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Methodical algorithm of harmonized identification of plant varieties morphological characteristics
Н. В. Павлюк | О. А. Стадніченко
The article performs the requirements to the preparation and Table characteristics content of the holding Test guidelines examination of new varieties to identify the difference, uniformity and stability. It is pointed that the identification of varieties is carried by the morphological characteristics description as presented in the table. Being standard these characteristics comply with ones requirements. An characteristics explanation with an asterisk (*) is given, their importance for the international harmonization of variety descriptions by States UPOV Members is indicated. The article presents an explanation of the grouping characteristics with documented revealing conditions. As it is commonly determined any characteristic begins with the plants or plants parts identification, which after a colon is followed by the body or its part nomination or by observed peculiarity. The requirements to the formulation of characteristics nomination are performed. It should be clear enough for understanding and without conditions determining. The degree of every characteristic nomination manifestation for its defining and making harmonizing descriptions is set. The corresponding numeric code, which facilitates the entry of data, drafting descriptions and their exchanging is given to each revealing degree. The morphological code configuration of variety phenotype is formed by the codes. It is emphasized that the features are divided into qualitative, quantitative and pseudo qualitative. The presentation order of the features in the table corresponds to the botanical or chronological order. It is noted that the Test guidelines should contain all the features suitable for holding examination at BOC and that there should not be any restrictions on their being included into Methods. Every feature can be used from a complete features list.
Show more [+] Less [-]Peculiarities of grain technological indices establishment for coated and naked grain oats (Avena sativa L.)
О. І. Буняк
Oats technological indices have been analyzed. Influence of growing conditions on natural weight, kernel size, and hoodness is established. The study summary indicates essential dependence of natural weight and hoodness and precipitation at the stage of grain formation in coated grain oats varieties. Moisture supply in the period of grain formation essentially influenced the percentage of coated grains formation and natural weight score in naked grain varieties. Morphometric analyzes of oats caryopsis was completed using the method of machine vision. Correlation between technological indices and morphometric characteristics of naked and coated grain of oats was determined. Also, essential dependence of hoodness on 1000 seeds weight and the lack of essential correlation with morphometric characteristics of the calliopsis were established. Calliopsis width essentially influenced the weight of 1000 seeds. Metric indices of naked grain oats calliopsis exposed close correlation with kernel size and natural weight. Weight of 1000 seeds exposed essential varietal distinctness and was determined by genetic peculiarities of varieties
Show more [+] Less [-]Sugard sorghum yield (Sorghum saccharatum (L.) Pers.) subject to varietal characteristics and varying plant density in crops
В. Л. Курило | Н. О. Григоренко | О. О. Марчук | І. Р. Фуніна
The example of various varieties and hybrids of sugar sorghum illustrates the summary of study on assessing varying density of plants in crops on phonological characteristics of sugar sorghum plants, carbohydrate composition of sorghum juice and yield of its plants. The completed study established that one hectare of sugar sorghum, subject to varietal characteristics and varying density of plants in crop, may provide the green weight of 40.83 до 106.87 t/ha at stem juice yield of 22,27 to 56,24 t/ha, which would contain 2.31 to 6.09 t/ha of total sugars suitable for bioethanol production in at the rate of 198.25 to 501.19 dal/ha. However, despite of higher estimate of total sugars yield and bioethanol at 300 thousand plants per ha density in crop, industrial plots would preferably have plant density in crops ranging within 200...250 thousand pieces per ha. Since higher density increases dry matter content of plants, consequentially, cellulose and lignin in stems, this may create preconditions for harvest losses due to stem lod ging Besides, 200 thousand plants per hectare enables to reach the highest level of photosynthesis net productivity which combines high intensity of the photosynthesis with photosynthetic activity of leaf surface.
Show more [+] Less [-]Suitability for processing of carrot (Daucus carota L.) roots of different varieties
О. В. Завадська | І. М. Бобось | Т. В. Дяденко
The article presents summary of studying the efficiency of dry carrot production when growing in the conditions of Ukraine’s Forest-Steppe subject to a variety. A complex assessment has been completed for fresh and dried products of 10 different varieties and hybrids of carrots on the content of basic biochemical, economic and biological indicators in order to highlight the best suited for drying. Varieties have been singled out, which roots display the highest yield, best marketability, accumulate the most of dry matter, sugars, etc. A close direct correlation between the weight of roots and their marketability has been established. An evaluation of the tested roots for complex organoleptic characteristics has been completed. It is proved that carrot drying is profitable. The yield and dry matter content in roots are key influence factors on profitability of dry carrot production. By the set of parameters under studying varieties most suitable for drying, Krasniy Velikan and Dlinnaia Krasnaia, have been selected. Profitability of their drying exceeds 40%.
Show more [+] Less [-]Erecting the system of vertical finical equalization in Ukraine
А. О. Козенко | П. В. Дроща | Т. А. Данюк
The article analyzes range of problems related to the erection and development of vertical financial equalizing on the background of processes that have triggered after Ukraine acquired its sovereignty. The basic stages and trends of the development are detected for the vertical financial equalizing in Ukraine, which essentially corresponded to the changes in arrangement of inter-budget relations. It is proved that the currently available trends in the development of inter-budget relations in Ukraine have been associated with the stages of vertical financial equalizing in Ukraine. The current system for financial vertical equalization in Ukraine is self-contradictory and slows down social and economical development of the country. Taking this into account the proposals were established as regards the main approaches to further reforming of the system of vertical financial equalization in Ukraine in terms of its shifting to the market economy, setting budget laws of the country in conformity to the legislation on the structure of executive power and local governments, as well as other acts of law determining their functions.
Show more [+] Less [-]Seed productivity of Trigonella species
І. М. Бобось
The article unveils the seed potential of fenugreek species to provide routine supply of methi leaf in the conditions of Ukrainian Forest-Steppe. The fenugreek species have have a wide range of morphological and economical characteristics variability that affect their seed production. A high productivity of dry seeds is inherent to fenugreek species at early spring sowing (10.04), as for this date the yield of dry seeds of blue fenugreek amounted to 0.4 t per ha, that of fenugreek hay – 2.0 t / ha, with mass of 1000 seeds, respectively, 0.71 and 9.7 gr. To obtain a spicery called «mushroom grass» the use of fenugreek hay is considered as a promising direction (Greek hay, Shambhala, hay fenugreek) along with scheduling the sowing for early spring (4.10) and late spring (25.04–15.05) , which would enable the development of greatest herbage volume and higher yield of mature seed (0.9–2.0 t / ha). Another prospective line of development is to use blue fenugreek (fenugreek blue) as a green manure and nectar bearing crop, with the sowing scheduled for spring (4.10) and late spring (25.04–15.05).
Show more [+] Less [-]Effect of selection on green pea hybrid population structure
В. М. Стригун
The article features the results of variability study for one of the productivity characteristics in green pea, namely «number of seeds in the seedpod» for hybrid populations and for the selections made thereof. Statistical methods of analysis have established the levels of variability for the characteristics in F2 original population , the impact of the selection completed within F2 onto the variability of F3 hybrid population. This shows the efficiency of repeated selection from F3 population and its impact onto the level of expersiioon of the characteristic being studied in the resulting F6 population. As a conclusion, a good time is set for practical breeding with the characteristic of «number of seeds in a seedpod» for the selection, as well as for the methods for achieving its stable expression, that is to facilitate the decrease of durations and means for the tests conduct.
Show more [+] Less [-]Auxin activity of piсloram in callusogensis- and morphogenesis of apple (Malus do- mestica borkh.) anthers.
В. Є. Джафарова
Callusogensis and morphogenesis of anthers of apple scab resistant varieties have been studied, with picloram applied. Auxin activity of this preparation has been revealed as in the darkness so in the light. The callusogenesis efficiency of studied varieties varied from 26,0 to 83,3% subject to the concentration of picloram in the darkness and from 11,3 to 74,9% in the conditions of low light. We consider 4 mg/l in the medium to be an optimal level of piloram concentration so far as this concentration provides the best callusogenesis indices of the tested apple varieties. The callus formed in the darkness in the medium with picloram is knobby and dense of white or milky color. The callus formed in the light is intensively green or greenishwhite, denser, with distinctly outlined meristem hearths. Morphological characters of calluses obtained in the medium of picloram are stable over years. The roots of Yubiley Moskvy variety have been induced under auxin:cytokinin ratio 1 : 2 (picloram : BAP, cytokinin). The roots of Svezhest cultivar were obtained under auxin : cytokinin ratio 3:9 (picloram : BAP, kinetin). Formation of four buds was recored in Orlovskoye polesie variety under auxin : cytokinin ratio 1:20.
Show more [+] Less [-]New varieties of annual aster (Callistephus chinensis (L.) Nees) by Ukrainian breeding
Л. О. Шевель
The article highlights the state of breeding and variety studying for Callistephus chinensis in Ukraine and, in particular, in the Horticulture Institute of NAA, and offers the summary of studying the growth and development aspects for Callistephus, various varieties productivity level, their response to specific set of weather and climatic conditions. The research objectives and methods for their achieving are disclosed, as well the requirements a variety shall comply with, namely: reaching homozygote state, distinctness and ornamentality, fusariose and weather conditions resistance. 11 descriptions for new varieties of annual aster (Anastasia, Angelina, Litnia Nich, Lybid, Oksamyt, Samanta, Sofia, Snizhana, Flamingo , Shokoladka, Tsarivna) as bred by the Horticulture Institute of NAAS were provided, namely by identification and economic and biologic characteristics, these varieties are listed in the State Register of Plant Varieties Suitable for Dissemination in Ukraine.
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