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Effects of airborne saline particles on vegetation in relation to variables of exposure and other factors.
McCune D.C.
Etude des pluies recueillies en trois points a proximite de Besancon.
Dole S. | Guyetant R. | Martin D. | Remy F. | Reyle R. | Rouault J.Y. | Valero L. | Vidonne A.
[Measuring nitrate formation and nitrate transport in organically fertilized soil using the Time Domain Reflectometry (TDR)]
Moeldrup, P. | Nissen, H.H. | Jensen, C.S. | Therkildsen, I.L. | Henriksen, K. (Aalborg Univ. (Denmark). Lab. for Miljoeteknik)
Calculation of water and element fluxes in a sandy forest soil taking into account the input variability
Beier, C.
Field experiments using permanganate to oxidize trichloroethylene and perchloroethylene spilled into soil
Truax, C. | Farquhar, G. | Stickney, B. | Hood, E. (Waterloo Univ., Ontario (Canada)) | Schnarr, M.
Additive and antagonistic effects of ozone and salinity on the growth, ion contents and gas exchange of five varieties of rice (Oryza sativa L.)
Welfare, K. | Flowers, T.J. | Taylor, G. | Yeo, A.R. (School of Biological Sciences, University of Sussex, Brighton BN1 9QG (United Kingdom))
Response of a grassland ecosystem to air pollutants: -II The chemical climate: Fluxes of sedimenting airborne matter
Daemmgen, U. | Gruenhage, L. | Kuesters, A. | Jaeger, H.J. (Federal Agricultural Research Centre Braunschweig-Voelkenrode, Agricultural Institute for Climate Research, Muencheberg (Germany))
Spatial patterns in stream nitrate concentrations in upland Wales in relation to catchment forest cover and forest age
Reynolds, B. | Ormerod, S.J. | Gee, A.S. (Institute of Terrestrial Ecology, Bangor Research Station, c/o University College North Wales, Bangor, Gwynedd (United Kingdom))
The effect of fly ash on plant growth and yield of tomato
Khan, M.R. | Khan, M.W. (Department of Plant Protection, Institute of Agriculture, Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh 202-002 (India))
[Stable isotopes for identification of chloride polluted groundwater types]
Joergensen, N.O. | Holm, P.M.