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Using cluster analysis as a method of classification of the genus Salix L. representatives
М. В. Роїк | В. В. Баликіна
Purpose. To study interactions among the representatives of the genus Salix L. through the cluster analysis, form groups of closely related species and hybrid forms basing on differences of morphological parameters of leaves. Methods. Field, cluster analysis and tree graphics. Results. Willow species were grouped according to absolute parameters of leaf, and three groups of clusters were identified. The degree of affinity between species were assessed using values of an Euclidean distance. Distinctive features of leaf parameters were defined: length of a leaf blade (Ll), distance (cm) between the leaf tip and its maximum width (SDmxT) and the distance between the leaf tip (cm) and the line of its width that corresponds to the length of petiole (SLpT). Conclusions. Using the willow species collection as an example, diagnostically valuable quantitative parameters of leaves were revealed, the use of which allows to identify willow species and hybrid forms through PC applications.
Show more [+] Less [-]Plant varieties protection in the European Union: legal aspects
Н. Б. Якубенко | М. В. Федяй | Н. Б. Линчак | С. М. Скоблікова
Purpose. Reviewing the EU legislation on plant varieties protection including documents of the International Union for the Protection of New Varieties of Plants (UPOV) that related to the national laws of its member states. Results. Based on the sources processed, the authors give a brief analysis of the basic EU Council Regulation № 2100/94 of 27 July 1994 on Community plant variety rights and regulations of the European Commission adopted to implement it. Basic copyright concepts, features of plant varieties protection in the EU, including those under the UPOV Convention, are also considered. Conclusions. For Ukraine, obtaining full membership in the EU, on the one hand, requires harmonization of its laws with the relevant EU legislation, on the other – improvement of the present system of plant varieties protection taking into account national interests of Ukraine.
Show more [+] Less [-]On streamlining the Ukrainian names of plants. Information 5. Species names for pome fruit crops
В. М. Меженський
To analyse the modern classification and nomenclature of species of pome fruit crops which varieties are listed in the State Register of Plants Varieties Suitable for Dissemination in Ukraine, and improve terminological system of the Ukrainian names of both species and garden crops. Results. Fruit cultivars and most apple clonal rootstocks belong to Malus pumila, and ornamental cultivars belong to Malus gloriosa. The most common scientific name of the cultivated apple, especially among horticulturists, is Malus domestica, although according to the principle of priority the name Malus pumila should have the advantage. As far as Nomenclature Committee for Vascular Plants has rejected the proposal to conserve the name Malus domestica, Malus pumila is correct name for the cultivated apple. The use of synonymic name Malus domestica should be avoided in both scientific and scientific-popular papers for stability of nomenclature. Pear cultivars listed in the State Register of Plants Varieties Suitable for Dissemination in Ukraine are presented by Pyrus communis, and pear rootstocks – by Cydonia oblonga. Fruit cultivars of the latter belong to separate fruit crop named quince. An apple-quince hybrid was registered as universal clonal rootstock for pome fruit crops. The State Register of Plants Varieties Suitable for Dissemination in Ukraine also contains nonconventional fruit crops such as Chaenomeles and hawthorn that consist of some species and nothospecies. Conclusions. In scientific publications one should stop the use of synonymic name Malus domestica in favour of the correct name for cultivated apple Malus pumila. Apple, pears and Chaenomeles cultivars listed in the State Register of Plants Varieties Suitable for Dissemination in Ukraine have a complex multispecies origin whereas quince, hawthorn and pear roostock cultivars systematically are monospecies. A universal roootstock of pome fruit crops is Cydolus, or apple-quince, that resulted from interspecies hybridization between quince and apple. Refusal Refuse to use obsolete names of fruit plants species will promote harmonization of professional language.
Show more [+] Less [-]Phenology of apple tree (Malus domestica Borkh.) in Kyiv Oblast in the context of climate change
Т. Є. Кондратенко | П. В. Кондратенко
Purpose. To conduct comparative analysis of agro-meteorological elements dynamics over the past 35 years and the date and duration of main phenophases of plants of apple varieties to be common for Kyiv Oblast. Methods. Field, comparative, statistical ones, generalization. Results. It was established that Kyiv Oblast has experienced the steady rising of average annual temperature (by 0,6 °С), increase of yearly precipitation (by 20 mm), considerable growth of heat supply level (by 261 °С) in the vegetation period that contributes to the changes in starting date and duration of main phenophases. Conclusions. A significant increase of the sum of active and effective temperatures accumulated for the last 35-year period in Kyiv Oblast at climatological date of occurrence of certain phenophases in the development of apple trees, led to an earlier date of flowering (by 4–5 days). At the same time it did not influence the duration of this phase, but contributed to the reduction of interphase period «the end of flowering–picking maturity of fruits» by 5–12 days.
Show more [+] Less [-]Comparative evaluation of tomato varieties (Licopersicum esculentum Mill.) in the Forest-Steppe zone of Ukraine
Жук, О. Я | Яременко, Г. Б
Purpose. Comparative evaluation of varieties of tomato bred by Kyiv experimental station of the Institute of vegetables and melons (IVM) NAAS of Ukraine with allowance for different fruit shapes. Methods. Field, laboratory, statistical ones. Results. Since varietal characteristics can greatly influence the course of the growth process, the experiment included phenological observations of plants growth and development, biometric measurements of plants and fruits, productivity records, besides, biochemical values of fruits with various shape were defined (flat-round and plum-shaped fruits). Varieties with the highest yield, best biochemical values and earlier fruit ripening were identified. Conclusions. Among the samples of tomato with flat-round fruits, Zoren variety had the shortest time interval from mass germination up to early ripening of fruits, Myroliubivskyi variety – in the group of plum-shaped fruits. In the first group Atlasnyi variety had the highest yield, in the second – Khoriv variety. Atlasnyi (flat-round fruits) and Oberig (plum-shaped fruits) varieties had the best biochemical values. Varieties with plum-shaped fruits excelled samples with flat-round fruits at biochemical composition.
Show more [+] Less [-]Agreements in the field of intellectual property. Concept, types and characteristics of the license agreement
Purpose. To analyze the types of license agreements and their difference from other civil agreements, and requirements for the execution and termination of a license agreement. Results. It was revealed that the current legislation provides an inexhaustible list of the types of transactions with respect to disposition of intellectual property rights. The group of agreements on disposition of intellectual property rights includes the intellectual property license. The legislation provides for three types of license agreements under the terms of the exclusive, non-exclusive and single license. The result of a license agreement is to provide the intellectual property rights for temporary use without losing the copyright holder of this object. Conclusions. Proper execution of license agreements between licensor and licensee promotes protection of rights of each of the parties to such agreements. Licensee will have a legitimate reasons to use the variety, the licensee may receive compensation for granting the right to use the variety.
Show more [+] Less [-]On streamlining the Ukrainian names of plants. Information 5. Species names for pome fruit crops
To analyse the modern classification and nomenclature of species of pome fruit crops which varieties are listed in the State Register of Plants Varieties Suitable for Dissemination in Ukraine, and improve terminological system of the Ukrainian names of both species and garden crops. Results. Fruit cultivars and most apple clonal rootstocks belong to Malus pumila, and ornamental cultivars belong to Malus gloriosa. The most common scientific name of the cultivated apple, especially among horticulturists, is Malus domestica, although according to the principle of priority the name Malus pumila should have the advantage. As far as Nomenclature Committee for Vascular Plants has rejected the proposal to conserve the name Malus domestica, Malus pumila is correct name for the cultivated apple. The use of synonymic name Malus domestica should be avoided in both scientific and scientific-popular papers for stability of nomenclature. Pear cultivars listed in the State Register of Plants Varieties Suitable for Dissemination in Ukraine are presented by Pyrus communis, and pear rootstocks – by Cydonia oblonga. Fruit cultivars of the latter belong to separate fruit crop named quince. An apple-quince hybrid was registered as universal clonal rootstock for pome fruit crops. The State Register of Plants Varieties Suitable for Dissemination in Ukraine also contains nonconventional fruit crops such as Chaenomeles and hawthorn that consist of some species and nothospecies. Conclusions. In scientific publications one should stop the use of synonymic name Malus domestica in favour of the correct name for cultivated apple Malus pumila. Apple, pears and Chaenomeles cultivars listed in the State Register of Plants Varieties Suitable for Dissemination in Ukraine have a complex multispecies origin whereas quince, hawthorn and pear roostock cultivars systematically are monospecies. A universal roootstock of pome fruit crops is Cydolus, or apple-quince, that resulted from interspecies hybridization between quince and apple. Refusal Refuse to use obsolete names of fruit plants species will promote harmonization of professional language.
Show more [+] Less [-]Characteristics of vegetable bean varieties depending on the plant nutrition area
Кутовенко, В. Б | Kostenko, N. P. | Іноземцева, В. О
Purpose. Studying the norm of reaction of vegetable bean varieties depending on the feeding area, namely the row width. Methods. Field, biometriс, statistical, laboratory ones. Results. ‘Karadag’ (k), ‘Windsorski’, ‘Bartoli’ and ‘Karestino’ varieties were trialed during 2012–2014. In the course of trial the peculiarities were studied concerning the formation of plant height, the number of beans and seed weight of vegetable bean varieties depending on the row width in the phase of technical maturity of the beans. It was found that differential of plant height growth was changed to a greater degree in ‘Windsorsky’ variety (+9,3 cm for every 10 cm) in case of row width narrowing from 60 to 20 cm. ‘Windsorsky’ variety had the largest number of beans and the highest seed weight per plant – 8.9 beans and 14.44 g respectively. Seeds of ‘Karestino’ variety were large, their weight per plant made up 10.56 g, the number of beans totaled to 6.6. Conclusions. The maximum influence of feeding area on a height of plants was found in the phase of technical maturity of beans. The largest increase in plant height for every 10 cm of row spacing was observed in ‘Karadag’ and ‘Windsorski’ varieties. The number of beans also is depended on feeding area. With its reducing, the number of beans and their weight per plant was also reduced in all variants. The largest number of beans and the highest seed weight per plant were in variants with feeding area of 1200 cm2 (row width was 60 cm).
Show more [+] Less [-]Considering issue of regulating of Ukrainian names of plants. Communication 1. Names for Vaccinium species
Меженський, В. М
Nomenclature of genus Vaccinium considered, as well as the application of names for indigenous and introduced species and denomination of fruit crops as derived from those species. System of binary species names for Vaccinium s.l. has been proposed as based on the Ukrainian generic name ‘lokhina’ that best complies with the principles for establishing generic names.
Show more [+] Less [-]On streamlining the Ukrainian names of plants. Information 4. Taxonomic diversity and species names for the genus Fragaria L
Меженський, В. М
Purpose. Reviewing a history of formation and current state of the national nomenclature and streamlining the Ukrainian scientific species names for the genus Fragaria L. Results. Controversial attitudes towards the use of names «sunytsi» (= garden strawberry) and «polunytsi» (= hill strawberry) are inherently present in the Ukrainian nomenclature of the genus Fragaria L. The Ukrainian scientific names of species of this group of plants should be brought into line with the generic name “Sunytsi” in plural. Nothogeneric name x Fragophora Mezhenskyj (= Dasiphora Rafin. x Fragaria L.) is proposed. Conclusions. In a professional environment it is necessary to use only scientific names of species of the genus Fragaria – Sunytsi (= garden strawberry) that is used in plural in Ukrainian. Concerning garden strawberry, in every day life and popular literature the usage of a derivative sunytsia (in Ukrainian) in singular as well as polunytsia, polunytsi (in Ukrainian) may be permissible.
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