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The results of divergence of early-maturing maize source material in heterosis breeding
Черчель, В. Ю | Купар, Ю. Ю | Таганцова, М. М | Стасів, О. Ф
Purpose. To analyze the divergence of early maturing source material of corn Zea mays L. in heterosis breeding for the genetic base formation at the State Institution the Institute of Grain Crops of the NAAS of Ukraine. Methods. Field (comprehensive assessment of morphobiological and economically valuable characteristics of the source material and maize hybrids) individual selection, cumulative and recurrent selection, backross and testcrosses breeding methods; laboratory; analysis and synthesis; statistical. Results. The results of research on the analysis of the divergence of early maturing corn source material in the conditions of the Steppe of Ukraine has become a developed harmonized working collection of corn breeding samples adapted to the stressful conditions of this region. The gradual cyclical improvement of the lines made it possible to form the core of the genetic diversity of FAO 150–290 early maturing specimens of the southern ecotype, which are competitive in heterosis breeding. The complexity of breeding for early maturity in the steppe conditions is due to the lack of material adapted to the stress factors of the South of Ukraine. The available early maturing lines of the world collection F2, F7, Ер1, Ма21, Ма23, Со125, Со255, См7, PLS61, S72, etc., were distinguished by high cold resistance, good starting plant development, intensive accumulation of dry matter during ripening, but not adapted to the deficiency of moisture in the soil and high summer temperatures. According to the results of the experiment, it was revealed that, in terms of breeding, lines of Lancaster plasma (DK427 and DK633) were the most plastic, due to which a number of new mid-early lines were obtained, for example DK2/427, DK267, DK266/417, DK633/266, DK296, etc., which were included in the registered hybrids. Formation of the genetic base of early maturing maize source material for heterosis breeding and systematization according to different breeding characteristics provided a balance of samples of alternative components, which will be further used to model heterosis hybrids in the early maturing group. Conclusions. The updated basic collection of lines is represented by the samples of plasma Iodent: DK744SVZM, DK216SVZM, DK4173SVZM, DK235zS, DK257zM, SV, DK365SVZM, DK777ZMSV, DK733-7zM,SV, DK315SVZM; Lancaster: DK296zS,VM, DK633/266zS,VM, DK2965ZSZM, DK2953 ZSZM, DK3023 ZSZM, DK236zS,ZM; Raid (SSS): DK232MV, DK2323MV, DK239MV; Mixed: DK253ZSZM, DK273MV, DK272zS, DK281SV, DK233zM,SV, DK959MV, DK9527 ZSZM, DK247MV, DK2442MV, which is the basis of the genetic diversity of early ripening corn samples included in the State register of plant varieties suitable for dissemination in Ukraine.
Show more [+] Less [-]Assessment of stability and plasticity of new hybrids of maize (Zea mays L.) under the conditions of Polissia and Steppe zones of Ukraine
Присяжнюк, Л. М | Шовгун, О. О | Король, Л. В | Коровко, І. І
Purpose. To select promising high productive maize hybrids of middle-early maturity group in terms of stability and plasticity of main economic characters. Methods. Field study, laboratory test, analytical procedure and statistical evaluation. Results. 14 maize hybrids recorded in the State Register of Plant Varieties Suitable for Dissemination in Ukraine in 2015 were studied for plasticity and stability of such traits as productivity, protein and starch content. Intensive highly-plastic hybrid ‘SI Tiptop’ was selected among the studied ones for productivity trait that can respond properly to changes of growing conditions. It was defined that for the starch content such hybrids as ‘SI Tiptop’, ‘SI Enigma’, ‘SI Arioso’, ‘Svich 38’, ‘Svich 35’, ‘HU 8653’, ‘Zdobutok’ and ‘SI Contrakt’ belonged to the intensive type and combined rather high values and the stability of the studied trait under variable conditions. The following hybrids as ‘NS 2642’, ‘DK S3016’, ‘Svich 38’, ‘NS 2632’ were qualified as intensive for protein content and appeared to be highly-plastic but stability values of this trait were low. ‘Svich 38’ hybrid was intensive simultaneously for two traits such as protein and starch content and showed rather high values of plasticity. ‘SI Tiptop’, ‘SI Enigma’ and ‘Svich 35’ were defined as hybrids of extensive type that provided stable protein content in adverse cultivation conditions. Conclusions. On the condition that intensive crop growing technologies should be used, for obtaining stable yields it is advisable to sow only highly-plastic hybrids that can adapt to unfavorable environmental factors, including ‘SI Tiptop’ – for productivity trait, ‘Zdobutok’ and ‘SI Kontrakt’ – for starch content, ‘MAC 24N‘, ‘NA 2642‘ and ‘Danubio’ – for protein content.
Show more [+] Less [-]Table grape of Ukraine – varietal resources, perspectives of production and consumption
Власов, В. В | Мулюкіна, Н. А | Ковальова, І. А | Герус, Л. В
Purpose. To enrich and improve the range of table grape varieties of Ukraine. Methods. Breeding, hybridological, mathematic, visual ones. Results. Modern Ukrainian gene pool of table grape varieties has been created on the base of the best introduced and homegrown cultivars and selections. New genotypes that are creating at the National Scientific Centre “Institute of Viticulture and Wine-Making named after V. Ye. Tairov” under the breeding program “Resistense plus Quality” are the basis of current and future regional assortments for the south and central areas of the steppe zone of Ukraine. The complexity of the origine explains the genetically determined high-level manifestation of commercially valuable characters. New varieties and selections are ecologically safe for humans and the environment, as the level of their resistance to the group of fungal main diseases is not less than 6.5 points according to the 9-point scale, therefore they do not require a large pesticide load. New promising table varieties demonstrate a stable yield and high marketability of grapes – 5–10 kg per plant with the marketability nearly 80–87% during the last five years. In addition, dense flesh of grapes is a guarantee of high transportability. The variety of table genotypes taste, shape and berries ripening from very early to very late embodied in the innovative and highly profitable development “Conveyor of table grapes”. Depending on the ecological and geographical conditions, the conveyor can include a different quantity of varieties, but to in order increase the efficiency and profitability it is necessary to have a few groups (from 2 to 4 varietes) of different ripening. The approximate ratio (%) of varieties of different ripening time is recommended: very early – 22%, early – 22%, average – 17%, mid-late – 17%, and late – 22%. Conclusions. The variation of shape, flavour and color of new promising genotypes of table grapes makes them very popular on the market and may satisfy the most demanding consumer. The stability of the adaptive and technological traits makes the new table varieties very attractive for the producers of grape products.
Show more [+] Less [-]Effect of plant growth regulators on the yield of such red beetroot varieties as Bordeaux Kharkivskyi and Aktion
Бобось, І. М | Ободовський, М. В
Purpose. Revealing of adaptive properties of plant varieties of red beet Bordeaux Kharkivskyi and Aktion based on the study of plant growth regulators for marketable production in the Steppe zone of Ukraine. Methods. Field, laboratory ones, variance analysis. Results. The influence of plant growth regulators (Lignogumat, Betastimulin) on earliness and productivity of such red beet varieties as Bordeaux Kharkivskyi and Aktion was established. Conclusions. Plant growth regulators (Betastimulin, Lignogumat) stimulated seed sprouting of red beet Bordeaux Kharkivskyi and Aktion varieties, activated vegetative plant growth increasing marketable yield. Application of Betastimulin (0.2%) for red beet Kharkivskyi Bordeaux and Aktion varieties provides the highest number of marketable beetroots, thus forming marketable yield of 44.7 and 54.9 t/ha respectively with the average beetroot weight of 328–519 g.
Show more [+] Less [-]Summary of quince (Суdonіа oblonga Mill.) development in nursery
Сіленко, В. О | Трохимчук, В. А | Яремко, Н. О
The authors present the results of the study of pears clonal rootstocks, namely the following quince forms: IC 2-10, IC 4-6, S1 and Cydo in the nursery during 2010-2012. Experimental nursery was founded in the spring of 2010, with bushes planting designs of the following dimensions: 1,4*0,3 m. Diameter of the reference root collar of all forms of rootstocks in average over the years of the tests, ranged from 6,7 mm to 7,9 mm and satisfied the requirements of standard (6-12 mm). Among the quince forms under review the best biometric indicators for two years of examination have been registered for IC 2-10, IC 4-6 and S1quince. The IC 4-6 and S1 display better quality of the root system of vertical layers; highest standard layers yield is registered for ІC 2-10, 4-6 and S1forms. IC 2-10 rootstock and S1quince have proved to be the best varieties for the West Steppe of Ukraine by the complex of economic and biological characteristics.
Show more [+] Less [-]Improvement of diseases resistance and productivity of winter wheat varieties and their post- registration studying
Гончаренко, М. П | Андрющенко, А. В | Уліч, Л. І | Кривий, М. С | Пашківська, Ю. В | Бусмак, О. А
Results of four-years assessment of approximately 90 winter wheat varieties at post- registration research on the background of crops chemical protection and in its absence at Biloczerkivska DSDS (forest- steppe zone) and Borodianska DSDS (subforest zone) are represented in this article. Methods of their immunological assessment and determination of potential productivity have been developed too. Authors are recommending to conduct immunological assessment of varieties on their natural background of diseases development and assess potential productivity in conditions of plants chemical protection as this is the element of crop growing technology.
Show more [+] Less [-]Influence of growth regulator on plant growth, development and yield formation of sunflower hybrids (F<sub>1</sub>) under the conditions of Southern Steppe zone of Ukraine
Єременко, О. А | Калитка, В. В | Каленська, С. М
Purpose. To study the effect of AKM plant growth regulator on growth, development and yield formation of sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.) hybrids in hybridization plots under the conditions of the Southern Steppe zone of Ukraine. Methods. Laboratory tests, field study, statistical evaluation. Results. The results of studies devoted to determining the optimal AKM concentration for the treatment of seeds of the maternal and paternal lines, the effect of AKM on field germination, biometric parameters of sunflower plants, seed quality (F1) and yield are presented. Three hybrids of the Ukrainian selection, such as ‘Alpha’, ‘Logos’ and ‘Persei’ were studied during 2014–2016. Optimal concentration of AKM (0.0015 g/l) was defined. The vigor of seeds processed by AKM was higher than in check variety by 0.8–12.8 р.р. (♂); 0.4–10.7 p.p. (♀), laboratory germination – by 2.3–6.1 p.p. (♂); 3.5–6.2 p.p. (♀). In 2016, the sunflower plant height for all variants exceeded this parameter to be obtained for other years of the study. This could be explained by the fact that HTC in 2016 for the BBCH 00–39 period was 1.4 times higher than in 2015. In general, hybrids as the studied factor considerably influenced sunflower yield, and the share of the hybrid (factor A) influence is 33%. This should be considered when selecting hybrids for sunflower cultivation technologies in the Steppe zone of Ukraine. Conclusions. Hydrothermal conditions of the year had the maximum impact on the formation of seed quality and yield of sunflower plants of the hybrids under study, but when using AKM growth regulator for presowing seed treatment, this negative impact was reduced by an average of 23%.
Show more [+] Less [-]Yield and adaptive potential of modern varieties of soft winter wheat in the Northern Steppe conditions
Солодушко, М. М
Results obtained during the study of special features of cultivation and productivity of soft winter wheat varieties that differ by origin in the Steppe zone in Ukraine are presented. Relevance of the executed work was determined by ambiguous assessment and selection of available soft winter wheat variety assortment that is used in Steppe zone farms. Findings allow to find out and expose to a greater extent unused reserves for increasing the croppage level. It was found in the process of the study that now according to comprehensive assessment the best varieties of a soft winter wheat for corn growers in the steppe zone are Smuhlianka, Epokha odes`ka, Kiriia, Zolotokolosa, Blahodarka odes`ka, Bohdana, Lyst 25, Rozkishna.
Show more [+] Less [-]Correlative connechons anong quantitative features in Savoy Cabbage (Brassika olleccae L. var.sabauda Lizg) and Red Cabbage (Brassika olleccae L. convar. capitata (L.) Alef. var. capitata L. f. rubra (L.) Thell)
Жук, О. Я | Федосій, І. О | Волошина, О. І
The article provides research results of the correlation analysis on Savoy Cabbage and Red Cabbage varieties and hybrids as recommended for cultivation in steppe of Ukraine, looking for increased production and diversification of vegetable crops, improvement of their quality. Direct and inverse correlations of quantitative features have been completed. The best standards are selected for Savoy Cabbage: Dafni F1 in early-ripening hybrid, Chifteyn Savoy variety in middle-ripening group, Vertyu 1340 in middle-late group, and there is Saga F1 RS hybrid late-ripening group. There is strong cross-correlation dependence registered for Red Cabbage was in Olena variety among a group middle-ripening group, Gako 741 variety in middle-ripening group, Kalibos, Dauerrot, in the group of middle-late varieties, and Milana, Langendeyker, Langendeyker red, Granat, Pozdnyaya Krasavisa, Maxilla and Autoro F1 and Fuego hybrids of F1 in late-ripening group.
Show more [+] Less [-]To 80 anniversary of Victor Danylenko
Даниленко, Б. В | Шоферістов, Є. П
The brief biographical information and the results of industrial and biological study of fruit crops varieties in steppe zone of the Crimea have been given. Widely spread varieties for industrial, collective and private orchards in Ukraine studied by V.V. Danylenko have been given. The main published workes of V.V. Danylenko have been given.
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