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Applying analysis of variance to determine stability of morphological and value for cultivation and use characteristics of Lactuca sativa var. longifolia L. variety of lettuce ‘Skarb’
Н. В. Лещук
Purpose. Providing a scientific rationale for the practical application of analysis of variance elements to determine the range of morphological and value for cultivation and use (VCU) characteristics of Romaine lettuce ‘Skarb’ variety. Results. The Romaine lettuce ‘Skarb’ variety was identified by the type of display of quantitative (QN) identification characteristics. VCU characteristics of the var. longifolia L. varieties were determined and statistically processed. The author focused on practical application of histogram and variation curve of phenotype morphological characteristics when performing the uniformity test. The correlation between quantitative characteristics of lettuce leaf and head was observed when plant productivity was developing. Romaine lettuce yield value was verified statistically. Thresholds were established for the indices under study, confidence intervals were defined over the years of study. Conclusions. The use of Lewis stability factor (S.F. = Xmax/Xmin) allowed to establish the stability of each characteristic display. Practical application of the histogram and variation curve for determining code of display of quantitative morphological characters and the range of VCU characteristics of the Romaine lettuce ‘Skarb’ variety was scientifically grounded.
Show more [+] Less [-]Functional features of photosynthetic apparatus of modern high-yielding winter wheat varieties
В. В. Моргун | О. О. Стасик | Д. А. Кірізій | Г. О. Прядкіна
Purpose. Comparative studies of the photosynthetic apparatus of winter wheat varieties of modern and earlier breeding in the relation to their productivity. Methods. Field, pot experiment, biometrical, gas analysis, analytical and statistical ones. Results. It is found that the modern high-yielding winter wheat varieties have a higher rate of flag leaf photosynthesis during generative period of development, particularly at grain filling period, improved ability to store assimilates in stem and effectively use them later for grain growth. The modern varieties form crop canopy with greater leaf area and chlorophyll indexes and larger photosynthetic capacity and maintain functional activity of photosynthetic apparatus longer at the end of the growing season. Conclusions. The superiority for grain productivity of modern high-yielding wheat varieties, originated from the Institute of Plant Physiology and Genetics, NAS of Ukraine, over varieties released before the “green revolution”, results from increased capacity and durability of functioning the crop photosynthetic apparatus, higher CO2 assimilation rate and optimization of source-sink relations in whole plant.
Show more [+] Less [-]Spring triticale yield and its stability depending on the genotype and environmental conditions
В. К. Рябчун | В. С. Мельник | Т. Б. Капустіна | О. Є. Щеченко
Purpose. Assessing stability of yield formation of complex-valued varieties and lines of spring triticale under conditions and of different years of their growing. Identifying the best genotypes for yield potential, plasticity and stability. Methods. Ontogenetic, statistical and mathematical analyses. Results. Adaptive capacity and breeding value of spring triticale varieties and lines was established. Methods of breeding and parentage of the best samples were analyzed. Comparison of yields under conditions in of different years of growing allowed to identify genotypes with high yield potential – ‘ЯТХ 38-14’, ‘ЯТХ 61-14’, ‘ЯТХ 62-14’, with stable yields – ‘ЯТХ 17-14’, ‘Boryviter kharkivskyi’, ‘ЯТХ 43-14’, ‘Gusar kharkivskyi’, drought resistance ones – ‘ЯТХ 37-14’, ‘ЯТХ 43-14’, ‘ЯТХ-64-14’. The genotypes ‘Lebіd kharkіvskyi’, ‘ЯТХ 38-14’, ‘ЯТХ 62-14’ appeared to be more plastic. These samples may be used of hybridization to improve yield. Conclusions. The most promising to production and breeding are the lines ‘ЯТХ 17-14’, ‘ЯТХ 64-14’, ‘ЯТХ 37-14’, ‘ЯТХ 43-14’ (their average yield 4,27–4,48 t/ha) and varieties ‘Zlit kharkivskyi’, ‘Boryviter kharkivskyi’, ‘Gusar kharkivskyi’, ‘Darkhliba kharkivskyi’, which have high adaptive capacity combined with high productivity. They are valuable for use as a starting material in breeding for adaptability.
Show more [+] Less [-]Breeding value of the second generation of soybean populations for «growing season» trait
О. З. Щербина | В. Г. Михайлов | О. О. Тимошенко | С. О. Ткачик
Purpose. Studying the inheritance of such trait of soybean (Glucine max (L.) Merrill) as growing season length in F2 and assessing hybrid combinations to identify more quick-ripening phenotypes as compared to parents. Methods. Laboratory test, mathematico-statistical evaluation. Results. In most crossbreeding combinations, when parents differed by growing season length, late ripeness was dominated in F2, in one combination – early ripeness, in two combinations, when parents scarcely differed by growing season length, complementary effect was observed for this index. It was found that ‘Anzhelika’/‘Mageva’ combination generated the highest number of more quick-ripening forms than any of the parents (13.1%), a smaller number was identified in ‘Legenda’/‘Vizhion’ (6.4%) and ‘Anzhelika’/‘Gentleman’ (4.0%), and barely noticeable number was observed in ‘Legenda’/‘Yelena’ combination (1.3%). Conclusions. In the following crossbreeding combinations as ‘Legenda’/‘Vizhion’, Legenda’/‘Korado’, ‘Legenda’/‘Ustia’, ‘Legenda’/‘Yelena’, ‘Yug-30’/‘Gentleman’, ‘No. 894’/‘Vizhion’, ‘Anzhelika’/‘Annushka’, ‘No. 894’/‘Annushka’, ‘Legenda’/‘Annushka’, ‘No. 441’/‘Gentleman’, ‘No. 441’/‘Vizhion’, ‘No. 441’/‘Annushka’, ‘Anzhelika’/‘Gentleman’ and ‘Anzhelika’/‘Prypiat’ when parents considerably and insignificantly differ by growing season length, late ripeness was dominated in F2. ‘Ustia’/‘Vizhion’ and ‘Yug-30’/‘ Vizhion’ crossbreeding combinations in which parents hardly differ by growing season, complementary effect was observed in F2 for this index.
Show more [+] Less [-]Method for determination of varietal purity (typicality), hybridity, sterility of seed lots based on the establishment of the quantitative ratio of alleles of DNA markers
Ж. В. Вдовиченко | В. Г. Спиридонов | С. В. Хомутовська | М. Ф. Парій
Purpose. To develop a conceptually new method for determination of varietal purity (typicality), hybridity, sterility of seed lots. Methods of molecular biology (genomic DNA extraction, PCR with SSR markers application, capillary electrophoresis), genetic, statistical, mathematical analysis. Results. New method for determining the varietal qualities of seed lot was developed that consists of the following steps: simultaneous DNA extraction from a representative sample of aggregated seeds; PCR and further analysis of the amplification products by determination of the qualitative and quantitative composition of SSR-markers’ alleles; calculation of values of varietal seed lot quality using experimentally derived allele ratios. Conclusions. The developed method for determining varietal qualities of seed lots allows to reduce significantly the consumption of materials, time and labor during the analysis. Consistent qualification and quantification of alleles in the total sample of a seed lot is a conceptually new approach to establish varietal purity (typicality), hybridity, sterility.
Show more [+] Less [-]Complex prospective evaluation of “Romantica” roses introduction under the conditions of the Right-Bank Forest-Steppe Zone of Ukraine
О. К. Мороз | Л. І. Дениско
Purpose. Theoretical and experimental substantiation of introduction of “Romantica” roses originated by Meilland company under the conditions of the Right-Bank Forest-Steppe Zone of Ukraine. Methods. Biometrical, comparative-morphological, statistic ones. Results. Viability, growth and development indices as well as ornamental qualities (tolerance for winter conditions, frost hardiness, drought resistance, complex disease and pest resistance, habit maintenance, shoot formation, flowering, coloration, shape of flowers, petal number etc.) were analyzed for 12 rose cultivars of “Romantica” series planted on the collection and exhibition plots of the National Dendrological Park «Sofiivka» NAS of Ukraine. The investigations were conducted within 2012–2015. The most of the cultivars got the mark of introduction success 41–45 points of 50; so, the cultivars are totally promising for introduction into the conditions of the Right-Bank Forest-Steppe Zone of Ukraine. ‘Leonardo da Vinci’ and ‘Yves Piaget’ cultivars got point number 35–38 and they can be considered promising ones. The acclimatization number for the most of the investigated cultivars was 85–90 points of 100 that means good adaptation of the plants in the conditions of the Right-Bank Forest-Steppe Zone of Ukraine. The adaptation of cv. ‘Leonardo da Vinci’ and cv. ‘Yves Piaget’ roses (point number 75) can be considered satisfactory. The total evaluation of “Romantica” roses ornamental qualities made 76–87 points of 100; so, all the cultivars display high ornamental qualities and deserve to be introduced to the production. Conclusions. The garden roses of “Romantica” series originated by Meilland company being introduced into the conditions of the Right-Bank Forest-Steppe Zone of Ukraine are adapted well in the introduction region and they are promising for the subsequent introduction.
Show more [+] Less [-]Ecological plasticity and stability of new sugar beet hybrids
І. І. Коровко
Purpose. To аnalyze modern sugar beet hybrids in terms of plasticity and stability indices. To identify genotypes adapted to different soil and climatic zones on the territory of Ukraine with subsequent recommendations related to the production. Methods. Field study, laboratory testing, analytical procedure and statistical evaluation. Results. Features of productivity formation in new sugar beet hybrids in different soil and climatic zones of Ukraine has been studied with further recommendations for hybrids distribution in regions of sugar beet production. Response of genotype to environmental conditions change, degree of their impact on yield level, sugar content, sugar yield by hybrids evaluation in terms of ecological plasticity and stability indices was defined. According to calculations, such hybrids as ‘Novela’ (b = 1,15), ‘Protekta’ (b = 1,12), ‘Monsan’ (b = 1,09), ‘Proteus’ (b = 1,03) can be considered as highly adaptive for yield level, they require advanced agrotechnology, and only in case of observing all requirements they will produce maximum yield. ‘Proteus’ (b = 1,29), ‘Bizon’ (b = 1,26), ‘Si Belana’ (b = 1,20), ‘Protekta’ (b = 1,12) hybrids were highly adaptive for sugar content. Almost all hybrids showed high plasticity for sugar yield index, except ‘Monsan’ (b = 0,45), ‘Highland’ (b = 0,96), ‘Glorianna KWS’ (b = 0,96). Conclusions. According to the results of investigation, one can recommend producers to use ‘Proteus’ and ‘Protekta’ hybrids that revealed a positive response to improvement of growing conditions for all studied parameters. ‘Highland’ and ‘Glorianna KWS’ hybrids are advisable to grow on extensive background where at minimum cost they will form the maximum parameter values.
Show more [+] Less [-]Стійкість сортів яблуні на карликовій підщепі та вставках в умовах теплового шоку
З. Є. Ожерельєва | Н. Г. Красова | А. М. Галашева
Мета. Вивчення параметрів водного режиму сортів яблуні, вирощених на карликовій підщепі 62-396 і вставках 62-396 і 3-17-38, протягом вегетаційного періоду у зв’язку з їхньою жаростійкістю. Методи. Польовий, статистичний, аналітичний. Результати. Встановлено високий рівень обводненості листя сортів яблуні від 71,5 до 73,1% на початку вегетації. Середній рівень обводненості листя у досліджуваних сорто-підщепних комбінацій яблуні від 62,8 до 65,5% зафіксовано в період інтенсивного росту пагонів, формування зав’язі й плодів (червень–серпень). Істотної різниці між сортами за обводненістю листя не встановлено. Дисперсійний аналіз виявив істотну достовірну відмінність за обводненістю листя між карликовою підщепою і вставками за р < 0,05. Встановлено, що в середньому за два роки сорт ‘Яблочный Спас’ після теплового шоку втрачав води менше, ніж ‘Орлинка’. При цьому у сортів виявили найбільшу водоутримувальну здатність на карликовій підщепі 62-396. Висновки. У процесі дисперсійного аналізу зафіксовано міжсортові відмінності за втратою води на 5% і 1% рівнях значущості. Достовірно доведено взаємовплив між сортами, карликовою підщепою і вставками за втратою води після теплового шоку при р < 0,05 і 0,01. Після впливу високотемпературного стресу (+50 °С) і насичення водою досліджувані сорто-підщепні комбінації яблуні були здатні відновлювати обводненість на високому рівні. З найбільшим потенціалом жаростійкості виділено сорто-підщепні комбінації ‘Яблочный Спас’ і ‘Орлинка’ на карликовій підщепі 62-396.
Show more [+] Less [-]Plant DNA banks for genetic resources conservation (review)
Н. Е. Волкова
Purpose. Literature review of DNA banks creation as the current strategy of plant genetic resources conservation. Results. The current state of plant genetic resources conservation was analyzed in the context of the threat of genetic erosion. The importance of DNA banks was shown which function is to store DNA samples and associated products and disseminate them for research purposes. The main DNA banks in the world were described, including the Republican DNA Bank of Human, Animals, Plants and Microorganisms at the Institute of Genetics and Cytology of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus. Stages of DNA banking were considered: tissue sampling (usually from leaves), cell destruction, DNA extraction, DNA storage. Different methods of tissue sampling, extraction and DNA storage were compared. The need for Plant DNA Bank creation in Ukraine was highlighted. Conclusions. DNA collections is an important resource in the global effort to overcome the crisis in biodiversity, for managing world genetic resources and maximizing their potential.
Show more [+] Less [-]Allelic status of key genes of carotenogenesis on DNA-markers in maize lines and their hybrids
Ю. О. Гончаров | Т. М. Сатарова | Б. В. Дзюбецький | В. Ю. Черчель
Purpose. The analysis of allelic status of such key genes of carotenogenesis as gene of lycopene-ε-cyclase (lcyε) and gene of β-carotene hydroxylase (crtRB1) for DNA-markers in domestic maize lines and their hybrids. Methods. DNA isolation, PCR, gel electrophoresis. Results. Allelic status of key genes of carotenogenesis was investigated in eight maize inbred lines and their single crosses. Molecular genetic polymorphism in the studied sample of maize lines and hybrids has been detected in gene of β-carotene hydroxylase for marker crtRB1-3’TE. For this gene, codominant character of inheritance of alleles of parental lines in single crosses was confirmed. For markers of gene of lycopene-ε-cyclase lcyε-3’INDL and lcyε-SNP216, polymorphism in the group of investigated lines and hybrids has not been identified, genotypes included only one variant of alleles for each marker. For lines ‘DK253ZSZM’, ‘DK633/266zS,zM’, ‘DK366zS,zM’ and hybrids ‘DK296S×DK253ZSZM’, ‘DK272S×DK633/266zS,zM’ and ‘DK231S×DK366zS,zM’, the decrease of the activity of β-carotene hydroxylase owing to the mutation of gene crtRB1 under the influence of transposone element at the 3’-end, the inhibition of β-carotene transition into β-cryptoxanthin can be expected, that allows to predict β-carotene accumulation in grain. Conclusions. The study of allelic status of carotenegenesis gene of lycopene-ε-cyclase in maize showed no polymorphism for markers lcyε-3’INDL and lcyε-SNP216 in eight inbred lines and their single crosses, along with this, for marker lcyε-3’INDL in genomes of all studied samples the allele was identified to be favorable for the accumulation of β-carotene. For marker crtRB1-3’TE of gene of β-carotene hydroxylase, the studied breeding material was polymorphic. Allele of crtRB1 being favorable for the accumulation of β-carotene was identified in lines ‘DK253ZSZM’, ‘DK633/266zS,zM’, ‘DK366zS,zM’ and hybrids ‘DK296S×DK253ZSZM’, ‘DK272S×DK633/266zS,zM’ and ‘DK231S×DK366zS,zM’. Single crosses inherit maternal and paternal alleles of gene of β-carotene hydroxylase codominantly.
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