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The drought tolerance of winter wheat varieties (Triticum aestivum L.), which are suitable for the dissemination in Ukraine
Уліч, Л. І | Бочкарьова, Л. П | Лисікова, В. М | Семеніхін, О. В
The results of research of the drought tolerance of winter wheat varieties (Triticum aestivum L.), which are suitable for the dissemination in Ukraine are presented. Differentiation of varieties according this trait is made. Groups of varieties were classified. Ways of improvement of the assessment are suggested.
Show more [+] Less [-]Results of the State varietal examination of grain quality for Spring Soft Wheat varieties (Triticum aestivum L.) listed in the State Register of Varieties of Ukraine
Шовгун, О. О | Шелепов, В. В | Лисікова, В. М | Ляшенко, С. О | Чухлєб, С. Л | Бадяка, О. О
Quality of Spring Soft Wheat varieties listed in the State Register of Varieties of Ukraine for 2008, according to the grain quality indices (protein content, flour vigor, bread volume). Over 86% of Winter Wheat varieties bred by Ukrainian breeders are classified according to their quality to the strong and valuable, in contrast to 14 % of foreign varieties. This is the evidence of the Ukrainian breeding varieties ability to compete.
Show more [+] Less [-]The morphological signs of plants of white cabbage (Brassica oleraceae L. convar. capitata (L.) Alef. var. alba DC) and their variability depending on type of sort
Жук, О. Я
Indicators of the morphological signs of type of sort on white cabbage plants Dutch flat, Belarus, Amager, Langendijker winter and their variability are the presented. It is established low and average factor of a variation at the majority of the morphological signs. Strong high-quality and ecological variability of signs “height external rake” and “its size leafy parts” at type of sort Dutch flat is defined.
Show more [+] Less [-]Anther callusogenesis and morphogenesis of immune to scab apple varieties (Malus domestica Borkh.) in culture in vitro
Джафарова, В. Є
The results of cultivating of isolated apple anthers of immune to scab varieties are described. The peculiarities of callus formation using picloram are shown.
Show more [+] Less [-]Selection of winter types of wheat from its spring types sawn in winter after prior vernalization
Голик, Л. М
In the Mironivka Institute for wheat named by V.M. Remeslo UAAN new winter-hardy winter wheat variety material was obtained. The annual breeding was used for the selection df winter wheat forms from spring wheat varieties by the prevernalization, spring sowing and M2 at the beginning of optimal terms in autumn (the influence of low temperature on spring wheat seeds). On the basis of such material, winter-hardy wheat varieties were created, such as Myronivs’ka rannyostygla, Remeslivna, Vo- loshkova and such varieties as Bagira, Vdyachna and Svyankova were submitted to the State Service for Plant Variety Protection.
Show more [+] Less [-]Production testing of the winter rape (Brassica napus L.)
Парій, Ф. М | Опалко, А. І | Черненко, А. Д
Advantages of heterotic hybrids of the winter rape in the competitive and in the production testing proven. While certain advantages in the productivity of cultivar of the Czech selection of Odila above the domestic cultivar of Dangal got in the competitive testing in the production testing confirmed. It is established that the greatest productivity in the production testing was had hybrids Vsesvit F1t Zapalnyj Fb G-3 Fi and G-4 Fi, which are characterized the stable and yearly high productivity and combine the productivity with adaptability to the environmental conditions of area of Forest- steppe of Ukraine.
Show more [+] Less [-]The foggotten pages of history
Смиков, В. К
The history of creation and distribution of apple cultivar Renet Burhardta created by N .A. Gartvis is described.
Show more [+] Less [-]Commercial and biological characteristics of pear gene pool (Pyrus communis L.) of VNIISPK
Красова, Н. Г | Глазова, Н. М
The study results for many years (1972- 2006) of pear gene pool in the All- Russian Research Institute of Horticultural Breeding are given. The cultivars and selections have been singled out for wide dissemination and use in breeding.
Show more [+] Less [-]Productivity and quality of a grain wheat durum spring (Triticum durum Dest.) in depending on fertilizers
Бараболя, О. В
It was studied the impact of mineral fertilizers on productivity and grain quality of wheat durum spring. Glassiness of grain, protein and gluten contain increase along with increase of doses of nitrogenous fertilizer. Maximum grain productivity was achieved by mineral fertilizers in combination on autumn fallow N60P60K60. after pea - N90P60K60
Show more [+] Less [-]Methodical approaches to the cutting lettuce (Lactuca sativa L.)
Кривицький, К. М | Лещук, Н. В
Methodical approaches to the cutting lettuce new varieties morphological characteristics grouping are found with regard to the botanical classification of the species. New morphological characteristics, used for new varieties of plants grouping and examination for distinctness are defined.
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