AGRIS - International System for Agricultural Science and Technology

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Bioindication of immmission load lowering with change of the aluminium production technology


Mankovska, B. (Forest Research Institute, Zvolen (Slovak Republic))

Institute of Agricultural Knowledge and Innovation - Slovakia - Slovakia

Development of macroscopic markers of Norway spruce damage in the Krusne Hory between 1998 and 2000


Polak, T. | Albrechtova, J. (Charles University, Prague (Czech Republic). Faculty of Science) | Rock, B. N.

Institute of Agricultural Knowledge and Innovation - Slovakia - Slovakia

Effect of increased carbon dioxide and ozone on leaf spot pathogens of birch


Syrjala, L. | Poteri, M. (Finnish Forest Research Institute, Suonenjoki (Finland). Suonenjoki Research Station)

Institute of Agricultural Knowledge and Innovation - Slovakia - Slovakia

Linking air pollution and forest health: how are we doing?


Percy, K. E. (Natural Resources Canada, Fredericton (Canada). Canadian Forest Service-Atlantic Forestry Centre) | Karnosky, D.F.

Institute of Agricultural Knowledge and Innovation - Slovakia - Slovakia

Consequences of elevated CO2 and O3 on birch canopy structure


Kull, O. (University of Tartu, Tartu (Estonia). Institute of Botany and Ecology) | Tulva, I. | Vapaavuori, E.

Institute of Agricultural Knowledge and Innovation - Slovakia - Slovakia

Acid rains in Belgrad forest, Istanbul


Serengil, Y. (University of Istanbul, Istanbul (Turkey). Faculty of Forestry)

Institute of Agricultural Knowledge and Innovation - Slovakia - Slovakia

Implementation of remediation measures in forests with the emphasis on the forests in Spis region


Vosko, M. (Forest Research Institute, Zvolen (Slovak Republic))

Institute of Agricultural Knowledge and Innovation - Slovakia - Slovakia

Foliar elements of Scots pine across the transect from the ammonia emission source (1995-1998)


Kupcinskiene, E. (University of Agriculture of Lithuania, Kaunas (Lithuania). Kaunas-Akademia)

Institute of Agricultural Knowledge and Innovation - Slovakia - Slovakia

The ecophysiological indicators of air pollution stress of beech (Fagus sylvatica L.) in Zasavje area, Central Slovenia


Kalpic, A.B. (Ecological Research and Industrial Cooperation, Velenje (Slovenia)) | Lasnik, C.R.: Simoncic, P.

Institute of Agricultural Knowledge and Innovation - Slovakia - Slovakia

Effect of increasing ozone and carbon dioxide on photosynthetic and related biochemical properties of two silver birch clones during three years of exposure


Riikonen, J. (Finnish Forest Research Institute, Suonenjoki (Finland). Suonenjoki Research Station) | Holopainen, T. | Oksanen, E. | Vapaavuori, E.

Institute of Agricultural Knowledge and Innovation - Slovakia - Slovakia