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Vaporization characteristics and aerosol optical properties of electronic cigarettes
Wu, Jinlu | Yang, Muyun | Huang, Jiejie | Gao, Yihan | Li, Dian | Gao, Naiping
The aerosols generated from electronic cigarettes have a significant impact on the human respiratory system. Understanding the vaporization characteristics and aerosol optical properties of electronic cigarettes is important for assessing human exposure to aerosols. An experimental platform was designed and built to simulate the atomization process of electronic cigarette and detect the laser transmissivity of aerosols. The optical properties of single particles and polydispersed particle system for aerosols in the visible wavelength ranges of 400–780 nm were analyzed based on Mie theory. The results show that a higher heating power supplied by coil results in a larger average vaporization rate of e-liquid. Meanwhile, the steady-state transmissivity of the laser beam for aerosols reduces as the heating power increases. Under the same heating power and puffing topography, the total particulate mass (TPM) of aerosols generated by the e-liquid composed of higher vegetable glycerin (VG) content decreases. The scattering efficiency factor of aerosol particle of electronic cigarette increases with an increase in particle size. The volume scattering coefficients of a polydispersed particle system of aerosols decrease as the incident visible wavelengths increase. A higher VG content in e-liquid results in decreased TPM and particle number concentration of aerosols and increased the volume scattering coefficient in the visible wavelength range. It can explain an interesting phenomenon that a lower TPM and a better visual effect brought by the aerosols generated by the e-liquid with a higher VG content could be observed concurrently. The mass indexes (e.g., TPM, average vaporization rate, average mass concentration) and optical indexes (e.g., volume scattering coefficient, laser transmissivity) are suggested to be used for the comprehensive evaluation of relative amounts of aerosols. The results have potential significances for the objective and quantitative assessments of aerosols generated from electronic cigarettes.
Show more [+] Less [-]Organophosphate esters and their specific metabolites in chicken eggs from across Australia: Occurrence, profile, and distribution between yolk and albumin fractions
Li, Zongrui | He, Chang | Thái Phong, | Wang, Xianyu | Bräunig, Jennifer | Yu, Yunjiang | Luo, Xiaojun | Mai, Bixian | Mueller, Jochen F.
A substantial increase in the usage of organophosphate esters (OPEs) as flame retardants and plasticizers in rubbers, textiles, upholstered furniture, lacquers, plastics, building materials and electronic equipment has resulted in their increasing concentrations in the environment over time. However, little is known about the concentrations and fate of OPEs and their metabolites (mOPEs) in biota, including chicken eggs. The aim of this study was to understand the spatial variation in the concentrations in chicken eggs and the partitioning between yolk and albumin. In total, 153 chicken eggs were purchased across Australia and analysed for 9 OPEs and 11 mOPE. Most of the compounds were found to be deposited in egg yolk, where diphenyl phosphate (DPHP, 3.8 ng/g wet weight, median) and tris(2-chloroisopropyl) phosphate (TCIPP, 1.8 ng/g wet weight, median) were predominant mOPE and OPE, respectively. Moreover, no spatial differences in concentrations of OPEs and mOPEs in eggs purchased from different locations were found in this study. Although comparable levels of ∑OPEs were detected in egg yolk and albumin, much higher concentrations of ∑mOPEs were found in yolk than albumin. Meanwhile, a negative correlation (R² = 0.964, p = 0.018) was found between the molecular mass of analytes and partitioning coefficient of Cyₒₗₖ/Cyₒₗₖ₊ₐₗbᵤₘᵢₙ (defined as chemical concentration in egg yolk divided by the sum of chemical concentrations in both yolk and albumin). These results indicate that n-octanol/water partition coefficients (log KOW) may not be a crucial factor in the distribution of OPEs and mOPEs between egg yolk and albumin, which is important in understanding distribution of emerging organic contaminants in biota.
Show more [+] Less [-]Concentrations of cadmium, lead, and mercury in blood among US cigarettes, cigars, electronic cigarettes, and dual cigarette-e-cigarette users
Jain, Ram B.
Data from National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey for 2013–2016 were used to compare observed levels of cadmium, lead, and total mercury in blood among US residents aged ≥12 years who were users of cigars, cigarettes, cigars and cigarettes, e-cigarettes and dual users of cigarettes and e-cigarettes. Total sample size available for analysis was 1139. Adjusted geometric means (AGM) among cigarette, cigar, e-cigarette, cigarette and cigar, and cigarette-e-cigarette users were comparable for blood cadmium lead, and total mercury. Cigar only users had lower AGM than cigar and cigarette users for total mercury (0.56 vs. 0.97 μg/L, p = 0.03). There is no evidence yet that can show concentrations of blood and urine cadmium, lead, and mercury among e-cigarette users are any different than among cigarette and/or dual users of cigarettes and e-cigarettes.
Show more [+] Less [-]Stocks, flows and emissions of DBDPE in China and its international distribution through products and waste
Shen, Kaihui | Li, Li | Liu, Junzhou | Chen, Chengkang | Liu, Jianguo
Decabromodiphenyl ethane (DBDPE) is an alternative to the commercial decabromodiphenyl ether (deca-BDE) mixture but has potentially similar persistence, bioaccumulation potential and toxicity. While it is widely used as a flame retardant in electrical and electronic equipment (EEE) in China, DBDPE could be distributed globally on a large scale with the international trade of EEE emanating from China. Here, we performed a dynamic substance flow analysis to estimate the time-dependent mass flows, stocks and emissions of DBDPE in China, and the global spread of DBDPE originating in China through the international trade of EEE and e-waste. Our analysis indicates that, between 2006 and 2016, ∼230 thousand tonnes (kt) of DBDPE were produced in China; production, use and disposal activities led to the release of 196 tonnes of DBDPE to the environment. By the end of 2016, ∼152 kt of the DBDPE produced resided in in-use products across China. During the period 2000–2016, ∼39 kt of DBDPE were exported from China in EEE products, most of which (>50%) ended up in North America. Based on projected trends of China's DBDPE production, use and EEE exports, we predict that, by 2026, ∼74 and ∼14 kt of DBDPE originating in China will reside in in-use and waste stocks, respectively, in regions other than mainland China, which will act as long-term emission sources of DBDPE worldwide. This study discusses the considerable impact of DBDPE originating in China and distributed globally through the international trade of EEE; this is projected to occur on a large scale in the near future, which necessitates countermeasures.
Show more [+] Less [-]Characterization of airborne particles emitted by an electrically heated tobacco smoking system
Pacitto, A. | Stabile, L. | Scungio, M. | Rizza, V. | Buonanno, G.
Smoking activities were recognized as a main risk factor for population. Indeed, mainstream smoke aerosol is directly inhaled by smokers then delivering harmful compounds in the deepest regions of the lung. In order to reduce the potential risk of smoking, different nicotine delivery products have been recently developed. The latest device released is an electrically heated tobacco system (iQOS®, Philip Morris) which is able to warm the tobacco with no combustion. In the present paper a dimensional and volatility characterization of iQOS-generated particles was performed through particle number concentration and distribution measurements in the mainstream aerosol. The experimental analysis was carried out through a condensation particle counter, a fast mobility particle sizer and a thermo-dilution sampling system allowing aerosol samplings at different temperatures. Estimates of the particle surface area dose received by smokers were also carried out on the basis of measured data and typical smoking patterns.The particle number concentrations in the mainstream aerosols resulted lower than 1 × 108 part. cm−3 with particle number distribution modes of about 100 nm. Nonetheless, the volatility analysis showed the high amount of volatile fraction of iQOS-generated particles, indeed, samplings performed at 300 °C confirmed a significant particle shrinking phenomena (modes of about 20 nm). Anyway, the particle number concentration does not statistically decrease at higher sampling temperatures, then showing that a non-volatile fraction is always presents in the emitted particles. The dose received by smokers in terms of non-volatile amount of particle surface area was equal to 1–2 mm2 per puff, i.e. up to 4-fold larger than that received by electronic cigarette vapers.
Show more [+] Less [-]Study of the influencing factors of the blood levels of toxic elements in Africans from 16 countries
Henríquez-Hernández, Luis Alberto | Luzardo, Octavio P. | Boada, Luis D. | Carranza, Cristina | Pérez Arellano, José Luis | González-Antuña, Ana | Almeida-González, Maira | Barry-Rodríguez, Carlos | Zumbado, Manuel | Camacho, Maria
Africa's economy is growing faster than any other continent and it has been estimated that the middle class in Africa now exceeds 350 million people. This has meant a parallel increase in the importation of consumer goods and in the implementation of communication and information technologies (ICT), but also in the generation of large quantities of e-waste. However, inadequate infrastructure development remains a major constraint to the continent's economic growth and these highly toxic residues are not always adequately managed. Few studies have been conducted to date assessing the possible association between socioeconomic development factors, including e-waste generation, and blood levels of inorganic elements in African population. To disclose the role of geographical, anthropogenic, and socioeconomic development determinants on the blood levels of Ag, Al, As, Be, Cd, Co, Cr, Hg, Ni, Pb, Sb, and V —all of them frequently found in e-waste—, an immigrant population-based study was made including a total of 245 subjects from 16 countries recently arrived to the Canary Islands (Spain). Women presented higher levels of blood elements than men, and Northern Africans (Moroccans) were the most contaminated. People from low-income countries exhibited significantly lower blood levels of inorganic elements than those from middle-income countries. We found a significant association between the use of motor vehicles and the implementation of information and communication technologies (ICT) and the level of contamination. Immigrants from the countries with a high volume of imports of second-hand electronic equipment, telephone and internet use had higher levels of inorganic elements. In general terms, the higher level of economic development the higher the blood levels of inorganic pollutants, suggesting that the economic development of Africa, in parallel to e-waste generation and the existence of informal recycling sites, have directly affected the level of contamination of the population of the continent.
Show more [+] Less [-]Association between electronic device usage and sperm quality parameters in healthy men screened as potential sperm donors
Chen, Heng-Gui | Wu, Ping | Sun, Bin | Chen, Jun-Xiang | Xiong, Cheng-Liang | Meng, Tian-Qing | Huang, Xiao-Yin | Su, Qing-Ling | Zhou, Huiliang | Wang, Yi-Xin | Ye, Weimin | Pan, An
Cell phone use and radio-frequency electromagnetic radiation (RF-EMF) are rapidly increasing and may be associated with lower semen quality, yet results from epidemiological studies are inconclusive. Information on electronic devices use was collected through standard questionnaires from 1454 men aged 22–45 years old. Semen volume, sperm concentration, total sperm count, total motility, progressive motility, and normal morphology in repeated specimens were determined by trained clinical technicians. Percent changes [95% confidence intervals (CIs)] were estimated as (10ᵝ−1) × 100 for electronic devices use associated with repeated sperm quality parameters in the linear mixed-effect models. After adjusting for multiple confounders, we found significant inverse associations of total duration of electronic devices use with sperm progressive motility and total motility, duration of cell phone and computer use with sperm concentration, progressive motility, and total motility (all P < 0.05). No significant association was found between cell phone/computer use alone and sperm quality parameters. Moreover, per hour increase of time spent on cell phone talking was associated with decreased sperm concentration and total count by an average of −8.0% (95% CI: −15.2%, −0.2%) and −12.7% (95% CI: −21.3%, −3.1%), respectively. Besides, daily calling time was associated with lower sperm progressive motility and total motility among those who used headsets during a call (P for interaction <0.05). In conclusion, our study suggested that more time spent on electronic devices use had a modest reduction effect on semen quality. Daily calling time was significantly associated with lower sperm concentration and total count, and using headsets during a call appeared to aggravate the negative association between daily calling time and sperm motility. Additional studies are needed to confirm these findings.
Show more [+] Less [-]Biochemical alterations caused by lanthanum and gadolinium in Mytilus galloprovincialis after exposure and recovery periods
Cunha, Marta | Louro, Patricia | Silva, Mónica | Soares, Amadeu M.V.M. | Pereira, Eduarda | Freitas, Rosa
The increasing use of rare earth elements (REEs) in electric and electronic equipment has been associated with the presence of these elements in aquatic systems. The present study aimed to evaluate the toxicity of two REEs, Lanthanum (La) and Gadolinium (Gd), towards the mussel species Mytilus galloprovincialis. For this, the toxicity was assessed after a short-term exposure (14 days) to an environmentally relevant concentration of each element (10 μg/L), followed by a recovery period (14 days) in the absence of any contaminant. The measured biomarkers included energy-related parameters, activity of antioxidant and biotransformation enzymes, indicators of oxidative damage, levels of oxidized glutathione and neurotoxicity. After exposure mussels accumulated more La (0.54 μg/g) than Gd (0.15 μg/g). After recovery higher concentration decrease was observed for Gd (≈40% loss) compared to La exposed mussels (≈30% loss) which may be associated with lower detoxification capacity of mussels previously exposed to La. Mussels increased their metabolism (i.e., higher electron transport system activity) only after the exposure to Gd. Exposure to La and Gd resulted into lower energy expenditure, while when both elements were removed glycogen and protein concentrations decreased to values observed in non-contaminated mussels. Antioxidant and biotransformation capacity was mainly increased in the presence of Gd. This defense response avoided the occurrence of cellular damage but still loss of redox balance was found regardless the contaminant, which was re-established after the recovery period. Neurotoxicity was only observed in the presence of Gd with no effects after the recovery period. Results showed that a short-term exposure to La and especially to Gd can exert deleterious effects that may compromise specific biochemical pathways in aquatic species, such as M. galloprovincialis, but under low concentrations organisms can be able to re-establish their biochemical status to control levels after a recovery period.
Show more [+] Less [-]Cerium and erbium effects on Daphnia magna generations: A multiple endpoints approach
Galdiero, E. | Carotenuto, R. | Siciliano, A. | Libralato, G. | Race, M. | Lofrano, G. | Fabbricino, M. | Guida, M.
Cerium (Ce, CeCl₃) and Erbium (Er, ErCl₃) are increasingly used in many electronic devices facilitating the alteration of their biogeochemical cycles (e.g. e-waste). Previous surveys stated that their environmental concentrations due to natural or anthropogenic events can reach up to 161 μg/L in ore mine effluent for Ce with a mean water concentration of 0.79 μg/L, and 11.9 μg/L for Er in ore mine effluents with a mean water concentration of 0.004 μg/L. Their potential effects onto aquatic organisms are still relatively unexplored. In this study, long-term multigenerational effects on Daphnia magna were assessed using various exposure times (3, 7, 14, and 21 days) in three generations (F0, F1 and F2). Each generation was exposed to environmental concentrations of Ce and Er (0.54 and 0.43 μg/L, respectively – mean values) and effects included organisms' size, parental reproduction, and survival, determination of reactive oxygen species (ROS), enzymatic activity (superoxide dismutase (SOD), catalase (CAT), and glutathione S-transferase (GST)), gene expression of ATP-binding cassette (ABC) transporter, and uptake.Results evidenced that chronic multi-generational exposure of daphnids to Ce and Er reduced survival, growth and reproduction, decreasing ROS, SOD and CAT from F0 to F2. Ce reduced the number of generated offsprings after each generation, while Er delayed the time of offsprings emergence, but not their number. ROS, SOD, CAT and GST evidenced that Er is slightly more toxic than Ce. Up- and downregulation of genes was limited, but Ce and Er activated the ABC transporters. Uptake of Ce and Er decreased through exposure time and generations.
Show more [+] Less [-]Transgenerational endocrine disruption and neurotoxicity in zebrafish larvae after parental exposure to binary mixtures of decabromodiphenyl ether (BDE-209) and lead
Chen, Lianguo | Wang, Xianfeng | Zhang, Xiaohua | Lam, Paul K.S. | Guo, Yongyong | Lam, James C.W. | Zhou, Bingsheng
Polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs) and heavy metals are two key groups of electric and electronic equipment contaminants. Despite their co-occurrence in aquatic environments, their combined effects remain largely unknown, particularly under a chronic exposure regime. In the present study, adult zebrafish (Danio rerio) were exposed to environmentally relevant concentrations of BDE-209 and lead (Pb), or their binary mixtures, for 3 months. After chronic parental exposure, increased transfer of BDE-209 and Pb to the offspring eggs was activated in the coexposure groups, with BDE-197 being the predominant PBDE congener, indicating the dynamic metabolism of BDE-209 in parental zebrafish. In the presence of Pb, culturing the eggs in clean water until 5 days post-fertilization (dpf) further accelerated the debromination of BDE-209 towards BDE-197 in the offspring, caused by the preferential removal of bromine atoms at meta positions. BDE-209 and Pb combinations induced reproductive and thyroid endocrine disruption in adults, which resulted in an imbalanced deposition of hormones in the eggs. However, compared with single chemical exposure, the larval offspring at 5 dpf from the coexposure groups had reversed the adverse influences from maternal origin. In addition, the interaction between BDE-209 and Pb led to transgenerational developmental neurotoxicity in the larval offspring, where inhibited neuronal growth and neurotransmitter signaling, disorganized muscular assembly, and impaired visual function contributed to the observed neurobehavioral deficits. Overall, depending on specific biological events, the complex interaction between BDE-209 and Pb under chronic exposure resulted in significant alterations in their environmental fate and toxicological actions, thus complicating the accurate evaluation of ecological risks and constituting an unquantified threat to environmental safety.
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