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Yield and Quality of Head Lettuce (Lactuca sativa var. capitata L.) subject to Amount of Multi- Purpose Organic Fertilizer “Dominanta” Applied and Density of Plants Disposition
А. В. Андрющенко | Н. В. Лещук | М. А. Броновицька | І. В. Дидів | О. Й. Дидів
Optimal amounts of new organic universal fertilizer “Dominanta” applied for treatment of Head Lettuce of Smuglianka variety have been established by complex of field and laboratory experiments. Techniques and rates and terms of the organic fertilizer application that provide high feasible biological yield and quality of merchantable heads of Cutting Lettuce have been rationalized.
Show more [+] Less [-]Importance and Use of Morphological Characteristics of Blackberry (Vaccinium corymbosum L.) in the Course of DUS
Л. І. Улич | Г. М. Каражбей | С. М. Гринів | В. М. Матус
The article offers results of research on morphological characteristics and biological properties of blackberry, their inheritance, as well as stability and variability under the influence of agro-ecological conditions and stress factors of the environment with a view of recognizing, describing and identifying varieties undergoing official research and technical examination on DUS, which also could be used in the breeding process.
Show more [+] Less [-]Drought hardiness of sea buckthorn (Hippophae rhamnoides L.) varieties in conditions of Orel region.
З. Є. Ожерельєва | Н. І. Богомолова
The estimation of drought hardiness of sea buckthorn varieties of different environmental and geographical origin was made in the field and laboratory conditions. In late August the drought hardiness was estimated according to leaf injures and abscission in the field conditions. In the laboratory conditions were determined the main characteristics of water regime: tissue water saturation, water deficit, leaf water retaining ability. As a consequence, the studied varieties were divided into groups with different drought hardiness degree.
Show more [+] Less [-]Variety Studying and Peculiarities of Seed Production of the Nizhyn Cucumber (Cucumis sativus L.) Population at Maiak Variety Testing Facility under IOB NAAN
О. В. Хареба
The article offers information on main vectors in scientific research of Nizhyn Mistsevyi cucumber (Cucumis sativus L.) at Maiak variety testing facility under IOB NAAN (National Agrarian Academy of Science) for the period of 1974 to 2010 (variety testing and seed production).
Show more [+] Less [-]Introduced sweet cheery varieties perspective for selection work in the Crimea
Л. А. Лукичева
Diversity of sweet cheery varieties introduced on the in a steppe zone of the Crimea has been studied and 47 specimens perspective for breeding work on the following characteristics as blossom and ripening, yield capacity, fruit size, frost resistance, resistance to disease have been selected.
Show more [+] Less [-]Productivity and Adaptability of Varieties and Hybrids Winter Rape (seed)
Н. П. Костенко
The article represents results of researches of 20082010 years and evaluation of the new registered and promising varieties and hybrids winter rape (seed) by their genetic potential productivity and adaptability. Changeability varieties according to high-yielding properties and elements of productivity depending with adaptability to the environmental conditions of areas of Forest, Forest-steppe and Steppe of Ukraine. There are discussed the prospects of the trends.
С. В. Гаценко | С. В. Васьківська
Stale examination of plant varieties fitoenergetk directly using
Д. Б. Рахметов | А. В. Андрющенко | К. М. Кривицький | В. В. Мамайсур
In the article are submitted of bioenergy developments in the world and is provided rating of various types of plants for use in the fitoertergetics. Expresd one’s opinion about criteria descriptions of varieties relatively fitoenergetic using.
Show more [+] Less [-]Chayanov the Son of His Epoch
Л. М. Татарчук | Л. А. Зайцева | Г. П. Нелипа
Deals with scientific activities distinguished scholar in agricultural science. His practical advice - a plan for raising farm after the October Revolution in 1917, the provision of agronomic assistance.
Show more [+] Less [-]Вихідний матеріал для рекурентної селекції запилювачів буряку цукрового (Beta vulgaris L.ssp.vulgaris var. altissima Docll) за технологічною якістю коренеплодів
М. О. Корнєєва | Я. А. Мельник
Визначено рівні індивідуальної мінливості елементів технологічної якості коренеплодів у популяцій запилювачів урожайного і цукристого напрямів добору уладівської селекції. На основі генетично статистичних параметрів сформовано групу з кращих генотипів для подальшого селекційного опрацювання. Популяції У 1948-Z та У 752-E придатні для рекурентної селекції на покращання технологічної якості сировини.
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