AGRIS - International System for Agricultural Science and Technology

[ Published in: Pollution ]
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Bioplastic accumulates antibiotic and metal resistance genes in coastal marine sediments


Di Cesare, Andrea | Pinnell, Lee J. | Brambilla, Diego | Elli, Giulia | Sabatino, Raffaella | Sathicq, María B. | Corno, Gianluca | O'Donnell, Colin | Turner, Jeffrey W.

National Agricultural Library - United States of America

Metagenome sequencing to unveil the resistome in a deep subtropical lake on the Yunnan-Guizhou Plateau, China


Pan, Xiong | Lin, Li | Zhang, Weihong | Dong, Lei | Yang, Yuyi

National Agricultural Library - United States of America

Antibiotic resistome profile based on metagenomics in raw surface drinking water source and the influence of environmental factor: A case study in Huaihe River Basin, China


Bai, Ying | Ruan, Xiaohong | Xie, Xianchuan | Yan, Zhongyue

National Agricultural Library - United States of America

Metagenomic analysis of microbial community structure and distribution of resistance genes in Daihai Lake, China


Du, Caili | Yang, Fang | Li, Xiaoguang | Liao, Haiqing | Li, Zhonghong | Gao, Jiayue | Zhang, Lieyu

National Agricultural Library - United States of America

A comprehensive dynamic kinetic model for the UVC/H2O2 process: application to zinc bacitracin degradation in wastewater as a case study


Metolina, Patrícia | Teixeira, Antonio Carlos Silva Costa

National Agricultural Library - United States of America

Metagenomic exploration reveals a differential patterning of antibiotic resistance genes in urban and peri-urban stretches of a riverine system


Rajput, Vinay | Yadav, Rakeshkumar | Dharne, Mahesh S.

National Agricultural Library - United States of America

Characterization of multiple antibiotic resistance of culturable microorganisms and metagenomic analysis of total microbial diversity of marine fish sold in retail shops in Mumbai, India


Naik, OnkarA. | Shashidhar, Ravindranath | Rath, Devashish | Bandekar, JayantR. | Rath, Archana

National Agricultural Library - United States of America