r= -450). The positive dependence of the cooking quality of the tubers on their starchiness (r=0,945), proportion of starch and protein (r=0,900) was detected. The influence of proportion of starch/protein over the texture of the tubers (r=0,877) and starch content (r=0,868) was established. Mealiness depended on sugars (r= -0,494) and starch content (r=0,474), resistance to browning – on tyrosine content in protein (r=-0,873) and free tyrosine content (r= - 0,824). In terms of culinary and consumer type of food (table) potatoes, eight hybrids were rated as type B, five and five hybrids belonged to types A and C respectively, and three hybrids belonged to type D. Conclusions. The selected, as for the high level of culinary quality indicators, hybrids can be recommended as valuable output material for practical plant breeding. Determination of biological interrelation of potato culinary quality indicators and biochemical composition of their tubers allowed to develop mathematical simulations to predict taste and texture, and it practically relieved from boiling and subjective evaluation by organoleptic method of tasting results. Systematization of culinary and consumer type food (table) potatoes can be a subject matter in the course of state variety testing.
Show more [+] Less [-]Адаптивність сортів картоплі до ґрунтово-кліматичних умов Полісся та Лісостепу України | Адаптивность сортов картофеля к почвенно-климатическим условиям Полесья и Лесостепи Украины | Adaptability of potato varieties to soil-climatic conditions of the Polissia and Forest-Steppe zone of Ukraine
Сонець, Т. Д. | Києнко, З. Б. | Фурдига, М. М. | Верменко, Ю. Я.
Цель. Установить основные критерии адаптивности и определить адаптивную способность различных сортов картофеля, проходивших сортоиспытание в условиях Полесья и Лесостепи Украины для использования в семеноводстве. Методы. Продуктивный потенциал сортов картофеля для определения общей видовой адаптивности анализировали по показателю урожайности. Для этого использовали коэффициент адаптивности сортов (КА) по их урожайности в год выращивания к среднесортовой урожайности года. Результаты. За годы исследований (2014–2016) при одинаковых условиях выращивания сорта по-разному реагировали на условия среды относительно года испытания. Общий коэффициент адаптивности 1,0 и выше свидетельствует о повышенной адаптивности сорта в почвенно-климатических условиях зоны выращивания к изменению погодных условий в течение вегетационного периода. В частности, на Полесье это сорта ‘Эсми’ (КА 1,12), ‘Катания’ (КА 1,06), ‘Констанс’ (КА 1,03), в Лесостепи – ‘Эсми’ (КА 1,16), ‘Катания’ (КА 1,12), ‘Констанс’ (КА 1,00). Специфическая адаптивная способность сортов отмечается при высокой среднесортовой урожайности в годы, благоприятные по погодным условиям для культуры картофеля. Прирост урожая таких сортов на Полесье составлял 0,4–1,9 т/га, в Лесостепи – 0,7–2,8 т/га. К таким сортам в зоне Полесья относятся ‘Есми’, ‘Катания’, ‘Явир’, ‘Констанс’, в Лесостепи – ‘Есми’, ‘Катания’ и ‘Констанс’. Выводы. Использование коэффициента адаптивности (КА) позволяет определить продуктивную способность сорта в конкретных почвенно-климатических условиях. Выращивание сортов с повышенной адаптивностью является весомым фактором увеличения объемов производства высокопродуктивных сортов картофеля, прежде всего семенного материала высоких категорий для сортоcмены и сортообновления. По результатам исследований к таким сортам картофеля в условиях Полесья и Лесостепи относятся ‘Эсми’, ‘Катания’ и ‘Констанс’. | Purpose. To define the main criteria for adaptability and determine the adaptive capacity of different varieties of potatoes tested in Polissia and Forest-Steppe of Ukraine for use in seed production. Methods. The productive potential of potato varieties to determine overall species adaptability was analyzed in terms of yield. For this purpose, the coefficient of adaptability of varieties (CA) was used determined by their yield in the year of cultivation in ratio to the average yield of the year. Results. Over the years of research (2014–2016), under similar conditions of cultivation, the varieties responded in different ways to conditions of the environment in relation to the year of testing. The overall CA of 1.0 and higher indicates increased adaptability of the variety in the soil and climatic conditions of the growing area to changes in weather conditions during the growing season. In particular, in Polissia these are ‘Esmi’ (CA 1.12), ‘Catania’ (CA 1.06), ‘Constans’ (CA 1.03); in the Forest-Steppe – ‘Esmi’ (CA 1.16), ‘Catania’ (CA 1.12), ‘Constans’ (CA 1.00). Specific adaptive ability of varieties is manifested in high average variety yields in years favorable by weather conditions for potato cultivating. The increase in the yield of such varieties in Polissia was 0.4–1.9 t/ha, in the Forest-Steppe – 0.7–2.8 t/ha. ‘Esmi’, ‘Catania’, ‘Yavir’, ‘Constans’ belong to such varieties in Polissia, ‘Esmi’, ‘Catania’, and ‘Constans’ – in the Forest-Steppe. Conclusions. The use the coefficient of adaptability allows determining the productive capacity of a variety in specific soil and climatic conditions. The cultivation of potato varieties with increased adaptability is a significant factor in increasing the production of high-yielding potato varieties, primarily seed material of high categories for varieties rotation and replacement. In particular, according to research results, such varieties of potatoes in Polissia and Forest-Steppe conditions are ‘Esmi’, ‘Catania’ and ‘Constans’. | Мета. Установити основні критерії адаптивності та визначити адаптивну здатність різних сортів картоплі, що проходили сортовипробування в умовах Полісся та Лісостепу України, для використання в насінництві. Методи. Продуктивний потенціал сортів картоплі для визначення загальної видової адаптивності аналізували за показником урожайності. Для цього використовували коефіцієнт адаптивності сортів (КА) за їх урожайністю в рік вирощування до середньосортової врожайності року. Результати. Упродовж років досліджень (2014–2016) за однакових умов вирощування сорти по-різному реагували на умови природного середовища відносно року випробування. Загальний коефіцієнт адаптивності 1,0 і вище свідчить про підвищену адаптивність сорту в ґрунтово-кліматичних умовах зони вирощування до зміни погодних умов упродовж вегетаційного періоду. Зокрема, на Поліссі це сорти ‘Есмі’ (КА 1,12), ‘Катанія’ (КА 1,06), ‘Констанс’ (КА 1,03); у Лісостепу – ‘Есмі’ (КА 1,16), ‘Катанія’ (КА 1,12), ‘Констанс’ (КА 1,00). Специфічна адаптивна здатність сортів виявляється за високої середньосортової врожайності в роки, сприятливі за погодними умовами для культури картоплі. Приріст урожаю таких сортів на Поліссі становив 0,4–1,9 т/га, у Лісостепу – 0,7–2,8 т/га. До таких сортів у зоні Полісся належать ‘Есмі’, ‘Катанія’, ‘Явір’, ‘Констанс’, у Лісостепу – ‘Есмі’, ‘Катанія’ і ‘Констанс’. Висновки. Використання коефіцієнта адаптивності дає змогу визначити продуктивну спроможність сорту в конкретних ґрунтово-кліматичних умовах. Вирощування сортів з підвищеною адаптивністю є вагомим чинником збільшення обсягів виробництва високопродуктивних сортів картоплі, передусім насіннєвого матеріалу високих категорій для сортозаміни і сортооновлення. За результатами досліджень до таких сортів картоплі в умовах Полісся й Лісостепу належать ‘Есмі’, ‘Катанія’ та ‘Констанс’.
Show more [+] Less [-]Аналіз різноманіття та генетичних взаємодій сортів картоплі (Solanum tuberosum L.) на основі морфологічних ознак та SSR-маркерів | Анализ разнообразия и генетических взаимодействий сортов картофеля (Solanum tuberosum L.) на основе морфологических признаков и SSR-маркеров | Analysis of diversity and genetic interactions of potato varieties (Solanum tuberosum L.) based on morphological characteristics and SSR markers
Присяжнюк, Л. М. | Кляченко, О. Л. | Діхтяр, І. О. | Симоненко, Н. В.
Мета. Оцінити кореляційні зв’язки між SSR-маркерами та морфологічними ознаками за генетичними дистанціями на основі поліморфізму сортів картоплі. Методи. ПЛР-аналіз, кластерний та кореляційно-регресійний аналізи. Результати. Наведено результати аналізу поліморфізму сортів картоплі за молекулярно-генетичними та морфологічними маркерними ознаками. Поліморфізм сортів оцінювали за чотирма мікросателітними маркерами: STM0019, STM3009, STM3012, STM5136 та за 42 морфологічними маркерними ознаками. За результатами ПЛР-аналізу визначено, що частота ідентифікованих алелів становила від 0,021 до 0,33, індекс полімофності в середньому за досліджуваними маркерами – 0,76. За допомогою кластерного аналізу визначено генетичні дистанції між сортами за SSR- та морфологічними маркерами, виявлено подібні та сорти, які різнилися між собою. Відповідно до отриманого розподілу оцінено кореляційні зв’язки між генетичними дистанціями за Mantel test, а саме визначено регресію, в якій змінними є матриці подібності, що підсумовують попарні подібні значення між місцями вибірки. Унаслідок оцінювання генетичних дистанцій між дослідженими генотипами картоплі встановлено, що найподібнішими за маркерами STM0019, STM3009, STM3012, STM5136 виявилися сорти ‘Скарбниця’ та ‘Явір’, відстань між якими становила 2,45, тоді як найбільшу відстань – 3,74 виявлено між сортами ‘Левада’ та ‘Довіра’, ‘Фантазія’ та ‘Довіра’. За маркерними морфологічними ознаками найменше значення генетичних дистанцій – 8,9 спостерігалося для сортів ‘Слов’янка’ та ‘Поліське джерело’, найвіддаленішими виявилися ‘Околиця’ та ‘Довіра’, значення для яких становить 18,2. Встановлено, що сорт картоплі ‘Довіра’ зі значенням показників генетичних дистанцій 18,2 та 3,74 за морфологічними та SSR-маркерами відповідно виявився найвіддаленішим від інших досліджених генотипів. У результаті проведеного аналізу генетичних дистанцій за SSR-маркерами та морфологічними ознаками кореляційних зв’язків за Mantel test не виявлено.Висновки. Застосування комплексу досліджень, які містять опис морфологічних ознак і мікросателітних маркерів є перспективним для ідентифікації сортів картоплі, створення колекцій загальновідомих сортів та визначення їх відмінностей. | Цель. Оценить корреляционные связи между SSR-маркерами и морфологическими признаками по генетическим дистанциям на основе полиморфизма сортов картофеля. Методы. ПЦР анализ, кластерный и корреляционно-регрессионный анализы. Результаты. Приведены результаты анализа полиморфизма сортов картофеля по молекулярно-генетическим и морфологическим маркерным признакам. Полиморфизм сортов картофеля оценивали по четырем микросателлитным маркерам: STM0019, STM3009, STM3012, STM5136 и 42 морфологическим маркерными признакам. По результатам ПЦР-анализа определено, что частота идентифицированных аллелей составляла от 0,021 до 0,33, индекс полимофности локуса в среднем по исследованным маркерам – 0,76. С помощью кластерного анализа определены генетические дистанции между сортами по SSR- и морфологическим маркерам, отмечены сходные и различные сорта. В соответствии с полученным распределением проведена оценка корреляционных связей между генетическими дистанциями по Mantel test, а именно определена регрессия, в которой переменными выступают матрицы сходства, которые суммируют попарные сходные значения между местами выборки. В результате оценки генетических дистанций между исследованными генотипами картофеля установлено, что наиболее сходными по маркерам STM0019, STM3009, STM3012, STM5136 оказались сорта ‘Скарбныця’ и ‘Явир’, расстояние между которыми составляло 2,45, тогда как наибольшее расстояние – 3,74 отмечено между сортами ‘Левада’ и ‘Довира’, ‘Фантазия’ и ‘Довира’. По маркерным морфологическим признакам наименьшее значение генетических дистанций – 8,9 наблюдалось для сортов ‘Славянка’ и ‘Полиське джерело’, отдаленными оказались ‘Околыця’ и ‘Довира’, значение для которых составляет 18,2. Установлено, что сорт картофеля ‘Довира’ со значением показателей генетических дистанций 18,2 и 3,74 по морфологическим и SSR-маркерами соответственно оказался самым удаленным от других исследованных генотипов. В результате проведенного анализа генетических дистанций по SSR-маркерам и морфологическим признакам корреляционных связей по Mantel test не обнаружено. Выводы. Применение комплекса исследований, включающих описание морфологических признаков и микросателлитных маркеров является перспективным для идентификации сортов картофеля, создание коллекций общеизвестных сортов и определения их различий. | Purpose. To estimate a correlation between SSR-markers and morphological features by genetic distances on the basis of polymorphism of potato varieties.Methods. PCR analysis, cluster and correlation-regression analysis.Results. The results of analysis of potatoes varieties polymorphism based on molecular genetic and morphological marker features are presented. Varieties polymorphism was assessed on four microsatellite markers: STM0019, STM3009, STM3012, STM5136 and 42 morphological markers. According to the results of PCR analysis, it was determined that the frequency of identified alleles ranged from 0.021 to 0.33, the index of polymorphism on the average for studied markers was 0.76. Using cluster analysis, the genetic distances between varieties based on SSR and morphological markers were determined, and similar varieties and varieties that differ among themselves were identified. According to the obtained distribution, the correlation between the genetic distances by Mantel test are estimated, namely, a regression, in which the variables are similarity matrices, summing the pairwise similar values between the sampling points was defined. As a result of the estimation of genetic distances between the investigated genotypes of potatoes, it was revealed that the varieties ‘Skarbnytsia’ and ‘Yavir’ were the most similar by markers STM0019, STM3009, STM3012, STM5136. The distance between these varieties was 2.45, while the greatest distance – 3.74 was found among the varieties ‘Levada’ and ‘Dovira’, ‘Fantaziia’ and ‘Dovira’. According to marker morphological signs, the least value of genetic distances was 8.9 for varieties ‘Slovianka’ and ‘Poliske Dzherelo’, the most distant ones were ‘Okolytsia’ and ‘Dovira’, with values of 18.2. It was revealed that the potato variety ‘Dovira’ with the value of genetic distances of 18.2 and 3.74 for morphological and SSR markers respectively was the most distant from other investigated genotypes. The correlations were not found by Mantel test as a result of the analysis of genetic distances based on SSR-markers and morphological signs.Conclusions. The use of a complex of studies containing a description of morphological features and microsatellite markers is promising for identifying potato varieties, creating collections of well-known varieties and determining their differences.
Show more [+] Less [-]Potato market in Ukraine
Мельник, С. І | Ковчі, А. Л | Стефківська, Ю. Л | Кравчук, О. О | Горицька, Т. В
Purpose. To study Ukrainian potato market at the current stage of the development and determine its future prospects. Results. The features of Ukrainian potato market were determined. Production is almost fully provided by private households, meeting the needs of the domestic market. Main regions with the highest gross output and production of potatoes were defined. Ukraine is one of the major potato producing countries in the world. Today our country is not a key supplier or importer of this product because of the low export orientation of the industry, its technological backwardness, limited product range and the large number of small producers. Ukraine exports potato mainly to CIS countries, the highest share of potato import comes from the European Union. Now there are only a few large manufacturing companies in the market, which can be classified as industrial. Most potato varieties, officially permitted for dissemination in Ukraine, are classified as table ones and recommended for cultivation in the Forest-Steppe and Polissia zones. Achievements of the industry include the development of such very popular and promising trend as organic potato growing, which area in our country is one of the largest in the world. Conclusions. Potato produced in Ukraine is used for human consumption, animal feeding, planting and processing, its volumes are relatively stable. Large-scale industrial production of potato is not widely practiced because of low wholesale prices and high labor intensity of the cultivation process. During next few years, in view of current trends, production of potato and severe limitations of the domestic market for foreign operations will remain unchanged. A shift in emphasis in the product range – from fresh potato to processed food products should be a prospect for domestic industrial producers to improve their position in Ukraine and abroad.
Show more [+] Less [-]Adaptive capacity and potential properties of varieties bred at the Potato Research Institute of NAAS
Борівський, А. Ф
Purpose. To establish adaptive capacity and reproduction time of the registered potato varieties elite bred at the Potato Research Institute of NAAS of Ukraine in various edaphic and climatic zones of Ukraine. Methods. Field and laboratory tests, statistical evaluation. Results. Potato varieties were tested in the Forest-Seppe, Polissia and Steppe zones of Ukraine. Over the years of testing (2012–2014), the highest yield of potatoes in the south-western part of the Forest-Steppe zone was produced by the early varieties: ‘Kimmeria’ – 46.9 t/ha, ‘Vedruska’ – 38.6 t/ha; middle-early varieties: ‘Partner’ – 33.2 t/ha, ‘Fantazia – 27.7 t/ha; mid-season varieties: ‘Okolytsia’ – 35.4 t/ha, ‘Mandrivnytsia’ – 25.1 t/ha. In the Central Polissia, ‘Kimmeria’ (31 t/ha) was the most productive early variety, the yield at the level of 27.6–29.2 t/ha was formed by such varieties as ‘Skarbnytsia’, ‘Serpanok’, ‘Radynka’, ‘Tyras’. Among the middle-early varieties, the yield of 33.1 t/ha was obtained from the variety ‘Partner’. In the conditions of Steppe zone, such early potato varieties as ‘Vymir’, ‘Glazurna’, ‘Strumok’, ‘Kimmeria’, ‘Svitoch’ and the middle-early variety ‘Ariya’ had the highest productivity in case of growing as bivoltine crop under irrigated conditions. It was found that in the Forest-Steppe and Polissia zones such varieties as ‘Kimmeria’, ‘Vedruska, ‘Serpanok’, ‘Skarbnytsia, ‘Tyras’, ‘Radynka’, ‘Partner’, ‘Slovianka’, ‘Vernisazh’, ‘Mandrivnytsia’, ‘Poliske dzherelo’ and ‘Chervona ruta’ were characterized by high resistance to degeneration (viral diseases and loss of productivity of potato elite in the process of reproduction). According to the results of evaluation of the impact of elite potato reproduction time on affection by viral diseases, optimal time for elite renovation for investigated varieties was determined. Conclusions. In the process of testing in various edaphic and climatic zones of Ukraine, stable yield with a high seed tubers number, regardless of weather conditions during the growing season in the Forest-Steppe and Polissia zones, was formed by some early potato varieties (‘Kimmeria’, ‘Vedruska’, ‘Radynka) and middle-early one (‘Partner’). Among mid-season varieties ‘Vernisazh’, ‘Okolytsia’, ‘Mandrivnytsia’ were identified for high productivity, and among middle-late – ‘Poliske dzherelo’ and ‘Chervona ruta’. The most common viral diseases of potatoes were rugose mosaic and mosaic leaf curling. High efficiency of the use of bivoltine crop method for potato growing to obtain seed material in the Southern Steppe zone of Ukraine has been proved.
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