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Bioecological peculiarities of mid-ripening varieties of strawberry (Fragaria ananassa Duch.) in the northern part of the Forest-Steppe zone of Ukraine
Павлюк, В. В | Ковальчук, Н. С | Павлюк, Н. В
Purpose. Improvement of a range of strawberry varieties based on comprehensive study and introduction of new Ukrainian and West European cultivars. Methods. Cultivars and elite forms were studied using the methods of primary variety studying and state variety testing at three-year strawberry plantations of the Institute of Horticulture of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine (the city of Kyiv) and its variety testing stations. Results. It was found that more frequent spring and summer droughts as well as black frosts in winter adversely affected the strawberry productivity. The best varieties were selected among new ones for the complex of traits, they included ‘Elegance’ from the Great Britain, ‘Gercules’ from Ukraine (both are dessert grapes), ‘Elsanta’ from Holland (for universal use), ‘Alba’ from Italia (as raw material). The highly adaptive and productive ‘Istochnik’ and ‘Festyvalna romashka’ varieties (as raw material) are recommended for the north regions. Conclusions. In the context of profound climatic change, high-profitable cultivation of mid-ripening varieties and a strawberry as such in the Northern Forest-Steppe zone is expedient under controlled conditions – in high film tunnels, in hot-houses and under perennial irrigation that already has become the European tendency.
Show more [+] Less [-]Collection of hybrid tea roses at M. M. Hryshko National Botanical Garden, NAS of Ukraine
Васьківська, С. В | Чижанькова, В. І
Purpose. To analyze thecollection of hybrid tea roses for the countries of origin, flower color, years of breeding. To select best modern cultivars for use in landscaping basing on evaluation of ornamental properties and economic characters. Methods. Field study, comparative analysis, generalization. Results. The collection of roses at M. M. Hryshko National Botanical Garden (the city of Kyiv) has been analyzed. After screening the collection, 141 hybrid tea rose varieties have been revealed. The collection of hybrid tea roses varieties has been analyzed for the countries of origin, flower color, years of breeding. Modern varieties (bred after 2000) has been described and their decorative value, economic characters has been estimated. Conclusion. The analysis of the collection of hybrid tea roses showed that most of them are varieties with red and pink flowers bred in 1961–2000 in countries of Western Europe. Evaluation of modern varieties for ornamental properties and economic characters allowed the authors to recommend 10 hybrid tea varieties for use in landscaping, namely: ‘Akvarel Rose Park’, ‘Alain Souchon’, ‘Aphrodite’, ‘Chippendale’, ‘Edith Piaf’, ‘Laetitia Casta’, ‘Line Renaud’, ‘My Girl’, ‘Pullman Orient Express’, ‘Terracotta’.
Show more [+] Less [-]Bioinformatic analysis of maize gene encoding starch branching enzyme SBEIIb
Сліщук, Г. І | Жернаков, Т. Ю | Волкова, Н. Е
Purpose. Investigation of maize ae1 gene polymorphism by bioinformatic methods. Methods. Global and local alignment of the nucleotide and amino acid sequences, in silico translation and transcription, translates modeling, primers design, phylogenetic analysis. Results. 255 nucleotide sequences of maize аe1 gene, 500 amino acid sequences of homology translates of maize ae1 gene (SBEIIb enzyme homologs) and 100 mRNA expressed from the maize ae1 gene were analyzed to establish phylogenetic relationships. Polymorphism of maize ae1 gene different regions was investigated by bioinformatic methods. Modeling of the maize enzyme SBEIIb was performed. Conclusions. According to the results of amino acid sequences of SBEIIb enzyme homologs alignment, it was found that ae1 gene orthologs are present only in monocots, paralogs – in monocots, dicots, and other taxa, including algae and animals. Based on the results of alignment of plants mRNA from which enzyme SBEIIb is translated, maize ae1 gene orthologs and the nearest paralogs encoding starch branching enzymes with chloroplast localization were defined; this suggests a possible origin of ae1 gene due to duplication of the gene encoding the 1,4-alpha-glucan-branching enzyme 2 with chloroplast or amyloplast localization. In the maize ae1 gene structure, regions were found that include polymorphic sites not defined previously. For the polymorphic sites design primers were developed that allowed to differentiate the maize lines. It was determined that the detection of polymorphism in theory can influence the enzyme function and, as a result, change the concentration of amylopectin in maize grain.
Show more [+] Less [-]On streamlining the Ukrainian names of plants. Information 6. Names of some subtribe Malinae Reveal taxa (information 6)
Меженський, В. М
Purpose. To analyse the Ukrainian nomenclature of subtribe Malinae representatives and improve terminological system of the Ukrainian names of a species and a generic levels and names of fruit crops. Results. There is a confusion in the Ukrainian names of plants of Cydonia-Chaenomeles–Pseudocydonia, Mespilus–Eriobotrya, Amelanchier–Cotoneaster. Considering the division of Sorbus s.l. on separate genera Sorbus s.str., Aria, Cormus, Chamaemespilus, Torminalis and availability of numerous hybrids with their involvement, the Ukrainian names for both taxa and nothotaxa of species and generic levels are offered, principles of their choice are also considered. Formation of the Ukrainian generic names on the basis of specific epithets leads to undesirable tautonomy. Aspects of derussification of the Ukrainian professional terminology are discussed. Conclusions. Ukrainian scientific generic and nothogeneric plant names for subtribe Malinae are transliterated/transcripted, borrowed as a calque of latin names or have their own origin, consisting of one or two words. The choice of the best variants of generic and species names from a number of possible ones has a temporal component and largely depends on experts who apply them and basic principles of choice. It is necessary to improve the modern Ukrainian plant nomenclature on a national basis involving the transformed Latin scientific names for introduced species and hybrids.
Show more [+] Less [-]New spring wheat varieties ‘Panianka’ and ‘Diana’
Демидов, О. А | Хоменко, С. О | Федоренко, І. В | Федоренко, М. В | Близнюк, Р. М
Purpose. To create new competitive spring wheat varieties. Methods. Field study, laboratory test. Results. Based on the competitive variety trial, bread spring wheat line ‘Lutescens 07-26’ has been selected due to high values of such traits as resistance to fungal diseases, grain quality(protein content accounted for 15.0%), 1000 kernel weight (44.6 g) productivity (3.92 t/ha) and lodging resistance (9 points). In 2011, it was submitted to the State variety testing as ‘Panianka’ variety. Durum spring wheat line ‘Leukurum 08-11’ was characterized by a number of positive traits: quite a high productivity (3.05 t/ha), short stem (79 cm), resistance to fungal diseases and lodging(9 points), and in 2011 it was submitted to the State variety testing as ‘Diana’ variety. According to the results of the State variety testing in 2012–2014, spring wheat varieties ‘Panianka’ and ‘Diana’ in 2015 were put on the State Register of plant varieties suitable for dissemination in Ukraine. Conclusions. For farms in Forest-Steppe and Polissia zones of Ukraine, bread and durum spring wheat varieties were bred by V. M.Remeslo Myronivka Institute of Wheat of NAAS of Ukraine that demonstrated rather high potential of productivity and adaptability to stress conditions. This goes to prove that cultivation of domestic spring wheat varieties will promote formation of high and quality grain yields.
Show more [+] Less [-]100-year history of the development of bread winter wheat breeding programs
Lytvynenko, M. A.
Purpose. Review of the main achievements of the Wheat Breeding and Seed ProductionDepartment in the Plant Breeding and Genetic Institute – National Centre of Seed and Cultivar Investigation in the developing theoretical principles of breeding and creation of winter wheat varieties of different types during 100-year (1916–2016) period of breeding programs realization. Results. The main theoretical, methodical developments and breeding achievements of Wheat Breeding and Seed Production Department during 100-year (1916–2016) history have been considered. In the course of the Department activity, the research and methodology grounds of bread winter wheat breeding and seed production have been laid, 9 stages of breeding programs development have been accomplished. As a result, more than 130 varieties of different types have been created, 87 of them have been released in some periods or registered in the State registers of plants varieties of Ukraine and other countries and grown in the total sowing area about 220 million hectares.
Show more [+] Less [-]On streamlining the Ukrainian names of plants. Information 7. Spelling the names of plant varieties
Меженський, В. М
Purpose. To analyse the practice of transliteration of the Ukrainian cultivar names and rendering foreign names by means of the Ukrainian language, as well as special aspects of cultivar names spelling in special literature. Results. Cultivar names as a special category require preservation of primary graphics or sound type in the other language. This can be achieved by direct inclusion of the original name to the Ukrainian text or by practical transcribing, but not by transliteration or translation. Otherwise, Ukrainian names should be transliterated for inclusion to the texts in Latin characters. Transcription/transliteration in both directions is performed from the source language, though, as practice shows, in some Ukrainian publications the Russian is wrongly used as an intermediary language. Some national scientific publications ignore the recommendations of the International Code of Nomenclature for Cultivated Plants that is not conducive to the success of scientific communication in the globalized world. Conclusions. The foreign names of plant varieties should be entered into the Ukrainian text keeping the original spelling or by means of practical transcription. The loan of foreign names is performed by transcribing directly from the source language; if the language doesn’t have the Latin alphabet, Latinized name transcription is acceptable. Recommendations of the International Code of Nomenclature for Cultivated Plants that concern graphic highlighting of the cultivar names in the text enclosing them in single quotation marks and writing each word of a cultivar name with a capital letter should necessarily be applied in the foreign-language publications and extended to the Ukrainian special literature, at least, in terms of the use of single quotation marks. Ukrainian names should be transliterated only in accordance with the regulations.
Show more [+] Less [-]Impact of cultivation technologies elements on winter wheat grain productivity and quality
Олійник, К. М | Давидюк, Г. В | Блажевич, Л. Ю | Худолій, Л. В
Purpose. To develop and improve adaptive technologies of winter wheat cultivation which provide high productivity and quality of grain. Methods. Field and laboratory studies, mathematical and statistical analysis. Results. During 2011–2015, the impact of cultivation technologies on the formation of grain quality and yield of winter wheat variety ‘Stolychna’ (with pea as predecessor) was studied. When using alternative technologies with only predecessor by-products application, the yield of winter wheat with integrated crop protection system was 4,56 t/ha, with minimal protection – 4.25 t/ha with grain quality of the 5th class of B group. Resource saving cultivation technologies with limited application of fertilizers (Р45К45N30(II)+30(IV)) provided productivity at the level of 4,87–5,50 t/ha with grain quality of the 2nd–3rd class of A group. Grain yield of 6.01 t/ha with indicators of the 2nd–3rd class of quality was obtained with the use of intensive cultivation technology with application of mineral fertilizers (Р90К90N30(II)+60(IV)+30(VIII)) on the background of applying predecessor’s by-products and integrated crop protection. The highest yield of grain (6.22 t/ha) with indicators of the 2nd class of A group quality on average for the research period was provided by energy-intensive technology, that requires the application of mineral fertilizers (P135K135N60(II)+75(IV)+45(VIII)) and incorporation of predecessor’s by-products in the soil, and integrated plant protection. Conclusion. It was found that in the northern part of the Right-Bank Forest-Steppe zone of Ukraine, the highest productivity of winter wheat was obtained in dark grey podzolic soils when using the energy-intensive technology with application of P135K135N60(II)+75(IV)+45(VIII) on the background of predecessor’s by-products and integrated crop protection. This technology ensured the grain yield of 6.22 t/ha of the 2nd class of A group quality.
Show more [+] Less [-]Breeding value of the second generation of soybean populations for «growing season» trait
Щербина, О. З | Михайлов, В. Г | Тимошенко, О. О | Ткачик, С. О
Purpose. Studying the inheritance of such trait of soybean (Glucine max (L.) Merrill) as growing season length in F2 and assessing hybrid combinations to identify more quick-ripening phenotypes as compared to parents. Methods. Laboratory test, mathematico-statistical evaluation. Results. In most crossbreeding combinations, when parents differed by growing season length, late ripeness was dominated in F2, in one combination – early ripeness, in two combinations, when parents scarcely differed by growing season length, complementary effect was observed for this index. It was found that ‘Anzhelika’/‘Mageva’ combination generated the highest number of more quick-ripening forms than any of the parents (13.1%), a smaller number was identified in ‘Legenda’/‘Vizhion’ (6.4%) and ‘Anzhelika’/‘Gentleman’ (4.0%), and barely noticeable number was observed in ‘Legenda’/‘Yelena’ combination (1.3%). Conclusions. In the following crossbreeding combinations as ‘Legenda’/‘Vizhion’, Legenda’/‘Korado’, ‘Legenda’/‘Ustia’, ‘Legenda’/‘Yelena’, ‘Yug-30’/‘Gentleman’, ‘No. 894’/‘Vizhion’, ‘Anzhelika’/‘Annushka’, ‘No. 894’/‘Annushka’, ‘Legenda’/‘Annushka’, ‘No. 441’/‘Gentleman’, ‘No. 441’/‘Vizhion’, ‘No. 441’/‘Annushka’, ‘Anzhelika’/‘Gentleman’ and ‘Anzhelika’/‘Prypiat’ when parents considerably and insignificantly differ by growing season length, late ripeness was dominated in F2. ‘Ustia’/‘Vizhion’ and ‘Yug-30’/‘ Vizhion’ crossbreeding combinations in which parents hardly differ by growing season, complementary effect was observed in F2 for this index.
Show more [+] Less [-]Biological peculiarities of stem softwood cuttings of ornamental garden plants and their use in landscaping
Мамчур, Т. В
Purpose. To study biological peculiarities of softwood cuttings of three species of ornamental garden plants of the Hydrangeaceae family introduced under the conditions of a botanical nursery of Uman National University of Horticulture, and the prospects of planting material use in landscaping. Methods. Field study, laboratory test, statistical and mathematical analysis. Results. Bioecological and ornamental peculiarities of grafters of investigated species and their preservation for supplying the store of initial plant graft material were studied. The dependence of regeneration ability of softwood cuttings of investigated varieties on preplant treatment by a biologically active substance (KANO), type of a shoot, time of grafting, etc was analyzed. Substantially intensive rooting of basal drafts with three nods and less intensive rooting of apical drafts was observed during the whole period of rooting. Conclusions. The treatment of softwood cuttings with a biologically active substance at the concentration of 10–15 mg/l in the aqueous solution stimulates root formation and activates growth of own root plants. Investigated plant species of Hydrangeaсeae family are promising for landscaping on urbanized areas of various functional use.
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