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Results 61-70 of 113
Sugar beet hybrids of new generation and their role in the process of intensification of the branch
М. В. Роїк | М. О. Корнєєва
Sugar beet hybrids are considered as a factor of intensification of the beet-sugar branch. At the modern stage of development of agriculture under condition of reduction of sugar beet sown area, shortage of material - technical resources which influence the formation of productivity of sugar beet as a crop of intensive type, hybrids must have a high genetically conditioned biological potential of productive ability, resistance to pests and diseases, abiotic stress factors, must have broad adaptive abilities. Analysis of the modern sugar beet hybrids included bately in the state Register of plant varieties of Ukraine is presented. Transfer of the branch to the intensive way of development is possible only under conditions of a complex approach to solving this problem.
Show more [+] Less [-]Crop capacity and beet seeds quality in dependence on embossing
О. Є. Тарабрін | А. В. Семенов
МС component and Ukrainian hybrid МС 70 pericarps embossing have considerably increased crop capacity, seeds quality (germinating capacity, 1000 fruits mass, beet seed material balance.
Show more [+] Less [-]Influence of plants height of wheat winter varieties with resistance to lodging and crops productivity
Л. І. Уліч | О. Л. Уліч
Interrelation of plant height of winter wheat varieties with resistance to lodging and crops productivity has been investigated. It has been grounded expediency of corresponding agro-ecological conditions establishment, under which plant's height is formed within the limits of genetically caused optimum for each variety
Show more [+] Less [-]То increase sowing quality of iattuce seeds ways of decreassing him the matrix differences
Н. В. Лещук
Revealed main point of formation the matrix differences of lettuce seeds characteristics (Lactuca sativa L.), its correlation with other categories of heterogeneity. It’s been shown the ways of decreasing of the matrix differences of lettuce seeds characteristics with the aim to increase sowing quality of seeds.
Show more [+] Less [-]Sowing properties of summer rape seeds depending on fertilizers and terms of harvesting
А. В. Юник | Н. В. Новицька | В. А. Мокрієнко
In the article the results of research of sowing properties - emergence rate and laboratory germinating capacity seeds summer rape are resulted depending on variants of fertilizers and terms of harvesting.
Show more [+] Less [-]ПРАЦЯ ВЧЕНОГО (до 100-річчя з дня народження селекціонера Анастасії Кирилівни Лещенко)
Л. Р. Медведєва
В. А. Вергунов | О. В. Петренко
Досягнення і перспективи нових напрямів селекції проса в Україні
І. В. Яшовський
Висвітлені основні досягнення наукових досліджень у галузі селекції проса, здійснених в Інституті землеробства УААН, та проаналізовані основні генетико-фізіологічні аспекти подальшого їх розвитку.
Show more [+] Less [-]Diversity of root system of Lucerne populations
О. Д. Тищенко | Л. В. Андрусіва | Я. М. Рибалко
It is stated that morphological structure of Lucerne root system has significant influence on productivity raising of its overground and root-like substances.
Show more [+] Less [-]ВАСИЛЬ МИКОЛАЙОВИЧ РЕМЕСЛО І ЙОГО СПАДЩИНА В СУЧАСНИХ СОРТАХ ПШЕНИЦІ (до 100-річчя з дня народження)
Л. М. Голик | О. В. Петренко