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Features of accumulation of inorganic elements in seeds of white mustard (Sinapis alba L.) and black mustard (Brassica nigra L.)
Рудник-Іващенко, О. І | Михальська, Л. М | Швартау, В. В
Purpose. To investigate special aspects of accumulation of inorganic elements including heavy metals in seeds of white and black mustard to be grown for obtaining drugs. Methods. Field experiments, microwave digestion, ICP-MS and statistical analysis. Results. The content of inorganic elements including heavy metals was determined in the seeds of white and black mustard grown in Kiev Oblast. It was revealed that during the growing season plants of white mustard were able to accumulate such elements as aluminum, barium, strontium, zinc in seeds in concentrations that exceed their content in black mustard seeds, while compounds of calcium, cesium, iron, magnesium, manganese, potassium in a greater degree were accumulated in black mustard seeds. Conclusions. As legal and regulatory documents for important chemical elements don’t contain the maximum permissible limits of their content in medicinal plants, it would make sense to launch a comprehensive research with the involvement of specialists of relevant profiles in order to establish such a gradation. Plants of white and black mustard in Kiev Oblast have accumulated high levels of such metals as Ba, Cu, Fe, Mn, Mo, Sr, Zn that exceed the known limits of accumulation, indicating a partial contamination of soils in the region. Consequently, these plants can be used for phytoremediation of soils. Considering the fact that in the pharmaceutical practice refined mustard seed oil is used, revealed alterations of metal accumulation in seeds will not affect the quality of the final drugs. According to the research results, white and black mustard is promising for cultivation in Kiev Oblast with a view to obtain raw material that can be processed into drugs.
Show more [+] Less [-]Formation of spring rape yield depending on fractional composition of seed material
Вишнівський, П. С | Катеринчук, І. М
Purpose. To study the influence of fractional composition of seed material on productive properties of spring rape seeds of the ‘Magnat’ variety and ‘MVM’ (‘Gladiator’) variety sample. Methods. Field investigations, laboratory tests, statistical analysis. Results. During 2013–2014, the influence of sown seeds of different size fractions (up to 2,5 g; 2,6–3,5 g; 3,6 g and more) on the indices of productivity of spring rape varieties was studied. It was found that over the years of study field germination of sown fractions of seeds in ‘Magnat’ variety averaged 83.5%, in ‘MSM’ variety sample – 86.7%. During the periods of seedling emergence and harvesting, the density of spring rape crops varied depending on relevant fraction of sown seeds. In the ‘Magnat’ variety, photosynthetic potential of crops ranged from 1.1 to 1.3 million m2/ha, in ‘MSM’ variety sample – from 1.2 to 1.6 million m2/ha. Depending on the seed fractions applied, ‘Magnat’ variety crops during the growing season accumulated organic biomass from 2.05 to 2.36 g/m2 per day, ‘MSM’ sample variety – from 1.83 to 2.10 g/m2 per day. Conclusions. It was established that different fractions of spring rape seeds sown in the Northern Forest-Steppe zone of Ukraine affected the indices of germinating energy and laboratory germination, crop density formation, leaf surface area and intensity of photosynthesis process (crop photosynthetic potential, net photosynthesis performance). The highest indices of productivity and yield in the ‘Magnat’ variety was ensured by large-seeded fraction (3,6 g and more), in the ‘MVM’ (‘Gladiator’) sample variety – by small-seeded fraction (up to 2,5 g).
Show more [+] Less [-]Ecological testing of winter wheat varieties bred at the Institute of Irrigated Farming of the Ukrainian National Academy of Agrarian Sciences in Turkey
Усик, Л. О | Базалій, Г. Г | Колесникова, Н. Д
Purpose. Study of winter wheat varieties that were bred at the Institute of Irrigated Farming NAAS through ecological testing in Turkey. Test procedures both in Ukraine and Turkey meet the requirements of the International Union for the Protection of New Varieties of Plants (UPOV). Methods. Field, laboratory ones: structural analysis, quality analysis, statistical analysis. Results. The Exporter Unions Seed and Research Company (ITAS) during 2011–2013 tested winter wheat varieties bred at the Institute of Irrigates Farming (IIF) NAAS at four areas of the Central Plateau of Turkey comparing them with local varieties registered in this country. According to the results of these tests the Exporter Unions Seed and Research Company identified Kohana variety as candidate for the state registration in Turkey. Conclusions. The realisation of the innovative product in Ukraine and entitlement to use intellectual property due to licensing agreements is expected. The Institute of Irrigated Farming NAAS continues to create new varieties of winter wheat which can be transferred to other countries for testing for the purpose of introduction and further expansion.
Show more [+] Less [-]Застосування кластерного аналізу для групування сортів Brassica oleracea var. italica за тесту на відмінність | Application of cluster analysis for grouping Brassica oleracea var. italica varieties for the difference test
O. Y. Dydiv | V. V. Khareba | O.V. Khareba | N.V. Leshchuk | N. S. Orlenko | O.B. Orlenko
Мета. Використати кластерний аналіз морфологічних ознак для спрощення ідентифікації сортів Brassica oleracea var. italica та сформувати групи схожих сортів для тесту на відмінність. Методи. У процесі роботи послуговувалися аналітичним, математичним і статистичним методами. Як вхідну інформацію для статистичного опрацювання отриманих результатів застосовували відомості про результати експертизи на відмінність, однорідність і стабільність (ВОС) із бази даних автоматизованої інформаційної системи Українського інституту експертизи сортів рослин. Моделювання кластерів здійснювали за допомогою статистичного пакета IBM SPSS Statistics «Statistical Package for the Social Sciences». Результати. За 32 ознаками для тесту на відмінність, однорідність і стабільність проведено морфологічний опис сортів капусти броколі. Морфологічні кодові формули останніх, складені з відповідних кодів прояву ідентифікаційних ознак вегетативних і генеративних органів рослин, слугували джерелом вихідних даних. Серед 41 сорту, описаного за 32 морфологічними характеристиками, вдалося виокремити лише дві групи подібних за ідентифікаційними ознаками сортів. Як параметри моделі застосовували два типи змінних: цільова ‒ ознака «головка: антоціанове забарвлення», фокусна – «головка: забарвлення». Повний перелік характеристик був таким: «рослина: за висотою (за збиральної стиглості)», «листок: положення (на початку формування головки)», «листкова пластинка: хвилястість краю», «листкова пластинка: пухирчастість», «черешок: за довжиною», «головка: забарвлення», «головка: антоціанове забарвлення», «головка: за щільністю», «квітка: забарвлення», «квітка: інтенсивність жовтого забарвлення», «чоловіча стерильність». Способом комп’ютерного моделювання було сформовано кластери з 17 подібних сортів капусти броколі та 9 контрольних об’єктів (сортів), ідентифікація яких передбачала 11 морфологічних ознак. Висновки. Для пошуку відмітних ознак у процесі тесту на відмінність сорти капусти броколі було згруповано в кластери за такими морфологічними характеристиками, як положення листка на початку формування головки; хвилястість краю листкової пластинки; пухирчастість листкової пластинки; довжина черешка; забарвлення головки; наявність антоціанового та інтенсивність жовтого забарвлення. | Purpose. To use cluster analysis of morphological characters to simplify the identification of Brassica oleracea var. italica and form groups of similar varieties for the test of difference. Methods. Analytical, mathematical and statistical methods were used in the work. As input information for the statistical processing of the obtained results, information on the results of the examination for distinctness, uniformity and stability (DUS) from the database of the Automated Information System of the Ukrainian Institute for Plant Varieties Examination was used. Cluster modelling was carried out using the IBM SPSS Statistics “Statistical Package for the Social Sciences”. Results. A morphological description of broccoli varieties was carried out on the basis of 32 characteristics for the examination of distinctness, uniformity and stability. The morphological code formulae of the latter, composed of the corresponding codes for the manifestation of identifying characteristics of vegetative and generative organs of plants, served as a source of initial data. Out of 41 varieties described by 32 morphological characteristics, only two groups were found to be similar in terms of the identifying characteristics of the varieties. Two types of variables were used as parameters of the model: target – characteristic “Head: anthocyanin colour”, focal – “Head: colour”. The full list of characteristics was as follows “plant: by height (at harvest maturity)”, “leaf: position (at beginning of head formation)”, “leaf blade: wavy edge”, “leaf blade: blistering”, “petiole: by length”, “head: colour”, “head: anthocyanin colour”, “head: by density”, “flower: colour”, “flower: intensity of yellow colour”, “male sterility”. Using computer modelling, clusters of 17 similar broccoli varieties and 9 control objects (varieties) were formed, the identification of which involved eleven morphological characteristics. Conclusions. In order to search for distinguishing characteristics in the process of testing the difference of cabbage varieties, broccoli was grouped into clusters according to such morphological characteristics as the position of the leaf at the beginning of the formation of the head; waviness of the edge of the leaf blade; blistering of the leaf plate; petiole length; head colour; presence of anthocyanin and intensity of yellow colour.
Show more [+] Less [-]Cross-resistance of cell lines and plant regenerants of winter triticale to abiotic stressors
Пикало, С. В | Дубровна, О. В | Гринів, С. М
Purpose. To analyze the level of cross-resistance of obtained salt- and osmotolerant cell lines and plants regenerants of winter triticale to osmotic and salt stresses. Methods. Cultures of tissue and organs in vitro, in vitro breeding, biochemical, statistical analysis. Results. It was established that the stability of cross-resistance trait display to saline and osmotic stresses in obtained cell lines of winter triticale was rather high – from 50 to 76% of calli have survived to the end of the sixth passage. It has been shown that despite the presence of sublethal concentrations of the stress-factor (mannitol/sodium chloride) in selective medium, stable cell lines of the triticale actively continued to grow and accumulate biomass. It was found that in the line ‘38/1296’ cell lines 5L/sl and 5L/os respectively were the most resistant to osmotic and salt stresses, and lines 1C/s1 and 1C/os respectively in the ‘Obrii’ variety, since they had the highest percent of living calli and biomass increment under the selective conditions and their plant regenerant – the highest level of survival after the impact of the abiotic stressors complex. The salt-resistant cell lines of both genotypes of winter triticale as compared to the control were also characterized by significantly higher free proline content under the selective factors impact. The results obtained may indicate that the cell lines and triticale plant regenerants have a genetically determined trait of resistance to stress factors. Conclusions. Verification of traits of resistance to abiotic stressors has shown a significantly high level of cross-tolerance of the obtained cell lines of both triticale genotypes for saline and osmotic stresses. Resistance to saline and osmotic stresses of cells separated in vitro was preserved in induced plants and at the organism level has increased tolerance to abiotic environmental factors. It is shown that due to the general non-specific mechanisms of resistance, the capacity of the callus cultures of triticale to resist to one abiotic stressor can lead to increased tolerance for another one.
Show more [+] Less [-]Efficiency of foliar dressing of winter wheat
Худолій, Л. В
Purpose. To elaborate winter wheat cultivation technologies based on balanced fertilizer system that combines application of mineral fertilizers and the increase of their efficiency by the use of preparations with microelements. Methods. Field and laboratory studies, mathematical and statistical analysis. Results. During 2011–2013, the effect of cultivation technologies on the formation of yield and quality of winter wheat variety ‘Benefis’ (pea is a predecessor) was studied. In case of alternative technologies that provided adding only by-products of the predecessor, the yield of winter wheat was 3.73 t/ha when using integrated protection system, and it was increased to 4.22 t/ha with grain quality of the 4th–5th class of the group B when foliar dressing was applied. Resource saving technologies of cultivation with restricted use of fertilizers (Р45К45N30(II)+30(IV)) provided productivity at the level of 5.19–5.61 t/ha with grain quality of the 2nd–3rd class of the group A. Grain yield of 6.27 t/ha of the 2nd class quality was obtained by the use of intensive cultivation technology, which included application of mineral fertilizers (Р90К90N30(II)+60(IV)+30(VIII)) in addition to the use of predecessor’s by-products and foliar dressing. The highest yield of grain (6.71 t/ha) on average during all years of the study with the 1st class of the group A quality was provided by energy-intensive technology, which included application of P135K135N60(II)+75(IV)+45(VIII) with embedding of predecessor’s by-products into the soil and foliar dressing. Conclusions. It was established that in the northern part of the Forest-Steppe zone of Ukraine the highest productivity of winter wheat was obtained in dark gray podzolic soils using the energy-intensive technology with application of P135K135N60(II)+75(IV)+45(VIII) against the background of predecessor’s by-products embedded into the soil in case of integrated plant protection, and foliar dressing. This technology ensured the yield of 6.71 t/ha with grain quality of the 1st class of the group A.
Show more [+] Less [-]Screening of winter triticale genotypes for resistance to salinity in the shoot apical meristem culture
Пикало, С. В | Дубровна, О. В
Purpose. To conduct in vitro screening of different genotypes of winter triticale for resistance to salinity in the shoot apical meristem culture. Methods. Plant tissue culture in vitro, in vitro breeding, statistical analysis. Results. It was found that the increase of sodium chloride concentration from 0.6 to 1.5% resulted in inhibition of the callus culture growth in all genotypes that was indicative of the toxic effect of the stress factor. It turns out that 1.2% sodium chloride concentration allowed to differentiate triticale genotypes for salt tolerance. The line ‘38/1296’ appeared to be the most resistant to salinity stress because under breeding conditions calli of this genotype were characterized by higher morphogenetic potential, had the highest crude mass increase, and plants-regenerants were obtained only from explants of this line after cultivation on the medium containing 1.5% sodium chloride. The ‘ADM 11’ variety was the most sensitive to saline stress as mass necrosis and lack of regenerative ability in its calli were observed under breeding conditions. In the studied forms, genotypic dependence of morphogenesis processes in vitro culture was registered. From the induced calli, plants-regenerants were obtained, and their completion of growing, root development and transfer to in vivo conditions were optimized. Conclusions. Genotypic response to salinity stress in the culture of shoot apical meristems of winter triticale was expressed by various crude mass increase and different morphogenetic potential on exposure to a stress factor. The line ‘38/1296’ can be used as a valuable material for further breeding of winter triticale. The culture of shoot apical meristems is recommended to apply as a test system for screening of triticale genotypes for resistance to salinity stress
Show more [+] Less [-]Impact of cultivation technologies elements on winter wheat grain productivity and quality
Олійник, К. М | Давидюк, Г. В | Блажевич, Л. Ю | Худолій, Л. В
Purpose. To develop and improve adaptive technologies of winter wheat cultivation which provide high productivity and quality of grain. Methods. Field and laboratory studies, mathematical and statistical analysis. Results. During 2011–2015, the impact of cultivation technologies on the formation of grain quality and yield of winter wheat variety ‘Stolychna’ (with pea as predecessor) was studied. When using alternative technologies with only predecessor by-products application, the yield of winter wheat with integrated crop protection system was 4,56 t/ha, with minimal protection – 4.25 t/ha with grain quality of the 5th class of B group. Resource saving cultivation technologies with limited application of fertilizers (Р45К45N30(II)+30(IV)) provided productivity at the level of 4,87–5,50 t/ha with grain quality of the 2nd–3rd class of A group. Grain yield of 6.01 t/ha with indicators of the 2nd–3rd class of quality was obtained with the use of intensive cultivation technology with application of mineral fertilizers (Р90К90N30(II)+60(IV)+30(VIII)) on the background of applying predecessor’s by-products and integrated crop protection. The highest yield of grain (6.22 t/ha) with indicators of the 2nd class of A group quality on average for the research period was provided by energy-intensive technology, that requires the application of mineral fertilizers (P135K135N60(II)+75(IV)+45(VIII)) and incorporation of predecessor’s by-products in the soil, and integrated plant protection. Conclusion. It was found that in the northern part of the Right-Bank Forest-Steppe zone of Ukraine, the highest productivity of winter wheat was obtained in dark grey podzolic soils when using the energy-intensive technology with application of P135K135N60(II)+75(IV)+45(VIII) on the background of predecessor’s by-products and integrated crop protection. This technology ensured the grain yield of 6.22 t/ha of the 2nd class of A group quality.
Show more [+] Less [-]Importance of Triticosecale Wittmack ex A.Camus varieties in the formation of species diversity of agro-ecosystems
Москалець, В. В | Москалець, Т. З
Purpose. To find out the ecological importance of winter triticale varieties in the formation of species diversity of agro-ecosystems. Methods. Field, laboratoryones and mathematical and statistical analysis. Results. The authors studied ecological importance of winter triticale varieties of forest-steppe and Polissia ecotopes as determinants of agrobiocenosis in the structural and functional organization of species diversity. It was found that less favourable ecological niche for pests-phytophags is such winter triticale varieties and lines as ‘Slavetne’, ‘AD 256’, ‘Chaian’, ‘DAU 5’, for epiphytoparasites – ‘Vivate Nosivske’, ‘Pshenychne’, ‘Slavetne polipshene’, ‘Slavetne’, ‘Yaguar’, respectively. It is determined that varieties and lines of winter triticale such as ‘AD 256’, ‘Vivate Nosivske’, ‘Pshenychne’, ‘Slavetne polipshene’, ‘Slavetne’ show high biological ability to compete with synanthropic vegetation and form distinct associations of segetal plants. Conclusions. It was found that agrophytocenoses of the studied varieties of winter triticale under the conditions of forest-steppe, Polissia-forest-steppe and Polissia ecotops determined in movements structural and functional organization of species diversity of agroecosystems.
Show more [+] Less [-]Classification of initial material of pea of vegetable (Pisum sativum L. partim) by the method of multidimensional statistics
Стригун, В. М
Basic results is resulted multidimen-sional statistical analysis of varieties of pea vegetable as initial material for the breeding of new varieties.
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