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La normalisation en qualite de l' air: la situation en France.
Mienville P.
Characterizing environmental contamination by plant protection products along the land-to-sea continuum:a focus on France and French overseas territories
Margoum, Christelle | Bedos, Carole | Munaron, Dominique | Nélieu, Sylvie | Achard, Anne-Laure | Pesce, Stéphane | RiverLy - Fonctionnement des hydrosystèmes (RiverLy) ; Institut National de Recherche pour l’Agriculture, l’Alimentation et l’Environnement (INRAE) | Ecologie fonctionnelle et écotoxicologie des agroécosystèmes (ECOSYS) ; AgroParisTech-Université Paris-Saclay-Institut National de Recherche pour l’Agriculture, l’Alimentation et l’Environnement (INRAE) | MARine Biodiversity Exploitation and Conservation - MARBEC (UMR MARBEC) ; Institut de Recherche pour le Développement (IRD)-Institut Français de Recherche pour l'Exploitation de la Mer (IFREMER)-Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS)-Université de Montpellier (UM) | Département Ecosystèmes aquatiques, ressources en eau et risques - INRAE (AQUA) ; Institut National de Recherche pour l’Agriculture, l’Alimentation et l’Environnement (INRAE)
International audience | Environmental compartments are contaminated by a broad spectrum of plant protection products (PPPs) that are currently widely used in agriculture or, for some of them, whose use was banned many years ago. The aim of this study is to draw up an overview of the levels of contamination of soils, continental aquatic environments, seawaters and atmosphere by organic PPPs in France and the French overseas territories, based on data from the scientific publications and the grey literature. It is difficult to establish an exhaustive picture of the overall contamination of the environment because the various compartments monitored, the monitoring frequencies, the duration of the studies and the lists of substances are not the same. Of the 33 PPPs most often recorded at high concentration levels in at least one compartment, 5 are insecticides, 9 are fungicides, 15 are herbicides and 4 are transformation products. The PPP contamination of the environment shows generally a seasonal variation according to crop cycles. On a pluriannual scale, the contamination trends are linked to the level of use driven by the pest pressure, and especially to the ban of PPP. Overall, the quality of the data acquired has been improved thanks to new, more integrative sampling strategies and broad-spectrum analysis methods that make it possible to incorporate the search for emerging contaminants such as PPP transformation products. Taking into account additional information (such as the quantities applied, agricultural practices, meteorological conditions, the properties of PPPs and environmental conditions) combined with modelling tools will make it possible to better assess and understand the fate and transport of PPPs in the environment, inter-compartment transfers and to identify their potential impacts. Simultaneous monitoring of all environmental compartments as well as biota in selected and limited relevant areas would also help in this assessment.
Show more [+] Less [-]Source analysis of the tropospheric NO2 based on MAX-DOAS measurements in northeastern China
Liu, Feng | Xing, Chengzhi | Su, Pinjie | Luo, Yifu | Zhao, Ting | Xue, Jiexiao | Zhang, Guohui | Qin, Sida | Song, Youtao | Bu, Naishun
Ground-based Multi-Axis Differential Optical Absorption Spectroscopy (Max-DOAS) measurements of nitrogen dioxide (NO₂) were continuously obtained from January to November 2019 in northeastern China (NEC). Seasonal variations in the mean NO₂ vertical column densities (VCDs) were apparent, with a maximum of 2.9 × 10¹⁶ molecules cm⁻² in the winter due to enhanced NO₂ emissions from coal-fired winter heating, a longer photochemical lifetime and atmospheric transport. Daily maximum and minimum NO₂ VCDs were observed, independent of the season, at around 11:00 and 13:00 local time, respectively, and the most obvious increases and decreases occurred in the winter and autumn, respectively. The mean diurnal NO₂ VCDs at 11:00 increased to at 08:00 by 1.6, 5.8, and 6.7 × 10¹⁵ molecules cm⁻² in the summer, autumn and winter, respectively, due to increased NO₂ emissions, and then decreased by 2.8, 4.2, and 5.1 × 10¹⁵ molecules cm⁻² at 13:00 in the spring, summer, and autumn, respectively. This was due to strong solar radiation and increased planetary boundary layer height. There was no obvious weekend effect, and the NO₂ VCDs only decreased by about 10% on the weekends. We evaluated the contributions of emissions and transport in the different seasons to the NO₂ VCDs using a generalized additive model, where the contributions of local emissions to the total in the spring, summer, autumn, and winter were 89 ± 12%, 92 ± 11%, 86 ± 12%, and 72 ± 16%, respectively. The contribution of regional transport reached 26% in the winter, and this high contribution value was mainly correlated with the northeast wind, which was due to the transport channel of air pollutants along the Changbai Mountains in NEC. The NO₂/SO₂ ratio was used to identify NO₂ from industrial sources and vehicle exhaust. The contribution of industrial NO₂ VCD sources was >66.3 ± 16% in Shenyang due to the large amount of coal combustion from heavy industrial activity, which emitted large amounts of NO₂. Our results suggest that air quality management in Shenyang should consider reductions in local NO₂ emissions from industrial sources along with regional cooperative control.
Show more [+] Less [-]High mortality and high PCDD/Fs exposure among residents downwind of municipal solid waste incinerators: A case study in China
Ji, Guixiang | Chen, Qi | Ding, Zhen | Gu, Jie | Guo, Min | Shi, Lili | Yu, Hao | Sun, Hong
Studies on the human body burden of dibenzo-p-dioxins and dibenzofurans (PCDD/Fs) in populations around municipal solid waste incinerators (MSWIs) in China are limited. The objective of this study was to assess the potential adverse health effects of an 8-year MSWI on the surrounding population and identify possible exposure pathways. We hypothesized that the MSWI would result in different environmental impacts and population health outcomes between upwind and downwind of its 3 km vicinity. We conducted a 10-year retrospective mortality survey on the population surrounding the MSWI. Then, we selected 50 residents aged 50 years or older on each of the upwind and downwind sides of MSWI to test serum PCDD/Fs. Meanwhile, environmental and food exposures to PCDD/Fs were tested for selected residents. The age-adjusted mortality rates were significantly higher for residents downwind than upwind, but no significant difference was found in the standardized mortality ratio before and after the MSWI operation. The toxic equivalents (TEQ) and major congeners of PCDD/Fs were significantly higher in the sera of the downwind residents than in the upwind. The PCDD/Fs in air, soil, dust, and vegetables on the downwind side were not significantly different from those on the upwind side, but the mean concentrations of PCDD/Fs in downwind hen eggs was significantly higher than those from upwind. In conclusion, downwind residents living within 3 km of the MSWI had higher age-adjusted mortality and serum level of PCDD/Fs than upwind residents. This higher mortality rate among downwind residents was not associated with MSWI. However, the higher levels of PCDD/Fs in downwind hen eggs suggest that the downwind population dioxin exposure was related to their location.
Show more [+] Less [-]Versatile in silico modeling of XAD-air partition coefficients for POPs based on abraham descriptor and temperature
Tao, Cuicui | Chen, Ying | Tao, Tianyun | Cao, Zaizhi | Chen, Wenxuan | Zhu, Tengyi
The concentration of persistent organic pollutants (POPs) makes remarkable difference to environmental fate. In the field of passive sampling, the partition coefficients between polystyrene-divinylbenzene resin (XAD) and air (i.e., KXAD₋A) are indispensable to obtain POPs concentration, and the KXAD₋A is generally thought to be governed by temperature and molecular structure of POPs. However, experimental determination of KXAD₋A is unrealistic for countless and novel chemicals. Herein, the Abraham solute descriptors of poly parameter linear free energy relationship (pp-LFER) and temperature were utilized to develop models, namely pp-LFER-T, for predicting KXAD₋A values. Two linear (MLR and LASSO) and four nonlinear (ANN, SVM, kNN and RF) machine learning algorithms were employed to develop models based on a data set of 307 sample points. For the aforementioned six models, R²ₐdⱼ and Q²ₑₓₜ were both beyond 0.90, indicating distinguished goodness-of-fit and robust generalization ability. By comparing the established models, the best model was observed as the RF model with R²ₐdⱼ = 0.991, Q²ₑₓₜ = 0.935, RMSEₜᵣₐ = 0.271 and RMSEₑₓₜ = 0.868. The mechanism interpretation revealed that the temperature, size of molecules and dipole-type interactions were the predominant factors affecting KXAD₋A values. Concurrently, the developed models with the broad applicability domain provide available tools to fill the experimental data gap for untested chemicals. In addition, the developed models were helpful to preliminarily evaluate the environmental ecological risk and understand the adsorption behavior of POPs between XAD membrane and air.
Show more [+] Less [-]Inequalities in occupational exposures among people using popular commute modes
Patra, Arpan | Phuleria, Harish C.
Several recent studies have looked into the differences in air qualities inside popular commute modes. The impact of daily commuting patterns and work-related trips on inhalation doses, however, are not investigated. The purpose of this study is to quantify the variation in air pollutants within popular commute modes in Mumbai, India, and to estimate the variation in exposure as a result of occupational or work-related trips across different sub-groups. Real-time pollutants, both gaseous and particulate matters (PM), were measured on a pre-defined route during rush and non-rush hours on buses, cars, auto-rickshaws, sub-urban trains, and motorbikes through several trips (N = 98). Household surveys were conducted to estimate the exposures of different occupational subgroups (cab-driver, auto-rickshaw drivers, delivery persons) and people commuting to their offices daily. Participants (N = 800) from various socioeconomic backgrounds in the city were asked about their job categories, work-activity patterns, and work-related commute trips. Mass concentrations of particles in different size ranges (PM₁, PM₂.₅, and PM₁₀) were substantially higher (p < 0.05) inside auto-rickshaws (44.6 μg/m³, 84.7 μg/m³, and 138.3 μg/m³) compared to other modes. Inside cars, gaseous pollutants such as carbon monoxide (CO) and total volatile organic compounds (TVOC) were significantly higher (p < 0.05). Although both gaseous and particulate concentrations were lower (p < 0.05) inside buses, bus-commuters were found to be highly exposed to the pollutants due to the extended trip time (∼1.2 times longer than other modes) and driving conditions. Office commuters inhale a large fraction of their daily doses (25–30%) during their work-related travel. Occupational sub-groups, on the other hand, inhale ∼90% of the pollutants during their work. In a day, an auto-rickshaw driver inhales 10–15% more (p < 0.05) pollutants than cab driver or delivery personnel. Therefore, this study highlights the inequalities in occupational exposure as a combined effect of in-cabin air qualities and commute patterns due to occupational obligations.
Show more [+] Less [-]Anthropogenic air pollutants reduce insect-mediated pollination services
Ryalls, James M.W. | Langford, Ben | Mullinger, Neil J. | Bromfield, Lisa M. | Nemitz, Eiko | Pfrang, Christian | Girling, Robbie D.
Common air pollutants, such as nitrogen oxides (NOₓ), emitted in diesel exhaust, and ozone (O₃), have been implicated in the decline of pollinating insects. Reductionist laboratory assays, focused upon interactions between a narrow range of flowering plant and pollinator species, in combination with atmospheric chemistry models, indicate that such pollutants can chemically alter floral odors, disrupting the cues that foraging insects use to find and pollinate flowers. However, odor environments in nature are highly complex and pollination services are commonly provided by suites of insect species, each exhibiting different sensitivities to different floral odors. Therefore, the potential impacts of pollution-induced foraging disruption on both insect ecology, and the pollination services that insects provide, are currently unknown. We conducted in-situ field studies to investigate whether such pollutants could reduce pollinator foraging and as a result the pollination ecosystem service that those insects provide. Using free-air fumigation, we show that elevating diesel exhaust and O₃, individually and in combination, to levels lower than is considered safe under current air quality standards, significantly reduced counts of locally-occurring wild and managed insect pollinators by 62–70% and their flower visits by 83–90%. These reductions were driven by changes in specific pollinator groups, including bees, flies, moths and butterflies, and coincided with significant reductions (14–31%) in three different metrics of pollination and yield of a self-fertile test plant. Quantifying such effects provides new insights into the impacts of human-induced air pollution on the natural ecosystem services upon which we depend.
Show more [+] Less [-]Sulfur(IV) assisted oxidative removal of organic pollutants from source water
Truzsi, Alexandra | Elek, János | Fábián, István
The removal of organic pollutants presents a major challenge for drinking water treatment plants. The chemical oxygen demand (COD) is essentially the measure of oxidizable organic matter in source waters. In this study, we report that COD can efficiently be decreased by adding Fe(II)/Fe(III) and sulfite ion to the source water while purging it with air. In this process, oxygen is activated to oxidize the main constituents of COD, i.e. organic substrates, via the generation of reactive inorganic oxysulfur radical ions. In the end, the total amount of sulfur(IV) is converted to the non-toxic sulfate ion. It has been explored how the COD removal efficiency depends on the concentration of S(IV), the total concentration of iron species, the concentration ratio of Fe(II) and Fe(III), the purging rate and the contact time by using source water from a specific location (Királyhegyes, Hungary). The process has been optimized by applying the Response Surface Methodology (RSM). Under optimum conditions, the predicted and experimentally found COD removal efficiencies are in excellent agreement: 85.4% and 87.5%, respectively. The robustness of the process was tested by varying the optimum values of the parameters by ± 20%. It was demonstrated that the method is universally applicable because a remarkable decrease was achieved in COD, 62.0–88.5%, with source waters of various compositions acquired from 9 wells at other locations using the same conditions as in the case of Királyhegyes.
Show more [+] Less [-]Improved breeding parameters in the pied flycatcher with reduced pollutant emissions from a copper smelter
Belskii, Eugen | Lyakhov, Andrey
In recent decades, industrial emissions have been reduced in many countries, which provides an opportunity for the recovery of polluted ecosystems. However, our knowledge of the rate and factors facilitating the recovery of local bird populations after pollution abatement is incomplete. Long-term (1989–2021) annual observations on nest-box populations of a passerine bird, Ficedula hypoleuca, were used to analyze temporal dynamics of breeding parameters following a 50-fold reduction of industrial emissions from the Middle Ural copper smelter (MUCS) according to pollution zone, habitat, air temperature, and breeding density. In the heavily polluted (impact) zone (1–2 km of MUCS), egg and fledgling production were strongly impaired compared to the moderately polluted (buffer zone, 4–8 km of MUCS) and unpolluted control zone (16–27 km of MUCS). During the study period, the laying date advanced along with increasing spring air temperatures. The clutch size increased in the impact zone by 26%, in the buffer zone by 10%, and in control by 5%. The number of fledglings increased in the impact zone by 102% and the buffer zone by 17%. In the most recent year (2021), mean laying date, clutch size, fledgling production, and the frequency of nests with unhatched eggs in the impact zone did not reach the control level, whereas the frequency of nests with perished chicks did not differ among zones. Breeding parameters of birds in the impact zone improved slowly, likely due to the slow recovery of habitats. We conclude that bird reproduction may require many decades to recover fully in the heavily polluted zone.
Show more [+] Less [-]Occurrence of chlorinated and brominated polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons from electric arc furnace for steelmaking
Yang, Lili | Shen, Jia | Zheng, Minghui | Yang, Qiuting | Li, Da | Liu, Guorui
Chlorinated and brominated polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (Cl/Br-PAHs) are persistent organic pollutants with potential carcinogenic toxicities that are even higher than those of their parent PAH congeners. Current knowledge of Cl/Br-PAH sources and emission characteristics is lacking. Electric arc furnace (EAF) steelmaking is a potential source for Cl/Br-PAHs, considering that preheating of raw materials before they enter the EAF could produce suitable conditions for Cl/Br-PAHs formation. In this field study, we identified EAFs as an important source of Cl/Br-PAHs and clarified their emission concentrations, fingerprints by gas chromatography coupled with high-resolution magnetic mass spectrometry. Potential formation mechanisms of Cl/Br-PAHs were also proposed. The mass concentration ranges for Σ₁₈Cl-PAHs and Σ₁₈Br-PAHs in stack gas were 25.85–4191 ng Nm⁻³ and 1.02–341 ng Nm⁻³, respectively. The variation of concentration indicated that the steel scrap composition greatly affected the production of Cl/Br-PAHs. The congener ratios including 6-chlorobenzo [a]pyrene/3-chlorofluoranthene and 1-chloroanthracene/1-chloropyrene could be used to estimate the influence of industrial sources on Cl-PAH occurrences in the air. Ring structure growth was the dominant formation pathway for Cl/Br-PAHs, distinctly different from dioxin formation mechanisms dominated by precursor dimerization and chlorination.
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