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Accumulation of aluminum and iron by bryophytes in streams affected by acid-mine drainage.
Engleman C.J. Jr. | McDiffett W.F.
Assessment by laboratory simulation of approaches to amelioration of peat acidification.
Sanger L.J. | Billet M.F. | Cresser M.S.
Deep winter intrusions of urban black carbon into a canyon near Santiago, Chile: A pathway towards Andean glaciers
Huneeus, Nicolás | Lapere, Rémy | Mazzeo, Andrea | Ordóñez Morales, César Eduardo | Donoso, Nicolás | Munoz, Ricardo | Rutllant, José A.
Black carbon transport from the Santiago Metropolitan Area, Chile, up to the adjacent Andes Cordillera and its glaciers is of major concern. Its deposition accelerates the melting of the snowpack, which could lead to stress on water supply in addition to climate feedback. A proposed pathway for this transport is the channelling through the network of canyons that connect the urban basin to the elevated summits, as suggested by modelling studies, although no observations have validated this hypothesis so far. In this work, atmospheric measurements from a dedicated field campaign conducted in winter 2015, under severe urban pollution conditions, in Santiago and the Maipo canyon, southeast of Santiago, are analysed. Wind (speed and direction) and particulate matter concentrations measured at the surface and along vertical profiles, demonstrate intrusions of thick layers (up to 600 m above ground) of urban black carbon deep into the canyon on several occasions. Transport of PM down-valley occurs mostly through shallow layers at the surface except in connection with deep valley intrusions, when a secondary layer in altitude with return flow (down-valley) at night is observed. The transported particulate matter is mostly from the vicinity of the entrance to the canyon and uncorrelated to concentrations observed in downtown Santiago. Reanalyses data show that for 10% of the wintertime days, deep intrusions into the Maipo canyon are prevented by easterly winds advecting air pollutants away from the Andes. Also, in 23% of the cases, intrusions proceed towards a secondary north-eastward branch of the Maipo canyon, leaving 67% of the cases with favourable conditions for deep penetrations into the main Maipo canyon. Reanalyses show that the wind directions associated to the 33% anomalous cases are related to thick cloud cover and/or the development of coastal lows.
Show more [+] Less [-]Source and enrichment mechanism of fluoride in groundwater of the Hotan Oasis within the Tarim Basin, Northwestern China
Huang, Liwen | Sun, Ziyong | Zhou, Aiguo | Bi, Junbo | Liu, Yunde
In arid inland irrigated areas, the role of human activities on fluoride enrichment in groundwater is not fully understood. There is an extremely arid climate, high-intensity irrigation, and severe soil salinization in the Hotan Oasis within the Tarim Basin, Northwestern China. In this study, hydrogeochemistry and environmental isotope methods were combined to explore the distribution characteristics and controlling processes of fluoride enrichment in groundwater. The F⁻ concentration in groundwater had a range of 1.12–9.4 mg/L. F⁻ concentrations of all the groundwater samples were higher than 1.0 mg/L (Chinese Standards for Drinking Water Quality), and about 89% were higher than 1.5 mg/L (WHO Guidelines for Drinking Water Quality). High fluoride groundwater was mainly distributed downstream of the river and in the middle of the interfluvial zone. Vertically, the fluoride concentration was higher when the sampling depth was less than 15 m. There was a significant positive correlation between F⁻ concentration and salinity in groundwater. F⁻ in groundwater was mainly derived from river water fluoride, which could be imported to groundwater with infiltration of rivers and irrigation canals as well as irrigation return flow. Anthropogenic inputs may be partly responsible for fluoride enrichment in groundwater. Fluoride accumulated in the vadose zone by strong evapotranspiration and then leached into groundwater with irrigation return flow was the main mechanism of F⁻ enrichment in groundwater in the study area. This work is a clear example of how human activities together with natural processes can affect the chemical quality of groundwater, which is essential to safeguard the sustainable management of water and soil resources inland arid oasis areas.
Show more [+] Less [-]Hydrogeochemical controls on arsenic contamination potential and health threat in an intensive agricultural area, northern China
Li, Zijun | Yang, Qingchun | Yang, Yueso | Xie, Chuan | Ma, Honhyun
The contamination of ground water with arsenic is a great public health concern. This paper discusses the possible formation mechanism of high As groundwater; identify the main influences of natural and anthropogenic factors on As occurrence in groundwater; and finally estimates As-induced potential health hazards in an intensive agricultural region, Datong Basin (Northern China). Our findings indicate that the predominant controlling factors of As in groundwater can be divided into natural factors and anthropogenic activities. Natural factors can be classified as natural potential source of As, environmental geological characteristics and hydrochemical conditions; anthropogenic activities are manifested in industrial coal mining, domestic coal burning, agricultural irrigation return flow and excessive application of fertilizers, and groundwater exploitation. Microbial and/or chemical reduction desorption of arsenate from Fe-oxide/hydroxide and/or clay minerals, As-bearing Fe-oxide/hydroxide reduction coupled with sulfate reduction, and competition with phosphorus are postulated to be the major process dominating As enrichment in the alkaline and anoxic groundwater. In addition, age-dependent human health risk assessment (HHRS) was performed, and high risk values reveal a high toxic and carcinogenic risk of As contaminate for population who is subject to the continuous and chronic exposure to elevated As.
Show more [+] Less [-]Indirect N2O emissions with seasonal variations from an agricultural drainage ditch mainly receiving interflow water
Tian, Linlin | Akiyama, Hiroko | Zhu, Bo | Shen, Xi
Nitrogen (N)-enriched leaching water may act as a source of indirect N₂O emission when it is discharged to agricultural drainage ditches. In this study, indirect N₂O emissions from an agricultural drainage ditch mainly receiving interflow water were measured using the static chamber-gas chromatography technique during 2012–2015 in the central Sichuan Basin in southwestern China. We found the drainage ditch was a source of indirect N₂O emissions contributing an inter-annual mean flux of 6.56 ± 1.12 μg N m⁻² h⁻¹ and a mean indirect N₂O emission factor (EF₅g) value of 0.03 ± 0.003%. The mean EF₅g value from literature review was 0.51%, which was higher than the default EF₅g value (0.25%) proposed by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) in 2006. Our study demonstrated that, more in situ observations of N₂O emissions as regards N leaching are required, to account for the large variation in EF₅g values and to improve the accuracy and confidence of the default EF₅g value. Indirect N₂O emissions varied with season, higher emissions occurred in summer and autumn. These seasonal variations were related to drainage water NO₃⁻-N concentration, temperature, and precipitation. Our results showed that intensive precipitation increased NO₃⁻-N concentrations and N₂O emissions, and when combined with warmer water temperatures, these may have increased the denitrification rate that led to the higher summer and autumn N₂O emissions in the studied agricultural drainage ditch.
Show more [+] Less [-]The use of time-averaged concentrations of metals to predict the toxicity of pulsed complex effluent exposures to a freshwater alga
Angel, Brad M. | Goodwyn, Kathryn | Jolley, Dianne F. | Simpson, Stuart L.
Intermittent, fluctuating and pulsed contaminant discharges may result in organisms receiving highly variable toxicant exposures. This study investigated the toxicity of continuous and pulsed exposures of a complex, neutralised drainage water (NDW) and dissolved copper-spiked dilute NDW to the green alga, Pseudokirchneriella subcapitata. The effects of single pulses of between 1 and 48 h duration and continuous exposures (72 h) on algal growth rate inhibition were compared on a time-averaged concentration (TAC) basis. Algal growth rates generally recovered to control levels within 24–48 h of the pulse removal. Continuous exposures to NDW resulted in similar or marginally higher toxicity to the algae when compared to pulsed exposures of equivalent TAC (% NDW). The toxicity of the NDW was attributed mostly to the metals, with the major cations potentially causing effects that are both additive (direct toxicity) and antagonistic (lower bioavailability of trace metals). For dissolved copper in dilute NDW, the pulsed exposures caused slightly higher toxicity than continuous exposures of equivalent dissolved copper TAC, with much of the difference explained by differences in labile copper concentrations between treatments. The results indicate that water quality guideline values for toxicants derived from continuous chronic exposures may be relaxed for pulsed exposures by a factor related to the TAC with the intent to provide an adequately protective but not overly-conservative outcome. The study highlights the influence that natural water quality parameters such as water hardness and DOC can have metal speciation and toxicity, and indicates that these parameters are particularly important for site-specific water quality guideline value derivation where, on a TAC basis, pulsed exposures may be more toxic than continuous exposures typically used in guideline value derivation.
Show more [+] Less [-]Environmental assessment of drainage water impacts on water quality and eutrophication level of Lake Idku, Egypt
Ali, Elham M. | Khairy, Hanan M.
Lake Idku, northern Egypt, receives large quantities of drainage water from four main discharging drains. Ecological and biological status of Lake Idku has been monitored during (autumn 2012 to summer 2013) to examine the lake water quality and eutrophication level in response to the quality as well as the source of the discharging water. Discrete water samples were collected from the lake body and the drains. Chemical analyses revealed an excessive nutrient load goes into the lake. A range of 1.4–10.6 mg nitrites/L was determined for drain waters, however a sudden increase was observed in lake and drain water samples of up to 84 and 74.5 mg/L, respectively. Reactive silicate ranged between 2.9 and 4.8 mg/L; while inorganic phosphate fluctuated between 0.2 and 0.43 mg/L. Transparency varied from 45 cm to 134 cm with better light conditions at drain sites. Biological results indicated a hyper-eutrophic status for the lake with a range of chlorophyll-a varied from a minimum of 39.9 μg/L (at Idku Drains) and a maximum of 104.2 μg/L (at El-Khairy drain). Phytoplankton community structure revealed higher abundance at lake sites compared with the drains. Maximum phytoplankton density was detected during summer with the dominance of Bacilariophyceae (e.g. Cyclotella meneghiniana, Cyclotella comate, Melosira varians) followed by Chlorophycean taxon (e.g. Scenedesmus dimorphus, S. bijuga and Crucigenia tetrapedia). Five indices were applied to evaluate the water quality of the lake. Diversity Index (DI) indicated slight to light pollution along all sites; while Sapropic Index (SI) indicated slight pollution with acceptable oxygen conditions and an availability of sensitive species. Palmer Index (PI) gave a strong evidence of high organic pollution at some sites in the lake, while Generic Diatom Index (GDI) revealed that levels of pollution varied from average to strong. Trophic Index (TI), suggest that there are an obvious signs of eutrophication in the lake.
Show more [+] Less [-]Spatial distribution and environmental geochemistry of zinc metal in water and surficial bottom sediments of Lagoon Burullus, Egypt
El-Badry, Abd El-Monsef Ahmed | El-Kammar, Ahmad Mohamed
Lagoon Burullus is located in the North West quadrant of the Nile Delta. It receives drainage water through several drains around the lagoon. Understanding the mobility and bioavailability of zinc metal in bottom sediments of Lagoon Burullus is essential for the design of remediation processes and the institution of environmental recommendation for zinc pollution.Single extractions used to fractionate zinc into five fractions. The chemical analyses preceded using atomic absorption spectrometry after using the digestion technique. Zinc concentrates in the residual fraction (167.5μg/g) followed by the organic (14.6μg/g), exchangeable (3.2μg/g), carbonate (2.4μg/g) and then the Fe-Mn hydroxides (1μg/g) fractions. The average content of zinc (189μg/g) is about three fold the average earth's crust.Ecological pollution index show that the metal has a low-risk assessment to surrounding ecosystem. The anthropogenic activities considered as the main source of pollution.
Show more [+] Less [-]A Review of Groundwater Arsenic in the Bengal Basin, Bangladesh and India: from Source to Sink
Chakraborty, Madhumita | Mukherjee, Abhijit | Ahmed, Kazi Matin
The groundwater of the Bengal basin, in Bangladesh and West Bengal state of India, is found to be severely polluted by non-point sourced, geogenic arsenic (As), which has been regarded as the largest public health concern in the human history. The geomorphology and geology of the aquifers play very important role in the three dimensional existence of the As in the groundwater. The provenance of the groundwater As of Bengal basin may be hypothesized to be sourced to the Himalayan orogenic belt, where the contaminant might have originated by deep-seated tectono-magmatism and subsequently introduced to the surficial system by exhumation. Later, sedimentary processes transported the As-laden sediments from the orogenic belt to the peripheral foreland basin of Bengal where, under conducive biogeochemical environment, the As is released from the solid-phase to the circulating groundwater. Ferric hydroxides and pyrite are considered to be the two most important host minerals for As, although clay minerals may also act as important substrates for the sorbed As. The mobilized As then exists in the groundwater until a suitable geochemical sink is available. The mobilization process may be related to reductive-dissolution of metal oxides and hydroxides that exist in the unconsolidated sediments of the Bengal basin. Other mechanisms like pyrite oxidation, redox cycling in surficial soils, and competitive ion exchange are also accepted as potential mechanisms for arsenic mobilization, and multiple processes may simultaneously contribute to the mobilization of As. The processes are significantly complicated by redox disequilibria in the Bengal basin aquifers. These inorganic processes may have been significantly catalyzed and accentuated by microbially mediated activities. The tertiary source of groundwater As is the irrigation return flow from the agricultural fields.
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