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[Ocean protection and management: underlying principles and elements for protection and management of marine and coastal environments]
Energy production from biomass and wastes: present limitations and potential improvements
Jewell, W.J. | Cummings, R.J. | Richards, B.K. (Cornell Univ., Ithaca, NY (USA). Dept. of Agricultural and Biological Engineering)
Influence of immobilization supports on the kinetic constants of anaerobic digestion of cheese whey
Borja, R. (Instituto de la Grasa y sus Derivados, Sevilla (Spain)) | Martin, A. | Fiestas, J.A. | Duran, M.M. | Luque, M. | Colmenarejo, J.M.
Common treatment of sewage sludge and animal waste slurries in covered digesters
Linke, B. | Kolisch, G. (Essen Univ. (Germany). Inst. fuer Umwelttechnik)
In-reactor digestion of solid wastes
Baeten, D. | Verstraete, W. (Gent Univ. (Belgium). Center for Environmental Sanitation)
Possibilities and potentials of anaerobic wastewater treatment with emphasis on the UASB-system
Lettinga, G. | Rinzema, A. | Hulshoff Pol, L.W. (Agricultural Univ. of Wageningen (Netherlands). Dept. of Environmental Engineering)
Some new aspects of macerating and composting of organic matter
Matthias, J. (Georg-August-Universitaet, Goettingen (Germany). Inst. fuer Agrartechnik)
Treatment of animal wastes and uses of treated residues
Hobson, P.N. (Aberdeen Univ. (United Kingdom). Dept. of Molecular and Cell Biology)
Quality and operational factors regarding the biodigestion of solid wastes
Mata-Alvarez, J. (Barcelona Univ. (Spain). Dept. of Chemical Engineering) | Cecchi, F.