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Effects of population density and cadmium toxicity on growth and survival of blowflies
Simkiss, K. | Daniels, S. | Smith, R.H. (Department of Pure and Applied Zoology, University of Reading, Whiteknights, PO Box 228, Reading RG6 2AJ (United Kingdom))
Clarification of effects of DDE on shell thickness, size, mass, and shape of avian eggs
Blus, L.J. | Wiemeyer, S.N. | Bunck, C.M. (National Biological Service, Forest and Rangeland Ecosystem Science Center, Northwest Research Station, 3080 SE Clearwater Drive, Corvallis, OR 97333 (USA))
Issues in scaling tree size and age responses to ozone: a review
Kolb, T.E. | Fredericksen, T.S. | Steiner, K.C. | Skelly, J.M. (School of Forestry, College of Ecosystem Science and Management, Northern Arizona University, Flagstaff, Arizona 86011-5018 (USA))
Mercury content in relation to sex, size, age and growth in two scorpionfish (Helicolenus dactylopterus and Pontinus kuhlii) from Azorean waters
Monteiro, L.R. (Azores Univ., Horta (Portugal). Dept. of Oceanography and Fisheries) | Isidro, E.J. | Lopes, H.D.