AGRIS - International System for Agricultural Science and Technology

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Hydric regime of mountainous spruce forest stand


Tuzinsky, L. (Technicka Univ., Zvolen (Slovak Republic). Lesnicka Fakulta)

Library of Antonin Svehla - Czechia

Norway spruce fine roots investigation in the West Beskids Mts.


Kodrik, M. (Slovenska Akademia Vied, Zvolen (Slovak Republic). Ustav Ekologie Lesa)

Library of Antonin Svehla - Czechia

Physiological aspects of the health state of Norway spruce using different silvicultural concepts


Kmet, J. | Jaloviar, P. (Technicka Univ., Zvolen (Slovak Republic). Lesnicka Fakulta)

Library of Antonin Svehla - Czechia

Biometrical relationships of volume increment to crown defoliation and other variables of spruce stands in the Oravska Polhora research site [Slovak Republic]


Smelko, S. (Technicka Univ., Zvolen (Slovak Republic). Lesnicka Fakulta)

Library of Antonin Svehla - Czechia