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Myronivs’ka 808 to celebrate triumphal y jubilee in production and selection
Коломієць, Л. А | Власенко, В. А | Кочмарський, В. С | Кириленко, В. В
Unique features of Myronivs’ka 808 variety have provided its triumph in agricultural production in the former Soviet Union and other countries. Myronivs’ka 808 has become one of the most popular varieties in terms of sown areas (in 1971 over 9.5 million hectares) in the world production. Up to now the variety has been cultivated in the Russian Federation and the Republic of Kazakhstan. Myronivs’ka 808 variety gained leadership in the global selection process as a source of high grain quality, high productivity, general adaptability and plasticity. Using germplasm of this variety enabled to develop over 400 wheat varieties including 350 winter varieties and 60 spring varieties.
Show more [+] Less [-]Summary of quince (Суdonіа oblonga Mill.) development in nursery
Сіленко, В. О | Трохимчук, В. А | Яремко, Н. О
The authors present the results of the study of pears clonal rootstocks, namely the following quince forms: IC 2-10, IC 4-6, S1 and Cydo in the nursery during 2010-2012. Experimental nursery was founded in the spring of 2010, with bushes planting designs of the following dimensions: 1,4*0,3 m. Diameter of the reference root collar of all forms of rootstocks in average over the years of the tests, ranged from 6,7 mm to 7,9 mm and satisfied the requirements of standard (6-12 mm). Among the quince forms under review the best biometric indicators for two years of examination have been registered for IC 2-10, IC 4-6 and S1quince. The IC 4-6 and S1 display better quality of the root system of vertical layers; highest standard layers yield is registered for ІC 2-10, 4-6 and S1forms. IC 2-10 rootstock and S1quince have proved to be the best varieties for the West Steppe of Ukraine by the complex of economic and biological characteristics.
Show more [+] Less [-]Suitability for processing of carrot (Daucus carota L.) roots of different varieties
Завадська, О. В | Бобось, І. М | Дяденко, Т. В
The article presents summary of studying the efficiency of dry carrot production when growing in the conditions of Ukraine’s Forest-Steppe subject to a variety. A complex assessment has been completed for fresh and dried products of 10 different varieties and hybrids of carrots on the content of basic biochemical, economic and biological indicators in order to highlight the best suited for drying. Varieties have been singled out, which roots display the highest yield, best marketability, accumulate the most of dry matter, sugars, etc. A close direct correlation between the weight of roots and their marketability has been established. An evaluation of the tested roots for complex organoleptic characteristics has been completed. It is proved that carrot drying is profitable. The yield and dry matter content in roots are key influence factors on profitability of dry carrot production. By the set of parameters under studying varieties most suitable for drying, Krasniy Velikan and Dlinnaia Krasnaia, have been selected. Profitability of their drying exceeds 40%.
Show more [+] Less [-]Peculiarities of grain technological indices establishment for coated and naked grain oats (Avena sativa L.)
Буняк, О. І
Oats technological indices have been analyzed. Influence of growing conditions on natural weight, kernel size, and hoodness is established. The study summary indicates essential dependence of natural weight and hoodness and precipitation at the stage of grain formation in coated grain oats varieties. Moisture supply in the period of grain formation essentially influenced the percentage of coated grains formation and natural weight score in naked grain varieties. Morphometric analyzes of oats caryopsis was completed using the method of machine vision. Correlation between technological indices and morphometric characteristics of naked and coated grain of oats was determined. Also, essential dependence of hoodness on 1000 seeds weight and the lack of essential correlation with morphometric characteristics of the calliopsis were established. Calliopsis width essentially influenced the weight of 1000 seeds. Metric indices of naked grain oats calliopsis exposed close correlation with kernel size and natural weight. Weight of 1000 seeds exposed essential varietal distinctness and was determined by genetic peculiarities of varieties
Show more [+] Less [-]Inheritance nature for the trait of resistance to neck rot in hybrid combinations of common onion under the conditions of Nosivka Variety Texting Station
Горган, Н. О
The article highlights the results of studying hybrid combinations of common onion to the Botrytis allii Munn pathogen. It is found out that as for the combinations being studied the resistance to pathogen was inherited as dominant, intermediate or recessive trait. Better resistance to neck rot was inherent in the hybrid combinations which parents comprised resistant and immune varieties, insofar as the determination of inheritance coefficient has indicated F1 hybrids have this characteristic expression dependant by 50 to 78% on the parental plant (h2 =0,50–0,78). Studying the determination of the impact of both parental components on inheritance of the resistance to B. allii pathogen showed that the regression coefficient subject to hybrid combination fell within R = 0,12–0,39, while the resistance coefficient within 0,24–0,78, respectively. Efficiency of selection is proved by the trait of resistance to neck rot based on the populations of Grandina х Mavka, Olina х Grandina, Grandina х Skvyrska і Skvyrska х Grandina, as their respective inheritance coefficient reached the level of 0,42 to 0,78.
Show more [+] Less [-]Quality of fresh and dry onion (Аllium cepa L.) products for different
Скалецька, Л. Ф | Завадська, О. В | Дяденко, Т. В
The article features results of studying suitability to processing for various varieties of onion as grown in the conditions of Ukrainian Forest-Steppe. A complex assessment has been completed for fresh products of onion for 9 different varieties by the content of basic biochemical, biological, economic, organoleptic characteristics with the view of determining the most suitable for drying. Varieties are singled out , which bulbs accumulate the biggest dry matter, sugar, C vitamin content and display the highest yield of consumable products. Assessment of dry products against the set of organoleptic and technological indicators has been completed. This revealed loss of basic biochemical components of onions during drying and long-term storage of dried products, as well as established increasing of the content of dry matters and acids and decreasing of that of sugars and vitamin C while storing the dried onion. The set of examined parameters
Show more [+] Less [-]Introduction of lesserknown vegetable crops of Cucurbitaceous family
Бобось, І. М | Лаврентьєва, Н. О
The article unveils results and prospects for the introduction of lesser-known vegetable crops of Cucurbitaceous family to extend the diversity among vegetables. Among 5 species the best by commodity yield and quality indexes are selected. The promising species could be recommended for use in horticulture and landscaping. Introduction onto the territory of Ukraine of new lesserknown species of Cucurbitaceous family, such as trichosanthes, luffa, lagenaria, anguria, momordica will enable to extend the use of vegetable crops in landscaping for the designing of alpine hills, ornamental beds, decorating verandas, arbours, balconies with planting, as a wonderful material for artistic visage, restaurant business and agro-tourism. To extend the diversity among the vegetables in openair espalier growing it is promising to run the cultivation of disease and pest resistant, displaying good indices of taste estimate and quality species, namely trichosanthes of 5,1 kg/sq.m. commercial yield, with fresh and canned fruits accumulating high content of a dry matter (6,5 to 10,1%) and sugars (4,1 to 8,5%) and characterized by taste estimate for the processed foodstuff of 8,5 points.
Show more [+] Less [-]The content of some of the essential elements in the fruit of the (Diospyros L.) persimmon of the Nikitsky Botanical Garden collection
Хохлов, С. Ю | Дунаєвська, О. В
The article mentions that the special attention is deserved by such persimmon varieties being included into the collection of Garden: Nikita Burgundy – the most famous of the hardiest varieties, widely used in industrial horticulture grade foreign breeding Hana Fuyu and a new, high-yielding variety of domestic breeding Souvenir of Autumn. Plant varieties included into the studying, grow in the same conditions at the collection site, which is located 200 meters from the coast at a height of 20-40 m above its level. Trees are 15 years old, planting scheme is 6x6 meters. The selected varieties belong to the group of constant tart on their quality whose fruits are edible only when fully ripe Varieties are characterized by high winter hardiness and disease resistance, which allows minimizing the chemicals using for plants treating and creates the conditions for organic food. The chemical composition fruits studying of three oriental persimmons varieties have performed high content of potassium, so it affords their using as a general tonic. The obtained results have revealed that according to the content of essential elements the leading fruit of variety Souvenir Autumn is considered to be, the less valuable are fruits of Nikita Burgundy, and Hana Fuyu fruits on this indicator are intermediate.
Show more [+] Less [-]Estimation of lavender (<i>Lavandula angustifolia</i>) frost resistance
Кременчук, Р. І | Китаєв, О. І
Purpose. To study effects of low temperatures on Lavandula angustifolia plants and their response depending on their age and variety as well as identify critical temperature values for such structure elements of plants as bark, cambium, wood, pith. Methods. Field investigation, spectrometric analysis, statistical evaluation. Results. Topicality of investigation of Lavandula angustifolia to be grown in the Forest-Steppe zone of Ukraine was highlighted. Low temperature effects on structural elements of shoots for 8 varieties of domestic and foreign selection were analyzed. One-year shoots have suffered the most from low temperatures – 4.5 points on a six-point scale, two- and three-year shoots were damaged in a lesser degree – from 0.8 to 2 points. Plants of ‘Feuervogel’ and ‘Maestro’ varieties with total damage coefficient of 11.3% and 10.6% accordingly were the most resistant to low temperatures. These varieties can be recommended to producers for further introduction to the Forest-Steppe zone of Ukraine. Conclusions. Tissues of a lavender one-year shoot were most damaged by low temperatures regardless of a variety, but this organ is ephemeral and can be removed without causing damage to a plant. Two- and three-year shoots, which provide plant recovery, were significantly less damaged. None of the plants from 8 studied lavender varieties was lost under the influence of low temperatures, though some of them were damaged significantly. Such varieties as ‘Feuervogel’, ‘König Humbert’, ‘Veseli notky’ (pith damage is on the level of 1–2 points), ‘Maestro’ (0.8–2.5 points) were the most resistant to low temperature exposure which allows to conclude about successful lavender cultivation under conditions of the Forest-Steppe zone of Ukraine.
Show more [+] Less [-]Donor of winter rye short stem (Secale cereale L.) Gnom 1
Скорик, В. В
The article proves that the genetic cluster analysis using of parents – offspring system at the period of 38 generations of directional intentional selection to short stem, the height of winter rye plants has been reduced less than 90 cm with simultaneously productivity integral components increasing. Directional selection on parent plants short stem has revealed pleiotropic effects to increasing averages of productivity yield capacity, spike length, flowers number, grains, and short stem and simultaneously its productivity reducing, plant and weight reducing of 100 direct descendants grains. Plant height donor of short stem Gnome 1 has been controlled prevailing by genetic factors and has been less influenced by environmental conditions. Selection by enlargement of elite plants grains has predetermined genetically increasing of the average height of families in the next generation without the concept selection requirements satisfaction. Therefore, the directed selections, by the structural analysis results, are annually held in two phases, first – to the expressed short stem and then among of them – to the high weight of 100 grains per plant and desirable productivity elements. A creative dominant short stem donor with stems up to 90 cm and a weight of 100 grains per plant more than 4.0 g has been made. A short stem spike shortness donor Dwarf 1possesses a significant reserve of common genetic mutation of quantitative characteristics, which can be used by direct and indirect selection. This population has been represented by its large amount, in order to enhance capabilities of directional selection plants short stem providing with the desired productivity components during the studying. Informative additive genetic cluster analysis is high. Plants productivity is considered to be extremely complicated selection characteristics, including many component constituents parts related genetically. One of these traits changing inevitably causes genetic changes in other breeding traits. The aim of the task should be set clearly and information flow should be methodically and genetically corrected used. Keywords: winter rye, the efficiency of selection, inheritance, short stem, Dwarf 1, pleiotropic effects, genotypic, additive correlation.
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