AGRIS - International System for Agricultural Science and Technology

[ Published in: Pollution ]
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[Studies on the effects of neutral salt fertilizations within the framework of the project ARINUS]


Zoettl, H.W. (Freiburg Univ. (Germany, F.R.). Inst. fuer Bodenkunde und Waldernaehrungslehre) | Feger, K.H. | Simon, B.

ZB MED Nutrition. Environment. Agriculture - Germany

Measurement of fog and cloud water constituents - results of the Stuttgart-Hohenheim campaign


Lammel, G. (Kernforschungszentrum Karlsruhe (Germany). Lab. fuer Aerosolphysik und Filtertechnik) | Metzig, G. | Ziereis, H. | Klumpp, J.

ZB MED Nutrition. Environment. Agriculture - Germany

Aluminium production as a source of atmospheric carbonyl sulfide (COS)


Harnisch, J. | Borchers, R. | Fabian, P. | Kourtidis, K. (Max-Planck-Institut fuer Aeronomie, Kaltenburg-Lindau (Germany))

ZB MED Nutrition. Environment. Agriculture - Germany