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Pesticides in rainfall and air in Italy.
Trevisan M. | Montepiani C. | Ragozza L. | Bartoletti C. | Ioannilli E. | Re A.A.M. del
Reciprocal effects of pesticides and pathogens on amphibian hosts: The importance of exposure order and timing
Pochini, Katherine M. | Hoverman, Jason T.
Ecological communities are increasingly exposed to natural and anthropogenic stressors. While the effects of individual stressors have been broadly investigated, there is growing evidence that multiple stressors are frequently encountered underscoring the need to examine interactive effects. Pesticides and infectious diseases are two common stressors that regularly occur together in nature. Given the documented lethal and sublethal effects of each stressor on individuals, there is the potential for interactive effects that alter disease outcomes and pesticide toxicity. Using larval wood frogs (Lithobates sylvaticus), we examined the reciprocal interaction between insecticides (carbaryl and thiamethoxam) and the viral pathogen ranavirus by testing whether: (1) prior ranavirus infection influences pesticide toxicity and (2) sublethal pesticide exposure increases susceptibility to and transmission of ranavirus. We found that prior infection with ranavirus increased pesticide toxicity; median lethal concentration (LC50) estimates were reduced by 72 and 55% for carbaryl and thiamethoxam, respectively. Importantly, LC50 estimates were reduced to concentrations found in natural systems. This is the first demonstration that an infection can alter pesticide toxicity. We also found that prior pesticide exposure exacerbated disease-induced mortality by increasing mortality rates, but effects on infection prevalence and transmission of the pathogen were minimal. Collectively, our results underscore the importance of incorporating complexity (i.e. order and timing of exposures) into research examining the interactions between natural and anthropogenic stressors. Given the environmental heterogeneity present in nature, such research will provide a more comprehensive understanding of how stressors affect wildlife.
Show more [+] Less [-]Biodegradation of carbamate pesticides by natural river biofilms in different seasons and their effects on biofilm community structure
Tien, Chien-Jung | Lin, Mon-Chu | Chiu, Wan-Hsin | Chen, Colin S.
This study investigated the ability of natural river biofilms from different seasons to degrade the carbamate pesticides methomyl, carbaryl and carbofuran in single and multiple pesticide systems, and the effects of these pesticides on algal and bacterial communities within biofilms. Spring biofilms had the lowest biomass of algae and bacteria but showed the highest methomyl degradation (>99%) and dissipation rates, suggesting that they might contain microorganisms with high methomyl degradation abilities. Degradation of carbofuran (54.1–59.5%) by biofilms in four seasons was similar, but low degradation of carbaryl (0–27.5%) was observed. The coexistence of other pesticides was found to cause certain effects on pesticide degradation and primarily resulted in lower diversity of diatoms and bacteria than when using a single pesticide. The tolerant diatoms and bacteria potentially having the ability to degrade test pesticides were identified. River biofilms could be suitable biomaterials or used to isolate degraders for bioremediating pesticide-contaminated water.
Show more [+] Less [-]Multiple mitigation mechanisms: Effects of submerged plants on the toxicity of nine insecticides to aquatic animals
Brogan, William R. | Relyea, Rick A.
Understanding the processes that regulate contaminant impacts in nature is an increasingly important challenge. For insecticides in surface waters, the ability of aquatic plants to sorb, or bind, hydrophobic compounds has been identified as a primary mechanism by which toxicity can be mitigated (i.e. the sorption-based model). However, recent research shows that submerged plants can also rapidly mitigate the toxicity of the less hydrophobic insecticide malathion via alkaline hydrolysis (i.e. the hydrolysis-based model) driven by increased water pH resulting from photosynthesis. However, it is still unknown how generalizable these mitigation mechanisms are across the wide variety of insecticides applied today, and whether any general rules can be ascertained about which types of chemicals may be mitigated by each mechanism. We quantified the degree to which the submerged plant Elodea canadensis mitigated acute (48-h) toxicity to Daphnia magna using nine commonly applied insecticides spanning three chemical classes (carbamates: aldicarb, carbaryl, carbofuran; organophosphates: malathion, diazinon, chlorpyrifos; pyrethroids: permethrin, bifenthrin, lambda-cyhalothrin). We found that insecticides possessing either high octanol-water partition coefficients (log Kow) values (i.e. pyrethroids) or high susceptibility to alkaline hydrolysis (i.e. carbamates and malathion) were all mitigated to some degree by E. canadensis, while the plant had no effect on insecticides possessing intermediate log Kow values and low susceptibility to hydrolysis (i.e. chlorpyrifos and diazinon). Our results provide the first general insights into which types of insecticides are likely to be mitigated by different mechanisms based on known chemical properties. We suggest that current models and mitigation strategies would be improved by the consideration of both mitigation models.
Show more [+] Less [-]If you see one, have you seen them all?: Community-wide effects of insecticide cross-resistance in zooplankton populations near and far from agriculture
Bendis, Randall J. | Relyea, Rick A.
The worldwide use of pesticides has led to increases in agricultural yields by reducing crop losses. However, increased pesticide use has resulted in pesticide-resistant pest species and recent studies have discovered pesticide-resistance in non-target species living close to farms. Such increased tolerance not only affects the species, but can alter the entire food web. Given that some species can evolve not only resistance to a single pesticide, but also cross-resistance to other pesticides that share the same mode of action, one would predict that cross-resistance to pesticides would also have effects on the entire community and affect community stability. To address this hypothesis, we conducted an outdoor mesocosm experiment comprised of 200 identical aquatic communities with phytoplankton, periphyton, and leopard frog (Lithobates pipiens) tadpoles. To these communities, we added one of four Daphnia pulex populations that we previously discovered were either resistant or sensitive to the insecticide of chlorpyrifos as a result of living close to or far from agriculture, respectively. We then exposed the communities to either no insecticide or three different concentrations of AChE-inhibiting insecticides (chlorpyrifos, malathion or carbaryl) or sodium channel-inhibiting insecticides (permethrin or cypermethrin). We discovered that communities containing sensitive Daphnia pulex experienced phytoplankton blooms and subsequent cascades through all trophic groups including amphibians at moderate to high concentrations of all five insecticides. However, communities containing resistant D. pulex were buffered from these effects at low to moderate concentrations of all AChE-inhibiting insecticides, but were not buffered against the pyrethroid insecticides. These data suggest that a simple change in the population-level resistance of zooplankton to a single insecticide can have widespread consequences for community stability and that the effects can be extrapolated to a wide variety of pesticides that share the same mode of action.
Show more [+] Less [-]Combined effects of soil moisture and carbaryl to earthworms and plants: Simulation of flood and drought scenarios
Lima, Maria P.R. | Soares, Amadeu M.V.M. | Loureiro, Susana
Studying tolerance limits in organisms exposed to climatic variations is key to understanding effects on behaviour and physiology. The presence of pollutants may influence these tolerance limits, by altering the toxicity or bioavailability of the chemical. In this work, the plant species Brassica rapa and Triticum aestivum and the earthworm Eisenia andrei were exposed to different levels of soil moisture and carbaryl, as natural and chemical stressors, respectively. Both stress factors were tested individually, as well as in combination. Acute and chronic tests were performed and results were discussed in order to evaluate the responses of organisms to the combination of stressors. When possible, data was fitted to widely employed models for describing chemical mixture responses. Synergistic interactions were observed in earthworms exposed to carbaryl and drought conditions, while antagonistic interactions were more representative for plants, especially in relation to biomass loss under flood-simulation conditions.
Show more [+] Less [-]Metabolic responses of Eisenia fetida after sub-lethal exposure to organic contaminants with different toxic modes of action
McKelvie, Jennifer R. | Wolfe, David M. | Celejewski, Magda A. | Alaee, M. (Mehran) | Simpson, Andre J. | Simpson, Myrna J.
Nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) – based metabolomics has the potential to identify toxic responses of contaminants within a mixture in contaminated soil. This study evaluated the metabolic response of Eisenia fetida after exposure to an array of organic compounds to determine whether contaminant-specific responses could be identified. The compounds investigated in contact tests included: two pesticides (carbaryl and chlorpyrifos), three pharmaceuticals (carbamazephine, estrone and caffeine), two persistent organohalogens (Aroclor 1254 and PBDE 209) and two industrial compounds (nonylphenol and dimethyl phthalate). Control and contaminant-exposed metabolic profiles were distinguished using principal component analysis and potential contaminant-specific biomarkers of exposure were found for several contaminants. These results suggest that NMR-based metabolomics offers considerable promise for differentiating between the different toxic modes of action (MOA) associated with sub-lethal toxicity to earthworms.
Show more [+] Less [-]Environmental and human health risk assessment of organic micro-pollutants occurring in a Spanish marine fish farm
Muñoz, Ivan | Martínez Bueno, María J. | Agüera, Ana | Fernández-Alba, Amadeo R.
In this work the risk posed to seawater organisms, predators and humans is assessed, as a consequence of exposure to 12 organic micro-pollutants, namely metronidazole, trimethoprim, erythromycin, simazine, flumequine, carbaryl, atrazine, diuron, terbutryn, irgarol, diphenyl sulphone (DPS) and 2-thiocyanomethylthiobenzothiazole (TCMTB). The risk assessment study is based on a 1-year monitoring study at a Spanish marine fish farm, involving passive sampling techniques. The results showed that the risk threshold for irgarol concerning seawater organisms is exceeded. On the other hand, the risk to predators and especially humans through consumption of fish is very low, due to the low bioconcentration potential of the substances assessed.
Show more [+] Less [-]Composition and endocrine effects of water collected in the Kibale national park in Uganda
Spirhanzlova, Petra | Fini, Jean-Baptiste | Demeneix, Barbara | Lardy-Fontan, Sophie | Vaslin-Reimann, Sophie | Lalere, Béatrice | Guma, Nelson | Tindall, Andrew | Krief, Sabrina
Pesticides are used worldwide with potential harmful effects on both fauna and flora. The Kibale National Park in Uganda, a site renowned for its biodiversity is surrounded by tea, banana and eucalyptus plantations as well as maize fields and small farms. We previously showed presence of pesticides with potential endocrine disruptive effects in the vicinity. To further investigate the water pollution linked to agricultural pressure in this protected area, we implemented a complementary monitoring strategy based on: analytical chemistry, effects based methods and the deployment of Polar Organic Chemical Integrative Samplers (POCIS). Chemical analysis of the POCIS extracts revealed the presence of 13 pesticides: carbofuran, DEET, 2.4-D amine, carbaryl, ametryn, isoproturon, metolachlor, terbutryn, dimethoate, imidacloprid, picaridin, thiamethoxam, carbendazim, with the first three being present in the largest quantities. Water samples collected at the POCIS sampling sites exhibited thyroid and estrogen axis disrupting activities in vivo, in addition to developmental and behaviour effects on Xenopus laevis tadpoles model. Based on our observations, for the health of local human and wildlife populations, further monitoring as well as actions to reduce agrochemical use should be considered in the Kibale National Park and in regions exposed to similar conditions.
Show more [+] Less [-]Induced pesticide tolerance results from detoxification pathway priming
Oziolor, Elias M. | Howard, Willow | Lavado, Ramon | Matson, Cole W.
Few studies in developmental toxicology have focused on whether early life contaminant exposure affects future susceptibility. Investigations in frogs suggested that early life exposure to a pesticide resulted in higher tolerance to a subsequent challenge. This led to the hypothesis that early-life stage exposures can alter phenotypically plastic traits during development, resulting in induced tolerance. Here, we used Gulf killifish (Fundulus grandis) to test the role of detoxification pathway priming in this inducible tolerance. In frogs, the induced tolerance is present five days after the end of the pre-exposure, but absent after a month. We show that a pre-exposure early in life with carbaryl, induces the activity of cytochrome P450 1A (CYP1A) and increases the ability of pre-exposed groups to metabolize carbaryl, likely because of activation of the aryl hydrocarbon receptor (AHR) pathway. Embryos pre-exposed to carbaryl had a 350–500% increase in CYP1A activity, threefold greater capacity to metabolize carbaryl and were more tolerant to a lethal challenge five days after the end of pre-exposure. However, ten days later the differences in CYP1A activity, metabolic capacity and tolerance between pre-exposed and control groups were no longer present. Thus, we conclude that the increase in tolerance observed in pre-exposed fish embryos was due to the activation of the AHR and other metabolic pathways, resulting in a prolonged increase in biotransformation capacity. This allowed individuals to more efficiently deal with subsequent chemical challenges for a short period after the initial pre-exposure. However, this induced tolerance was only short-lived due to the recycling of biotransformation enzymes in the cells as part of general cellular protein maintenance. These findings suggest that induced tolerance was likely due to induction of defense mechanisms during the duration of response to the original stressor, rather than a more permanent change in their ability to respond to future challenges.
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