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[ Published in: Pollution ]
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Chemically-dispersed crude oil and dispersant affects sperm fertilizing ability, but not sperm swimming behaviour in capelin (Mallotus villosus)


Beirão, José | Litt, Margaret A. | Purchase, Craig F.

National Agricultural Library - United States of America

Photo-enhanced toxicity of undispersed and dispersed weathered Macondo crude oil to Pacific (Crassostrea gigas) and eastern oyster (Crassostrea virginica) larvae


Finch, Bryson E. | Stefansson, Emily S. | Langdon, Chris J. | Pargee, Suzanne M. | Stubblefield, William A.

National Agricultural Library - United States of America

Modeling atmospheric volatile organic compound concentrations resulting from a deepwater oil well blowout – Mitigation by subsea dispersant injection


Crowley, Deborah | French-McCay, Deborah | Santos, L. (Lynne) | Chowdhury, Biswanath | Markussen, Robin

National Agricultural Library - United States of America

Macondo oil in northern Gulf of Mexico waters – Part 2: Dispersant-accelerated PAH dissolution in the Deepwater Horizon plume


Driskell, William B. | Payne, James R.

National Agricultural Library - United States of America

Comparative risk assessment of oil spill response options for a deepwater oil well blowout: Part II. Relative risk methodology


Bock, Michael | Robinson, Hilary | Wenning, Richard | French-McCay, Deborah | Rowe, Jill | Walker, Ann Hayward

National Agricultural Library - United States of America

The sensitivity of the surface oil signature to subsurface dispersant injection and weather conditions


Daae, Ragnhild L. | Skancke, Jørgen | Brandvik, Per Johan | Faksness, Liv-Guri

National Agricultural Library - United States of America

Subsea dispersants injection (SSDI), effectiveness of different dispersant injection techniques – An experimental approach


Brandvik, Per Johan | Johansen, Øistein | Leirvik, Frode | Krause, Daniel F. | Daling, Per S.

National Agricultural Library - United States of America

Structural and functional measures of marine microbial communities: An experiment to assess implications for oil spill management


Morris, Liz | O'Brien, Allyson | Natera, Siria H.A. | Lutz, Adrian | Roessner, Ute | Long, Sara M.

National Agricultural Library - United States of America

The potential for dispersant use as a maritime oil spill response measure in German waters


Grote, Matthias | van Bernem, Carlo | Böhme, Birgit | Callies, Ulrich | Calvez, Ivan | Christie, Bernard | Colcomb, Kevin | Damian, Hans-Peter | Farke, Hubert | Gräbsch, Carolin | Hunt, Alex | Höfer, Thomas | Knaack, Jürgen | Kraus, Uta | Le Floch, Stephane | Le Lann, Gilbert | Leuchs, Heiko | Nagel, Almut | Nies, Hartmut | Nordhausen, Walter | Rauterberg, Jens | Reichenbach, Dirk | Scheiffarth, Gregor | Schwichtenberg, Fabian | Theobald, Norbert | Voss, Joachim | Wahrendorf, Dierk-Steffen

National Agricultural Library - United States of America

Microbial communities in seawater from an Arctic and a temperate Norwegian fjord and their potentials for biodegradation of chemically dispersed oil at low seawater temperatures


Ribicic, Deni | Netzer, Roman | Winkler, Anika | Brakstad, Odd Gunnar

National Agricultural Library - United States of America