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Human exposure to organochlorine, pyrethroid and neonicotinoid pesticides: Comparison between urban and semi-urban regions of India
Anand, Niharika | Chakraborty, Paromita | Ray, Sujata
In developing countries, urban areas may be at greater risk of pesticide exposure compared to semi-urban agricultural regions. To investigate this, concentrations of selected pesticides were measured in 81 human milk samples collected in urban Kolkata and semi-urban Nadia in West Bengal, India. Three classes of pesticides were investigated – legacy organochlorines and emerging pyrethroids and neonicotinoids. The average concentration of the majority of the chemicals (DDT, its metabolites, HCH isomers, bifenthrin, endosulfan), showed a clear urban > semi-urban trend. Compared with previous measurements in other Indian cities and developing nations, current HCH and DDT concentrations in urban Kolkata were high. These chemicals were detected in 100% of the samples in both the urban and the semi-urban region. Also in both regions, the Estimated Daily Intake of DDTs, HCHs, aldrin, dieldrin and the pyrethroid bifenthrin for breastfed infants exceeded the Tolerable Daily Intake in a number of samples. Three pyrethroids were detected in human milk samples in India for the first time. This indicates a shift in the usage pattern of pesticides in India from organochlorines to pyrethroids. These findings may be used to drive targeted regulation of pesticides in developing countries with similar histories of pesticide use.
Show more [+] Less [-]Agrochemicals in freshwater systems and their potential as endocrine disrupting chemicals: A South African context
Horak, Ilzé | Horn, Suranie | Pieters, Rialet
South Africa is the largest agrochemical user in sub-Saharan Africa, with over 3000 registered pesticide products. Although they reduce crop losses, these chemicals reach non-target aquatic environments via leaching, spray drift or run-off. In this review, attention is paid to legacy and current-use pesticides reported in literature for the freshwater environment of South Africa and to the extent these are linked to endocrine disruption. Although banned, residues of many legacy organochlorine pesticides (endosulfan and dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane (DDT)) are still detected in South African watercourses and wildlife. Several current-use pesticides (triazine herbicides, glyphosate-based herbicides, 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid (2,4-D) and chlorpyrifos) have also been reported. Agrochemicals can interfere with normal hormone function of non-target organism leading to various endocrine disrupting (ED) effects: intersex, reduced spermatogenesis, asymmetric urogenital papillae, testicular lesions and infertile eggs. Although studies investigating the occurrence of agrochemicals and/or ED effects in freshwater aquatic environments in South Africa have increased, few studies determined both the levels of agricultural pesticides present and associated ED effects. The majority of studies conducted are either laboratory-based employing in vitro or in vivo bioassays to determine ED effects of agrochemicals or studies that investigate environmental concentrations of pesticides. However, a combined approach of bioassays and chemical screening will provide a more comprehensive overview of agrochemical pollution of water systems in South Africa and the risks associated with long-term chronic exposure.
Show more [+] Less [-]Levels and enantiomeric signatures of organochlorine pesticides in Chinese forest soils: Implications for sources and environmental behavior
Zheng, Qian | Li, Jun | Wang, Yan | Lin, Tian | Xu, Yue | Zhong, Guangcai | Bing, Haijian | Luo, Chunling | Zhang, Gan
We investigated the levels and distributions of organochlorine pesticides (OCPs) in 159 background soil samples collected from 30 forested mountain sites across China. The sum of DDT was the most abundant OCP, with the concentrations of 0.197–207 ng/g and 0.033–122 ng/g in the O-horizon and A-horizon, respectively. High concentrations of OCPs usually occur near agricultural regions or high consumption areas. The spatial distribution was mainly influenced by the emission sources and soil total organic contents (TOC). The chiral compounds were generally nonracemic in the soils and showed preferential degradation of (−) o,p′- dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane, (+) trans-chlordane, and (−) cis-chlordane in both the O- and A-horizons. The enantiomeric fraction (EF) distributions of chiral OCPs displayed no differences across the forest sites in the O-horizon or the A-horizon. Comparing the deviation of EFs from racemic (DEVrac = absolute value of 0.500 - EF) with environmental parameters, we found that DEVrac of cis-chlordane demonstrated a strong positive correlation with TOC (p < 0.05) and the C/N ratio (p < 0.01). This relationship suggests that these factors could affect the microbial activity and significantly impact the extent of enantioselective degradation of chiral compounds in the soils. Fresh and historical applications of DDT and historical chlordane and endosulfan uses may be prominent sources of OCP accumulation in Chinese forest soils.
Show more [+] Less [-]Endosulfan causes the alterations of DNA damage response through ATM-p53 signaling pathway in human leukemia cells
Xu, Dan | Liang, Dong | Guo, Yubing | Sun, Yeqing
Exposure to pesticides results in DNA damage and genomic instability. We previously predicted that endosulfan might be associated with leukemia, but the role of endosulfan in leukemia cells has been unexplored. The aim of this study is to elucidate molecular mechanism of endosulfan-induced DNA damage response in human leukemia cells. We performed endosulfan exposure experiments in K562 cells with varying concentrations of endosulfan for 48 h and found that endosulfan lowered cell viability in a dose-dependent manner. We observed the dramatic DNA damage using comet assay and the increase of micronucleus in 75 μM endosulfan-exposed cells. Endosulfan at 75 μM caused the expression alterations of ATM and DNA repair genes such as FANCD2, and BRCA1/2 at different exposure time points (12, 24, 48 h), which was reversed by ATM inhibitor KU-55933. Endosulfan significantly increased the mRNA expression levels of p53 and GADD45A, and decreased PCNA and XRCC2 at 48 h after exposure. Flow cytometric analysis showed that endosulfan at 50 and 75 μM induced cell cycle G1 arrest, a response attributed to down-regulation of CDK6 and up-regulation of p21. We also observed that endosulfan at 50 and 75 μM induced a considerable percentage of cells to undergo apoptosis, as detected by Annexin-V binding assays. Endosulfan resulted in the activation of caspase-3, and elevated the expression levels of PUMA and the ratio of BAX/Bcl-2. These findings suggest that endosulfan caused DNA damage response throughATM-p53 signaling pathway, implicating the potential correlation between endosulfan and leukemia.
Show more [+] Less [-]Serum concentrations of organochlorine compounds and predictors of exposure in children living in agricultural communities from South-Eastern Spain
González-Alzaga, B. | Lacasaña, M. | Hernández, A.F. | Arrebola, J.P. | López-Flores, I. | Artacho-Cordón, F. | Bonde, J.P. | Olea, N. | Aguilar-Garduño, C.
Information on exposure levels to organochlorine compounds (OCs) in child population is limited, despite their greater vulnerability to the adverse health effects of these chemicals.To determine serum concentrations of 10 OCs (including organochlorine pesticides and polychlorinated biphenyls –PCBs–) in children living in agricultural communities from Almería (South-Eastern Spain), and to identify the main predictors of exposure related to socio-economic characteristics, diet and lifestyle.A cross-sectional study was conducted on 133 children aged 6–11 years selected from public schools of the study area. OCs compounds were determined in serum samples by GC/ECD. Anthropometric measures were obtained during sample collection. Information on sociodemographic characteristics, parental occupation, residential history, lifestyle and frequency of food consumption, among other relevant factors, was obtained by questionnaires administered to the mothers.Geometric means of serum concentrations (ng/ml) were 0.11 for β-hexachloro-cyclohexane (β-HCH), 0.09 for endosulfan, 0.20 for endosulfan-ether, 0.51 for hexachorobenzene (HCB), 0.08 for mirex, 0.06 for oxychlordane, 0.36 for p,p'-DDE, 0.20 for PCB 138, 0.36 for PCB 153, and 0.45 for PCB 180. Percentage of samples above the limit of detection (0.05 ppb) ranged from 32 (β-HCH) to 100 (HCB). A high variability in OC levels depending on the compound was observed between our results and others found in similar studies carried out in children. Variables related to fish consumption were found to be the major dietary determinant of PCB 138, p,p´-DDE, endosulfan-α, β-HCH, mirex and oxychlordane levels.Children participating in this study showed detectable levels of many OC, despite these compounds are no longer used. Their presence in children serum can be explained by their high lipophilicity and environmental persistence, leading to contamination of fatty food. In this line, fish consumption seemed to be the most relevant determinant of OC levels found in our study.
Show more [+] Less [-]A review on the application of constructed wetlands for the removal of priority substances and contaminants of emerging concern listed in recently launched EU legislation
Gorito, Ana M. | Ribeiro, Ana R. | Almeida, C.M.R. | Silva, Adrián M.T.
The presence of organic pollutants in the aquatic environment, usually found at trace concentrations (i.e., between ng L−1 and μg L−1 or even lower, known as micropollutants), has been highlighted in recent decades as a worldwide environmental concern due to their difficult elimination by conventional water and wastewater treatment processes. The relevant information on constructed wetlands (CWs) and their application for the removal of a specific group of pollutants, 41 organic priority substances/classes of substances (PSs) and 8 certain other substances with environmental quality standards (EQS) listed in Directive 2013/39/EU as well as 17 contaminants of emerging concern (CECs) of the Watch List of Decision 2015/495/EU, is herein reviewed. Studies were found for 24 PSs and 2 other substances with EQS: octylphenol, nonylphenol, perfluorooctane sulfonic acid, di(2-ethylhexyl)phthalate, trichloromethane, dichloromethane, 1,2-dichloroethane, pentachlorobenzene, benzene, polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins, naphthalene, fluoranthene, trifluralin, alachlor, isoproturon, diuron, tributyltin compounds, simazine, atrazine, chlorpyrifos (chlorpyrifos-ethyl), chlorfenvinphos, hexachlorobenzene, pentachlorophenol, endosulfan, dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane (or DDT) and dieldrin. A few reports were also published for 8 CECs: imidacloprid, erythromycin, clarithromycin, azithromycin, diclofenac, estrone, 17-beta-estradiol and 17-alpha-ethinylestradiol. No references were found for the other 17 PSs, 6 certain other substances with EQS and 9 CECs listed in EU legislation.
Show more [+] Less [-]The distribution of organochlorine pesticides in sediments from iSimangaliso Wetland Park: Ecological risks and implications for conservation in a biodiversity hotspot
Buah-Kwofie, Archibold | Humphries, Marc S.
The iSimangaliso Wetland Park World Heritage site, located on the east coast of South Africa, spans ∼3300 km2 and constitutes the largest protected estuarine environment for hippopotami, crocodiles and aquatic birds in Africa. Given the ecological importance of this site and continued use of organochlorine pesticides (OCPs) in the region, this study focused on the nature, distribution and potential sources of organochlorine contamination within iSimangaliso Wetland Park. OCPs were widely distributed in surface sediment samples obtained from the four main Ramsar wetland systems within the park (Lake St Lucia, Mkhuze, Lake Sibaya and Kosi Bay). ∑HCH and ∑DDT were the dominant contaminants detected with concentrations in the range of 26.29–282.5 ng/g and 34.49–262.4 ng/g, respectively. ∑DDT concentrations revealed a distinctive gradient, with significantly higher concentrations at Kosi Bay and Lake Sibaya attributed to the application of DDT for malaria control. p,p'-DDE and p,p'-DDD were the dominant isomers detected, but the detection of p,p'-DDT in a number of samples reflects recent inputs of technical DDT. Highest concentrations of HCH, endosulfan and heptachlor were detected in sediments from Mkhuze and reflect the substantial residue load these wetlands receive from agricultural activities within the catchment area. Isomeric compositions indicate that endosulfan and heptachlor residues are derived mainly from historical application, while inputs of HCH, aldrin and endrin could be attributed to more recent usage at several sites. OCP sediment concentrations from iSimangaliso represent the highest yet recorded in South Africa and some of the highest reported globally this century. Sediments found within the lakes and wetlands of iSimangaliso represent large reservoirs of contaminants that pose ecotoxicological threats to this globally important biodiversity hotspot. Detailed investigation into the bioaccumulation and toxicological risks of OCPs within the wetland park is urgently required.
Show more [+] Less [-]Endosulfan inhibits proliferation through the Notch signaling pathway in human umbilical vein endothelial cells
Wei, Jialiu | Zhang, Lianshuang | Ren, Lihua | Zhang, Jin | Yu, Yang | Wang, Ji | Duan, Junchao | Peng, Cheng | Sun, Zhiwei | Zhou, Xianqing
Our previous research showed that endosulfan triggers the extrinsic coagulation pathway by damaging endothelial cells and causes hypercoagulation of blood. To identify the mechanism of endosulfan-impaired endothelial cells, we treated human umbilical vein endothelial cells (HUVECs) with different concentrations of endosulfan, with and without an inhibitor for Notch, N-[N-(3, 5-difluorophenacetyl)-1-alanyl]S-Phenylglycinet-butylester (DAPT, 20 μM), or a reactive oxygen species (ROS) scavenger, N-Acetyl-l-cysteine (NAC, 3 mM), for 24 h. The results showed that endosulfan could inhibit cell viability/proliferation by increasing the release of lactate dehydrogenase (LDH), arresting the cell cycle in both S and G2/M phases, and inducing apoptosis in HUVECs. We also found that endosulfan can damage microfilaments, microtubules, and nuclei; arrest mitosis; remarkably increase the expressions of Dll4, Notch1, Cleaved-Notch1, Jagged1, Notch4, Hes1, and p21; and significantly induce ROS and malondialdehyde production in HUVECs. The presence of DAPT antagonized the above changes of cycle arrest, proliferation inhibition, and expressions of Dll4, Notch1, Cleaved-Notch1, Hes1, and p21 caused by endosulfan; however, NAC could attenuate LDH release; ROS and malondialdehyde production; apoptosis; and the expression levels of Dll4, Notch1, Cleaved-Notch1, Notch4, and Hes1 induced by endosulfan. These results demonstrated that endosulfan inhibited proliferation through the Notch signaling pathway as a result of oxidative stress. In addition, endosulfan can damage the cytoskeleton and block mitosis, which may add another layer of toxic effects on endothelial cells.
Show more [+] Less [-]Predictors of pesticide concentrations in freshwater trout – The role of life history
Scholes, Rachel C. | Hageman, Kimberly J. | Closs, Gerry | Stirling, Claudine H. | Reid, Malcolm R. | Gabrielsson, Rasmus | Augspurger, Jason M.
Concentrations of halogenated pesticides in freshwater fish can be affected by age, size, trophic position, and exposure history. Exposure history may vary for individual fish caught at a single location due to different life histories, e.g. they may have hatched in different tributaries before migrating to a specific lake. We evaluated correlations of pesticide concentrations in freshwater brown trout (Salmo trutta) from the Clutha River, New Zealand, with potential predictors including capture site, age, length, trophic level, and life history. Life history was determined from otolith (fish ear bone) strontium isotope signatures, which vary among tributaries in the region of our study. Variability in pesticide concentrations between individual fish was not well explained by capture site, age, length, or trophic level. However, hexachlorobenzene (HCB) and chlorpyrifos concentrations were distinct in lake-based trout with different life histories. Additionally, one of the riverine life histories was associated with relatively high concentrations of total endosulfans. Linear models that included all potential predictor variables were evaluated and the resulting best models for HCB, chlorpyrifos, and total endosulfans included life history. These findings show that in cases where otolith isotope signatures vary geographically, they can be used to help explain contaminant concentration variations in fish caught from a single location.
Show more [+] Less [-]Spatial distribution, transport dynamics, and health risks of endosulfan at a contaminated site
Fang, Yanyan | Nie, Zhiqiang | Die, Qingqi | Tian, Yajun | Liu, Feng | He, Jie | Huang, Qifei
We analyzed concentrations, distribution characteristics, and health risks of endosulfan (α and β isomers, and endosulfan sulfate) in soils (top soils and soil profiles) and air, at and around a typical endosulfan production site in Jiangsu, China. The air–soil surface exchange flux is calculated to investigate transport dynamics of endosulfan. Concentrations at the production site ranged from 0.01 to 114 mg/kg d.w. in soil and 4.81–289 ng/m3 in air, with very high concentrations occurring at the location of endosulfan emulsion workshop. In the surrounding area, endosulfan was detected in all samples, with concentrations ranging from 1.37–415 ng/g d.w. in soil and 0.89–10.4 ng/m3 in air. In the contaminated site, endosulfan concentrations fluctuated with depth in the upper soil layers, then decreased below 120 cm. Soil and air within a distance of 2.0 km appear to be affected by endosulfan originating from the site. Even the health risk at the location of the endosulfan emulsifiable solution workshop was over seven times the acceptable value, the risk to nearby adults and children was low.
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