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Medicinal plants: traditions and study prospects (devoted to the 100th anniversary of establishing the Experimental Station of Medicinal Plants)
Дем’янюк, О. С | Глущенко, Л. А
Historical review was done concerning the formation and development of scientific research of the Experimental Station of Medicinal Plants over the period 1916–2016. The main stages of experimenting in the direction of “medicinal plant cultivation’’ in Ukraine were covered. Role and importance of the Experimental Station of Medicinal Plants in the scientific and methodological support of such scientific directions as breeding, seed production, cultivation technologies, pharmacognosy in medicinal plant cultivation were shown. For the needs of the branch, over 100 species of introduced medicinal plants were studied at the Station and agricultural techniques of their growing were developed, in addition, more than 50 varieties of medicinal plants were created, a number of machines and devices for growing, harvesting and initial treatment of raw materials and seeds of the most important medicinal plants was designed. Other scientific achievements of the Station were mentioned and promising areas of medicinal plant research in Ukraine were outlined.
Show more [+] Less [-]Assessment of combining ability for grain yield of self-pollinated S5 maize (Zea mays L.) families of mixed germplasm
Гайдаш, О. Л
Purpose. Assessment and selection of self-pollinated S5 maize (Zea mays L.) families with high combining ability and wide adaptive capacity obtained on the basis of specially produced hybrids by crossing elite lines of various genetic plasms with the best main agronomic characters. Methods. Field studies, mathematico-statistical evaluation. Results. An amplitude of grain yield ranging from 5.96–10.96 t/ha (x = 8.44 t/ha) in 2013 to 2.67–7.59 t/ha (x = 5.08 t/ha) in 2014 was determined in the course of study of the testcrosses of self-pollinated S5 families. It was found that different response of genotypes of the studied testcrosses to the year conditions significantly affected the average yield level, which decreased in the stressful 2014 by 3.4 t/ha as compared to 2013. The results of the assessment based on the general and specific combining ability of new parent material of mixed germplasm were shown. A significant variability of the estimates of GCA (general combining ability) effects depending on the year conditions was observed in the course of study. A marked difference in the estimates of GCA effects based on the grain yield was revealed. They were persistently high in 19% of the best self-pollinated families in both years, 14% of the families had persistently low estimates of GCA effects, 67% changed their value depending on the genotype and year conditions. Conclusions. 17 best self-pollinated families with persistently high estimates of GCA, 6 families featuring high tolerance to drought and 4 families with persistently high variances of SCA were selected. The selected families will be used as a parent material in selection programs aimed to create new high performance hybrids.
Show more [+] Less [-]Evaluation of the relationship of sowing qualities and yielding properties of millet seed (Panicum meliaceum L.).
С. П. Полторецький
Purpose. Determination and analysis of relationship of sowing qualities and yield properties of millet seed (Panicum meliaceum L.) to be formed by the action of predecessors and conditions of mineral nutrition in the context of unstable moistening in the Right-Bank Forest-Steppe zone of Ukraine. Methods. Mathematico-statistical ones (correlation, regression). Results. The use of correlation pleiades method allowed to analyze multifactor relations of sowing qualities and yield properties of millet seed and establish that there was a direct correlation relationship of medium strength (r = 0.52 ± 0.01) between yielding of maternal and millet plants of the first seed progeny. It was found that maternal plants yielding is strongly correlated with laboratory and technological indicators of seed quality that interrelated through integrated quality parameter of seed material (r = 0.56 ± 0.01) and millet output (r = 0.98 ± 0.00). Integrated quality parameter as well as each of the studied laboratory parameters of seed material quality taken separately have a high-level (r = 0.87…0.96 ± 0.00) effect on the formation of grain yield of the first seed progeny plants. Such physical and technological parameters of the quality of maternal plants yield as a content of protein and fat in seed, seed weight, its uniformity can directly, and millet output, thousand-grain weight and hull content – indirectly indicate peculiarities of forming future grain yield of plants of the first seed progeny. Conclusions. The use of the correlation pleiades method allows to analyze objectively the sowing qualities of millet seed and predict the yield properties in the next generation.
Show more [+] Less [-]Characteristics of new varieties of tomato (Solanum lycopersicum L.)
Ю. О. Люта | Н. О. Кобиліна
Purpose. To analyse biochemical and economic characters of new tomato varieties adapted to the conditions of the south of Ukraine. Methods. Field study, laboratory testing, statistical analysis. Results. Intraspecific hybridization method followed by individual selection was used to create such new tomato varieties as ‘Naddnіprianskyi 1’, ‘Inguletskyi’, ‘Kimmeriiets’, ‘Sarmat’, ‘Taim’, ‘Legin’, ‘Kumach’ adapted to the conditions of the south, which are characterized by high yielding (69,2–78,0 t/ha), fruit quality (content of soluble dry matter 5,65–5,92%), drought (7,2–8,1 points) and heat (70,4–88,2%) resistance. All varieties are of intensive type, they require advanced agricultural technology, irrigation. Conclusions. New tomato varieties, namely ‘Naddnіprianskyi 1’, ‘Inguletskyi’, ‘Kimmeriiets’, ‘Sarmat’, ‘Taim’, ‘Legin’, ‘Kumach’ were entered in the State register of plant varieties suitable for dissemination in Ukraine. They are recommended for outdoor growing in the Steppe and Forest-Steppe zones of Ukraine.
Show more [+] Less [-]Інституту фізіології рослин і генетики Національної академії наук України – 70 років
В. В. Моргун
Associations of alleles of microsatellite markers with agronomical traits of modern bread winter wheat varieties in Southern Ukraine
О. О. Колесник | О. М. Хохлов | С. В. Чеботар
Purpose. Defining marker-trait associations of microsatellite markers with specific regions of the genome that control important agronomical traits in the investigated varieties originated in the Plant Breeding and Genetics Institute – National Center of Seed and Cultivar Investigations and entered into the State register of plant varieties suitable for dissemination in Ukraine during different years. Methods. Molecular genetic methods (extraction of genomic DNA, polymerase chain reactions (PCR), electrophoresis of amplification products in polyacrylamide gel), field methods (phenological observations of heading date and analysis of plant height, visual assessment of the colour and length of wheat ear and awns), statistical methods (evaluation of trait means by descriptive statistic instruments of EXCEL package, ANOVA method performed by GLM instrument from AGROBASE 21 package). Results. During four growing years (2010/11, 2011/12, 2012/13, 2013/14), 47 bread winter wheat varieties were phenotypically measured and analyzed with 17 microsatellite loci. 35 marker-trait associations (MTA) for heading date, 39 for plant height, 33 for awn size, 20 for ear colour and 8 for ear size were found to be stable and significant during two–four different growing years. Conclusions. Microsatellite markers that showed substantial and stable during different growing years associations with agronomical traits can be useful and suitable for marker-assisted selection (MAS) in Ukrainian wheat breeding programs.
Show more [+] Less [-]Evaluation of the genus Calendula L. diversity for forming collection of varieties with standard characters
Р. В. Мельничук | Н. І. Куценко
Purpose. Evaluation of collection samples of the genus Calendula L. available at the Experimental station of medicinal plants (ESMP) for the levels of display of morphological characters in order to identify the reference varieties and form a collection of standards. Methods. Field, laboratory, mathematical and statistical ones. Results. During 2012–2014 years the collection of the genus Calendula L. was evaluated, that includes 145 samples of 4 species from 18 countries, for the eight morphological characters (plant height, inflorescence number, full inflorescence number, the color of ligulate and tubular florets, number of rows of ligulate florets, inflorescence diameter, disk diameter) and varieties were distributed by the level of manifestation according to current technique for distinctness, uniformity and stability (DUS). Conclusions. Samples of marigold were identified that can be sources of standards or starting material by plant height, inflorescence number, inflorescence full number, color of ligulate and tubular florets, number of rows of ligulate florets, inflorescence diameter, disk diameter and by all degree of their manifestation. For the highest level of manifestation of character complex (inflorescence diameter, disk diameter, the number of rows of ligulate florets, inflorescence full number and their manifestation pattern) ‘Mandarin Twist’ variety appeared to be the best
Show more [+] Less [-]Impact of weather conditions during the growing season on winter barley yield in the Forest-Steppe zone of Ukraine
О. А. Демидов | В. М. Гудзенко | С. П. Васильківський
Purpose. To establish the level of formation of winter barley yield depending on weather conditions during the growing season in the Forest-Steppe zone of Ukraine. Methods. Field investigations, ANOVA, variance and correlation analysis. Results. Positive correlation was revealed between yield and the duration of the vegetation (r = 0.54) and especially “heading–maturation” period (r = 0.76). Moderate positive correlation was established between yield and mean daily air temperature during the period from termination to resumption of vegetation (r = 0.44), and strong negative one – between yield and mean daily air temperature during heading to maturation period (r = -0.77). Positive correlation was observed between yield and rainfall amount during the period from vegetation resumption to heading (r = 0.30). In general, during the growing season the correlation was weak (r = 0.16). For the period of “heading–maturation” low negative value (r = -0.11) was fixed. This was due to heavy precipitations, especially torrential rains, which in some years have caused lodging of plantings resulted in yield decrease. Conclusions. Under the conditions of Forest-Steppe zone of Ukraine, fluctuations in temperature and water regimes are responsible for significant variability in growing season duration and yield of winter barley. Optimal amount of precipitation (close to long-time annual average) and their uniform distribution throughout growing season is the most favorable for obtaining high yield. “Heading–maturation» period is responsible for the formation of winter barley yield level.
Show more [+] Less [-]New spring wheat varieties ‘Panianka’ and ‘Diana’
О. А. Демидов | С. О. Хоменко | І. В. Федоренко | М. В. Федоренко | Р. М. Близнюк
Purpose. To create new competitive spring wheat varieties. Methods. Field study, laboratory test. Results. Based on the competitive variety trial, bread spring wheat line ‘Lutescens 07-26’ has been selected due to high values of such traits as resistance to fungal diseases, grain quality(protein content accounted for 15.0%), 1000 kernel weight (44.6 g) productivity (3.92 t/ha) and lodging resistance (9 points). In 2011, it was submitted to the State variety testing as ‘Panianka’ variety. Durum spring wheat line ‘Leukurum 08-11’ was characterized by a number of positive traits: quite a high productivity (3.05 t/ha), short stem (79 cm), resistance to fungal diseases and lodging(9 points), and in 2011 it was submitted to the State variety testing as ‘Diana’ variety. According to the results of the State variety testing in 2012–2014, spring wheat varieties ‘Panianka’ and ‘Diana’ in 2015 were put on the State Register of plant varieties suitable for dissemination in Ukraine. Conclusions. For farms in Forest-Steppe and Polissia zones of Ukraine, bread and durum spring wheat varieties were bred by V. M.Remeslo Myronivka Institute of Wheat of NAAS of Ukraine that demonstrated rather high potential of productivity and adaptability to stress conditions. This goes to prove that cultivation of domestic spring wheat varieties will promote formation of high and quality grain yields.
Show more [+] Less [-]Assessing some economic and biological characters of introduced varieties of genus Astilbe Buch.-Ham ex D.Don
Ю. В. Буйдін
Purpose. To study flowering productivity and reproductive ability of multiple-aged plants of introduced Astilba varieties, assess varieties for these characters and investigate the effectiveness of vegetative propagation. Methods. Field experiment, introduction and statistics evaluation. Results. The analysis of published data and author’s own observations revealed that Astilba varieties are highly tolerant for winter and frost conditions as well as pest and disease resistant, therefore we defined flowering productivity and reproductive ability as main economic and biological characters that are subject to assessment. According to the results of flowering efficiency study, it was found that the highest value of this index for the most studied varieties was observed on the fourth year of cultivation. Whereas the majority of varieties rating was relatively low, Astilbe flowering productivity on the whole was sufficiently high. In order to arrange collection plots, flower beds and implement the selection process, the most effective method of vegetative propagation can be used – the division of rhizomes into pieces with three to five renovation buds, and for mass reproduction – with one or two buds. It turned out that for Astilbe the indicator of reproductive ability is specific. For most of the investigated five-year varieties it was quite high. We have noted a high positive correlation between the index of reproductive ability and flowering productivity. Varieties with optimal flowering had high value of planting material yield. Conclusions. Based on the experimental data, the flowering productivity and reproductive ability of multiple- aged plants of Astilbe introduced varieties was studied, varieties was assessed according to these characters, and the effectiveness of vegetative propagation was investigated.
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