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Display of storage proteins polymorphism in spring common wheat (Triticum aestivum Ь.)
Г. П. Жемела | С. О. Юрченко
The paper presents the results on application storage proteins polymorphism in the variety-sample classification for the produces quality. There has been given the evaluation of significance of the specific allelic variants of glutenins in the formation of the complex of high indices for grain and flour quality.
Show more [+] Less [-]Economical and Biological Characteristic of the Variety Samples of Spring Wheat with Different Geographical Provenance
Л. М. Голик
Results of the spring wheat of different ecotype variety samples research by economical and biological feature have been reflected, and more valuable samples, which we have used during the breeding with the aim of new varieties creation, have been selected
Show more [+] Less [-]Fertilization - as productive economic method for adjustment of potential possibilities of the fiber flax varieties.
Л. І. Янішевський | В. М. Маційчук | М. Ф. Рибак
Authors of the article attempts to describe a state of the problem and accumulated achievements in the flax industry, which are in conjunction with one of the main agronomic remedies, namely fertilization and its influence on the quality of obtained products.
Show more [+] Less [-]Formation of adaptive traits sn winter wheat intraspecific hybrids (Triticum aestivum L.)
Коломієць, Л. А
The paper covers results of studying entries of winter wheat competitive strain test for adaptive traits and characteristics of new high producing, winter-hardy cultivar Kolos Myronivshchyny.
Show more [+] Less [-]Varietal Supply with Fodder Crops of Ukrainian Market and DUS-testing of New Varieties
Безручко, О. І
Varietal supply with fodder crops of Ukraine’s market and DUS-test of new varieties of plants in 2006 on their suitability for dissemination were analyzed in the article.
Show more [+] Less [-]Formation of adaptive traits sn winter wheat intraspecific hybrids (Triticum aestivum L.)
Л. А. Коломієць
The paper covers results of studying entries of winter wheat competitive strain test for adaptive traits and characteristics of new high producing, winter-hardy cultivar Kolos Myronivshchyny.
Show more [+] Less [-]Inheritance length of stem in china squash (Cucurbita moschata (Duch.) Poir)
З. Д. Сич
In the collection initial material of china squash we found the variety from China Zoria Schodu (Star of Orient) with short length of stem. It is the new genetical donor for the breeding «bush» varieties. Inheritance length of stem in china squash is dominant.
Show more [+] Less [-]Efficasy of the Post-registration Variety Research of Winter Wheat
Л. І. Уліч | О. Л. Уліч
It has been found that post registration variety studying facilitates deeper and overall research of the morphological, agricultural, and biological characteristics and properties of the varieties, as well as it allows to generate national variety resources, based on the selection of complementary varieties for narrow zones and regions. Influence of the agricultural technologies on productivity of different winter wheat types has been studied. Expediency of the post-testing variety studying on two levels of agricultural backgrounds, optimization of the research program, of the research plot areas, diversification of the protective measures against diseases, have been explained.
Show more [+] Less [-]New winter hardy winter bread wheat cultivar (Triticum aestivum L.) Voloshkova
Л. М. Голик
Creation of Initial raw for breeding of winter wheat by change of the development type under low temperatures influence was described. Seeds of spring wheat were vernalized in aluminum weighting bottle. By using low temperatures at sawing of M2-6 at the begin ind of optimal terms of sawing of winter wheat, new winter-hardy variety of Voloshkova was bred.
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