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Dynamics of correlation relationship changes in new winter wheat varieties (<em>Triticum aestivum</em> L.) under the influence of environmental factors in the Southern Forest-Steppe zone of Ukraine
М. М. Гаврилюк | П. Є. Каленич
Purpose. To establish correlation dependence of influence of such factors as seeding rate, sowing time and seeding methods on yield indicators, as well as individual response of winter wheat varieties to them in case of the ecological system of seed production, that would allow to form elements of intensive varietal technology and obtain the genetically determined productivity potential of the variety in the future. Methods. Weight measuring was used to determine seed yield; the reliability of the experiment results was identified by statistical evaluation, analysis of variance and regression procedure. Results. During the period of investigation, the weather conditions differed significantly both for the temperature regime and the amount of precipitation, but the stability of grain and seed yield over years was the main requirement to varieties, that allowed to study the intergenotypic correlation relationships of crop yield indices and the dynamics of their changes under the effect of ecological factors. In the course of investigation, winter wheat yield indices were fixed annually from 684 plots, which were grouped and analyzed for factors of influence in order to ensure the complete certainty. Conclusions. Variants of investigation were defined for the certified seed yield and environmental factors (sowing time and seeding method, seeding rate), that had strong positive correlation relationships. Seeding rate and seeding method had the greatest impact on 1000 kernel weight. For tillering coefficient, varieties depending on the variant of the investigation had a negative close correlation relationship, which was greatly affected by seeding rate. For correlation relationships, winter wheat varieties ‘Bohdana’ and ‘Slavna’ appeared to be the most stable, ‘Chorniava’ and ‘Astarta’ were the most plastic.
Show more [+] Less [-]Peculiarities of productivity formation of the genus Salix L. representatives
В. В. Баликіна
Purpose. To identify the productivity of the genus Salix L. plants and study the relationship between its structural elements. Methods. Field study, laboratory analysis, analytical approach. Results. It was found that the height of a three-year plants of species ranged from 86.0 to 775.1 cm, of hybrid forms – from 197.0 to 488.0 cm. Average diameter of three-year plants varied in the range of 19.10 to 52.94 mm (species) and from 28.04 to 49.23 mm (hybrid forms). The highest stability for complex of morphological characters was observed in bog willow samples. It was determined that among species basket willow (16.94 t/ha) and white willow (21.19 t/ha) were the most productive for dry biomass yield per 1 hectare, among hybrid forms – purple willow × basket willow (23.36 t/ha) and basket willow × bog willow (18.57 t/ha). It was established that the value of the plants productivity was characterized by moderate, significant and close correlations with the average diameter of plants, length and number of shoots of the second order. Conclusions. A comprehensive assessment of productivity traits of three-year plants from willow collection was conducted, index of dry matter yield per 1 hectare was defined. The links between quantitative traits that characterize the contribution of some of them in productivity index were investigated. Method of cluster analysis was used to group samples for the similarity of complex agronomic characters. Basket willow and white willow as well as such hybrid forms as basket willow × bog willow and purple willow × basket willow were recommended to use as a source material for selection of samples with high productivity.
Show more [+] Less [-]Формування продуктивності різних за стійкістю сортів пшениці озимої під впливом грибних хвороб
Т. В. Топчій | Н. В. Сандецька
Мета. Дослідити вплив грибних хвороб на продуктивність різних за стійкістю сортів пшениці озимої з використанням штучних інфекційних фонів. Методи. Польовий – оцінка стійкості сортозразків до грибних хвороб на інфекційних фонах. Лабораторний – структурний аналіз сортозразків. Математико-статистичний – оцінка результатів досліджень і аналіз кореляційних зв’язків між отриманими даними. Результати. Грибні хвороби, як найпоширеніші та шкідливі, уражують різні органи рослин та спричиняють недобір урожаю, погіршують товарну та насіннєву якість зерна. Наведено результати польових експериментальних досліджень за 2012–2017 рр. із вивчення впливу грибних хвороб на показники врожайності пшениці озимої. Встановлено, що ураження пшениці озимої септоріозом (Septoria tritici Rob.) та борошнистою росою (Erysiphe graminis DS. f. sp. tritici) негативно впливало на довжину колоса, кількість зерен у ньому, масу зерна з колоса та масу 1000 зерен. Однак, у досліджуваних сортозразків показники продуктивності змінювалися по-різному. Найтолерантнiшими проти грибних хвороб були високопродуктивні сорти пшениці озимої ‘Смуглянка’ та ‘Новокиївська’. У стійкого проти септоріозу сорту ‘Смуглянка’, за 75%-го ступеня ураження, зниження показників продуктивності становило від 1,4 до 12,2%, тоді як у сприйнятливого сортозразка ‘УК 1731’ – від 6,2 до 16,7%. Аналогічний стан спостерігався і на стійкому проти борошнистої роси сорті ‘Новокиївська’. Висновки. Відібрані два толерантні високопродуктивні сорти пшениці озимої ‘Смуглянка’ та ‘Новокиївська’ (стійкість 7–6 балів) можуть протистояти ураженню септоріозом і борошнистою росою без втрати продуктивності, а також бути перспективним джерелом стійкості проти цих хвороб та становити інтерес для подальшої селекційної роботи в Україні.
Show more [+] Less [-]Criteria of assessing introduced varieties of the genus Heuchera L.
Н. А. Андрух
Purpose. To identify and describe the basic criteria for studying and assessing decorative and economic-and-biological characters of the genus Heuchera L. varieties in the context of introduction. Methods. Introduction procedure, analytical approach, morphological analysis and biometric data evaluation. Results. Aided by the comparative morphological analysis of introduced varieties of the genus Heuchera, significant differences in their characters were revealed, including plant height, height and width of the basal rosette of leaves, generative shoot height. There was a significant variation of such parameters as the number of generative shoots within one plant, the number of flowers on a single generative shoot, flowering abundance. Based on investigation findings, 17 groups of varieties were identified for the dominant color of adaxial surface of the leaf blade and 7 groups – for inflorescence color. According to phenological observations, Heuchera varieties groups were determined and the dates of commencement and duration of plants flowering were registered in the context of introduction. The results of these investigations are the necessary basis for the study and evaluation of this culture assortment, they are important in breeding and landscaping. Conclusions. Based on the results of investigations of morphological features of introduced species of the genus Heuchera, traits and parameters for varieties grouping were defined as well as decorative and economic-and-biological traits that should be evaluated.
Show more [+] Less [-]Variability of seed quality indices in soft spring wheat depending on weather conditions
І. В. Правдзіва | Н. В. Василенко | С. О. Хоменко
Purpose. To study the effect of weather conditions on grain quality in soft spring wheat lines that are undergoing competitive variety trial. To identify indices to be least affected by weather conditions. To investigate the correlation dependence between grain quality indices in the years with contrasting weather conditions and conduct the analysis of variance. Methods. Parameters of grain and flour quality of bread spring wheat lines were determined using conventional methods at the laboratory of grain quality of V. M. Remeslo Myronivka Institute of Wheat, NAAS of Ukraine, protein content in flour was measured with the use of the SPECTRAN 119M device. Results. Contrasting weather conditions were considered including arid ones (2013) – that had negative effect on 1000 kernel weight, but at the same time positively influenced the averaged grain quality indices; with excess humidity (2014) – they resulted in decreasing of all technological indices; optimal ones (2015) – allowed to obtain maximum indices of grain and flour quality. Paired coefficients of correlation between different parameters of grain and flour quality were calculated. The most number of strong and medium correlations was found in a dry year (33.3%), the smallest one – in a wet year (13.0%). Such indices as flour strength, dough dilution and protein content depended on the conditions of the growing year least of all. Grain-unit response was the most considerable to the humid conditions of the year. The analysis of variance showed that climatic conditions had significant effect on the quality indices of grain and flour. At the same time, an important genotypic component was revealed in indices of dough resilience (63%), bread volume and rating (61 and 53% respectively), the flour strength (42%), crude gluten quality (33%), bread porosity (30%). With climate variations, the genotypic conditionality of the content of protein and especially crude gluten was expressed insignificantly. Conclusions. When creating high quality cultivars, plant breeders should be guided by such indices as flour strength, dough resilience, gluten quality, bread volume and rating as only they are more genetically determined
Show more [+] Less [-]Influence of growth regulator on plant growth, development and yield formation of sunflower hybrids (F<sub>1</sub>) under the conditions of Southern Steppe zone of Ukraine
О. А. Єременко | В. В. Калитка | С. М. Каленська
Purpose. To study the effect of AKM plant growth regulator on growth, development and yield formation of sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.) hybrids in hybridization plots under the conditions of the Southern Steppe zone of Ukraine. Methods. Laboratory tests, field study, statistical evaluation. Results. The results of studies devoted to determining the optimal AKM concentration for the treatment of seeds of the maternal and paternal lines, the effect of AKM on field germination, biometric parameters of sunflower plants, seed quality (F1) and yield are presented. Three hybrids of the Ukrainian selection, such as ‘Alpha’, ‘Logos’ and ‘Persei’ were studied during 2014–2016. Optimal concentration of AKM (0.0015 g/l) was defined. The vigor of seeds processed by AKM was higher than in check variety by 0.8–12.8 р.р. (♂); 0.4–10.7 p.p. (♀), laboratory germination – by 2.3–6.1 p.p. (♂); 3.5–6.2 p.p. (♀). In 2016, the sunflower plant height for all variants exceeded this parameter to be obtained for other years of the study. This could be explained by the fact that HTC in 2016 for the BBCH 00–39 period was 1.4 times higher than in 2015. In general, hybrids as the studied factor considerably influenced sunflower yield, and the share of the hybrid (factor A) influence is 33%. This should be considered when selecting hybrids for sunflower cultivation technologies in the Steppe zone of Ukraine. Conclusions. Hydrothermal conditions of the year had the maximum impact on the formation of seed quality and yield of sunflower plants of the hybrids under study, but when using AKM growth regulator for presowing seed treatment, this negative impact was reduced by an average of 23%.
Show more [+] Less [-]Morphoagrobiological properties and productivity of new soft winter wheat varieties under the conditions of Kirovohrad variety testing station
О. Л. Уліч | Г. М. Каражбей | С. В. Козак | Ю. Ф. Терещенко | І. В. Коховська
Purpose. To study morphoagrobiological and adaptive properties, level of yielding capacity of recently registered soft winter wheat varieties of various ecological groups under agroecological conditions of Kirovohrad variety testing station. Methods. Field study, laboratory test, analytical procedure and statistical evaluation. Results. It was established that the yield level of is a key composite indicator of genotype adaptation to agroecological growing conditions. Experimental data indicate significant deviations of yield depending on the genotype and the year of study. During three years of experiments, yield depending of the variety ranged from 4.26 to 9.71 t/ha, such varieties as ‘CN Kombin’, ‘Estivus’, ‘Tradytsiia odeska’, ‘Mudrist odeska’, ‘Lil’ and ‘Fabius’ had higher yields. In case of dry weather conditions and unfavorable agro-ecological factors, the following varieties as ‘Mudrist odeska’, ‘Veteran’, ‘Lil’, ‘Tsentylivka’, ‘Fabius’, ‘Patras’, ‘Montrei’ have demonstrated good adaptive properties. Their yield has decreased by 9,2–19,0%, while in the varieties ‘Mahistral’, ‘Poltavka’, ‘Harantiia odeska’ and ‘Pokrova’ – by 34.4, 42.4, 45.2 and 50.6% accordingly. Conclusions. Investigated soft winter wheat varieties differ in morphoagrobiological characteristics, productivity, height, maturation period, adaptability as well as economic and agronomic value. According to the complex of such indices as productivity, agronomic characters and properties as well as adaptability, in the microzone of Kirovohrad variety testing station it is advisable to grow varieties ‘CN Kombi’, ‘Pokrova’, ‘Mudrist odeska’, ‘Veteran’ and ‘Lil’.
Show more [+] Less [-]Efficiency of foliar dressing of winter wheat
Л. В. Худолій
Purpose. To elaborate winter wheat cultivation technologies based on balanced fertilizer system that combines application of mineral fertilizers and the increase of their efficiency by the use of preparations with microelements. Methods. Field and laboratory studies, mathematical and statistical analysis. Results. During 2011–2013, the effect of cultivation technologies on the formation of yield and quality of winter wheat variety ‘Benefis’ (pea is a predecessor) was studied. In case of alternative technologies that provided adding only by-products of the predecessor, the yield of winter wheat was 3.73 t/ha when using integrated protection system, and it was increased to 4.22 t/ha with grain quality of the 4th–5th class of the group B when foliar dressing was applied. Resource saving technologies of cultivation with restricted use of fertilizers (Р45К45N30(II)+30(IV)) provided productivity at the level of 5.19–5.61 t/ha with grain quality of the 2nd–3rd class of the group A. Grain yield of 6.27 t/ha of the 2nd class quality was obtained by the use of intensive cultivation technology, which included application of mineral fertilizers (Р90К90N30(II)+60(IV)+30(VIII)) in addition to the use of predecessor’s by-products and foliar dressing. The highest yield of grain (6.71 t/ha) on average during all years of the study with the 1st class of the group A quality was provided by energy-intensive technology, which included application of P135K135N60(II)+75(IV)+45(VIII) with embedding of predecessor’s by-products into the soil and foliar dressing. Conclusions. It was established that in the northern part of the Forest-Steppe zone of Ukraine the highest productivity of winter wheat was obtained in dark gray podzolic soils using the energy-intensive technology with application of P135K135N60(II)+75(IV)+45(VIII) against the background of predecessor’s by-products embedded into the soil in case of integrated plant protection, and foliar dressing. This technology ensured the yield of 6.71 t/ha with grain quality of the 1st class of the group A.
Show more [+] Less [-]Forecasting of phenotypic productivity of middle-early soybean varieties
О. І. Присяжнюк | В. Г. Димитров | О. М. Мартинов
Purpose. To study biological characteristics of growth and development of middle-early soybean varieties and create a model of phenotype productivity. Methods. Special and general techniques for studies. Results. Optimal productivity of plants is forming merely at the expense of efficient ratio of all the elements of their structure. It often happens that in case of underdevelopment of one of the structure components yield to some extent can be offset by better development of other elements. Eight indicators were defined which make the largest contribution to the productivity trait of a variety: seed weight per plant, total number of branches, number of nodes per plant, number of pods per plant, number of seeds per plant, number of flowers, plant height, 1000 kernel weight. The first four indicators provided most of the total contribution to a trait of seed weight per plant. Model building was based on hierarchy of productivity traits display in ontogenesis and compliance of their development in organogenesis. The model consists of two modules of traits – resulting and some componental showing phenotypic realization of the genetic formula. It was found that the plant height significantly influence the number of nodes per plant (r = 0,76), and the number of pods per plant (r = 0,43) depends on this trait. In addition, correlation based on the research was obtained between the number of flowers per plant and plant height (r = 0,35), and number of nodes (r = 0,76). It was established that the number of flowers per plant determines the development of pods on the plant so it is quite strongly correlated with this trait (r = 0,99). Conclusions. It was determined that the number of pods per plant and the number of seeds per plant have a very strong correlation (r = 0,96). Besides, such trait as the number of seeds per plant has a strong relationship with the seed weight per plant (r = 0,79).
Show more [+] Less [-]Hazelnut breeding in the National Dendrological Park “Sofiyivka” of the NAS of Ukraine
І. С. Косенко | А. І. Опалко | О. А. Балабак | О. А. Опалко | А. В. Балабак
Purpose. To evaluate hazelnut cultivars, species and hybrids from the genetic collection of Corylus spp. in the National Dendrological Park “Sofiyivka” of the NAS of Ukraine for the complex of economic characters. An attempt has been made to analyze the information on Corylus spp. identity, taxonomy and description, dissemination and ecological requirements of the species, possibilities to use the genetic potential for developing new cultivars. Methods. The value of the Corylus spp. collection representatives was investigated using conventional testing procedures. For summarizing information concerning phylogenetic reconstruction of the Corylus L. genus and hazelnut, a number of scientific publications to be proposed for discussion was analyzed. The oil content in hazelnut kernels and the fatty acid composition was determined using official methods. Results. The best samples of hazelnut genetic collection were included into the broad hybridization programme, and C. chinensis Franch. representatives as well. A number of hybrid seedlings was obtained including new hazelnut cultivars ‘Sofiyivsky 1’, ‘Sofiyivsky 2’ and ‘Sofiyivsky 15’ which were characterized by spherical or almost spherical fruits, high winter hardiness and drought resistance, as well as the absence of rhythmicity in fruiting. Conclusions. The collection of varieties, forms, cultivars and species of the Corylus L. genus created during the last years can be the base for hazelnut breeding in Ukraine.
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