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Distinct polymer-dependent sorption of persistent pollutants associated with Atlantic salmon farming to microplastics | Distinct polymer-dependent sorption of persistent pollutants associated with Atlantic salmon farming to microplastics
Abihssira Garcia, Isabel Sofia | Kögel, Tanja | Gomiero, Alessio | Kristensen, Torstein | Krogstad, Morten | Olsvik, Pål Asgeir
Interactions of microplastics and persistent organic pollutants (POPs) associated with Atlantic salmon farming were studied to assess the potential role of microplastics in relation to the environmental impact of aquaculture. HDPE, PP, PET and PVC microplastics placed for 3 months near fish farms sorbed POPs from aquafeeds. PET and PVC sorbed significantly higher levels of dioxins and PCBs compared to HDPE, while the levels sorbed to PP were intermediate and did not differ statistically from PET, PVC or HDPE. In addition, the composition of dioxins accumulated in caged blue mussels did not reflect the patterns observed on the microplastics, probably due to polymer-specific affinity of POPs. In conclusion, the results of this study show that microplastics occurring near fish farms can sorb aquafeed-associated POPs and, therefore, microplastics could potentially be vectors of such chemicals in the marine environment and increase the environmental impact of fish farming. | publishedVersion
Show more [+] Less [-]Factors influencing microplastic abundances in the sediments of a seagrass-dominated tropical atoll | Factors influencing microplastic abundances in the sediments of a seagrass-dominated tropical atoll
Radford, Freya | Horton, Alice A. | Felgate, Stacey | Lichtschlag, Anna | Hunt, James | Andrade, Valdemar | Sanders, Richard | Evans, Claire
Seagrass meadows are one of the world's most diverse ecosystems offering habitats for an extensive array of species, as well as serving as protectors of coral reefs and vital carbon sinks. Furthermore, they modify hydrodynamics by diminishing water flow velocities and enhancing sediment deposition, indicating the potential for microplastic accumulation in their sediments. The build-up of microplastics could potentially have ecological impacts threatening to ecosystems, however little is known about microplastic abundance and controlling factors in seagrass sediments. Here we investigated microplastic characteristics and abundances within sediments underlying four seagrass meadow sites on the Turneffe Atoll, Belize. Sediment cores were collected and sub-sampled to include a range of replicate surface sediments (0–4 cm) and depth cores (sediment depths 0–2, 2–5, 5–10, 10–20 and 20–30 cm). These were analysed using 25 μm resolution μFTIR, with spectral maps processed using siMPle software. Microplastics were prevalent across the sites with an abundance range (limit of detection (LOD) blank-corrected) of < LOD to 17137 microplastics kg−1 dw found on the east side of the atoll. However, their abundances varied greatly between the replicate samples. Polyethylene and polypropylene were the most commonly detected polymers overall, although the dominant polymer type varied between sites. There were no differences in the abundance of microplastics between sites, nor could abundance distributions be explained by seagrass cover. However, abundances of microplastics were highest in sediments with lower proportions of fine grained particles (clay, <4 μm) suggesting that hydrodynamics override seagrass effects. Additionally, no patterns were seen between microplastic abundance and depth of sediment. This suggests that microplastic abundance and distribution in seagrass meadows may vary significantly depending on the specific geographical locations within those meadows, and that more complex hydrodynamic factors influence spatial variability at a localised scale. | publishedVersion
Show more [+] Less [-]Biomarker responses and accumulation of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in Mytilus trossulus and Gammarus oceanicus during exposure to crude oil
Turja, Raisa | Sanni, Steinar | Stankeviciute, Milda | Butrimaviciene, Laura | Dévier, Marie-Helene | Budzinski, Helene | Lehtonen, Kari K.
In the brackish water Baltic Sea, oil pollution is an ever-present and significant environmental threat mainly due to the continuously increasing volume of oil transport in the area. In this study, effects of exposure to crude oil on two common Baltic Sea species, the mussel Mytilus trossulus and the amphipod Gammarus oceanicus, were investigated. The species were exposed for various time periods (M. trossulus 4, 7, and 14 days, G. oceanicus 4 and 11 days) to three oil concentrations (0.003, 0.04, and 0.30 mg L−1 based on water measurements, nominally aimed at 0.015, 0.120, and 0.750 mg L−1) obtained by mechanical dispersion (oil droplets). Biological effects of oil exposure were examined using a battery of biomarkers consisting of enzymes of the antioxidant defense system (ADS), lipid peroxidation, phase II detoxification (glutathione S-transferase), neurotoxicity (acetylcholinesterase inhibition), and geno- and cytotoxicity (micronuclei and other nuclear deformities). In mussels, the results on biomarker responses were examined in connection with data on the tissue accumulation of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH). In M. trossulus, during the first 4 days of exposure the accumulation of all PAHs in the two highest exposure concentrations was high and was thereafter reduced significantly. Significant increase in ADS responses was observed in M. trossulus at 4 and 7 days of exposure. At day 14, significantly elevated levels of geno- and cytotoxicity were detected in mussels. In G. oceanicus, the ADS responses followed a similar pattern to those recorded in M. trossulus at day 4; however, in G. oceanicus, the elevated ADS response was still maintained at day 11. Conclusively, the results obtained show marked biomarker responses in both study species under conceivable, environmentally realistic oil-in-seawater concentrations during an oil spill, and in mussels, they are related to the observed tissue accumulation of oil-derived compounds. | publishedVersion
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