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The fruits quality of the hybrid peach forms (Prunus persika L. Batsch)
Лацко, Т. А | Федорова, О. С | Лобановська, В. Ф
Data on the fruits quality of the hybrid peach forms in NBG-NSC is given. Variability, correlation and regression dependence between attributes determining consumption quality of fruits are shown. Forms of peach with high quality of fruits are і dentifled.
Show more [+] Less [-]Growing of Brewer’s Barley of New Varieties - is a warranty of high profits obtaining
Захарчук, О. В | Загинайло, М. І
A technology of spring barley growing was described in the article, especially of its new varieties, provision of the brewing industry with high- quality malt through the diversification of planting areas and volumes of growing was explained, and establishment of the brewer’s barley market was described as well. Economical efficacy of the brewer’s and ordinary barley was calculated in order to provide a comparison.
Show more [+] Less [-]Foundation and Development of the Variety Research Network of Examination Institutions of the State System on Right Protection for Plant Varieties
Волкодав, В. В | Захарчук, О. В
Development of the Variety Research Network under the State System on Right Protection for Plant Varieties during centuries of XX- XXI, was described in the article. On the comprehensive level, main problems and the ways to their solving were determined, a role of the State Service on Right Protection for Plant Varieties in settling of the problem of State food security was demonstrated.
Show more [+] Less [-]New winter hardy winter bread wheat cultivar (Triticum aestivum L.) Voloshkova
Голик, Л. М
Creation of Initial raw for breeding of winter wheat by change of the development type under low temperatures influence was described. Seeds of spring wheat were vernalized in aluminum weighting bottle. By using low temperatures at sawing of M2-6 at the begin ind of optimal terms of sawing of winter wheat, new winter-hardy variety of Voloshkova was bred.
Show more [+] Less [-]Fertilization - as productive economic method for adjustment of potential possibilities of the fiber flax varieties
Янішевський, Л. І | Маційчук, В. М | Рибак, М. Ф
Authors of the article attempts to describe a state of the problem and accumulated achievements in the flax industry, which are in conjunction with one of the main agronomic remedies, namely fertilization and its influence on the quality of obtained products.
Show more [+] Less [-]The influence of the sowing coefficient and fertilization norms on harvest capacity and quality of the derived production of the new sorts of in the Central Polissya Zone
В. М. Маційчук
The research held in the Central Polissya Zone show that the productivity and quality of the harvest derived from the new species Kamenyar and Irma depend strongly on the optimal setting of the sowing and fertilization norms. The results of the two-year-long research testify high crops of Kamenyar, which yields by its quality to Irma.
Show more [+] Less [-]Створення сорту , його сортовивчення і збереження
Л. М. Гоцуєнко | С. X. Поплавська
Створений новий сорт мусить відповідати критеріям охороноздатності і поширення його в Україні, тобто породжений певним генотипом чи комбінацією генотипів і володіти відмінністю, однорідністю, стабільністю івисокими господарсько-цінними показниками.
Show more [+] Less [-]Referring to the method of maturity group determination for varieties and hybrids of Maize according to the FAO indices
А. В. Андрющенко | К. М. Кривицький
Analysis of the existing methods for earliness group determination of maize varieties and hybrids according to the FAO indices was conducted. Influence of the abiotic factors on earliness of 16 standard maize hybrids in all agroclimatic zones of Ukraine at nine State Canters for Plant Variety Examination and State Variety Testing Stations during 1999-2006 was analyzed. On the base of the research results, a new method of earliness group determination for varieties (hybrids) of maize without comparison with the standard hybrids has been developed.
Show more [+] Less [-]Varietal Supply with Fodder Crops of Ukrainian Market and DUS-testing of New Varieties
О. І. Безручко
Varietal supply with fodder crops of Ukraine’s market and DUS-test of new varieties of plants in 2006 on their suitability for dissemination were analyzed in the article.
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