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Perfection of methods of development of female component of MS hybrids of sugar beet (Beta vulgaris L. ssp. vulgaris var.altissita Doell)
Корнєєва, М. О
Development and improvement of a female component of MS hybrids of sugar beet were carried out on the basis of the following methods: inereasing frequency of occurrence of sterility maintainers by means of preliminary saturation of the population with alleles of the x and z genes; the use, as a female form, of simple sterile hybrids from the crossing of sterile lines with unrelated O-types; and also the drawing in of complexes of valuable genes from materials of foreign origin.
Show more [+] Less [-]About period after harvesting maturation of winter soft wheat seeds (Triticum aestivum L.)
Кавунець, В. П
When studying period of maturation after harvest, varietal specificity of level of winter wheat seed maturation process reaction on hydrothermical factors has been revealed. This trait should been taken into consideration when deciding practical problems in respect to rational variety-regionizing as well as to development of seed technology based on biological peculiarities.
Show more [+] Less [-]Frost-Resistant Plants Selection Peculiarities at Winter Wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) Varieties Breeding
Чебаков, М. П
Giving regard to the main elements of Winter Wheat varieties assessment when selecting frost resistant plants and taking into account genetic potential of the parents, date of hybrids sowing and their assessment by the speed of spring vegetation, it is possible in the sense of successful breeding to derive the most steady genotypes by the specified characteristics starting from F1. hybrids.
Show more [+] Less [-]Physiological and Biological Changes in the Underground Shoots of White Cinquefoil and Potentilla alba L. and Snowdrop Galanthus nivalis L. during Wintering at Introduction
Kondratʹeva, V. V. | Семенова, М. В | Воронкова, Т. В | Шелепова, О. В | Данилина, Н. Н
Water-soluble carbohydrates, cytokinins, ABA, salicylic acid and microelements content's dynamics in wintering underground organs of P.alba and G.nivalis were studied. Correlation between substance's level and air temperature, ground freezing depth, snow layer thickness fluctuations was determined. The role of phytohormons and free sugars in adaptive potential realization are discussed.
Show more [+] Less [-]Formation of seed productivity in lettuce Lactuca sativa var. secalina L. depending on the form of inflorescence habitus
Лещук, Н. В
It is explained the essence of the formation of seed production of lettuce Lactuca sativa var. secalina L. depending on the form of the inflorescence habitus, which formed during the different areas of plant nutrition. It is substantiated the mechanism of seed formation on different parts of the inflorescence of female plant with identification of it’s sowing quality. It is developed the agrotehnologcal measures aimed at improving the productivity of lettuce seed by overcoming its matrical heteroquality
Show more [+] Less [-]Origin of Analytical Breeding of Winter Wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) in the Tsar’s Russia, and in Ukraine in particular (End of XIX– Beginning of XX centuries)
Х. М. Піпан
This article discusses the main factors of origin and development of analytical selection of winter wheat in Ukraine in late XIX - early XX century .. In particular highlight the role of scientific works of Charles Darwin, W. Rimpau, AL Sempolovskуу, IS Korzhinskуу and research institutions to increase attention to the study of local varieties of winter wheat and their improvement. Especially analyze values of Russia's first benefit from the breeding "Guide to Seed for the Advancement of cultivated plants", in which the author proposes methods for improving and creating new varieties. Since the end of XIX century selection were mainly involved in private owners on their own initiative, already in the beginning of XX century this trend more interested in the agricultural society, local and state authorities. Thanks to their support in the country organized congresses, meetings and conferences, set up research and field stations. It was during this period of transition took place in the national selection analysis.
Show more [+] Less [-]Classification of initial material of pea of vegetable (Pisum sativum L. partim) by the method of multidimensional statistics.
В. М. Стригун
Basic results is resulted multidimen-sional statistical analysis of varieties of pea vegetable as initial material for the breeding of new varieties.
Show more [+] Less [-]Formation of seed productivity in lettuce Lactuca sativa var. secalina L. depending on the form of inflorescence habitus
Н. В. Лещук
It is explained the essence of the formation of seed production of lettuce Lactuca sativa var. secalina L. depending on the form of the inflorescence habitus, which formed during the different areas of plant nutrition. It is substantiated the mechanism of seed formation on different parts of the inflorescence of female plant with identification of it’s sowing quality. It is developed the agrotehnologcal measures aimed at improving the productivity of lettuce seed by overcoming its matrical heteroquality
Show more [+] Less [-]Внесок селекціонерів Полтавського інституту агропромислового виробництва імені М. І. Вавилова УААН у формування національних сортових ресурсів (до 125-тиріччя з дня заснування)
І. О. Чекрізов | І. В. Колісник | Г. П. Жемела
Представлено результати багаторічної роботи селекціонерів Полтавського інституту агропромислового виробництва імені М. І. Вавилова. Коротко охарактеризовано основні створені та районовані сорти люцерни, стоколосу безостого, вики ярої та озимої, конюшини, буряку кормового та деякі особливості їх вирощування.
Show more [+] Less [-]Physiological and Biological Changes in the Underground Shoots of White Cinquefoil and Potentilla alba L. and Snowdrop Galanthus nivalis L. during Wintering at Introduction
В. В. Кондратьева | М. В. Семенова | Т. В. Воронкова | О. В. Шелепова | Н. Н. Данилина
Water-soluble carbohydrates, cytokinins, ABA, salicylic acid and microelements content's dynamics in wintering underground organs of P.alba and G.nivalis were studied. Correlation between substance's level and air temperature, ground freezing depth, snow layer thickness fluctuations was determined. The role of phytohormons and free sugars in adaptive potential realization are discussed.
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