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The effectiveness of selection by kernel size of winter rye
В. В. Скорик
The kernel size of winter rye is a genetically determined characteristic as controlled by a series of multiple alleles and is available for artificial selection. As a result of long-term intensive selection average weight of 100 grains per plant increased from 2.94 to 6.94 g or 2.4 times. The implemented effectiveness of selection by 100 grains weight per plant towards increase was systemic, but it was also uneven. Throughout 42 generations the spans of quick response to directed selection were observed, lasting slowdowns and even reverses of average weight of 100 grains per plant. Prompt increase of the directed selection efficiency corresponded to the changes that induced relatively big impact, and formed a plateau as large kernel size reached high frequency. Variability of rye population at high pressure of the selection by 100 grains weight pert plant occurred predominately at normal distribution and along the display of negative asymmetry following the effect of extreme grades emergence outbreak. The highest average kernel size achieved was followed by further slowdown of 100 grains increase observed, nonetheless a heavy pressure of the selection. 42 generations displayed the greatest impact upon the breeding efficiency by denominated breeding differential (36%), selection intensity (22%), broad sense inheritance ratio (8%), narrow sense inheritance ratio (10%). Predicted and implemented selection efficiency over 42 generations matched in 37% of cases certifying thus an actual forecast of the breeding prediction.
Show more [+] Less [-]Gooseberry (Grossularia reclinata (L.) Mill.) resistance to Septoria leaf spot (Septoria ribis Desm.) in the Western Forest- Steppe of Ukraine
С. І. Градченко | О. П. Лушпіган
The results obtained during the study of resistance of promising gooseberry varieties to Septoria leaf spot in the Western Forest-Steppe of Ukraine are described. Variety samples were divided into groups by the resistance to disease. Among them none was found with complete field resistance. Sladkiy proved to be highly resistant variety. Resistance above the average is typical for Berill, Grushenka, Kooperator, Lehin, Malakhit, Rodnik, Shennon varieties. Hrossulyar, Kamenyar, Karat, Knyazhych, Kolobok, Krasnoslavyanskiy, Laskovyi, Mazershkota, Russkiy, Svityaz, Severnyi kapitan are varieties of average resistance to Septoria leaf spot. Zyelyonyi dozhd, Zlatogor, Invikta, Kubanyets, Nesluhivskyi, Slivovyi are characterized as low resistant ones.
Show more [+] Less [-]До питання впорядкування українських назв рослин. Повідомлення 2. Назви видів роду Prunus L.
В. М. Меженський
Розглянуто номенклатуру та сучасну систему роду Prunus s. l., застосування назв аборигенних та інтродукованих видів. Чітке розрізнення видових назв плодових рослин і назв плодових культур, які не слід ототожнювати, дає можливість вибудувати струнку термінологічну систему фахової української мови.
Show more [+] Less [-]Peculiarities of the formation of lettuce (Lactuca sativa L.) varieties collection with reference characteristics
Н. В. Лещук
Peculiarities of the formation of the collection of lettuce (Lactuca sativa L.) varieties with reference characteristics are considered. Methodological requirements for the formation, grouping, maintenance, use and updating of the examples varieties collection for identifi cation of all lettuce varieties were scientifi cally grounded. Varieties with relevant morphological characteristics and notes of their expressions for vegetative and generative organs of lettuce plants were identifi ed. The use of formed examples varieties collection for the table of characteristics in the Guidelines for the conduct of tests for distinctness, uniformity and stability for lettuce (Lactuca sativa L.) varieties was confi rmed.
Show more [+] Less [-]Peculiarities of developing national varietal resources of Lupin (Lupinus L.): state and prospects
М. А. Броновицька
Peculiarities of developing national varietal resources of Lupin (Lupinus L.) in Ukraine have been explained. Market monitoring for annual lupin species have been completed. Peculiarities for the conduct of lupin plant varieties examination on establishing their suitability for dissemination compliance with the criteria of distinctness, uniformity and stability according to the guidelines in force. The conditions for developing the Program of Field Trials of Plant Varieties Qualifying Examination are displayed. Species specific and quantitative composition of fodder crops detailed as included into the Program. Essential soil and climatic cultivation areas proposed. Lupin uses outlined, as well as its application in various branches of national economy and value for establishing strong fodder backgrpund for cattle breeding. Prospective options of using lupin crop are spotted in connection with new plant varieties created, which seed by technological properties could be used for the purpose of preparing dietary foodstuff
Show more [+] Less [-]Frost resistance of peach promising varieties (Prunus persica L.) as bred by Nikitsky Botanical Garden
А. В. Смиков | Н. В. Мєсяц
This article is dedicated to frost resistance studies of 27 hybrid forms of peach of Nikita Botanical Garden breeding and 3 control zoned varieties. The studies enabled to single out 3 hybrid forms of early maturity: Zlatogor х Uspar-1 80-367, Laureat х Zlatogor 73-3 and Zsi-yan-shuj mi-tao х Collins 13 st. III 1/3; 3 hybrid forms of medium maturity time:Veteran self-pollinated, Veteran х Redheaven 81-136 and Laureat хZlatogor 73-6; 1 hybrid form of late maturity: (Tovarisch х I 1 26-76 Nektadiana) 85-197, that displayed high frost resistance of flower buds. The marked out forms are worth considering as a source of increased frost resistance of flower buds to be used in breeding programs
Show more [+] Less [-]Biochemical properties of new varieties of rape
О. І. Рудник-Іващенко | О. О. Шовгун | А. П. Іваницька | Н. П. Щербиніна | С. О. Ляшенко | С. Л. Чухлєб | О. О. Бадяка
100 rape varieties and hybrids of domestic and foreign selection that have been grown in the different soil-climatic zones of the country were evaluated. The paper presents the results of study by their biochemical characteristics: content of protein, oil and its fatty acid composition. High-oil varieties of rape are identifi ed with high content of erucic acid in oil – for the technical purposes and those without or with its low content – for food industry.
Show more [+] Less [-]Assessment of the stability and plasticity of productivity indices and quality of new soft winter wheat varieties under the conditions of Forest Steppe of Ukraine
П. М. Василюк
The article highlights the research results of stability and plasticity of soft winter wheat varieties under the conditions of Forest Steppe of Ukraine. The article determines action of abiotic and biotic factors of a certain environment on genotype and bases the degree of their influence on the growth, development, yield and quality of soft winter wheat. The obtained result allows recommending varieties of soft winter wheat: Lira odeska, Tonatsiya, Arktis, Etela, for producers as the most suitable varieties for intensive cultivation technologies in Forest Steppe zone of Ukraine.
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