AGRIS - International System for Agricultural Science and Technology

[ Published in: Pollution ]
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Unique biocenosis as a foundation to develop a phytobial consortium for effective bioremediation of Cr(VI)-polluted waters and sediments


Augustynowicz, Joanna | Sitek, Ewa | Latowski, Dariusz | Wołowski, Konrad | Kowalczyk, Anna | Przejczowski, Rafał

National Agricultural Library - United States of America

Foliar mercury content from tropical trees and its correlation with physiological parameters in situ


Teixeira, Daniel C. | Lacerda, Luiz D. | Silva-Filho, Emmanoel V.

National Agricultural Library - United States of America

Competition magnifies the impact of a pesticide in a warming world by reducing heat tolerance and increasing autotomy


Op de Beeck, Lin | Verheyen, Julie | Stoks, Robby

National Agricultural Library - United States of America

The well sorted fine sand community from the western Mediterranean Sea: A resistant and resilient marine habitat under diverse human pressures


Dauvin, Jean-Claude | Bakalem, Ali | Baffreau, Alexandrine | Delecrin, Claire | Bellan, Gérard | Lardicci, Claudio | Balestri, Elena | Sardá, Rafael | Grimes, Samir

National Agricultural Library - United States of America

Effects of enhanced bioturbation intensities on the toxicity assessment of legacy-contaminated sediments


Remaili, Timothy M. | Simpson, Stuart L. | Jolley, Dianne F.

National Agricultural Library - United States of America

Marine litter from fishery activities in the Western Mediterranean sea: The impact of entanglement on marine animal forests


Consoli, Pierpaolo | Romeo, Teresa | Angiolillo, Michela | Canese, Simonepietro | Esposito, Valentina | Salvati, Eva | Scotti, Gianfranco | Andaloro, Franco | Tunesi, Leonardo

National Agricultural Library - United States of America

Long-term changes of nutrients and biocenoses indicating the anthropogenic influences on ecosystem in Jiaozhou Bay and Daya Bay, China


Zhang, Ling | Xiong, Lanlan | Li, Jinlong | Huang, Xiaoping

National Agricultural Library - United States of America

Functional consumers regulate the effect of availability of subsidy on trophic cascades in the Yellow River Delta, China


Yan, Jiaguo | Cui, Baoshan | Huang, Honghui | O'Flynn, Sarah | Bai, Junhong | Ysebaert, Tom

National Agricultural Library - United States of America

Marine litter in Mediterranean sandy littorals: Spatial distribution patterns along central Italy coastal dunes


Poeta, Gianluca | Battisti, Corrado | Acosta, Alicia T.R.

National Agricultural Library - United States of America

Heavy metal accumulation in surface sediments at the port of Cagliari (Sardinia, western Mediterranean): Environmental assessment using sequential extractions and benthic foraminifera


Schintu, Marco | Marrucci, Alessandro | Marras, Barbara | Galgani, François | Buosi, Carla | Ibba, Angelo | Cherchi, A. (Antonietta)

National Agricultural Library - United States of America