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Collection of hybrid tea roses at M. M. Hryshko National Botanical Garden, NAS of Ukraine
С. В. Васьківська | В. І. Чижанькова
Purpose. To analyze thecollection of hybrid tea roses for the countries of origin, flower color, years of breeding. To select best modern cultivars for use in landscaping basing on evaluation of ornamental properties and economic characters. Methods. Field study, comparative analysis, generalization. Results. The collection of roses at M. M. Hryshko National Botanical Garden (the city of Kyiv) has been analyzed. After screening the collection, 141 hybrid tea rose varieties have been revealed. The collection of hybrid tea roses varieties has been analyzed for the countries of origin, flower color, years of breeding. Modern varieties (bred after 2000) has been described and their decorative value, economic characters has been estimated. Conclusion. The analysis of the collection of hybrid tea roses showed that most of them are varieties with red and pink flowers bred in 1961–2000 in countries of Western Europe. Evaluation of modern varieties for ornamental properties and economic characters allowed the authors to recommend 10 hybrid tea varieties for use in landscaping, namely: ‘Akvarel Rose Park’, ‘Alain Souchon’, ‘Aphrodite’, ‘Chippendale’, ‘Edith Piaf’, ‘Laetitia Casta’, ‘Line Renaud’, ‘My Girl’, ‘Pullman Orient Express’, ‘Terracotta’.
Show more [+] Less [-]Varietal features of lectin activity of soft winter wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) at the early stages of ontogenesis
Л. В. Чеботарьова
Purpose. To study the dynamics of soft winter wheat lectin activity in caryopsis and at the early stages of ontogenesis of varieties developed by Poltava State Agrarian Academy as well as investigate varietal differences depending on dynamic pH medium. Methods. Laboratory analysis, method of hemagglutination reaction, analytical approach, statistical evaluation. Results. A change in lectin activity was determined in samples of 14 soft winter wheat varieties in caryopsis and at the early stages of ontogenesis (on the third, seventh, tenth and twelfth day of seedlings emergence). High lectin activity was observed in samples of seven and ten days seedlings. This could be evidence of active participation of proteins in physiological and biochemical processes at the time of emerging wheat tillering node that can be important in forming adaptive reactions to stress. Wheat lectin activity variation for рН ranging between 4,0 and 8,0 that depended on a variety was defined for the first time. Conclusions. According to hemagglutination ability of wheat lectins, all varieties were divided into three groups: of high ability – 4 varieties, middle – 9 varieties, low – 1 variety. Varietal variability for the investigated trait can be used in breeding programs as marker trait. In most varieties variation of hemagglutination was observed at dilutions ranging between 1:2 and 1:256. Availability of two lectin agglutination peaks in acidic and alkaline media for seedlings was fixed.
Show more [+] Less [-]Features of accumulation of inorganic elements in seeds of white mustard (Sinapis alba L.) and black mustard (Brassica nigra L.)
О. І. Рудник-Іващенко | Л. М. Михальська | В. В. Швартау
Purpose. To investigate special aspects of accumulation of inorganic elements including heavy metals in seeds of white and black mustard to be grown for obtaining drugs. Methods. Field experiments, microwave digestion, ICP-MS and statistical analysis. Results. The content of inorganic elements including heavy metals was determined in the seeds of white and black mustard grown in Kiev Oblast. It was revealed that during the growing season plants of white mustard were able to accumulate such elements as aluminum, barium, strontium, zinc in seeds in concentrations that exceed their content in black mustard seeds, while compounds of calcium, cesium, iron, magnesium, manganese, potassium in a greater degree were accumulated in black mustard seeds. Conclusions. As legal and regulatory documents for important chemical elements don’t contain the maximum permissible limits of their content in medicinal plants, it would make sense to launch a comprehensive research with the involvement of specialists of relevant profiles in order to establish such a gradation. Plants of white and black mustard in Kiev Oblast have accumulated high levels of such metals as Ba, Cu, Fe, Mn, Mo, Sr, Zn that exceed the known limits of accumulation, indicating a partial contamination of soils in the region. Consequently, these plants can be used for phytoremediation of soils. Considering the fact that in the pharmaceutical practice refined mustard seed oil is used, revealed alterations of metal accumulation in seeds will not affect the quality of the final drugs. According to the research results, white and black mustard is promising for cultivation in Kiev Oblast with a view to obtain raw material that can be processed into drugs.
Show more [+] Less [-]Bioinformatic analysis of maize gene encoding starch branching enzyme SBEIIb.
Г. І. Сліщук | Т. Ю. Жернаков | Н. Е. Волкова
Purpose. Investigation of maize ae1 gene polymorphism by bioinformatic methods. Methods. Global and local alignment of the nucleotide and amino acid sequences, in silico translation and transcription, translates modeling, primers design, phylogenetic analysis. Results. 255 nucleotide sequences of maize аe1 gene, 500 amino acid sequences of homology translates of maize ae1 gene (SBEIIb enzyme homologs) and 100 mRNA expressed from the maize ae1 gene were analyzed to establish phylogenetic relationships. Polymorphism of maize ae1 gene different regions was investigated by bioinformatic methods. Modeling of the maize enzyme SBEIIb was performed. Conclusions. According to the results of amino acid sequences of SBEIIb enzyme homologs alignment, it was found that ae1 gene orthologs are present only in monocots, paralogs – in monocots, dicots, and other taxa, including algae and animals. Based on the results of alignment of plants mRNA from which enzyme SBEIIb is translated, maize ae1 gene orthologs and the nearest paralogs encoding starch branching enzymes with chloroplast localization were defined; this suggests a possible origin of ae1 gene due to duplication of the gene encoding the 1,4-alpha-glucan-branching enzyme 2 with chloroplast or amyloplast localization. In the maize ae1 gene structure, regions were found that include polymorphic sites not defined previously. For the polymorphic sites design primers were developed that allowed to differentiate the maize lines. It was determined that the detection of polymorphism in theory can influence the enzyme function and, as a result, change the concentration of amylopectin in maize grain.
Show more [+] Less [-]Fusarium head blight of winter triticale varieties in the Forest-Steppe zone of Ukraine
М. М. Ключевич
Purpose. Studying variety samples of winter triticale of various ecological and geographical origin for revealing polymorphism of the culture for its susceptibility to pathogenic complex of Fusarium head blight and defining high-yielding and resistant to diseases varieties that later can be put into the production and breeding process. Methods. Field experiments, statistical evaluation. Results. It was defined that the development of Fusarium head blight in different variety samples of winter triticale depends on the hydrothermal conditions and genotype of the host-plant. Resistance of varieties and hybrids to the disease was partial, and no immune samples were found among the analyzed ones. The following varieties proved to be tolerant to Fusarium head blight: ‘Granat’, ‘Zorro’, ‘Obrii Myronivskyi’. The positive correlation between the development of Fusarium head blight and root rot of winter triticale was found. It was determined that in the pathogenic complex of Fusarium head blight the amount of the following pathogens is increasing: Fusarium sporotrichioides, F. аvenaceum and F. poae. Conclusions. The leading varieties that combine high yields and resistance to Fusarium head blight are as follows: ‘Obrii Myronivskyi’, ‘ADM 8’, ‘Yuvileine Volynske’, ‘Yukon’, ‘Zorro’, ‘Tsekad 90’, ‘Zerniatko’, ‘Legion’ and ‘Rarytet’. These varieties should be involved in the selection process to breed the hybrids with the augmented resistance to the disease and high yields.
Show more [+] Less [-]Genetic determination of high productivity in experimental hybrid combinations of sugar beet (Beta vulgaris L.)
М. О. Корнєєва | О. В. Ненька
Purpose. Creation of experimental sugar beet hybrid combinations of high sugar yield values and defining genetic determination of their heterotic effect. Methods. Diallel crossing and topcrossing, genetic analysis of quantitative traits. Results. The authors have studied the frequency of occurrence of sugar beet heterotic hybrid combinations for «sugar yield» trait created on the basis of two pollinator lines to be genetically valuable for productivity elements, CMS lines and single-cross sterile hybrids with the use of diallel and topcrossing system of controlled hybridization. The share of parental components’ effect and their interaction in CMS hybrids variability for productivity was determined. Expediency of heterotic forecasting based on high combining ability lines was substabtiated. Promising high-yielding sugar beet combinations were selected that exceeded the group standard by 4.1–16.3%. Conclusions. The theory of genetic balance by M. V. Turbin was confirmed. Such hybrids as [CMS 5OT 4]MGP 1 (116.3%), [CMS 1OT 2]MGP 1 (112.5%) and [CMS 3OT 5]MGP 1 (113.2%) were recognized as the best for their productivity, MGP 1 and MGP 2 lines – as the best for their combining ability.
Show more [+] Less [-]100-year history of the development of bread winter wheat breeding programs
М. А. Литвиненко
Purpose. Review of the main achievements of the Wheat Breeding and Seed ProductionDepartment in the Plant Breeding and Genetic Institute – National Centre of Seed and Cultivar Investigation in the developing theoretical principles of breeding and creation of winter wheat varieties of different types during 100-year (1916–2016) period of breeding programs realization. Results. The main theoretical, methodical developments and breeding achievements of Wheat Breeding and Seed Production Department during 100-year (1916–2016) history have been considered. In the course of the Department activity, the research and methodology grounds of bread winter wheat breeding and seed production have been laid, 9 stages of breeding programs development have been accomplished. As a result, more than 130 varieties of different types have been created, 87 of them have been released in some periods or registered in the State registers of plants varieties of Ukraine and other countries and grown in the total sowing area about 220 million hectares.
Show more [+] Less [-]Assessment of combining ability for grain yield of self-pollinated S5 maize (Zea mays L.) families of mixed germplasm
О. Л. Гайдаш
Purpose. Assessment and selection of self-pollinated S5 maize (Zea mays L.) families with high combining ability and wide adaptive capacity obtained on the basis of specially produced hybrids by crossing elite lines of various genetic plasms with the best main agronomic characters. Methods. Field studies, mathematico-statistical evaluation. Results. An amplitude of grain yield ranging from 5.96–10.96 t/ha (x = 8.44 t/ha) in 2013 to 2.67–7.59 t/ha (x = 5.08 t/ha) in 2014 was determined in the course of study of the testcrosses of self-pollinated S5 families. It was found that different response of genotypes of the studied testcrosses to the year conditions significantly affected the average yield level, which decreased in the stressful 2014 by 3.4 t/ha as compared to 2013. The results of the assessment based on the general and specific combining ability of new parent material of mixed germplasm were shown. A significant variability of the estimates of GCA (general combining ability) effects depending on the year conditions was observed in the course of study. A marked difference in the estimates of GCA effects based on the grain yield was revealed. They were persistently high in 19% of the best self-pollinated families in both years, 14% of the families had persistently low estimates of GCA effects, 67% changed their value depending on the genotype and year conditions. Conclusions. 17 best self-pollinated families with persistently high estimates of GCA, 6 families featuring high tolerance to drought and 4 families with persistently high variances of SCA were selected. The selected families will be used as a parent material in selection programs aimed to create new high performance hybrids.
Show more [+] Less [-]Comparative analysis of starch grain size distribution in winter triticale samples
В. М. Стариченко | О. М. Корягін | Д. С. Шляхтуров
Purpose. Determination of the possibility to differentiate triticale samples by starch grain size and identify samples with a minimum size of granules that have a significant positive correlation with the efficiency of the starch transformation into ethanol. Methods. Light microscopy of grinded triticale grains. Results. Analysis of the starch granule size in triticale samples was performed. The minimum average granule size was observed in line Kc-270/14 (23.78 µm), maximum one – in line KR-110/14 (28.06 µm). The size of starch granules in a soft winter wheat variety ‘Tsvit Kalyny’ was 24.2 µm that was within the values typical for winter triticale varieties and lines. The size of the majority of granules ranged from 15 to 35 µm, but their distribution was uneven in the studied lines. Conclusions. Considerable polymorphism of winter triticale for the starch granule size was established. It was found that the minimum average size of starch granules was observed in the samples characterized by minimum maximum size of granules, low frequency of granules of more than 35 µm, and therefore, minimum dispersion. Based on this, assumption can be made about the possibility to evaluate a sample for the presence of granules larger than 35 µm that can significantly reduce the number of measurements and speed up analysis.
Show more [+] Less [-]Physiological role of amino acids in the nutrition of highly productive varieties of winter wheat
В. В. Швартау | Л. М. Михальська | І. М. Мірошниченко
Purpose. To define the role of fertilizers containing amino acids in the nutrition systems of highly productive varieties of winter wheat. Methods. Field studies, biochemical technique, analytical procedure, statistical evaluation. Results. In the process of investigations, sufficiently high activity of fertilizers containing amino acids was established when applying them for leaf-feeding. Fertilizers based on algae (Megafol, Megafol Protein, Terra-Sorb foliar) and animal (Izabion) hydrolysates appeared to be very effective for increasing yield of culture. It was found that in case of low doses of mineral nitrogen, fertilizers helped to increase both the yield and quality indicators of high-yielding wheat variety. Conclusions. It was defined that fertilizers that include amino acids are highly effective compositions containing plant-available nitrogen in organic form and can be promising for application as antistress agents and improving efficiency of macro- and microelements use by cultivated plants. They are essential components of modern technologies for cultivation of highly productive varieties and hybrids in crop production of Ukraine.
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