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Molecular selection of sugar beet (Beta vulgaris L.) by resistance to biotic and abiotic factors
Корниенко, А. В | Буторина, А. К
Molecular selection (MAS) makes the newest trend in breeding that has been progressively applied in many agricultural crops, including sugar beet. The article reviews papers on sugar beet MAL in Russia and overseas consi ering the methods applied and results obtained, das well as prospects for further development of this trend.
Show more [+] Less [-]Quality and marketable characteristics of highbush blueberry (Vaccinium corym- bosum L.) under the Kyiv region conditions
Сіленко, В. О | Марченко, С. В
In the article the authors present the results of the study biometric and qualitative characteristics of berries highbush blueberry varieties (Vaccinium corymbosum L.) in a specific soil and climatic conditions Forest-steppe of Ukraine (Kiev). Investigations were carried out on 11 varieties of American highbush blueberry. Phenological observations, biometric surveys, tasting score and biochemical analysis of the berries have been conducted during the growing season. By results of researches the group of early-ripening varieties includes Bluestar, Earliblue, Patriot, the middle-ripening – Jonne, Atlantis, Bluegold, Bluecrop, Chyk and late-ripening varieties – Amanda, Darrow, Toro. Duration of collecting period of ripe berries was lower (16 days) in varieties Bluestar, Earliblue, Jonne and Darrow. Berries were large sizes in the varieties of Darrow, Amanda, Jonne, in other varieties berries were medium size. By tasting score the berry of varieties Toro, Earliblue, Jonne and Darrow were the best. For biochemical parameters the better varieties were Amanda, Jonne and Earliblue.
Show more [+] Less [-]Developing collection of winter wheat (Triticum saestivum L.) varieties of example characteristics when conducting DUS-test
Василюк, П. М
The article offers summary of the studies of variety collections development for soft winter wheat varieties of example characteristics. This establishes that these varieties create an important and indispensible condition for recognizing, describing and identifying the varieties in the course of due diligence DUS qualifying examination and for resolving the issue of extending legal protection for plant varieties. For the purpose of extending plant variety collection with example characteristics the studies shall have ongoing constant nature thus contributing to the collections with new morphological characteristics of newly registered or common knowledge varieties that could be carriers of certain characteristics expression as long as these are no included into the Institute database. This will enable scientists, experts and specialists of plant variety examination facilities and breeders to conduct examination and provide them with auxiliary working material for determination of the state of expression of morphological characteristics when describing and identifying plant varieties and apply in the wild characteristics ad properties which are correlated with VCU parameters.
Show more [+] Less [-]Aroma peculiarities of apricot (Armeniaca vulgaris Lam.) and cherry-plum (Prunus cerasifera Ehrh.) flowers
Горіна, В. М | Ріхтер, О. О | Виноградов, Б. О
In the component composition of volatile solutions determining fragrance of the flowers in apricot and cherry-plum varieties and Prunus brigantiaca Vill. x Armeniaca vulgaris Lam. hybrids there are 36 highest hydrocarbons and benzaldehyde that prevail. There are fewer amounts of the solutions which scare bees (benzaldehyde) in the fragrance of cherry-plum varieties as compared to the flowers of apricot and hybrids. At the same time, the content of tricosane, pentacosane, docosane, heneycosane, eicosane, nonadecan that probably attract bees is higher in the cherry-plum flowers than in the fragrance of apricot and hybrid flowers. The average three years yield of cherry-plum plants (Nikitska Zhovta 10,7 and Salgirskaya Rumjanaya 28,5 t/ ha) is higher than for apricot (Recolte de Schatene 0,3; Rodnik 2,9; Ananasniy Tsurupinsky 7,4 t/ha) and hybrids (8110 – 5,2; 8098 – 6,4 t/ha) that could be explained with better pollination of flowers and better fruit formation. Prevailing components of flower aroma of these plants and their possible link with yield of the objects in questions have been analyzed.
Show more [+] Less [-]A selection and seed-grower are a substantial factor of increase to the productivity of oil-bearing cultures
Кириченко, В. В | Коломацька, В. П | Рудник-Іващенко, О. І
Analysis of oilseeds in Ukraine, including sunflower, soybean, winter and spring rape, mustard, linseed, sesame, spring false flax, safflower. Presented research-based elements of the technology of cultivation. Described seed of oilseeds. Named most promising varieties of these crops. Disclosed their productive and qualitative potential. The above varietal structure of oilseeds in the State Register of plant varieties suitable for dissemination in Ukraine for years. In order to ensure stable population of oil and food, which include oil, and for the implementation of programs related to soil fertility, scientifically grounded recommended area of oilseeds in Ukraine for 2013–2015 years, ha.
Show more [+] Less [-]Unification of selection by quantitative characters in seed production of green pea (Pisum sativum L. partim)
Стригун, В. М
In the production of original, basic green pea seed it is critical to to single out (select) basic plants. The marked (selected) plants shall comply with their breeder’s description. Since seed breeding events are conducted with every new variety by various persons and in various agroecologic conditions, subjective factors, as well as environmental factors, may interfere with determining parameters of every characteristic considered there. As a consequence, identification and varietal characteristics and properties are subject to change and might not correspond to the breeder’s description; this, of course, affects the quality of variety. For the purpose of leveling the above factors, example of vegetable pea serves as a suggestion of a technique for exeminig parameters of variability of quantitative traits for specific population observing the rule of «golden section».
Show more [+] Less [-]Considering the issue of potato variety qualifying examination (Solanum tuberosum L.)
Подгаєцький, А. А
208 potato varieties of domestic and foreign breeding have been examined on Ustymivska examination station of V. Yur’eva plant production Institute UAAS to determine their response during planting material use. By experiment research results was established different variety productivity depending on the origin of plant material and growing in different soil and climatic conditions, applying the special term »zone change growing plant material effect”. As a result of the three-year productivity of different reproduction locations the same varieties potato planting material assessment was founded that in most cases, superiority in performance were varieties that were grown from imported seeds. Experimental studies proved the impact on the productivity expression of physiological aging of the tubers used for planting.
Show more [+] Less [-]Sugard sorghum yield (Sorghum saccharatum (L.) Pers.) subject to varietal characteristics and varying plant density in crops
Курило, В. Л | Григоренко, Н. О | Марчук, О. О | Фуніна, І. Р
The example of various varieties and hybrids of sugar sorghum illustrates the summary of study on assessing varying density of plants in crops on phonological characteristics of sugar sorghum plants, carbohydrate composition of sorghum juice and yield of its plants. The completed study established that one hectare of sugar sorghum, subject to varietal characteristics and varying density of plants in crop, may provide the green weight of 40.83 до 106.87 t/ha at stem juice yield of 22,27 to 56,24 t/ha, which would contain 2.31 to 6.09 t/ha of total sugars suitable for bioethanol production in at the rate of 198.25 to 501.19 dal/ha. However, despite of higher estimate of total sugars yield and bioethanol at 300 thousand plants per ha density in crop, industrial plots would preferably have plant density in crops ranging within 200...250 thousand pieces per ha. Since higher density increases dry matter content of plants, consequentially, cellulose and lignin in stems, this may create preconditions for harvest losses due to stem lod ging Besides, 200 thousand plants per hectare enables to reach the highest level of photosynthesis net productivity which combines high intensity of the photosynthesis with photosynthetic activity of leaf surface.
Show more [+] Less [-]Gnome 2 as a donor for winter rye (Secale cereale L.) short stem
Скорик, В. В
A stabilizing (directed) selection has created a donor of short stem for winter rye (Secale cereale L.), plant height of which ranged from 50 to 60 cm. The plant height kept symmetry of its distribution curve and the frequency accumulation in central classes (positive excess). For the first time a symbolic designation to new short-stem related Hl-2Hl-2 allele and the donor name (Gnome 2) were proposed. 28 years of stabilizing selection showed that 57% of overall genetic variability of plant height resulted from adaptive genes available for directed selection by phenotype, and 43% from dominant and epistatic factors that predetermines the expression heterosis effect. Gnome 2 donor proved to have genetic additive correlation between the pants height and number of flows per ear, ear length, weight of seeds per plant , 100 seeds weight per plant; to have reverse correlation with ear density seeds weight per ear. The height of original parent components have displayed direct additive correlation with number of flowers per ear and reverse with the ear density. The additive correlation component directly exposes «genuine» impact of parental plants on the expression of the characteristics indicated among the offspring Productive bushing of parental plants, seed weight per plant directly, and seed size (100 seeds weight) indirectly, respectively, influence the height of offspring pants. The reverse additive correlation between the parents height and 100 seeds weight in the offspring is caused by pleiotropic effect of the genes impact thus enabling to combine the desirable characteristics in one genotype. Productive bushing is by 54% due to the impact of general genetic factors among the above, in particular, 30% due to that additive, 24 due to non-additive factors. The concept of genetic improvements for productive bushing of the Gnome 2 rye implies utilization of additive effect through the directed selection, as well as application of breeding techniques for controlling the effect of heterosis caused by the genes of dominant and epistatic impact. The selection paradigm requires simultaneous genotypes selection with immediate examination of the selection results by offspring while in parallel to develop inbred lines, combining these afterwards evaluating general and specific combining ability by productive bushing. It is also to be noted that the productive bushing essentially depends on the environmental conditions, which significantly corrects the implementation of productivity potent, thereby the issue of agronomical conditions aimed at extending the expression of characteristic in question remains.
Show more [+] Less [-]Donor of winter rye short stem (Secale cereale L.) Gnom 1
Скорик, В. В
The article proves that the genetic cluster analysis using of parents – offspring system at the period of 38 generations of directional intentional selection to short stem, the height of winter rye plants has been reduced less than 90 cm with simultaneously productivity integral components increasing. Directional selection on parent plants short stem has revealed pleiotropic effects to increasing averages of productivity yield capacity, spike length, flowers number, grains, and short stem and simultaneously its productivity reducing, plant and weight reducing of 100 direct descendants grains. Plant height donor of short stem Gnome 1 has been controlled prevailing by genetic factors and has been less influenced by environmental conditions. Selection by enlargement of elite plants grains has predetermined genetically increasing of the average height of families in the next generation without the concept selection requirements satisfaction. Therefore, the directed selections, by the structural analysis results, are annually held in two phases, first – to the expressed short stem and then among of them – to the high weight of 100 grains per plant and desirable productivity elements. A creative dominant short stem donor with stems up to 90 cm and a weight of 100 grains per plant more than 4.0 g has been made. A short stem spike shortness donor Dwarf 1possesses a significant reserve of common genetic mutation of quantitative characteristics, which can be used by direct and indirect selection. This population has been represented by its large amount, in order to enhance capabilities of directional selection plants short stem providing with the desired productivity components during the studying. Informative additive genetic cluster analysis is high. Plants productivity is considered to be extremely complicated selection characteristics, including many component constituents parts related genetically. One of these traits changing inevitably causes genetic changes in other breeding traits. The aim of the task should be set clearly and information flow should be methodically and genetically corrected used. Keywords: winter rye, the efficiency of selection, inheritance, short stem, Dwarf 1, pleiotropic effects, genotypic, additive correlation.
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