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An in-situ bio-remediation of nitrobenzene in stimulated aquifer using emulsified vegetable oil
Widespread nitrobenzene (NB) contamination in groundwater requires an economical and effective remediation technology. In situ microbial reactive zone enhanced by injecting emulsified vegetable oil (EVO) is an effective method for remediating NB-contaminated groundwater, which can be reduced to aniline (AN) effectively in the reactive zone. However, the bio-mechanism of NB remediation in a real contaminated site is still unclear. Thus, a 3-D tank was established to conduct a pilot-scale experiment and the bacterial communities in the tank were analyzed by 16S rDNA high-throughput sequencing. The results suggested that the injection of EVO can stimulate some certain microorganisms to grow, and reduce NB though biological and biochemical processes. There were three degradation pathways of NB: (1) direct oxidation by Pseudomonas; (2) direct mineralization by Clostridium sensu stricto; and (3) coupled reduction of NB through microbial dissimilatory iron reduction by Geobacter and Arthrobacter. Among these pathways, the coupled reduction process is the main degradation pathway.
Show more [+] Less [-]Monitoring bioremediation of atrazine in soil microcosms using molecular tools
Sagarkar, Sneha | Mukherjee, Shinjini | Nousiainen, Aura | Björklöf, Katarina | Purohit, H. J. (Hemant J.) | Jørgensen, Kirsten S. | Kapley, Atya
Molecular tools in microbial community analysis give access to information on catabolic potential and diversity of microbes. Applied in bioremediation, they could provide a new dimension to improve pollution control. This concept has been demonstrated in the study using atrazine as model pollutant. Bioremediation of the herbicide, atrazine, was analyzed in microcosm studies by bioaugmentation, biostimulation and natural attenuation. Genes from the atrazine degrading pathway atzA/B/C/D/E/F, trzN, and trzD were monitored during the course of treatment and results demonstrated variation in atzC, trzD and trzN genes with time. Change in copy number of trzN gene under different treatment processes was demonstrated by real-time PCR. The amplified trzN gene was cloned and sequence data showed homology to genes reported in Arthrobacter and Nocardioides. Results demonstrate that specific target genes can be monitored, quantified and correlated to degradation analysis which would help in predicting the outcome of any bioremediation strategy.
Show more [+] Less [-]Ecotoxicological effect characterisation of widely used organic UV filters
Kaiser, D. | Sieratowicz, A. | Zielke, H. | Oetken, M. | Hollert, H. | Oehlmann, J.
Chemical UV filters are used in sun protection and personal care products in order to protect consumers from skin cancer induced by ultraviolet (UV) radiation. The present study aims to evaluate the effects of three common UV filters butyl-methoxydibenzoylmethane (B-MDM) ethylhexyl-methoxycinnamate (EHMC) and octocrylene (OCR) on aquatic organism, focussing particularly on infaunal and epibentic invertebrates (Chironomus riparius, Lumbriculus variegatus, Melanoides tuberculata and Potamopyrgus antipodarum). Due to their life habits, these organism are especially affected by lipophilic substances. Additionally, two direct sediment contact assays utilising zebra fish (Danio rerio) embryos and bacteria (Arthrobacter globiformis) were conducted. EHMC caused a toxic effect on reproduction in both snails with lowest observed effect concentrations (LOEC) of 0.4 mg/kg (Potamopyrgus antipodarum) and 10 mg/kg (Melanoides tuberculata). At high concentrations sublethal effects could be observed for D. rerio after exposure to EHMC (NOEC 100 mg/kg). B-MDM and OCR showed no effects on any of the tested organism.
Show more [+] Less [-]Nicosulfuron inhibits atrazine biodegradation by Arthrobacter sp. DNS10:Influencing mechanisms insight from bacteria viability, gene transcription and reactive oxygen species production
Zhao, Jiang | Deng, Shijie | Wang, Lu | Hu, Yang | Cao, Bo | Lv, Jun | Qu, Jianhua | Wang, Lei | Wang, Yifan | Zhang, Ying
Nicosulfuron is a sulfonylurea family herbicide which is commonly applied together with the triazine herbicide atrazine in agricultural practice. However, whether nicosulfuron can influence the biodegradation of atrazine is unclear. Therefore, the influence of nicosulfuron on atrazine removal as well as on cell viability and transcription of atrazine chlorohydrolase gene (trzN) in Arthrobacter sp. DNS10 was investigated in this study. Our results demonstrated that 76.0% of atrazine was degraded in the absence of nicosulfuron after 48h of culture, whereas 63.9, 49.1 and 42.6% was degraded in the presence of 1, 5, and 10 mg/L of nicosulfuron, respectively. Nicosulfuron also induced an increase in the level of intracellular reactive oxygen species (ROS), thereby damaging the cell membrane integrity and inhibiting the growth of the strain DNS10. Flow cytometry analysis revealed that the cell viability of strain DNS10 decreased with an increase in nicosulfuron concentration. The transcription of trzN in strain DNS10 exposed to the three described levels of nicosulfuron was 0.99, 0.72 and 0.52 times, respectively, that without nicosulfuron. In brief, nicosulfuron could inhibit atrazine removal efficiency by strain DNS10 by inducing the over-production of ROS which ultimately enhances the population of membrane-damaged cells, as well as reducing cell viability and trzN transcription. The outcomes of the present study provide new insights into the mechanism of nicosulfuron inhibition on atrazine biodegradation by strain DNS10.
Show more [+] Less [-]Response of sediment microbial communities to crude oil contamination in marine sediment microbial fuel cells under ferric iron stimulation
Hamdan, Hamdan Z. | Salam, Darine A.
In this study, response of the microbial communities associated with the bioremediation of crude oil contaminated marine sediments was addressed using sediment microbial fuel cells (SMFCs). Crude oil was spiked into marine sediments at 1 g/kg of dry sediment to simulate a heavily contaminated marine environment. Conventional SMFCs were used with carbon fiber brushes as the electrode components and were enhanced with ferric iron to stimulate electrochemically active bacteria. Controls were operated under open circuit with and without ferric iron stimulation, with the latter condition simulating natural attenuation. Crude oil removal in the Fe enhanced SMFCs reached 22.0 ± 5.5% and was comparable to the measured removal in the control treatments (19.2 ± 7.4% in natural attenuation SMFCs and 15.2 ± 2.7% in Fe stimulated open circuit SMFCs), indicating no major enhancement to biodegradation under the applied experimental conditions. The low removal efficiency could be due to limitations in the mass transfer of the electron donor to the microbes and the anodes. The microbial community structure showed similarity between the iron stimulated SMFCs operated under the open and closed circuit. Natural attenuation SMFCs showed a unique profile. All SMFCs showed high relative abundances of hydrocarbon degrading bacteria rather than anode reducers, such as Marinobacter and Arthrobacter in the case of the natural attenuation SMFCs, and Gordonia in the case of iron stimulated SMFCs. This indicated that the microbial structure during the bioremediation process was mainly determined by the presence of petroleum contamination and to a lesser extent the presence of the ferric iron, with no major involvement of the anode as a terminal electron acceptor. Under the adopted experimental conditions, the absence of electrochemically active microbes throughout the biodegradation process indicates that the use of SMFCs in crude oil bioremediation is not a successful approach. Further studies are required to optimize SMFCs systems for this aim.
Show more [+] Less [-]Azoxystrobin dissipation and its effect on soil microbial community structure and function in the presence of chlorothalonil, chlortetracycline and ciprofloxacin
Han, Lingxi | Liu, Yalei | Fang, Kuan | Zhang, Xiaolian | Liu, Tong | Wang, Fenglong | Wang, Xiuguo
The residual characteristics and the adsorption-desorption behaviors of azoxystrobin (AZO) as well as the soil ecological effects in the individual repeated treatments of AZO and its combination with chlorothalonil (CTL), chlortetracycline (CTC) and ciprofloxacin (CIP) were systematically studied in organic manure (OM)-amended soil under laboratory conditions. The presence of CTL, CTC, and CIP, both individually and combined, decreased the sorption affinity of AZO with the Freundlich adsorption and desorption coefficient decreasing by 0.3–24.2%, and CTC and CIP exhibited greater adverse effects than CTL. AZO dissipated slowly and the residues significantly accumulated during ten repeated treatments. The dissipation of AZO was inhibited to different degrees in the combined treatments. Biolog analysis revealed that the soil microbial functional diversity in the OM-soil + AZO and OM-soil + AZO + CTL treatments was higher than that in the OM-soil treatment during the former three repeated treatments, but which was inhibited during the latter seven repeated treatments. The soil microbial functional diversity in the OM-soil + AZO + CTC, OM-soil + AZO + CIP and OM-soil + AZO + CTL + CTC + CIP treatments was inhibited during the ten repeated treatments compared with OM-soil treatment. Metagenomic results showed that all repeated treatments significantly increased the relative abundance of Actinobacteria, but significantly decreased that of Proteobacteria and Firmicutes during the ten repeated treatments. Furthermore, the relative abundance of soil dominant bacterial genera Rhodococcus, Mycobacterium and Arthrobacter in all the repeated treatments significantly increased by 1.5–1283.9% compared with the OM-soil treatment. It is concluded that coexistence of CTL, CTC and CIP, both individually and combined, with AZO can inhibit the dissipation of AZO, reduce the adsorption affinity of AZO on soil, and alter the soil microbial community structure and functional diversity.
Show more [+] Less [-]In-vessel composting of HMX and RDX contaminated sludge using microbes isolated from contaminated site
Meda, Arjun | Sangwan, Pritam | Bala, Kiran
Current study was carried out with an objective to remediate highly contaminated sludge with HMX and RDX obtained from an explosive manufacturing facility in North India employing indigenous microbes, Arthrobacter subterraneus (isolate no. S2-TSB-17) and Bacillus sonorensis (isolate no. S8-TSB-4) which were isolated from the same contaminated site. In-vessel composting of the explosive contaminated sludge was performed in 12 different bioreactors using cow manure and garden waste as bulking agents. 78.5% degradation of HMX was observed in reactor no. 2 with Bacillus sonorensis having combination of 10% sludge, 70% cow manure and 20% garden waste on 80th day. Two secondary metabolites Bis(hydroxymethyl)nitramine and methylene dinitramine were identified while studying the degradation pathway. Similarly, degradation of 91.2% was observed for RDX in reactor no. 11 with consortia of Arthrobacter subterraneus and Bacillus sonorensis on 80th day. During the study, release of significant nitrate and nitrite ions were observed. It has already been established that RDX and HMX degradation leads to release of nitrite/nitrate ions. The highest nitrite (reactor no. 11) and nitrate (reactor no. 2) release observed were 24.02 ± 0.05 mg/kg and 30.65 ± 0.99 mg/kg on 50th and 70th day, respectively. Scanning electron microscopic studies confirmed the attachment and presence of microbes with solid surface and no deformation in structure was observed in the microbial cells due to contamination stress. Findings of the study concluded that in-vessel composting assisted with native bacterial species can be a potential technology for the treatment of explosive contaminated sludge at the contaminated sites.
Show more [+] Less [-]Microbial community analysis of biopiles in Antarctica provides evidence of successful hydrocarbon biodegradation and initial soil ecosystem recovery
van Dorst, Josie | Wilkins, Daniel | Crane, Sally | Montgomery, Kate | Zhang, Eden Quxian | Spedding, Tim | Hince, Greg | Ferrari, Belinda
Microorganisms comprise the bulk of biodiversity and biomass in Antarctic terrestrial ecosystems. To effectively protect and manage the Antarctic environment from anthropogenic impacts including contamination, the response and recovery of microbial communities should be included in soil remediation efficacy and environmental risk assessments. This is the first investigation into the microbial dynamics associated with large scale bioremediation of hydrocarbon contaminated soil in Antarctica. Over five years of active management, two significant shifts in the microbial community were observed. The initial shift at 12–24 months was significantly correlated with the highest hydrocarbon degradation rates, increased microbial loads, and significant increases in alkB gene abundances. ANCOM analysis identified bacterial genera most likely responsible for the bulk of degradation including Alkanindiges, Arthrobacter, Dietzia and Rhodococcus. The second microbial community shift occurring from 36 to 60 months was associated with further reductions in hydrocarbons and a recovery of amoA nitrification genes, but also increasing pH, accumulation of nitrite and a reduction of oligotrophic bacterial species. Over time, the addition of inorganic fertilisers altered the soil chemistry and led to a disruption of the nitrogen cycle, most likely decoupling ammonia oxidisers from nitrite oxidisers, resulting in nitrite accumulation. The results from this study provide key insights to the long-term management of hydrocarbon bioremediation in Antarctic soils.
Show more [+] Less [-]Seasonal variation of sediment toxicity in the Rivers Dommel and Elbe
Hsu, P. | Matthai, A. | Heise, S. | Ahlf, W.
Contaminated sediment in the river basin has become a source of pollution with increasing importance to the aquatic ecosystem downstream. To monitor the temporal changes of the sediment bound contaminants in the River Elbe and the River Dommel monthly toxicity tests were applied to layered sediment and river water samples over the course of 10 months. There is an indication that contaminated sediments upstream adversely affected sediments downstream, but this process did not cause a continuous increase of sediment toxicity. A clear decrease of toxic effects in water and upper layer sediment was observed at the River Elbe station in spring related to high water discharge and algal blooms. The less obvious variation of sediment toxicity in the River Dommel could be explained by stable hydrological conditions. Future monitoring programmes should promote a more frequent and intensive sampling regime during these particular events for ecotoxicological evaluation. Significant impacts of hydrological and biological factors on the ecotoxicological quality in two European rivers (Elbe and Dommel).
Show more [+] Less [-]Degradation of antibacterial 1-octylpyrrolidin-2-one by bacterial pairs isolated from river water and soil
Ruzicka, Jan | Julinova, Marketa | Rouchal, Michal | Salac, Jan | Vanharova, Ludmila | Urban, Jaroslav | Pancochova, Katerina
The study of bacterial degradation of 1-octylpyrrolidin-2-one (NOP) by river water and soil bacteria was the main aim of the research. Although the compound demonstrated bacteriostatic as well as bactericidal effects against Gram-positive and certain Gram-negative bacteria at concentrations ranging from 100 to 1000 mg L⁻¹, its concentration of 100 mg L⁻¹ was successfully degraded by microbial communities of both river water and alluvial soil; removal efficiencies reached 87.2 and 88.4% of dissolved organic carbon, respectively. Isolation of the strains responsible for the process showed that bacterial degradation was initiated by the octane-utilising bacteria of the genus Phenylobacterium, which used four carbon atoms of the NOP octyl chain and oxidised terminal carbon atom of the remaining chain. The structure of the intermediate produced by phenylobacteria was elucidated following the results obtained from the detailed electrospray mass spectrometry (ESI–MS) analysis; these experiments showed that it is a 4-(2-oxopyrrolidin-1-yl)butanoic acid. This intermediate was further degraded by other bacterial members of appropriate microbial communities, namely Bordetella petrii and Arthrobacter sp. Further tests proved that these bacteria were able to assimilate the nitrogen atom of the lactam ring and thus complete the degradation process.
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