AGRIS - International System for Agricultural Science and Technology

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Results 11-20 of 32

Toward a consistent accounting of water as a resource and a vector of pollution in the LCA of agricultural products: Methodological development and application to a perennial cropping system


Payen S.

Centre de coopération internationale en recherche agronomique pour le développement - France

The problem of ballast waters and possibilities of their treatment | Problem balasnih voda i mogućnosti njihovog tretmana


Sekulić, G., Gradjevinski fakultet, Podgorica (Montenegro)

Matica Srpska Library - Serbia

Risk and insurance aspects in water management | Aspekti rizika i osiguranja u upravljanju vodama (vodoprivredi)


Bajcetic, M., JVP Vode Vojvodine, Novi Sad (Serbia) | Lazic, D., JVP Vode Vojvodine, Novi Sad (Serbia)

Matica Srpska Library - Serbia

(Nutrient problems from the viewpoint of water management)


Hamm, A. (Bayerische Landesanstalt fuer Wasserforschung, Muenchen (Germany). Versuchsanlage Wielenbach)

ZB MED Nutrition. Environment. Agriculture - Germany

(Problems caused by nitrogen - the evaluation of ecopolitical instruments)


Scheele, M. (Goettingen Univ. (Germany). Inst. fuer Agraroekonomie) | Isermeyer, F. | Schmitt, G.

ZB MED Nutrition. Environment. Agriculture - Germany

(Tasks to be solved by agriculture - water conservation by soil conservation)


Auerswald, K. (Technische Univ. Muenchen, Freising (Germany). Lehrstuhl fuer Bodenkunde)

ZB MED Nutrition. Environment. Agriculture - Germany

Macroinvertebrates in SERCON evaluation of conservation potential on the river Jegricka [Serbia] | Makroinvertebrate u SERCON proceni konzervacionog potencijala vodotoka Jegricka [Srbija]


Pogrmic, S. | Jurca, T. | Mijatovic, B. | Zivic, N. | Pankov, N. | Sipos, S. | Mijic, I., Univerzitet u Novom Sadu, Novi Sad (Serbia). Prirodno-matematicki fakultet

Matica Srpska Library - Serbia