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A comprehensive evaluation on the use of oxygen release compound in bioremediation [ORC]
Koenigsberg, S.S.
Det Biovidenska belige Fakultets bibliotek - Denmark
[In-situ remediation by oxygen injection of limestone polluted with petrol]
Larsen, L.C.
Det Biovidenska belige Fakultets bibliotek - Denmark
In-situ remediation of a gasoline fractured clay: physical and chemical limitations [soil vapour extraction, SVE]
Grady, D.E. | Johnson, R.L.
Det Biovidenska belige Fakultets bibliotek - Denmark
The reliability of lichens as biomonitors of lead pollution
Deruelle, S. (Universite de Paris 6, Paris (France). Institut d'Ecologie, Equipe de Lichenologie)
Institut national de la recherche agronomique - France